Team 'Ohana--No One Left Behind: The Continuing Adventures

What's different about them between DLR and WDW? The running thing is totally funny for me because I hate running. I did everything I could to get out of it in PE and pretty much anytime else, but now what am I doing? :lmao: My degree's in elementary, but I went and got certified in middle school math and science as well. A lot of good that's done me. :rotfl:

Oh well, more for me. :cheer2: :banana:

I HATE RUNNING TOO!!! I was a really fit person BK (Before Kids) Tennis, biking, hiking, camping, canoeing... in college (BALL STATE!) I had to take 6 PE credits - well winter quarter I thought I could take "weight conditioning" or some such title - it was RUNNING - IN SNOW... and ICE! :faint: I used some colorful language when I almost got hit by a car that slid onto the sidewalk... :rolleyes1 DH now uses Disney to get me back to the basics!!

Just passing through...

Debra - I'm not sure if you've run across this relay race before but it has your name all over it. A 200 mile relay through Kentucky booze country. I'm thinking we could get a little Ohana-Bot cross pollination going. Jodi's been itching to do one of these relays forever.

DH heard about a Dublin marathon - you start randomly - and you hit several pubs along the way - something about 18 min miles too... :confused3 He's been searching, he's very intrigued with the pub aspect of a Dublin Marathon!! :rotfl2:

Random Thoughts
* DS9 - yeah yeah, but I'm still lovin the trouble with trebles... :cloud9:
and I think Whoopi Goldberg gave some credibility to the NEXT generation :rolleyes1

* wait - now I dont remember being THAT upset with the Last Lecture :rolleyes1 (and dont listen to DD, just because I knew where his quote is in Fantasyland AND I took a picture.... :rolleyes1) ITA embrace the Eeyore - look for Owl in all of us!! :goodvibes ([/QUOTE]The quote reads; "Be good at something; It makes you valuable... Have something to bring to the table, because that will make you more welcome.[/QUOTE] )

* crate training - puppy is currently in his "spot" in the crate - his nose is a vacuum cleaner, and I cant type and get the kleenex out of his way :confused3 I know its wrong to use his crate as a prison - but if I say "go to your spot" he heads to the crate! Since DD and I are both home with the coughing crude - I think we are wearing HIM out!! (he needs to nap too!!)

*db (that would be my brother in Houston - Mission? Spring??? somewhere) does NOT believe in crates... :rotfl2: He yelled at my ds when we were all together with ALL the dogs at the Lake - he swore that ds dog just needed to be "with the pack" and so he agreed to allow DS dog to sleep with him his wife, and their 3 or 4 dogs - the NEXT day... ds dog was in the crate!! :rotfl2: I think DS' dog has ADHD - the crate is the only place where he can sleep!!

* TV shows - I thought I forgot ER, and WEST WING - and I wish the Good WIfe wasnt in reruns... but how is that going to be long term? Then there is the Mentalist and the other one (CBS and ABC both have similiar shows) CASTLE!! lol ... Of course we have Muppets and Gilmore Girls on DVD - good to curl up on a cold winter's night...

* Allie you and your daughter did a race in '06?

* Corinna goals... that's a good thing... I need a goal... I'll stick with the KISS model... my first goal is to get rid of this cold, wait till it gets above freezing, then get outside. Watch portions. Watch portions get smaller... do some 5# weight workouts - and lunges... :wizard:
John, Christine – What you’re finding out is that Ohana has long developed the haphazard multi-pronged conversational approach to things. It lets us trade lots of information quickly but you gotta pay attention or you’ll get run over by information overload. Like any other thread, this one will go dead from time to time, and then roar back with a vengeance.

Maria - Yes it was the Delta Quadrant, the Dominion was the one all over the Gamma Quadrant.

Jackie – Pupperoni is a very useful tool in this 3 dog household. While my Golden Retriever Coco (photo in my signature below) does not have very discriminating tastes (among other things will eat carrots, celery, paper—especially thinks the tissue box is an automated vending machine for dogs :rotfl: -- and cat poop (we fix that by controlling access to the cat box), my wife’s Jack Russell-Poodle mix (aka Jack Roodle) is far more picky but loves the Puperoni, and my DDs puppy is, well…a puppy and eats most anything, including the couch where the cat tries to shred it.

