Tell me about Discovery Cove--have you gone???

We spent the day in Discovery Cove last month(4/18/03) and it was awesome. It was my daughter's 11th Birthday so I booked the Birthday package. For $100 the dolphin swam out with a buoy for her that was personalized. It also includes the video,a5x7 print,a t-shirt and a birthday cake. Because we had the birthday package our dolphin swim time was pre-arranged. It was wonderful. She was totally surprised and then at 3:00 we went for the cake and she was surprised again. My 12 year old DD, who is a anxious child wouldn't interact with the dolphin at all. They credited me the $100. It was totally unexpected. Now my DH and DD want to go back and do the Trainer for the day program. This is an experience not to miss!!:Pinkbounc

:bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc Denise thank you for sharing your experience with my I;m so jealous, we dont go till October but are going for 3 weeks and staying in all star movies. last time we visited was October 2000 for my 40th birthday year. Mind you it will fly by as we are already nearly to end of May.I have booked DC so no going back now. thank everso lynnexx
Hi. I'm new to these boards. I've just recently plannned a July trip to Universal that includes a day at Discovery Cove. I am even more excited about the trip after reading all of the discussions here! It really sounds like the swim with dolphins and snorkeling is worth the $$. Two sons (17,14) and I will be doing the dolphin swim, husband will watch that part. Thanks for sharing all of the helpful info on these boards!
Both me, my mum and my younger brother went to Discovery Cove. It was the BEST ever!!!!
Every single part of the day was amazing!!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
discovery cove is awesome for grownup and child alike - at least for us it is - my little girl said to me two nights ago - "so lets stay at discovery cove for a week next time"... even though you can do everything there in one day... she wants to do a lot of time there...frankly so do I... I could have snorkeled in that lagoon for hours
I'm headed to Discovery Cove and SeaWorld in a couple of weeks and I can't wait! I do have one concern about DC and I'm hoping some of you who have already been can help. Can you wear sunglasses during the dolphin swim? I can not see in bright sunlight at all without my sunglasses. I haven't found any pictures on the web that show people wearing sunglasses...please tell me they'll let me! I'd like to be able to see what is going on.

:cool: :D :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc :sunny: I am really excited about dc my children want to go and because my dh didn't want to I thought I had better, although I can't stand the thought of fish swimming around me, but listening to you all it is defo one not to be missed and although a lot of money well worth everypenny. I keep getting mixed replys about camera and video shots, can I use my cam corda to view the dolphin experience some say yes and others say no! also how much in sterling is tape? only thing with tape you get loads of view with other people, when at the end of the day I'm sure I would rather just have my 2 and me on film, any views on this. KSH will be pleased to hear from you when you return from holls, have a good one, regards lynne
We were at DC on the 21st. My husband videoed my sons and I during the dolphin encounter with no problem. He wasn't allowed right in the water but our video is wonderful!! I don't know why you wouldn't be allowed to wear sunglasses just like regular glasses during this time. The only things they are concerned about are loose items such as jewelry (one wedding band is allowed to stay on) and cameras dangling from you wrist. Also loose strings on bathing suits that the dolphins might want to play with! We had a blast!!! The whole day was absolutely worth every penny we paid!
thank you for sharing your trip tips to dc, its nearly 2 months on 9th August going for 3 weeks I'm so excited just cant control myself, i'm worse than the kids. I know from all your replys that the experience is going to knock our socks of. I'm sure I will post more questions at some point. many thanks. xx
Wow,its been almost a year since my family went to Disney and DC. Time flys. We loved DC. and will go back again the next time we visit Orlando. My sons were 7,11,and 13 at the time and my 7 yr old had a broken leg. He had a waterproof cast and was still able to do everything. I was alittle uptight and would like to go back again when I'm not concerned about something like that. Next time I will do DC in the middle of the vacation instead of the beginning as it is a great day to relax. I recommend doing the swim as early as possable in the morning or late in the day so you don't have to keep checking the time. I also felt the swim with the dolphins was alittle too orchastrated,if that makes sense. I understand some of the others have more of a " not so planned" feel about them. Regardless, I think it was well worth the money and would do it again in a heartbeat.
I also felt the swim with the dolphins was a little too orchestrated,if that makes sense.
Yes it does. We really enjoyed the Dolphin Swim but it seems like the "script" was way too rushed. We actually enjoyed being able to relax and snorkel at our own pace and loved the Aviary even more. Do agree about signing up for the swim early especially during the summer months. (Afternoon thunderstorms) We are planning on visiting again in 04'. It is well worth it.:)
,,,for July 4th '04. We can hardly wait especially after reading all the posts here! We picked July 4th because we felt of all the
places to be that day,DC would probably be the least crowded.
And,its actually right in the middle of our vacation! AKL for a week,then check into the Dolphin resort and the next day,swim with the dolphins!! Probably visit Sea World the day after!!
Enjoy your trip.:) For those of you who went recently, Are they still opening up reservations for the Dolphin swim before official park opening? We got there 20 mins before "official opening" and the 1st 2 time slots were already full. Thx.:)
Just got back today from Universal. We did Discovery Cove on Tuesday and absolutely loved it!
just completed my second trip to Discovery Cove last week. It was awesome! I could never get tired of going there!
i cant believe this post is still around!!!

we are going back to disney this summer and may
go to discovery cove w/o dolphin swim, prices have increased
by $50 since we went last!

great to see people love this place!
Does anybody have any photos of the park? How large is the snorkeling lagoon and is it seperate from the stingray lagoon?
We will be in Orlando for the first time this year. Have got tickets for a day in Discovery Cove and to swim with dolphins. Unfortunately, both my sons know it was something we were thinking about doing so it won't be a huge suprise. My plan now is not to talk about Disney/SeaWorld/Discovery Cove etc at all until we are on the plane!! Don't suppose it will work, but I can try. I am sort of hoping they might forget that I booked flights and hotel in WDW! It is still a few months before we go. Our day in Discovery Cove is my elder boy's 11th birthday (he doesn't know that is booked definitely).


:hyper: :hyper: :earsgirl: :earsboy:


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