Team Rebel Alliance Introduction

I can send you an updated spreadsheet...this version will carry through new teammembers names through the end of the year.

Each week ends on Friday, unless its a short or long can tell by checking the formulas.

No particular reason for Friday ending, thats what Lisa (princessrunner) wanted for the goofs.

Each person's monthly total is at the bottom of their column, and the team weekly totals are in blue on each months page.

The team monthly totals and YTD are on the summary page.

let me know if you want the new version, linked here:

I haven't tried it, but I wonder if you opened both documents, if you could copy the February sheet from your existing to the new one...that might preserve all the entries so far.

Regarding time entry, you have it right...all miles and minutes count.

For example, I rode 40 minutes on my bike trainer this AM, so I would enter 40 minutes. When I go to the YMCA and get 40 minutes on the elliptical and 5 miles, I'll have a total entry of 5 miles and 80 minutes.

Good luck Rebels!!!!

Would love that spreadsheet Mike... I'll send the new link to my teammates :goodvibes
:stitch2: Monday Mixers w/ Team 'Ohana :stitch2:

I thought I'd let the Rebels know that Team 'Ohana is inviting their WISH family to come visit its thread on Mondays. We thought this would be a good way for people on the teams/threads to get to know other WISHers better. Plus, 'Ohana like to think we know how to throw a party and we always like new guests! The drinks are free, if virtual, and no one will tell you when you've had enough. :upsidedow

I'll post a reminder on Monday, with a loose question/discussion topic to get the conversations going. There's no need to stick to the topic, of course, as it's really your sparking, non-alcoholic but still intoxicating presence that is requested. So, if you have a little time for socializing with your cousins, please stop by 'Ohana on Monday! :goodvibes

We invite you to visit Team 'Ohana for the Monday Mixer! Stop by anytime today (or anytime, really) and say hi. The mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread.

Our loose topic for 'Ohana's first Monday Mixer is "What song made you laugh out loud the last time you heard it?"

Of course, you don't need to stick with that prompt. You can talk about the last thing that made you laugh out loud, period. Or the Oscars, Nascar, Pixar. Or the meaning of life, the universe and everything. (Although we over at 'Ohana already know the answer is 42. You'll learn to love our geekdom. :rolleyes1)
Happy Monday!
Well DS ran a 1/2 yesterday with a new PR for him at 1:21:52! :dance3: :yay: :cheer2: He was really happy with that (if I didn't mention it, he's only 15). Anywho...I ran my 5 yesterday, not pretty, but finished! I'm trying to convince DS to join our Rebel team. He's a Disney freak like me and obviously he's a runner! He keeps saying he will, he just needs to find time to sign on.:) Take care and stay strong!
Tracey 1:21! That boy is a ringer. I was at a half last year that was won in 1:15. Good work on the 5.

With the spread sheet, we all contribute our own stuff? Does that mean that I can enter my numbers at the end of the month or should it be entered more frequently?

Also, I just updated post #1 to introduce our team and answer a few questions. Let me know what else I should put on there. We will most likely be getting people who are not up on the game (like most of us already) so I want to get them up to speed quickly. Let me know.
Hi everyone... I went bowling yesterday and was still sore from the climbing gym on Saturday! Too funny!

My triathlon is coming up this Sunday.. so today will be my last swimming workout! I'm still nervous!

Tracey... wow! That's a fast pace for your son on the half! I was happy with my 2 hour 15 minute half last year! LOL

Scott, you can enter your numbers into the spreadsheet whenever you want... I just sent everyone the updated spreadsheet.. hopefully everyone's numbers transferred :goodvibes
I did 25 minutes today on the stair master with an 18 pound weight vest on... phew do I sweat when I have that thing on! Ha!! Hoping everyone else is doing great!!! :cool1:
Good evening Rebels!!!

Tomorrow Hakuna Matata will be hosting an Ice Cream Social. (that's an old fashioned term for mixer). We would love to hear from everyone about what their favorite recovery food is AND is that also your favorite WDW treat!!! Feel free to include any other interesting pieces of information in your answer especially the exact location in WDW where you get this marvelous food!!!

