Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info

Hey all I am a 21 year old that has just recently gone back to school while working a part time job. I ran CC from middle school up through my first year of College. I have also done lots and lots or Tris, will be training to get back into them with the move to Hawaii. I also was a competitive swimmer for 8 years.
I have set some pretty good goals for myself over the coming months. I would really love to have run 50 miles in February plus time doing other things like shoveling and does lifting 25-30 pound computers count towards time? If so I get like 20 minutes in per day. But it will be up to the great and wonderful Panda.
So as some of you may know I am the sister to Xterratri and daughter to NYCpa. So I live in a fairly active household plus I have a great deal of friends who run with nike plus and we challenge each other and such. I work at the Apple store near me and love it, am training for quite a few races this coming summer and of course my main goal is the Honolulu Marathon Dec 14 as my first. But I will just have to see were life takes me from here and I will get in as many workouts as I can to pull my weight for the team.
Craig- Feel free to PM to get me off my but plus PMing Lynne works wonders as well.
:scared1: Wow, Carrie!!:scared1:

I'm likin' THAT graphic!

SO this is a short post, as I stupidly lost my other, long, beautifully written Bio post that would have made you hum the National Anthem.

I'm doing the 2009 WDW Full, as I decided to do a Marathon before 40! I am 38 now, and just did the 2008 WDW Half. I am aiming for a 2:30 PR at the Sarasota Half in about 6 weeks.

I am Mel's DH, and she's my running inspiration (as well as inspiration for the rest of my life). I love spending time with the kids (DD15 and DD4), playing drums, and running. I work as a Network Manager at the Sarasota YMCA, and enjoy playing with my network gadgets and toys. I get to use power tools at my job - AAAAROOOOO!!!

Lookin' forward to getting to know you all better, although I know many of you guys already. What an awesome team!

- Jeff
Welcome Jeff, Erin :)

Carrie: Thanks for doing that for us!

Jeff: You have my FAVORITE screen name BiggerTigger! :laughing: Awesome!

OK..guys...I'm lovin' this team of Killer Bunnies. You guys rock!!! :rockband:
Carrie: thanks! I got the graphic in my siggy. Love it!

Jeff: your post had me giggling during morning email here at the office. It's way too quiet and everyone heard me!

Stitch_lover_sith: welcome! You've got a busy year ahead with those races. Good to have you on the team. Do you live in Hawaii now? BTW, what is your real name?

Happy training everyone!
Hi, Everyone !
I'm Patrick, DH of "twoWDWfools" and so new to endurance events (and WDW boards) that I'm still wet behind the ears.
Liz and I just started walking for an event last fall, a local 5K, and while training for that, she found the 2008 AK Family Safari 5K, and signed us up.
We enjoyed our first 5K in November, in spite of temps so chilly we couldn't JOG, for fear of getting ice-cold air deep in our lungs.
Then we started training for the AK event.
I know, there are you guys out there, laughing about "training" for a 5k, but be gentle, we're over 40 and JUST starting out.
One thing that got us to consider longer events was the sheer number of people at WDW sporting those awesome medals ! There were people who looked no different than us, some even much larger, who finished those events !
We started suffering from "Bling-Envy", and decided on Marathon weekend that we would do the Half in 2009. "If They can do it, WE sure can !"

So since speed and stamina are hard to find in a 41 year old couch-potato like me, we have started training calendars, and we are logging distance over the year so see if we can get to WDW under our own power. If we have jogged, walked and biked 1186 miles in the next year, we'll have made it !

We have an ambitious schedule for the next 13 months...
We'll be at:
The WDW Kidney Foundation 5K in March
Walk & Roll Chicago 5 mile walk in Mid-May
A bicycling weekend near Rockford, for Memorial Day (75 miles in two days)
(Summer events TBD)
WDW ToT 13.5K in October
WDW Half marathon in Jan 2009

Love the graphic for the team !

Hope we can help boost the mileage/minutes totals for the team!
Hi all,

Just waiting to get "voted off" ....

I'm Liz -- the 43 year old wife of tiggerspal222 (who is also on the team) and mom to a 19 yr old son. Fairly new to the Disboards and completely new to WISH and the whole running thing. Saw the shirts at WDW marathon weekend and just had to check it out. Oh and I don't run...I walk.

Was typically active as a kid but at 11 yrs was diagnosed with juvenile rhuematoid arthritis. They had no idea how much motion I'd get back but I pretty much refused to sit around. Before anyone knew it I was back on my bike and roller skates (mom was thrilled about the skates ;) ). Got back to standard activity with certain exclusions and went thru high school using it as the reason to avoid basketball (oh no, I can't run/jump around the court like that). Floor hockey never seemed to bother me though....:rolleyes1 Didn't do any running that wasn't required. Just didn't interest me and that did start to hurt after a few miles.

