Team 'Ohana--No One Left Behind: The Continuing Adventures

Right now, though, I'm taking a few days off running. I fell off my porch - long story, which involves me doing something stupid as usual - and I have a bruise and soon-to-be scar to remember it by. Why don't I ever injure myself doing something heroic? :rotfl:

Because heroic doesn't lend itself to stories that are nearly as good :)
Right now, though, I'm taking a few days off running. I fell off my porch - long story, which involves me doing something stupid as usual - and I have a bruise and soon-to-be scar to remember it by. Why don't I ever injure myself doing something heroic? :rotfl:

Ouch! Hope you have a quick recovery! I've taken time off from running too - but I don't have a good excuse. Just really busy with kids and work.

Because heroic doesn't lend itself to stories that are nearly as good :)

So true!
I have a question for my cousins that has nothing to do with running...

Does anyone have any advice for a Disneyland/Southern Cal trip? We are thinking of going in August. Probably do a few days at Disneyland, but what else should we do in LA area (kids will be 15, 13, & 7)?

We want to stay a few days in San Diego too. I know we want to do the zoo, but I'm not sure what else.

I'd welcome any advice/suggestions!
Just finished the Richmond Half. Third time in Richmond. Just love this town and this race. We're already talking about going back next year. My racing days, well, they could be coming to an end. Or at least a slow down. I'm battling severe IT band problems in both legs, so the second half of the year has been tough. I finished yesterday, but it wasn't pretty. I've decided to pass on any more races for the next couple of months and let my body recover.

Julie - Only been to San Diego once, and for one day. Went to Disneyland, passed on the zoo, and went to Tijuana. I was young and stupid! I'd love to go back and try again!

Debra - We did Food & Wine this year for the second time. Realized that we completely skimmed over it last year, so we were determined to do it right this year. Think we tried all but a couple of booths, and LOTS of alcohol! Left feeling very successful. We were also there for the premiere of Glow with the Show at Fantasmic, which thrilled Annie to no end. And as a footnote to conversations on your Kungaloosh page, we had absolutely no problems with our magic bands and loved using them. I do question how much of a vacation it's going to become if you have to do so much work in advance, but I was fortunate that for this trip, Annie did all the work. It also helps that she's working as a travel agent now, so she gets paid to stay informed!

Debra - Falling off your porch could have been heroic, perhaps you saved a baby squirrel in the process???

I am back from my (hopefully first) Disney cruise. It was an absolutely fantastic vacation for Darcy and I. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can do it again!
I'm currently borderline on being able to do marathon weekend, with a final decision coming in the next week or so.

I'm thinking of passing on Ironman Texas next year in favor of being ale to do other events, perhaps returning to Ironman Arizona in 2015 so I can try a different IM course after doing IMTX 3 times.
Ouch Debra! I hope your bruise is healing. I have found the older I get the more the falls hurt. ;) Hence my trip to the ER this summer to have my knee xrayed.

W&D--hmmm, it was my 4th one. We are legacies....which is why we keep coming back. It was my slowest 1/2 ever--even slower than when I was injured...I was a miserable, miserable person at the start. To the point where I didn't even want to be around myself. I cried for 7 miles or so. I had the portapottie door yanked open (and the lock ripped off at mile 9). It was really quite awful. But oddly enough, did so much for my mental health. I have truly been struggling this year with some health and personal stuff and for some reason this really, really awful race reset my attitude. And it has stuck. Go figure.:goodvibes

Having said that, I am not scheduling a race for a while. I need a break. Still doing the mile a day. Still working out. Just need to not worry about races for a while.

Richard--glad the cruise was fun!

Jackie--itbs stinks! I am really sorry you are battling it. I still struggle with piriformis syndrome, but keep the itbs in check with minimalist shoes and lots of boring yoga.

And we weren't big fans of the magic bands either. Found myself staring at my phone way more than I wanted to. They work well, just not sure I like them.
Hi guys! It's been a long while since I posted here - life and all that. Mind if I rejoin? :)
Hello Ohana! Wondering if you guys are going to do your usual Beaches and Cream stop on Saturday afternoon during marathon weekend. If so, can I crash?

I booked a flight to come down for a quick weekend no-park, scream team trip and would like to hook up with any WISHers that I can find.

Oddly, my current training plan has me running 13 that weekend, but don't think that will happen in (hopefully) sunny Florida.

How about it cousins? Beaches and Cream on Saturday? 2 p.m. - ish? Maura, you are always welcome - you know I like to share an ice long as I don't actually have to split it. :lmao:

Welcome back, Beth!

I'm back to running, but it took longer than I'd like. At least I now have a scar I can make up cool stories about. (They're all true, I promise.) I was hoping for warmer late-fall/early-winter running coming into the WDW Half, but it looks like it's not to be. I'm trying to prepare for a repeat of 2010...

I still need to finish planning our January trip, now that I think about it. We're off-site again at WBC, our preferred way to spend the WDW Marathon time, so no Magic Bands for us.

