TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

Survived my first half marathon this morning!

Can't wait to report those double miles next Friday! :woohoo:

Congrats! How did it go?

Oh, and for last week, I only did a little bit of shoveling-100. I went on a little vacation, I doubt I can get anything for lugging around fabric.
Shan, congratulations on finishing your first half marathon! It sounds like such a mess with the timing and all, and to me it sounds like your first time is the correct one. I know it was a tough week for you with being sick and all, but I think you did a terrific job!

PS - I view my 6:21 first time marathon finish time as something that I'll definitely be able to PR when I give it another go. Yes, I was disappointed it took me so long, but I need to focus on the fact that I finished. I know you'll be capable of doing the same with your next half!!
DH and I got out there together this morning for D1 of W3 on the couch25K. Man it was hard! 3 minute runs may not sound like much but when you have never done it, hard. I was glad DH was with me because I think alone I would have stopped but he motivated me to keep going and I am proud to say I did it!

26 minutes
2.0 miles

Good morning, heroes! Realized I never checked in with my final totals for last week...whoops!


3/22 - 9.3 miles, 60 minutes (Various gym machines)
3/23 - 2.5 miles, 40 minutes (Walk)
3/24 - 7.1 miles, 65 minutes (TM)
3/25 - 20 minutes (Strength/weights)
3/27 - 3.6 miles, 50 minutes (walk) + 7.1 miles, 64 minutes (run)
3/28 - 6 miles, 54 minutes
35.6 miles, 5 hrs 53 minutes

I ran on Sunday (can't remember the mileage right now - will post later) and last night tried to run but the knees weren't feeling it, so I did the other machines instead. 40 minutes stationary bike (15.5 miles), 35 minutes elliptical (3.5 miles). Now I'm gearing up for my 10k race across the big bridge in Charleston this weekend - should be fun, but man, that's a climb!

Gooooooo team!!

P.S. CONGRATS Shan!!! Way to go!! :cool1:
Just want to pop in and post my stats so far for the week!!

Yesterday: ran 3 miles in 24:20
Today: 3 miles speedwork in 22:01
also add 2.5 hours of HARD yard work... mowing and pushing the fertilizer spreader count.... right?!

I'll check back in later.

Just wanted to post here to say what a klutz I am.

I was going up the stairs into my house yesterday. I was looking at something on my iPod, and tripped on the last step. Fell onto my back porch and onto BOTH ALREADY SORE KNEES! I iced them last night, but they are still sore today, so I'm going to take a day or two off.
Hey, all! Just a quick note to let you know I did 3 miles tonight after work. I'm running late for a funeral, so I'll check back later and catch up.

March mileage total: 396.53
time total: 42 hrs 7 min

I'm still part of the team but am not going to bother posting weekly updates. I'll post my totals monthly as that is much easier and more meaningful for me to track.
I guess I need to repost my totals for the 2nd and 3rd weeks of March--they never got recorded:confused3

Week ending 3/14--a sad 2 miles,30 mins and another 30 mins of crosstraining

Week ending 3/21--alittle better 10 miles 2.5 hrs. and another 30 mins of crosstraing

Week ending 3/28--even better 12 miles 3 hours and another 1.5 hrs of crosstraining

I'm starting to get back on track!!:banana:
Monday I didn't make it to Fit Ball because I wasn't feeling great.

Today...much better! A crazy, hilly 6 mi run in 1:06:57. I gained 141 ft over a 0.3 mi stretch. That was pretty intense...!
3 miles over lunch in 29:30 for a 9:49/mi pace - my fastest training run EVER!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:
Did Day 2 of Week 3 on the Couch25K and today was not as hard as Tuesday. I was alone, it was too cold for DH. :laughing: It was 25 when I went out (Hello Mother Nature, how about a little springtime here!) but I had an ear warmer and gloves and was fine. I just knew, I knew, if I didn't go it could start the spiral to losing the consistancy and I know for me that is key. It is too easy for me to say its too cold today, then I'm too tired tomorrow and the next day I'm too busy and before you know it, it is January and I'm not ready for this. So I went out alone and did it!:thumbsup2

28 minutes
2.1 miles

Giving my totals for the week today. We're leaving for WDW tomorrow for a week so I'll be MIA for awhile. I was hoping to run on our trip, but after today's short run I highly doubt it. My left leg that hurt me near the end of my half on Sunday started up again and I barely got back home today. :headache:


13.10 x 2! = 26.20 (Hey, I ran a full marathon - I WISH! :lmao: )
.50 warmup and cooldown
28.70 / 3:01:52

Go team Hercs!!! :cheer2: :woohoo: :cheer2:
Allyson - Way to get those steps in!

Shan - :wizard: PD for your leg!!! Have a terrific time at WDW!
I was hoping to run over lunch today (plus the weather is amazing) but my cough has gotten worse so I think I'd better take a day off. :sad1:

Maybe tomorrow..?? Otherwise 8 miles sometime this weekend.


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