Fast forward 20+ years.....

Mid last year decided enough was enough and made decision to get back into shape. Wanted to feel and look better. Set up sessions with a personal trainer at the gym, signed up for a local 5K as well as the WDW 5K during marathon weekend confident I could walk fast enough to do these.

Going ok then one day late Sept working with the trainer - POP! Right knee goes out and I come down on it. Next day it's the size of a basketball (always hated that sport) and find out ACL is completely torn. Due to my age and the damage from the arthritis they won't try to repair it. yippee....

Well did the local 5K in Nov with a time of 49:36 - impressive, huh? I was just happy to finish as it was cold, very windy and miserable out.
Jan comes and managed to do the AK 5K in 47:23. Considering the holidays I was quite pleased with taking 2 min off my time. After watching others over the weekend, DH and I got medal envy and decided "hey with a year to train we can do the 1/2 in 2009". Plus we both found we actually enjoyed it. Both the solo time and the other people on the course.

So this year's line up is the March 5K at WDW, ACS 5 mile walk in June, a 30 & 45 mile bike run in May, planning on ToT 13K and are already signed up for the 2009 WDW 1/2. I've just set up our Excel sheets to track progress for the year and am really looking forward to this!

I have every intention of considerably improving my time and I do bike and other cross training plus core work. Just not an all out runner as that does cause me pain. Thinking about adding yoga, too.

Sorry about this being so long. Just realize how much I typed. :eek:

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Patrick and Liz

There is no need to apologize. You 2 fit right in my many of the Wish group.

Since you are building for the January 2009 Half, my free advice to you is to build slowly. Look at that long term goal and work out a plan that gets you there slowly. Going up in distance too quickly is a recipe for certain injury in folks of a certain age just starting out. Training too many days a week is the same danger. Try to find the balance of number of days a week, and the intensity of each day that you train, some easy and short, some hard and short, some easy and long, and a few hard and long. I think the TOT in October is an excellent benchmark for you to shoot at. If you have done around 9 miles 2 weeks before the TOT you'll have a good experience in that race, and from there pushing up to 12 miles in training by early January is a breeze.

Also be sure to not become a servant to your training plan. There are days you don't have it, even when you have 5 scheduled. Don't feel guilty about playing hooky or going shorter from time to time. Your body is likely telling you it need some rest. You cannot do this very often and still get there, but now and again taking it easy or off is good.

And by the way, even at my fittest, yes I trained for 5K's. Of course in those long ago years those were pretty darn hard workouts, but most people do 5K's as a test of temp instead of endurance, so a good 5K, whatever that means to all of us, means hard training.

And if you're wondering, OF COURSE I have my training logs in excel, reaching back to my return to running in fall of 2004. It's either comforting or compulsive obsessive to be able to look back and any day or week and see what I did then.

Take care


We've heard from all but Momoftwogirls and Mousemgr2.

Where are you guys? Enquiring minds want to know?

I'll build a spreadsheet to track all 13 of us each week, consolidate it to monthly, and then report it to WWDave. I'll let you know how to get the information to me.

Aye Aye Captain (where's the saluting smiley?). But seriously, thanks for doing this Craig!

Look Scott...Craig has spreadsheets too! :laughing: You people and your spreadsheets and tracking and organized training. Geeze. ;)

Liz and Patrick: Welcome!! :wave: Sounds like you guys have an exciting year ahead. I can't wait to hear about the big bike ride as that is something I'd love to do in the future. :goodvibes You guys have a lot to offer our humble little team and I think we've got a really motivated group here.
Craig - thanks for the advice. We did find schedules that work for us with slight modification that will allow us to build over the year. Yeah, we figured setting the ToT run as a goal would put us in good shape for Jan.

Amy - Thanks and will let you know how the rides go. We're both pretty good with distance riding but certainly need to do some work between now and then. Love to ride - on and off road.
Hey Liz and Patrick! Glad you guys are here!

That bicycle weekend does sound really cool! You'll have to let us know how it goes.

So when are we going to break the sad news to the other teams that they might as well not even try, we've already got them beat. ;)

Although secretly, the team with Lynne and Matt does have me worried. The rest of us mortals can't compare to those crazies!

I'm not going to confess to being a spreadsheet tracker. Not me, I would never do something geeky like that (ok, so I just finished mine for the year, too :sad2: ).

Have a good evening, guys! Talk to you soon!

Patrick and Liz: Welcome, welcome!! :welcome: Congrats on making the committment and sticking to it. It shows you really are serious about this. Don't apologize for walking. Lots of us are walkers. I walked 7 miles in the marathon this year. I think it's great that you took 2 minutes off the previous time--fabulous! You should be really proud of that.