Julie: I like being in the Disneyland/LA area in August. I haven't gone with kids, but I've liked visiting the Getty, Griffith Park and Venice Beach. There's also the Hollywood Walk of Fame, El Capitan, Grauman's etc. La Brea Tar Pits? We visited, but frankly I don't remember much about it. I've only ever been to SD for conferences, so no help there at all. :confused3

Jackie: I missed not spending more time at Food & Wine, but hope to go next year...maybe closer to Halloween or Wine & Dine. I'm really not a night race person though. So, how is your IT band and overall running recovery going? Are you still running, but without the focus on races, or have you switched up your sports? Going on a race hiatus must be hard - I hope doing it this chilly holiday season helps make the decision a bit easier. :flower3:

Richard: Did you decide about WDW Marathon Weekend and I missed it? What about the IM Texas next year? And can you believe I STILL haven't seen "Ender's Game"?

Rose: I've been meaning to tell you. DOOD and I are going to try streaking for a year - mile a day. It's all your fault. And now that some time has passed since W&D I assume you'll be back in 2014. They should recognize the 5 year mark, right?

I'm headed out for the IL Christmas trip next week. Tucson this year. I'm hoping for a couple of scenic runs in between family drama and holiday cocktails. Because there will be both. :rolleyes1

What are everyone's plans for the holidays? And I just realized many cousins won't be making the trip to WDW for race weekend. :eek:
What are everyone's plans for the holidays? And I just realized many cousins won't be making the trip to WDW for race weekend. :eek:

I'm one of the ones who won't be there this year. Too far to go for races without any anniversary medals. Yes, I'm a medal snob. And there are those work and cost things getting in the way too. Be sure to post lots of pics of the Beaches & Cream reunion. That's always a good time.

I've got mixed plans for the holidays. I'm the only one in the office the week of Christmas, which won't be much fun. A week in India before and a week in Sri Lanka after will make up for it, I think. I hope you guys all have fun plans with your friends and family too.
Hi guys! It's been a long while since I posted here - life and all that. Mind if I rejoin? :)

Maura--hope you have lots of fun scream teaming. :)

Debra--hope it goes well with the inlaws and that the sun is shining. :) Are you all planning on running every single day or just getting the mile in walk or run? I started off determined to run every single one, but my back said no. But that's ok. :) I think the best way to describe how I feel about the experience--walking or running that mile every day was a constant in my life in a year where I felt very unsure and uncertain of many things. And for that I am very grateful. And kind of proud of myself too.

As for w&d...My plan is to start training again in January for a good (for me) 10k time, hopefully under 65 min so that I can be in a decent corral, and then run a couple miles and then walk the rest, maybe even with some special gatorade.:goodvibes I really think my days of running the longer distances might be done. And I am sad. But I have to work with the body that I have. Plus that sounds a lot more fun to me than trying run the whole thing.

John--have fun on those trips you have planned! And I hope things aren't too crazy for you Christmas week. :)

We are not doing marathon weekend this year. The plan for 2014 is to try to make it to SC to see DS every 4 weeks or so at least for the foreseeable future. We are going to be at wdw over Christmas, but only doing two park days. Instead we are doing a swamp tour, kayaking to see the manatees, lots of mini golf, bowling and lounge tours. Hopefully the weather cooperates!

Ok--I see I used a lot of smilies. That's a good thing, right? :goodvibes
I hope everyone's doing well as Christmas is approaching!! One week of school left as of 3pm today, and then the little darlings' parents get them for a week and a half. :thumbsup2

My parents and sister are coming into town for the 23-26. I get a mini-break in the city as we'll be in a hotel in Times Square. Yay!!

It'll be my first marathon weekend when my sis isn't there (she'll be back scheduling on the Disney Dream - she's been at every weekend since my first half at WDW 2011), and my first WDW marathon where my parents aren't there. So it'll be kinda weird!

Stay safe and warm everyone!!
Beth - Welcome back!

Maura - Even though I won't be there in January, I'm always willing to join in for a virtual trip to Beaches & Cream.

Debra - If these temps continue, I would absolutely expect a repeat of 2010. And I can't say that I'm sad not to be coming. I have now completely retired from running for a few weeks, maybe even a few months. The IT bands just won't give up. I had a couple of races tentatively planned for late spring, but nothing definite. Right now the only thing that is mostly firm (how's that for commitment?) is Wine & Dine, which we've never done. Not sure how I feel about a night race, but mostly I want to combine a trip with seeing some of the Christmas lights. We're trying to get a group from here to go down, and considering trying the suites at Art of Animation.