Hope to see you there!
Hi y'all.
Thanks, Suzann for transferring the numbers over. You're amazing wearing an 18 lb vest on the stairmaster.:worship: :worship: :worship: I'm sure that when you take it off you literally feel like a weight has been lifted:lmao: . DS is speedy's so much fun to watch him run! Going to his cross country meets gave me a good workout--I had to get to each viewing spot pretty quickly. You've been getting in alot of workout time, what all are you doing?
Hey everybody.....where are you?
Yeah, I feel light as a feather when I take the vest off! We're doing a "Biggest Loser" thing here at work, and one of the warehouse guys is wearing a 20 pound weight vest everyday, all day long... he's lost 30 pounds so far!! Amazing!

Great on your son running! Maybe he could get a scholarship that way!!

My workouts have been varying... this past weekend I went to the climbing gym for a couple of hours, bowling practice a couple of hours.. the week before that I helped dig a trench (trying to find a leaking pipe).. that was hard work! At the gym, I normally do swimming, running or the stairmaster.
Suzann You should wear the vest when climbing. You would have the biggest guns on the wish team!

I just got back from the gym. I did 3.1 in 26:04 and added another .7 in warm up and cool downs. I skipped my leg day because of some pain above my left knee.

Like Tracey said, "where is everyone"?
Laughing! My fingers and forearms would HURT if I wore the weight vest climbing!!!

Good pace on the 3 miles Scott! What's up with the pain in the knee?

I should be running at the gym today.. intervals
I'm here :wave:!
Scott that's an awesome pace for a 5k, I would be :banana: :banana: :banana: !
Suzann....I'm picturing a big climbing wall....or is there more in the climbing gym? I'm thinking that would be an awesome workout. I don't think we have anything like that around here.
Allyson, Angela, Laura, Kim.....where are you guys? Hopefully, you're really busy working out.:goodvibes
Tracey~ Yup, its like a big climbing wall, but on every wall of the gym! Super fun and I didn't know there was one within walking distance of my house!! You could look into it. I was intimidated about going in there, but they were SUPER nice to me!

Here's a picture of one that I found online

I walked 2 miles on the TM this morning in 28 minutes. I then did some lifting for a total of about an hour so far.

How is everyone else doing?
Suzann...that is so cool! I'm gonna look and see if we have anything around here. I know that there is one in IL, but it's geared more for kids parties.
Scott....I'm staying pretty consistent. I'll be adding extra walks in the evening so I can get DH out to exercise. He's always under alot of stress at work and it would be so good for him. He's been coming home, eating dinner, and laying on the couch:sad2: . He did 2.3 miles with me last night and I'm very proud of him.:cool1: He didn't talk much, but I chat enough for both of us:lmao: .
Take care guys!
Good job on the lifting and walking Scott! And yes, do the half :thumbsup2

Tracey~ Way to get your husband out and about!!

I did my time on the dreadmill yesterday and had bowling last night. Today should be a rest day for me as I haven't been home any earlier than 9:30pm every night this week!
Hi Team Rebel Alliance! :yay:

I've got two more eager participants coming your way - mickeyncldkd & Zane_Anthony (Tonya). I suspect there will be more in the near future! :goodvibes
Hi guys!
4.5 miles for me last night...DS3 and I are headed to a pirate party at the library.
Suzann....I've been putting my info in on the spreadsheet in minutes and seconds and I've got a wierd total of 10,000+ minutes. Should we only be putting in minutes? I'm going to look back and see where I messed up, but if you see it first would you let me know? Thanks. Did you take your rest day?
Take care all.

****I just went back in and changed over to just minutes and it seems to have fixed the problem. So, when you are tracking your time, it seems to work best to just use minutes and round up/down.
Susie~ Can't wait to meet our new team members!

Tracey~ Way to go with the miles! I did take a rest day yesterday... felt so good! Although I had to catch up on housework (laundry, dishes, etc) :laundy:

Ah yes... I think it should be minutes only as it gets confused with the seconds :goodvibes

Tonight I'm heading to the climbing gym.. tomorrow I don't have anything planned since *early* Sunday is my triathlon! :banana: (As long as I don't drown in the swimming part, I'll be fine) ;)


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