Tasty Planning Time with ZeBrook! A 2 for 1 PTR - 12/24 - All our bags are packed

I've got my fingers crossed that not only will you be able to get out, but make all your Christmas plans as well. Yesterday was bad here, but just with ice...today rain.

And we will most definitely have to get together if you have a moment when you guys come to Chicago...it would be a blast!! We could even BBQ here or something and turn it into a Dis meet with Tiggerbell and DisneyBride'03!!

Have a great trip!!!!!!
I hope that Santa doesn't bring you guys too much snow for Christmas. I am starting to pack this afternoon. I work a half day tomorrow and then I am done until the new year!

So far we have gotten about 7 inches over the last 24 hours, so not nearly as bad as I expected...thankfully! We haven't ventured out today yet, but neighbors have been coming and going all day, so I think travel is safe (at least right now it is...tonight is supposed to be the worst of it all).

You are DONE with work now, that has to feel really good! I hope packing is going well! :goodvibes

Yay, thanks for adding me on facebook! Gotta love having more DIS friends. :thumbsup2

Boo to all the snow! It's snowing here right now (finally...a couple weeks ago we got rain instead of the snow a lot of the rest of the state had) and I was checking online before and it said we're under a winter storm watch until Thursday morning or something. Hopefully it doesn't impact your travel plans at all...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

It is very fun having DIS friends!!! I hope to provide you all with a bit of the Disney magic via Facebook in these coming days. :goodvibes

I think the storm might impact us a bit - but hopefully things are more cleared up by Saturday when we fly out.

NO SNOW!!!! That just isn't fair or funny!!!!

I hope you guys don't have to big of a problem!!!!

We got a 27 inch blizzard over the weekend (see my TR for pics :rolleyes1)and I just keep thinking "at least it's not the day we leave for WDW!"

It's just awful that it's happening over Christmas impacting everyone's travel plans...and the poor people who work the snowplows and at the airports, I'm sure they are SO busy, right on Christmas! :sad2:

27 inches!?! Holy smokes. I haven't made it over to your TR, or anyone's...lately...been too busy. LOL But, I will check it when I get back! :goodvibes

20 inches! :scared1: The last time I became an "extended" guest at MSP, I discovered the wonderous joy that is Fried Cheese Curds. I plan to grab some more this summer. (Lord willing and the creek don't rise.) It's certainly a massive place to explore. Just don't tap your feet in the stalls. A fellow could get in trouble that way...so I hear.

Cheese Curds. :faint: :cloud9: I don't like cheese very much and I DO like cheese curds. Now I'm craving them....yum....where do they sell them at MSP though? Perhaps if they have an A&W there, hmmm....

I will keep that tip about the bathroom stalls in mind...:lmao: I don't know if I want to know your story....wait, who am I kidding! YES I DO! Share GB, share!

Thanks! Right now we're good with the MASSIVE jug my in laws sent. (They keep us well stocked with that and the Canadian Jam they sell at Fleet Farm.) But if the stash runs low, I'll give you a buzz. :thumbsup2

Ah, yes, the giant-jug-o-Famous Dave's. Very handy. ::yes::

I do not know of this Canadian Jam you speak of. Must check it out next time I'm at Fleet Farm.

Praying for a break in the weather!

The storm was just warming up when it hit us last night. Showers overnight and that was it as far as precipitation went. However, it was/is very windy and chilly for SoCal. It's supposed to be in the 30s/40s tonight....cold for us. They said it's heading your way.

Best wishes.

Thank you for your prayers Jordan! Are you enjoying the cool finally there in CA? I guess the wind isn't much fun though...

Ugh, I hope the snow doesn't end up being nearly as bad as they are predicting, and that your traveling isn't impacted! Lots of prayers and pixie dust for you!!! :wizard:

Thank you!!! I'll give a little update on the weather coming right up.

Hi Brook! As you know, I tried for awhile to leave a few messages yesterday on here but I could not - hopefully this one will stick!

Henry in the suitcase is adorable!!! I know you guys are so excited as you should be! I'll send prayers and pixie dust your way and hope the crazy snow does not impact you!! :wizard:

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year and safe travels on your journey! I can't wait to hear about it and see it and I'll keep up with you on Facebook! :thumbsup2


Thank you so much!! :goodvibes

We're driving to Vermont this Christmas...I keep watching the storm you guys are supposed to get to see if it's coming our way!!!

Oh, I hope it's not! So far the wind hasn't been bad or anything, but just constant snow. We'll see what tonight holds!

:scared1: to the weather forecast. But remember those guys and gals rarely know what they're talking about, right? :laughing: Oh, I hope it doesn't impact you too much. You have the right attitude about it. You can't control it so might as well roll with it.

I'll be looking forward to facebook updates!! :)

:rotfl: That is VERY true!!!!

It's still early - maybe things will change, just keep thinking positively! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010!! :goodvibes

I do hope they change...weather is far from predictable in MN winter, so ya never know! I hope you have a great Christmas as well!

I have a friend in Minnesota and she has had to delay christmas plans as people can't make it into town on time. I hope it gets better

Our family briefly talked about that as well, so far no plans have been changed, but depending on what tonight holds, we shall see!

