Tanya & Dan's VR DCL!!!Dec 4, 2009 MK & Epcot Photoshoot Pics Posted


I just read your whole pj in one day...it had been so long that I had to start from the beginning again.

Your VR looked beautiful. You really made me excited about mine in a couple of months. I'm sorry your at home reception didn't come out as you had planned.

By the way, I loved the pics in your bouquet. I am going to have to steal that idea. I was trying to figure out a way to have a reminder of my dad (he passed away 2 weeks ago) during my VR and the picture is perfect.

I just read your whole pj in one day...it had been so long that I had to start from the beginning again.

Your VR looked beautiful. You really made me excited about mine in a couple of months. I'm sorry your at home reception didn't come out as you had planned.

By the way, I loved the pics in your bouquet. I am going to have to steal that idea. I was trying to figure out a way to have a reminder of my dad (he passed away 2 weeks ago) during my VR and the picture is perfect.

First off, I'm sorry about your dad. That's tough. :hug: I found little sterling silver charms for mine. Just look them up online. I think I ordered those wholesale from the silver jewelry depot.

Second off, sorry for sitting through my whole pj! WOW! That's crazy. But thanks for reading. I loved my DCL VR! And a few points of my at home stuff. LOL. I think that I have finally made my peace with it.

I love the pic of you walking into the water and the one of your hubby and you on the beach. It looks amazing!! I'm sorry that your family caused so much stress and I'm upset for you on what they did with the wishing tree. Family...they are something else...
I just realized that where you live after going back so pages. I'm originally from Sarasota, but atm live alil north of Tampa. Small world; hi neighbor! lol :)
Hi neighbor! My brother lives in Wesley Chapel. I did have fun with some things. But man it was HOT! Glad I'm not out there in that weather now. I think that I am going to make a wishing tree and put it in my yard!!! I did help a bride this past weekend with her wedding decorations, so I got to see a lot of my stuff put to use finally. That was exciting.

You're ceremony looked like a great time :)

I can't believe that after all the work you put into your decorations that they would just tear them apart like that :scared1:


ps you look GORGEOUS in your photos!
Thanks for the hugs. My family is just ummm "special"... Thanks for the compliments! It's been a tough road.

omg!!!! i can't get over your last post. thats nuts...now ill admit one side of my family are wine-o's. they're not alcohols but htey like to drink at weddings, but they wouldnt dream of that! dear god!

oh and add us too, lorelei saw a bride at ohanas and told daddy she wants a disney wedding! lol
I have to tell you that Kenzie saw a commercial on tv with the castle and she always calls it "my castle". Well, we photographed a wedding last weekend - with the kids in tow for a part of it, and when she saw that commercial, she said, "Momma, I want to marry my prince at the castle!" Good girl! I asked her who she was going to marry and she said, "My daddy!" Awww...brought tears to my eyes. Yup. Putting money aside starting now. :laughing:

p.s. add me to the list of those saving for dd's DFTW:rotfl:.
HAHA! I wonder how many of them are going to love disney as much as us?

Beautiful pictures -- and all the decor you worked on looks great!:goodvibes
Thanks! I love making stuff. It's the fun part.

Your family is really starting to piss me off!! Who does stuff like that!?!?!?!?

I'm saving for my daughter's wedding too! :rotfl:
I think I am going to disown my family after that. Well, that and a lot more. My mom didn't even come to my ds's pre-k graduation. I don't know what has crawled up their butts! What's really frustrating is a good portion of the crap that we did here at home was to satisfy their requests. Good grief! :mad:

Bless your heart! I agree with hrarcham...it looks like you handled everything so well. Much better than I would have done! I can't believe they just took your wishing tree apart and used the bucket for drinks...wow!
The pics are beautiful though, and hopefully when you look back on the day, you'll only remember the happy moments!
Thanks! I am trying.

All of the pictures are so beautiful - from the gorgeous smile on your face, you can not tell you were under so much stress! You look so relaxed!!!
I love how your centerpieces look!
If only!!! Thanks on the centerpieces. They were super easy and affordable. I recommend floral gel to anyone!
Well, I just finished like the hardest class of my life, and WHEW! I am glad it's over. I didn't have time to do anything else, and I have been trying to balance out that with massive amounts of graduation and end of school year/spring pics. Aaaggghhh! I wanna pull my hair out at times. Plus I am in MAJOR disney withdrawal, but I am forcing myself to wait until it is cooler. I cannot handle the heat this time of year. Why I live in S FL, I'll never know. LOL!