Corinna – I have long joked about those Bluetooth earpieces as being ripe for mind control. A year or two back they were used as a vehicle for Doctor Who’s Cybermen to control humanity. Then again the Doctor Who writers also had those Garmin/TomTom GPS boxes taking over people’s cars and I use one of those whereas I won’t use a Bluetooth earpiece. I’ll give that more thought. The San Antonio race starts out of downtown, around mile 2 you pass the Alamo, you wind through neighborhood s and downtown—including some older historical neighborhoods and the Riverwalk area and finally finish at the Alamodome. I think the ½ definitely feels more scenic than the full (some long stretches in the full that are not much to talk about). There are so many great places to stay right in downtown and the Riverwalk area is a nice place to gather and eat, and even just walk around.

Jen – Good luck to you, too on the transition to only (or at least mostly) running. I’d like to try the only walking at water stations at a half coming up, too. My trouble is I haven’t ironed out my schedule yet. I’m going to try out this weekend’s long run where I’ll stop just for water. I do know in the past that I am overall faster with the walk breaks, but think that I have reached the point where they are not as necessary as they once were. On yesterday’s run my miles got progressively faster as I ran, so I know I have a good endurance base there. In fact my run pace yesterday was about what my 5K race pace was 2 years ago, now that shows real progress—I just want more than that.

Sandy - That DS9 episode where they went back in time to the original ST episode with the tribbles was definitely a fun favorite.

All this talk on spices is making me hungry, that and doing this on my lunch time, but I have no idea what spice I should pick for myself. Regardless of the name, I definitely feel well-seasoned at times. Lunch will be some leftover roast beef and salad.

All the sci-fi villain talk has me fondly remembering so many of these shows—how Darcy and I loved Babylon5, and the Shadows were a great enemy. I liked the Dahleks as an enemy, but they always seemed just a bit lacking to me—their weaponry far outpaced their actual ability to use it well enough to accomplish their goals. The Borg seemed more like what the Dahleks could have become, excepting their desire to be more pure where the Borg assimilated just about everything.

Sandy - I'm feeling like the only that did not know your name story.
I HATE RUNNING TOO!!! I was a really fit person BK (Before Kids) Tennis, biking, hiking, camping, canoeing... in college (BALL STATE!) I had to take 6 PE credits - well winter quarter I thought I could take "weight conditioning" or some such title - it was RUNNING - IN SNOW... and ICE! :faint: I used some colorful language when I almost got hit by a car that slid onto the sidewalk... :rolleyes1 DH now uses Disney to get me back to the basics!!
I've just always been clumsy enough walking, so it seemed like running was always a bad idea for me. :rotfl: Plus I wasn't good at any of it! My speed was horrible and I didn't have any endurance. One of the tasks we had to do periodically was go outside on the track and complete a mile (4 laps) in 15 minutes. If we didn't complete it in 15 minutes, we got a 0 for that assignment. I would always run the first lap (maybe the first half of the half lap even :rolleyes1) and then I would walk the rest of it. My teacher would always fuss at me because she didn't think I'd finish in time, but I always did with several minutes to spare. :rotfl:
Sorry -- I sometimes go crazy with arcane and irrelevant references...I promise to do a better job being inclusive. Please just keep posting your names for a week or so, so I can learn to distinguish everyone!

I just have a couple of minutes before my short day ends, so:

  • Oops! It figures I would be an herb rather than a spice. Cilantro -- That's just me ;)
  • I am dogless. I had dogs in my childhood home, but we've been cat people since I married.
  • I loved that Benjamin Sisko's wife got pregnant because he forgot to get his birth control shot! :rotfl: He resides on my Christmas tree (along with many others, so definitely a favorite Captain) Actually, I like all the captains just fine...
  • Ok, now I'm going to show my ignorance -- what is a BOT? I'm too ashamed to ask anywhere else, but I know you'll take pity on me. :goodvibes
  • Thanks for the heads up on Beach to Beacon. My SIL (the vaguely evil one), described it to me...:rolleyes1
  • Anise made me think of pizzelles. Yum!

I'll have to cross post my goals from the Leanies later....