Weather isn't sounding great... thinking of you and hoping you get to WDW without too much hassle! :santa:

Thank you!

Have a great trip, Brook!

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Merry Christmas! :santa:

Thank you!!!!

I've got my fingers crossed that not only will you be able to get out, but make all your Christmas plans as well. Yesterday was bad here, but just with ice...today rain.

And we will most definitely have to get together if you have a moment when you guys come to Chicago...it would be a blast!! We could even BBQ here or something and turn it into a Dis meet with Tiggerbell and DisneyBride'03!!

Have a great trip!!!!!!

I think my Aunt drove up here yesterday, she lives in Lombard. I hope they made it safe and sound, I haven't heard from anyone, so I assume no news is good news.

Love the DIS meet idea!! Shanan and I discussed going to the Brookfield Zoo, but a BBQ sounds just as good to me!!! :goodvibes
Check out this To Do list:


  1. Clean house week before we leave -DONE
  2. Finish September Trip Report!!!! - DONE
  3. Wrap Christmas gifts - DONE
  4. Return library books - DONE
  5. Send Christmas cards - DONE
  6. Finish Christmas shopping - DONE!
  7. Write Christmas letter - DONE! WRITTEN, FOLDED, PRINTED!!
  8. Stop mail - DONE!

  1. Pack - DONE
  2. Clean out stroller and car seat - DONE
  3. Buy a bunch of non-perishable items - DONE, suitcase is packed and under 50 lbs.
  4. Charge electronics - DONE
  5. Make the inevitable 838 trips to Target for last minute things - DONE, 2 today. :faint:
  6. Get DIS meet info organized and into PassPorter - DONE
  7. Reserve parking spot at Park N Fly - Joe's to do list, I just have to make sure he does it! - DONE
  8. Figure out how much and get cash for tips - DONE
  9. Organize travel toiletries - DONE
  10. Print basic trip plan for in-laws (written, but not printed, having printer issues!) and fill in Passporter - DONE
  11. Get basic touring plan done for parks, "must do's" - DONE
  12. Research scooters for Poppa - DONE
  13. In-laws need to buy tickets - DONE
  14. Plan in-room meals - DONE
  15. Set up details of NYE meet with MeMom - DONE
  16. But Passporter inserts - DONE
  17. Make grocery list - DONE
  18. Put in WeGoShop order - DONE
  19. Get countdown calendar ready with stickers for Henry - DONE
  20. Make budget so I have a clue what we can expect to spend while there - DONE

  1. Go back to early pages of this PTR and re-read all NOLA advice given, take notes, commit to memory! ;) - DONE, written in PassPorter!
  2. Buy wedding present for the happy couple! - DONE
  3. Research cheap/free things to do - DONE
  4. Try to find a cheaper hotel - DONE
  5. Get a basic map of the area, walking map? - DONE

Our bags are packed and waiting to be loaded into the car

3 checked bags, carry on.


Henry's little suitcase filled with toys and a blanket. :goodvibes

We are literally just sitting here, waiting for the time to pass until we leave for Joe's Aunt's and Uncle's home to celebrate Christmas with his family.

It feels great. :thumbsup2

On the snow front it has been snowing for over 24 hours now, I haven't seen it even pause once. :laughing: However, it's pretty light, sometimes there are a lot of flakes coming down, but they are small. Other times huge fluffy flakes. I tried to nab a picture...



Joe estimates we have about 7 inches total so far. Not too bad.

Our neighbors have been coming and going all day long, so I don't think there is too much of a problem with the roads. And we have 4 wheel drive, so tonight we should have safe travels.

However, tonight it's supposed to get to be heavy snow, with wind, and freezing rain. Yippee.

We will be making a brief stop at Joe's family Christmas and then driving straight for my Uncle and Aunt's home in hopes we make it out of the "nasty zone" before it hits. By Saturday, things should be a bit more calm, plus it's major highways all the way to the airport. I think we'll be just fine!! Now, will the plane leave on-time? That is the question! :goodvibes

It's time to go pack the car.

Our adventure is beginning!

I hope everyone has a very blessed and Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Thank you so much for following along in my PTR...talk to you soon!

...and as a fun note, Henry just told me he wanted a PTR as well :rolleyes:...instead he'll point out some smilies as his way of saying "thank you for reading, Merry Christmas!" :lmao::cool1:popcorn::popcorn:::santa::yay:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:::yay::laundy::cheer2: He really likes that pop"corn guy"...:laughing:
Merry Christmas!! I hope your weather is great. At least in our neck of the woods, they hyped it up WAY too much - we might get 2" snow tomorrow but that should be all.

Happy and safe travels!!
Hope you have safe travels today!!!!! Have a great trip!!!!! I have to head over to twitter to see if you've sent anything that way ;)
And we will most definitely have to get together if you have a moment when you guys come to Chicago...it would be a blast!! We could even BBQ here or something and turn it into a Dis meet with Tiggerbell and DisneyBride'03!!!

May we come too? :worship:

I hope you were able to get out of MN without to many problems! Cannot wait to start reading your report!


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