I finally got most of my at home pics edited, and I'll have to work on posting some more of them. There are a few that I do like. I also made a huge photobook from Picaboo (b/c I had a free coupon) that is just of our cruise and our DCL VR. I love it!! I'll have to post pics of that too. Somehow I never have time for my own pictures. But making this book really cheered me up about the whole ordeal. I am going to possibly make another one for the reception, but it depends.

I also ordered my MK DVD!!!! :banana::banana:

We traded the albums for a reduced rate on the DVD, so it came out to $350-ish plus tax. I can't wait for it to come so I can edit my own pics. LOL. It's really hard to be happy with them when I know so much else that I want to do with them. I think that I will also make a book of them, and then I have like 3 favs that I am going to enlarge and hang up. Although, I'm starting to run out of wall space. I may have to get rid of some of the kids pics. Oh the horror of it!

Part of my unhappiness with some of the pics is b/c I am so self conscious about my weight. At the moment, I weigh the most I ever have with the exception of being pregnant. Found out yesterday that my thyroid gland is completely out of whack and that they have to basically triple my medication. I am really hoping that this will help b/c I have been busting my *** off on the treadmill and in dance classes, and I am the only one gaining weight. Grrr... I hate the fact that I put on so much weight by the home reception and that I look the way that I do. It means a lot to me that you guys have been so supportive and given out compliments. Sigh.

In addition to that garbage and the family garbage, I have also been having like major stomach issues. Found out yesterday along with my thyroid that I have some bacterial crap that causes stomach ulcers. So now I am on this crummy diet with a bunch of drugs, and I feel like the weight is never, ever going to come off. I am really hoping to get into shape to run some of the Disney marathons. I used to run track in H.S., but feeling a bit down about it. At least they've figured out what it is that's going on with me. If I can ever slim down enough, I may have to redo some pics of me or do like another MK shoot in like 5 to 10 years. :thumbsup2 I think my DH would kill me if I even suggested it.
Well, one of the reasons that I love being on these boards, especially the wedding one is for the pictures. Yes, I am a picture-aholic. I had to share these that I took this past weekend. They were such a fun and beautiful couple. I've been trying to convince them to do some disney resort pics in their wedding attire, but they haven't fallen for it yet. Those of you who have found me on fb have seen some of these already. Also, anyone who wants to see like all of my VR pics, I think I finally have them up on my fb page.


Here's Jesi's wedding pics that I took:







I totally stole this idea from Becky's pics by Studio 222. Her's is still much better though. But it's a cute shot.

:worship::worship: I sooooooo wish I had the talent to take photos like that. I always think I am positioning people the way I want, but it never comes out quite as good as I had hoped.


ps....sorry about your family...starting to sound more and more like mine everyday!

Sorry about the thyroid and stomach issues you've been having -- I hope you get some relief from that soon:grouphug:.

I can't wait to see your MK pics -- I missed it when you posted the link and then I couldn't get in.
Sorry about the thyroid and stomach issues you've been having -- I hope you get some relief from that soon:grouphug:.

I can't wait to see your MK pics -- I missed it when you posted the link and then I couldn't get in.

The medicine is starting to work, so thankfully I am feeling a little better. Now if i can just get some of this weight off of me...(I say as I stuff my face with pizza!)

I totally missed your other post about the link. I got sent my proofs and forgot all about the online stuff. We have some scanned in on the other computer (DH's), but I think they look crummy scanned in, so i haven't messed with them. I'll have to get some and post them. I AM TOTALLY posting my favorites when I get the disk! ;)

:worship::worship: I sooooooo wish I had the talent to take photos like that. I always think I am positioning people the way I want, but it never comes out quite as good as I had hoped.


ps....sorry about your family...starting to sound more and more like mine everyday!


Eewwww..I feel for you about your family then. LOL!

Thanks for the compliment. I think part of it is that I have an SLR camera, so you see in the viewfinder exactly what the picture will look like. Also, it's all about practice. I study a lot of other photographers' work and then try to do it myself. You get better the more you do it. The problem for me is like the photographers in orlando shoot like 200 weddings a year, but I'm lucky if I do 20. It's just the area that we live in. So they are like way better b/c they get more practice.