Maria :upsidedow
More randomness:

  • This thread is moving at warp speed, which will be the only sci-fi reference I make. You've out sci-fied me.
  • Okay, I lied. Maybe antagonist is a better name for Q, in that petulant kind of way. He still rocks, and I'll give a shout-out to the Romulans, too.
  • What??? We're full up already? I say we're like the Haunted Mansion--always room for one more?
  • Speaking of one more, anyone seen Jeanne or Kathy lately?
  • For everyone, especially Jackie: A Disney trip without ice cream is a very sad state of affairs. Very sad. Vicky (Bunnyfoo), me, DOOD, and her DF ate (not attempted, but ate) the Beaches & Cream Kitchen Sink. Not to mention the Beaches & Cream 'Ohana meet ice cream that EVERYONE needs to put on their calendar for next year! :thumbsup2
  • I want a pirate's medal. Yarrrrgh.
  • No dogs in this household. Today, though, I learned that both Labs and Golden Retrivers are on the top-5 list of AKC favorite breeds. That's all I got.
  • Flying Pig is supposed to be a great race. Krista and Stephen are WISHers who live there, and they recommend it!
  • Ditto with the weaning off the RW on short distances, though I'm faster with a RW on longer courses. I'll never be able to run through a water stop and drink without spilling, though. And if it were bourbon, I'd definitely stop and savor! :banana:

BOURBON CHASE, BOURBON CHASE! I love it! I want to do it, I do, I do, I do! But I deferred Baltimore last year and have to do it this fall. It's the week before the Bourbon Chase. Even if I was physically able to do it, I don't think I could take the travel time. But it sounds like so much fun? Are there cousins (and Maura) would would like to join the Bots? I'd so be behind this one, obsessively tracking things. And if not 2010, what about 2011??

Bots are the social thread that has people like Optimator Mike, Howard, Cindy, Jodi, Sara, Matt, Colleen, Mouseskywalker Dave, etc. (so many people I left out) on it. I like to think of them as the hardcore WISHers. JenB is a Bot, too, so she can tell you more. :yay:

Allie: Great, now I can never visit you. I'll never remember the names of all your pets! :lmao: And not even hot chocolate makes an ice bath tempting. :upsidedow

Jackie: One of my friends just had a baby girl, and he's already lamenting the freedom to go to a movie on the spur of the moment. I'm so glad you and DH are (re)discovering a couple's life, including movie-date nights. :love: DD's just jealous! :rotfl2:

Mel: Yeah, saw the Halloween 5K course. I'd be tempted by the 5K over the half, if I could get away for the weekend. Of course, then I'd want to scream team. Lots of cool Florida events. Plus Disney. I really just need to relocate to Florida, stat!

Rebecca: Not sure there's a difference in the Dole Whips between WDW and DLR (unlike WDW's travesty of a Tiki Room). I think it's just me. I tend to treat the two resorts as different experiences and "save" certain things for certain places. :confused3 I do think a taste test is in order, though!

Maria: CONGRATS on the VA project--so proud of you! I forgive Stewart for Dune because of his work as Picard. (Okay, that was truly the last reference.) I do hear that Beach to Beacon is absolutely lovely, a great experience. Don't let evil SIL sour it for you, even if she'd probably get in and then decide to go window shopping.

Coriander: Lots of life changes--in a good way--with reaching your goals. No wonder you're somewhat at sea. :hug: I see you're not a Half-Fanatic...yet.

John: So you did remember the Alamo....just too late? :confused3:rotfl:

Christine: Grab that piggy by its tail...

Sandy: True Story. I fulfilled my PE credits by taking ballroom dancing. :rolleyes1 And Dublin just got added to my dream list.

As for me:

2010 Goals (cross-posted from the Leaner thread)

1) Balance in my workouts, adding more strength and core training CONSISTENTLY to help me run pain-free
2) Find one new athletic-hobby activity that I like. Not a class or training, but something that's active without feeling like I'm scheduling a workout. (Stolen from Connie:goodvibes)
3) Focus on 1/2 marathon distance @ 15-16 mile training cap (strange, I know, but I want to feel strong finishing a 1/2)
4) Cut 10 minutes off my 1/2 marathon time
5) Lose 10 pounds (and quit yo-yoing)

Okay, must stop posting here and run over to the Bots really quick before i go back to writing (less fun stuff).
I had been considering Dublin as well, but the standard marathon--not the Pub Crawl on steroids!! Sounds interesting though. All of you trying to wean off the RW can perfect the run/crawl (puke, passout?!)