John - Sorry you have to work Christmas week, but it sounds like you'll more than make up for it with the other travel. And as an aside, I'm really enjoying watching Harlow on Facebook! She's amazing! :thumbsup2

Rose - I really think my days of running the longer distances might be done. And I am sad. But I have to work with the body that I have. Ditto. I'm beginning to look at races that have marathon relays - I just have to find other people who want to do the other legs with me! Maybe we can do W&D together... if only I can get myself in shape to run a decent qualifying 10K. :worried:

Fortunately, we only have to spend the afternoon at the in-laws next Saturday. I think it's lunch and a cookie exchange? Annie's been having conversations with my MIL, so I'm just going to show up when I have to. Other than that, the holidays should be very low-key.

As for running, as I told Debra, I'm on hiatus. The foam roller is my best friend. Instead of running, I foam roll. I tried walking earlier this week, but it seems to do as much damage as running, so that may not be an option either until I get the tight spots under control. It's probably time for another 6-session package with my massage therapist. :santa:

Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday!

Hi Jackie, just wanted to pop in and say I totally understand the issue with long distance races. I have told myself no more marathons as the past 2 years of injuries may be a message as to what my body can take! In yoga, we are reminded to "work with the body you have today". It is a message worth heeding, but not always easy to listen to.
Hi cousins!!

I hope everyone is doing well as we get ever closer to Christmas! One week from today my parents and sister fly in!! So excited!!

Just found out today I'll be running the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run in April!! Yay for winning that lottery anyway!! That about wraps up my plans for 2014 race-wise, so I'm psyched!
Are you guys still taking new members? Or is this a "closed" type group that only certain people join? (Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just new here and not sure how to tell :) )
Are you guys still taking new members? Or is this a "closed" type group that only certain people join? (Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just new here and not sure how to tell :) )
I think we are always open for a few new members, or as we say here....a few new cousins. Your price of admission I'd to go back to page 1 and scan down a few posts to the introductory questions posted by Corinna and answer them here. After that all you have to do is participate in an awesome manner. (As a side note, being a sci-if fan is a big plus but not required.. ;-) )

A side note to everyone else, I've been busy at work but hope to catch up properly soon.
Debra. - It's a no to both Marathon weekend and Ironman Texas 2014 (just how did I, of all people, get stuck in the once a year IM habit?), and I will explain each later. :-( Now go see Ender's Game! ;-)
Oh, I *GOT* this. :D

Name: Jillian (JillyBean)
Day Job: Student; driving Mr. Daisy; bowl filler , doorman and tummy scratcher.
Family: Living here: 95 year old granddad (see second job above ... no, that's not his name, but that's what I feel like sometimes lol) and 9 year old shiba inu mix (see third job above)
Location: Panama City, FL
Favorite race you ever ran: None yet, unless the mad dash to the best ride in the park as soon as the rope drops counts.
Best recovery food or beverage: Open to suggestions
TV Shows you watch or have loved: Here's where I get my sci-fi cred (albeit semi-obscure "OMG I forgot about that show!!" type cred) ... seaQuest, Sliders, Space: Above and Beyond, Earth 2. Oh, and I watch NASCAR and college football.
Races Planned this year: Expedition Everest Challenge and Tower of Terror Ten Miler in 2014
Meaning of DIS screen name: Jillian Byrd ... Jilly Bean ... Better than the "Jail Byrd" name I got saddled with in elementary school.
Oh, I *GOT* this. :D

Name: Jillian (JillyBean)
Day Job: Student; driving Mr. Daisy; bowl filler , doorman and tummy scratcher.
Family: Living here: 95 year old granddad (see second job above ... no, that's not his name, but that's what I feel like sometimes lol) and 9 year old shiba inu mix (see third job above)
Location: Panama City, FL
Favorite race you ever ran: None yet, unless the mad dash to the best ride in the park as soon as the rope drops counts.
Best recovery food or beverage: Open to suggestions
TV Shows you watch or have loved: Here's where I get my sci-fi cred (albeit semi-obscure "OMG I forgot about that show!!" type cred) ... seaQuest, Sliders, Space: Above and Beyond, Earth 2. Oh, and I watch NASCAR and college football.
Races Planned this year: Expedition Everest Challenge and Tower of Terror Ten Miler in 2014
Meaning of DIS screen name: Jillian Byrd ... Jilly Bean ... Better than the "Jail Byrd" name I got saddled with in elementary school.

Welcome Jillian! I love the user name! :cheer2::cool1:

And you're in good company with the sci-fi crowd here...even if I'm losing my card for not having seen "Ender's Game" yet. Not that I'm bitter. I think we even have even NASCAR and college football here. (Alas, not the sports for me.)

I've done ToT the past couple of years and might be back for year #3. Headed toward a legacy status is so tempting. Then again, as I mentioned upthread so is Wine & Dine. At least the wine part. I may be a drinker with a running problem. :lmao:

I need to catch up with everyone soon. Maybe later today. I'm heading out the airport soon for the family holiday - DOOD's family. :crazy2: (Wait? Did I just make that face?) So if I get to the airport early enough I'll catch up. Love free wifi!

Meanwhile, just big hugs to both Rose and Jackie. :grouphug:


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