Although...I am going on Sunday to photograph a Dessert Party/Rehearsal Dinner at Sago Cay. I am super excited and super nervous about that. I hope we do really well with it.
Although...I am going on Sunday to photograph a Dessert Party/Rehearsal Dinner at Sago Cay. I am super excited and super nervous about that. I hope we do really well with it.
that's for me :) . We're very excited to have you, and don't be nervous. I've seen your work on here and your site and we're very excited to have you!
Hi Tanya, I'm getting caught back up! Despite the family issues and the heat disasters you both have huge grins on your faces! I really did love how the centerpieces came out. You did a great job with all of the decor, and you can see you how much love you put into them!

Since I've found myself working almost exclusively with balloons lately, I might have some insight as to why they went wonky. Standard 11" latex actually only has somewhere between 8-12 hour lifespan. Since the Mickey latex is 15" it should last a little longer. The balloons looked oxidized and I'm not sure if that had to do with the humidity, if they were blown up the night before, or a combination of both. There are two things you can do to extend the life of latex to a week or more. The first is using Hi-Float, a silicon-like substance inside the balloons (I have not tested with Mickey balloons). The other is putting the latex inside a plastic bubble, which is what they do at Disney. Hopefully that helps any future brides. The pictures with the balloons really did look great!!

I hope you are doing well! :goodvibes
Hey Tanya--Just wanted to let you know that I just sent you a friend request on Facebook...in case you're wondering who the heck Missy Headrick is, that's me!!:)
awww kenzie's so cute!!!! sorry been off email lately! my bad! sorry your bellys causing you probs now too, and of course the stress your under isnt helping things at all im sure! i'm still waiting on my scope, altho i have a date for it now in july....ugh!
So it wasn't all bad. Yes we smiled a lot. And yes, big parts of it were fun! It's just really far from what I envisioned, so I am disappointed. Plus I worked really, really hard on some things that never even got used. :(

Just so you guys can see it's not all smiles, here is a pick of dh yelling at my family. LOL.


This was when we were supposed to have a petal toss, but no one did it. Then after DH yelled, they finally did it, but it was not magical. Plus we only got picks from the backside for whatever reason:confused3 I don't know. I couldn't get half of my family to sit for the ceremony. I didn't get the right songs played on the cd player either. They were in order. All they had to do was hit start and stop. We rehearsed it too. Oh well. I'm starting to get over it and just be happy with what I got.

As far as the balloons go, we had them done that morning, but didn't put another one around them. I figured they would be okay for the short time we were out there. I guess it was so hot that it just started deflating them. It wasn't until the end that they got like that, so it wasn't too bad. We had fun taking obscene pics with them though!! :laughing: I still refuse to post them in public. I'll just say it's to protect the innocent.:rotfl:

Tummy issues are not better - in fact they are worse. I wonder if it is from stress and poor diet?? I've been in the hospital b/c they thought it was my gallbladder and I needed to have it removed. So far they haven't ruled it out, but at least no surgery!

We've had some really crummy times here lately. My beloved dog of 12 years that was IN our 1st wedding had to be put down the other day b/c he was overrun with cancer. It has just been devastating to say the least. It's like losing a child. The same day our refrigerator went out and our check engine light came on in the new van. :mad: I feel like sometimes we just can't catch a break.

We've been saving up money to hopefully go to England to visit family, plus a small Disney vacation, but I think England is going to be out of the picture. You see where my loyalties lie. LOL! :rotfl:

So, we've booked 3 days and 2 nights at POP at the end of Sept. for Mackenzie's 4th b-day. I have booked her an appt at the BBB for a princess makeover. I also have ADR's for breakfast at Ohana's, lunch at Akershus, and another lunch at 50's Prime Time Cafe.
Things I'm glad I did:
Had a private ceremony on the cruise line. It was so romantic and special. Disney worked hard to make it special, even if there were some communication errors along the way and a few mishaps the day of our VR. I loved our private ceremony!!! :cloud9:

I'm also glad we photographed ourselves. Yes, corney as it sounds, it's hit or miss with the cruise line photographers. I am so glad we didn't waste our money.