Sci Fi aside, I think I'm gonna like it here, cousins!! :drinking1
* Allie you and your daughter did a race in '06?

I did that just to make sure you were reading, NOT skimming. :rolleyes:

[*]For everyone, especially Jackie: A Disney trip without ice cream is a very sad state of affairs. Very sad. Vicky (Bunnyfoo), me, DOOD, and her DF ate (not attempted, but ate) the Beaches & Cream Kitchen Sink. Not to mention the Beaches & Cream 'Ohana meet ice cream that EVERYONE needs to put on their calendar for next year! :thumbsup2

Allie: Great, now I can never visit you. I'll never remember the names of all your pets! :lmao: And not even hot chocolate makes an ice bath tempting. :upsidedow

Ok with the kitchen sink, I KNOW I'm on the right team! :rotfl2: YUM!!

No worries, DD would gladly introduce, and reintroduce you to our many named fish. Actually, she's the only one in the house that knows all their names.:upsidedow

Oh, and funny story for later, my dog Trixie (Jack Russell/Rat Terrier mix that we rescued) locked me out of my car a couple of days after we got her. :scared1: :lmao::lmao: It was a funny story, right Sandy? ;)
I had been considering Dublin as well, but the standard marathon--not the Pub Crawl on steroids!! Sounds interesting though. All of you trying to wean off the RW can perfect the run/crawl (puke, passout?!)

Sci Fi aside, I think I'm gonna like it here, cousins!! :drinking1

If we're going to do a pub crawl marathon, I vote for this one. It's on my list of races to run at some point. How can you go wrong with a marathon that has an oyster & champagne stop?:cool1:

Marathon du Medoc
One quick post before I sign off --

Cross-posting my goals from the Leanies:

1. Lose 30 lbs.
2. Six weekly workouts -- running, wii, yoga, incline walking and exercise bike to total 1.5 hrs. per day. (I'm going to have to work up to this one, and I don't mean everything in the same day!)
3. Eat WW pts., log food and exercise.
4. Do 2 5K races, and train for WDW 2011 Half.
5. Read my Daily Devotional Bible. (I know that's not an exercise, but I do think it helps me focus on bettering myself).

The only physical activity class I took in college was Tai Chi. I asked my anthro professor (I had him for 5 classes to get my minor, so I considered him "mine") for a suggested course, and he thought it would broaden my horizons. I was horrible at it, but your final grade was based on an essay about the benefits of tai chi, so I got an A!

Ok, unlike today I really am going to get up tomorrow for my workout, so I have to find my rest. I haven't exactly opened the Bible yet, but I've been correcting ds's religion I can tell you all about the 10 Commandments and those less than faithful folk led by Moses. Seeing the goals again helped me remember. I'll be pasting them to the front of my notebook, so I actually see them daily.

Goodnight and Good Luck!
Maria :upsidedow
Allie - I have been locked out of my car by my dog. I can sympathize. It's very embarrassing to walk into day care and tell them you can't leave because your dog locked you out of your car. :rotfl:

Debra - Just to set the record straight, I DID eat ice cream this trip. I had ONE measly little Mickey bar. Inside. I'm still lamenting skipping the Beaches & Cream meet, but I think my marriage is stronger because I did. Oh yeah, and I did have ice cream in the hotel food court one night too. Oh, and a to-die-for sundae at Ghirardelli. Yeah, we had ice cream! Just not a Dole Whip. :sad2:

Sandy - I fulfilled my PE credits with, um, bowling and table tennis. We did have to run 2 miles each day in the Foundations PE class my freshman year. Somehow I hung out with the volleyball team and ran with them just to get through it. I think I was almost fast then. That was a LONG time ago! When I first tossed out the idea of running the 5K at the first Minnie, I asked DH if he thought I could run a 5K. His answer? "Do you know how to run?"

Richard - Interesting that you would mention paper today as a food item for the dogs. DH decided to try to leave them out of their crates while he ran today. First time. Didn't tell me beforehand. He came home and found Sienna in the window with a piece of paper in her mouth. It HAD been a flyer that came with the water bill with instructions to sign up for online bill notification from the city. Now it's tiny shreds of paper. Did I mention that Sienna REALLY likes paper?