Welcome to the team. Looking forward to hearing about your training and will forward to meeting you at races!
Sounds like we should be renamed Team Excel

"Formulating our way to victory"
Geez, you speadsheet people...I'm lucky if I am organized enough on any given day to remember to RUN. I deal with Excel at work every day, so I avoid it like the plauge at home! But I confess, I recently bought a running logbook, and have posted out my training for the '09 WDW Full:goodvibes

Oh hey, Steve, how you doin' with the pregnancy? Because, you know, even though you're not carrying the baby (unless there's something you ain't tellin' us), you're still going thru a lot. I'm sure you'll be an awesome FUN dad!

- Jeff
Hey just checking back in to clarify a few points. I am currently living up in the way cold north aka Upstate NY. My real name is Erin, RedDragon I am sad that you do not remember me.;) Well it looks like Tuesdays are going to be my rest day since that s the latest/ longest day that I have to work. Plus it is when new stuff opens up in my classes.
Hello fellow Rabbits.

I see we have 2 more members of the team, Aladdinsgirl and Julia & Nick's Mom. Please add a short bio to the thread, so we all know about you. I do know that Krista like black dogs, black jerseys, and is married to and carrying the child of the black knight. And that's about it.

We start Friday, Feb 1, and the weeks will run Friday through Thursday. So after Thursday, Feb 7 I'll need an e-mail from everyone with hours (all inclusive, running, walking, biking, x-training, swimming, and weight lifting) and miles covered (running and walking I believe only, since biking miles could really skew the results if a team had 3 big time bikers).

Please send your results to me at:

Take care of your bodies and be sure to count your hours and miles.

Wait a minute, what did I miss? Krista's on this team now?? Oh, that's it. I quit! ;)

Erin--I see you were talking about the Honolulu marathon this year. You're not moving to Hawaii with Lynne, are you?

Scott-- "Formulating Our Way to Victory." Yeah, that phrase wouldn't add to our nerd factor at all. :thumbsup2
ARGH! I didn't even know I was officially part of the team, I was just checking the thread to see what Stephen was up to. ;) Crap, I guess that means I have to actually start working out again! :teeth:

Okay, so a little bit about me, my real name is Krista and I'm married to Stephen/Steve/skfulkers--we've been married for a little over 7 years (10/21/00 and yes, we honeymooned at WDW :)). I am 29 years old and I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with our first baby. I go to the doctor on Friday to hear the heartbeat for the first time, I am both wildly excited and scared to death at the same time. :)

I started running in May 2005, about the time I joined the Wish team. Stephen had just signed up for the 2006 marathon and was looking at pictures and youtube videos from the 2005 marathon and I saw that not all runners and walkers are elites--some are fast and some are slow, some are skinny and some aren't, some are tall with long legs and some were like me--very short. I didn't realize that "normal" people ran marathons. I saw those people with their medals and crossing the finish line and I thought "I can do that". So, I signed up for the 2006 WDW half marathon on 5/24/05 (how sad is it that I remember the date??). I started as a walker, trained like that for a couple of months I think, then transitioned into a walk/run for a month and then finally a run/walk. I started r4/w1, now I do anything from r5/w1-r9/w1 depending on how I'm feeling. I could train to be a full time runner, the thing is, I don't want to. I like the walk breaks and since I'm prone to IT band injuries, I think the walking keeps some of the stress off of my IT band. Since May 2005 I have completed countless 5K's and 10K's, 4 half marathons, and 1 full marathon. I signed up for the 2009 WDW half marathon, most likely my only event this year with the baby, and then hopefully the 2010 Goofy Challenge.

About me personally, I graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene College in May 2000 with a degree in Communications/Broadcasting, but of course I have never worked in the broadcasting field! I work in the credit dept/accounts receivable dept for a large concession equipment company, so think about me when you eat your popcorn at the movies or cotton candy at Walt Disney World. :) My job isn't too incredibly stressful and I can leave work at work, but since I deal with past due accounts and lots of the time screaming people who are mad because their orders won't ship due to being past due, my job isn't always sunshine and lollipops. Outside of work and running, I also teach 2nd grade Sunday School at our church and of course, I'm mom to the best dog in the entire world, Hines, our black lab. And oh yeah, Stephen and I are both HUGE Steelers fans, we seriously both bleed black and gold. I'm going to admit something bad to you, one of my very first thoughts when I found out I was due in August was happiness that I would not be in labor on a Sunday in football season and miss a game. How bad is that??!! :)

Okay, now that I have written a novel about me, let me say how glad I am to be on this team! I'm excited to be with everyone and I know this challenge will keep me moving over the next few months, I promise I will try my best not to let you guys down!!!

Let's go get 'em!!!



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