I am also really, really glad we did our MK and Epcot photoshoots. I love these pics. Not all of them are great, but the experience alone was worth it. It was amazing, magical, and again private. Something that my DH and I got to share with one one else to ruin it. Plus, seeing Disney like that was totally worth it. I loved it and would tell any bride to find room for it in their budget.

Also, I am glad that we splurged on a horse drawn carriage. Another highlight for us. To bad it wasn't Cindy's, but it was fun. Plus our guests all got a chance to enjoy it as well, so it was money well spent.

Glad I did my own hair and make-up. I've seen some amazing hair and make-up on the other brides, but I just couldn't justify the extra expense. I think I did pretty good with mine.

Also glad I didn't spend another $200 on flowers for the MK shoot. I think my home-made ones look great. Lord knows I spend enough money by that point any way!

Wish I Hadn't:

Our at home reception venue!! We worked so hard to pick this place only to have it fail on us. I think part of the disaster of the whole day was that they book 3 weddings on top of each other while charging us each for the entire day. I still don't know if it was an error, or if the city was being greedy and crooked, but the time issue really threw everything off. I think I could have dealt with a few things going wrong, but this was just crazy.

Ordered a cake from Publix. This was also a disaster. It was NOTHING like our order. When we went back to find out what happened, turns out they didn't even have our order in the system. It was just stupid. I wish that Dan had just taken the time to make our cake. It would have been 400 x's better and not have melted everywhere.

I also wish I hadn't put so many details into our at home reception. No one noticed and it just made me mad that I worked so hard for no one to notice. :mad: But I had fun making the stuff.

This is where I seriously debate whether we should have done something at Disney itself. But I wouldn't want to change my cruise VR for anything. I guess it's just back to the whole venue issue.

Other than that, I am pretty much over it. I know it sounds terrible, but I can't go back and change it, so I am going to have to accept it for what it is and move on. I love my husband and my children, ok - and Disney ;), and we got to celebrate our union together. That in itself was special. I wouldn't take that back for anything. I am so thankful that my dh is as committed to me as he is. Many people never get to experience that. I am a lucky girl in many ways and glad that I got to celebrate my love with him.
The only good thing to come out of the last week was that I got my disk! Yay!!!

Here are the pics I've uploaded so far:










I love this picture so much. I don't know whether I like it better in b&w or color.







I was hoping to get some great shots on the Merry-go-round, but it was really bright by that point. I think we took too long waiting for the workers to get out of the way in front of the castle. Plus, I'm not crazy about the composition of these. There's one where DH decides to act silly, but I didn't realize it until too late. So I'm sitting all nice and neat, and he's being crazy. It was a waste of a shot with no retake. These are the best we got:




These were really hard to do b/c it was 27 degrees outside and windy! My hair is all wonky and the horses were like sitting on ice. Plus I kept sliding off. LOL! These are long exposures, so you have to hold really still, and we were having a rough go with it. We finally gave up and opted for heat in the van and moved on to Epcot.
Your pictures are beautiful. Making me really excited for my photo shot! Who was your photographer?
Tanya, I have to say that these are some of the best MK shots I think I've ever seen, and that's saying something. They all turned out SO good!
I agree with you on the picture below...it's definitely my favorite--it just has that fairytale look to it, but I really like it in black and white best!!

I'm really glad that you got the chance to do this shoot!
Your pictures are beautiful. Making me really excited for my photo shot! Who was your photographer?
Amy! She was great! I've seen a lot of her work and she is consistently on her game. I begged and changed dates to get her.

Your photos are beautiful!!! Now I wish we were doing an mk photoshoot!!
You can always go back and do one later!! What about for your 1st anniversary or something?

Tanya, I have to say that these are some of the best MK shots I think I've ever seen, and that's saying something. They all turned out SO good!
I agree with you on the picture below...it's definitely my favorite--it just has that fairytale look to it, but I really like it in black and white best!!

I'm really glad that you got the chance to do this shoot!

Thanks! I am very excited about them. Of course now that I have the disk I am editing them :rolleyes1 I saw that pic in another brides pj and printed it and took it with me to be certain I got it. LOL!

Tanya, Congrats.Thank you for sharing your VR! I think the MK pics are beautiful!:goodvibes

Thanks! I am so excited for you. I wish I could go stalk your VR it sounds like it is going to be amazing.


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