John - The Lee Bridge. Ugh. I was certain that there should be mile markers on that bridge, since it had to be at least 2 miles long. But no, the next mile marker was AFTER the bridge. After I nearly froze to death in the wind. It was made more interesting by the fact that Richmond had record rainfall the couple of days prior to the race, and almost had to reroute the course on Friday night due to flooding. The stretch along Riverside Drive was well, riverside. Much more so than it was meant to be. I'm pretty sure some of the puddles had actually BEEN the river the night before...

Jackie - I only had ice cream once this trip, weveral times I wanted it but carts were closed.:confused: I'm glad (?) to know it's not just Coco with the paper fettish.

Maria - Those are all good training goals, and show that training is not all physical. I most often fall short on #5 myself.

Allie - That Ice Cream Meet was at the top of my meet list this year!

Debra - Glad you were not sci-fi'ed out completely. We hadn't even tapped Card, Heinlen or Asimov yet.:rotfl: I wouldn't mind enjoying a good bourbon race with you (or the rest of the team), one thing's for certain, the line we ran would be much less straight :laughing: and you know how I love to enjoy a good run. Why not ballroom dancing, it is an Olympic Sport after all (yeah, I still haven't figured that out!).

Corinna - Registered for DL 1/2 already! Good going!

Ok, the real reason I came back on tonight was to add this overheard from my youngest daughter (Patricia, 19) today. "My name is Patricia, with a P, as is pterodactyl.
I laughed out loud.
Wow, this thread has been busy!!!

I will confess I took absolutely no phys ed in college although did play a fair bit of racquetball for fun. I always disliked running in high school and did only as much as I had to to keep my place on the lacrosse team (for which I played line defense-- minimal running). The fact that my vacations and much of my life now revolves around races is still a surprise to me.

random dog comment: Muppet ate tons of paper as a puppy, including our water bill. We actually had to call and say "the dog ate my bill." The guy on the other end of the phone laughed for a long time before telling us how much we owed (these were the days before you could just look these things up). We also crate trained her using Marrowbones and she would willingly run in for the night. We did not quite realize what we were doing and went to give her a Marrowbone as a treat one day-- I turned around and the dog was gone, I couldn't understand why she would run away from a treat until I found her patiently waiting in her crate. Apparently we taught her that when she sees those treats it was crate time.

We finally booked our room for Princess-- got a great rate at All Star Sports for Thurs-Sun. DD6 wants to do the "Mickey Mile" and requested I run with her, so that's where we'll be on Sat morning-- should be interesting.

Corinna: I completely understand the blah of feeling like you achieved your goals and "now what?" That's probably why I always need to have a new race scheduled or a repeat Disney trip planned before we finish the one we are on. I like to have something to look forward to or strive for or I somehow feel incomplete. I know you'll find your way and a thing to be passionate about.

goals for 2010: this one is tough
1. I want to lose 30-40lbs: this one is a hold out from last year where only about 5 lbs actually came off
2. Run for longer stretches in races with walk breaks at water stations only
3. Try to work on speed after I can continuously run
4. Find a good balance between work and home and have a bit more patience left by the end of the day
5. Stay connected to friends and family and not get so frustrated by the "little stuff"
Wow, this thread has been busy!!!

We actually had to call and say "the dog ate my bill."

I’ve worked in the utility business a long time and I’ve heard a lot of good excuses, and even believed some of them, but have never once heard that one.
We did not quite realize what we were doing and went to give her a Marrowbone as a treat one day-- I turned around and the dog was gone, I couldn't understand why she would run away from a treat until I found her patiently waiting in her crate. Apparently we taught her that when she sees those treats it was crate time.

Pavlov would be proud. :rotfl:

Jen – I am right there with you on the race “vacation” travel. I can’t remember the last time I really went anywhere for a vacation type trip that did not include running some event or another.

Corinna – Your feeling “adrift” sounds like my motivation loss post-Goofy. You’ve done so great for so long, a letdown may have been inevitable. You’ll lock on to something else just like I am doing. There are sooo many challenges out these to conquer. Plus now that you’ve lost that weight, your first goal should just be to keep that smokin’ hot body that you’ve been working on in shape!

Debra - You can list me on the race calendar for the Run Wild Half Marathon on Feb 21, but looks like financial considerations on the side of tuition and medical expenses will kill any March races for me, plus a volunteer gig on the Seabrook weekend knocks out that event, too. Maybe next year I’ll go for the back to back half marathons. On the plus side, that means this spring I can just concentrate on trying to PR at Run Wild—and yes, I will be wearing the appropriately “wild” shorts—and then to concentrate on a PR at the Lone Star 70.3 on April 25. After those my big May event will be attending my daughter’s college graduation and explaining to her that it’s going to be her turn to support me for a while. ;)

Does anyone here know anything about the Holiday Inn next to Downtown Disney (Disneyland)? My older DD’s roommate works for Holiday Inn and said she might be able to get me a special rate. However that doesn’t mean I want to stay at a bad hotel or a poor location.
I had to call and say "The dog ate my rebate check" after coming downstairs and finding Apollo with a $10 check in his mouth. The lady on the other end got a good laugh out of that one, too, but fortunately she was very quick to cancel the chewed-up one and reissue a new one. Apollo got to live another day.

I just realized that we haven't taken a non-running vacation since I started this running adventure. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. :confused3 But perhaps I need to add a goal to broaden my horizons a little?

I had to call and say "The dog ate my rebate check" after coming downstairs and finding Apollo with a $10 check in his mouth. The lady on the other end got a good laugh out of that one, too, but fortunately she was very quick to cancel the chewed-up one and reissue a new one. Apollo got to live another day.

I just realized that we haven't taken a non-running vacation since I started this running adventure. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. :confused3 But perhaps I need to add a goal to broaden my horizons a little?


Lucky dog!
Maybe it's not so much that you need to broaden your horizons as your destinations. I, for one, wouldn't mind running in Hawaii, Australia, the Bahamas, Ireland, across the Golden Gate Bridge,...... I have actually taken more time to travel because of my running (and triathlon) destinations than I did before. Now if I can just find a convention and a race at the same time and place...:rolleyes:
Maria: I realized I never responded to the BOT question. I became a part of that group when the thread was named "Philadelphia Marathon" and I was planning to run it. I started to follow the thread and get to know people (most of whom are way faster and more "athletic" than I am). They all met and became a "group" at the Marine Corps Marathon a few years ago. Cam graciously invited us to a carb loading dinner at her house the night before the Philia race and I went to meet a few new WISHers. They were such a nice group of people I stuck around on the thread. They haven't thrown me out yet so I'm sort of a BOT at this point:rotfl:. The name BOT came from an odd inside joke about all being Disney robots or some such at a dinner when everyone pulled out Disney Visa cards. I may be getting the story a bit wrong as it is only what I can remember being told about an event I did not attend. When the Philia thread got too long the new one was renamed BOTs. That was probably more of an answer than you actually wanted but... BTW Kathy's DH is active on that thread (Optimator)
If we're going to do a pub crawl marathon, I vote for this one. It's on my list of races to run at some point. How can you go wrong with a marathon that has an oyster & champagne stop?:cool1:

Marathon du Medoc

:rotfl2: That was a great read -
over 90% of runners in disguise, some 52 other events alongside the race, 22 refreshment stands, 21 food stands and special gourmet stands (oysters, ham, steak, cheese, ice cream, Medoc attic, etc.) and the presence of hundreds of disguised and delighted school children. Fun in the evening after the marathon with a huge ball open to all, a fireworks display and a Marathon village vibrating to the sound of numerous bands and full of appetizing restaurants. Fun the day after the Marathon with the famous recovery walk open to 4,000 walkers, runners, companions, volunteers and a mountain bike ride through the Moulis wine region.

I"m thinking that WISH is going to set up a 5K on Friday - everybody bring a shot glass - and the scream teamers will just have to have something to fill the shots with!! ;) (just think of the entry fee savings we could have - WISH is going to have to broaden out every now and again!!)

* Dogs - this is some funny wuppies!! DD tried to get our puppy interested in her homework :confused3 He was interested in her pencil, so she let him have that... drat - I had to YELL at dd AGAIN... :rolleyes1 Its a game. Surviving the teenage years AND the puppy stage.... :scared1:

oh and last night after reading how horrible the rawhide bones are... I put them on top of fridge - one fell off - Zeus grabbed it and ran!! So now I"ve investigated in replacing rawhides... so anyone have experience with the Bully Sticks?

* Ice Cream - I DIDNT get a Mickey Bar this trip! :confused3 Stupid COLD...

* Holiday Inn - Have you googled? The Dis has an info board???

DD called - so I'll have to finish my thoughts.... I know I'm spacey - dog is nosing the carpet - licking and eating the guinea pig hay :confused3
* Holiday Inn - Have you googled? The Dis has an info board???

Oh yes, Sandy, I am aware of that, plus the DL Boards, but there are things about which that I place greater weight in the opinions of my friends. I've stayed in a few places that never quite matched the expectations from the canned write-up or some other peoples anonymous opinions.

I didn't get a Mickey Bar either, although this was partly due to the carts being closed when I was looking for one.
I got up and did 4M of incline walking this AM. After taking Corinna's advice and resting yesterday, I really felt energized. :banana:

Sandy -- I am also very sad I was unable to enjoy frozen treats this trip. It was just too cold for me, too! :cold:

JenB -- Thank you so much for explaining the Bots! I knew they were a social group on WISH, but was extremely curious about where the name came from. ::yes::

Oops! Dennis is here at my work so I have to run...I'll try to post more tomorrow!

Maria :upsidedow
Plus now that you’ve lost that weight, your first goal should just be to keep that smokin’ hot body that you’ve been working on in shape!

Cough. Cough. OK. I'm OK now. You must be thinking of someone else- I'm working hard to stay lukewarm over here! (Seriously, check out a weather map. Brrrr.)

I"m thinking that WISH is going to set up a 5K on Friday - everybody bring a shot glass - and the scream teamers will just have to have something to fill the shots with!! ;) (just think of the entry fee savings we could have - WISH is going to have to broaden out every now and again!!)

It sounds like qite a race, doesn't it?? I love how 90% of participants run "in disguise" - it sounds so much more dramatic than "costume" doesn't it?

I got up and did 4M of incline walking this AM. After taking Corinna's advice and resting yesterday, I really felt energized. :banana:

Thank goodness, Maria! I'm glad you took a day off. It's so tough to decide to take a rest day in that culture over on the Biggest Loser thread where people post how they are working out 2-3 times a day. Glad to hear your body appreciated the break! Incline walking sounds pretty intense!

Ice Cream - It is bad luck to run a Disney race longer than a 5K without eating soft serve ice cream - chocolate or chocolate/vanilla swirl the night before. It's true!!! So the only ice cream I had in January was a chocolate waffle cone from the Boardwalk. My friend Lysa was such a good sport - we were freezing on the boardwalk so we actually went in and talked to the DVC salesmen while we finished our cones.

College P.E. class - Actually, here in Minnesota, people call it "Phy Ed Class" I am SO not kidding you. Pronounced Fye Ed. I about laughed the first time someone said that when I was a freshman. My kids say it now :rolleyes1 Anyhow, I took one class called "Fitness Walking" which actually had a text book by the same name if you can believe it. We talked about the benefits of walking, good form, appropriate speed, and then we walked. On the track. Indoor and Outdoor. A LOT. The holy grail was always the 15 minute mile. Ironically: I started running because I really don't like to walk that fast. :laughing: I also took a volleyball class with my sister and R.A. I played on the Varsity team in high school, but it was a small school, I can't jump and I can't serve overhand, so there went my college career. I don't remember a lot about that class, except that my sister acted like her usual nutty self and we didn't really care for it, other than that.

2010 Goals:
28 minute 5K - I know I can get a Sub 30 (even my 5K Split in the Half was sub 30) - the question is now - just HOW sub....
Sub 2:10 Half Marathon - Either I need to pick up speed or stop for a few less pictures...
Back to Back Half Marathons in June - This may well preempt my participation in the Carleton Triathlon this year. And if so, that is OK.

It sounds like I'm starting to think of setting my sights on a full marathon with Maria - Disney 2012? I know it is a lot of lead time, but I'm thinking I want to increase my weekly mileage base pretty slowly - my back, feet and all being what they are. I'm going to keep training for the shorter distances, but maybe try some higher mileage training plans and see how it goes.

Is anyone watching the growing debate on the Teams thread?

Germ Update: My son is feeling a lot better and will be going back to school tomorrow. I, however, feel a sore throat starting. I told CASH: If I'm sick the way I might be sick this weekend, YOU are running the projections in Hades. :scared:


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