*Teresa & Greg-7/1/12*Swan/Fultons/GF Marina-Epcot Character Fun-Updated*2/22*

Ladies! We have been blessed to have been featured on the Disney Wedding Podcast. Carrie Hayward the host of the show is wonderful and asked us to be the featured couple from the swan. Last week she did a feature from the president of Just Marry! and this week she follows that show up with our story of our wedding including planning and helpful tips!

I hope you guys enjoy it.

On the Web

on iTunes

PART 2: The First Look

For those of you that do not know or those of you that stick very much to tradition a "First Look" is when the Bride and Groom see each other before the ceremony begins. This was a very important aspect of the day for me. Greg is my rock and I knew that if I did not see him and get to spend some time talking to him the potential for me being a nervous wreck would be high. If you have read part 1 then you know that things were kind of crazy that morning!!

Randy Chapman my photographer was all ready to go and had gotten Greg ready to go as well for the first look. First however we had to take some bridal shots in the room before going down to meet Greg by the big Dolphin fountain.





Everyone watching the Bridal shots.

Once we got done with all the pictures where everyone was watching me pose and be a model, haha, it was time to go downstairs. While I was walking downstairs with everyone Randy left to go get Greg positioned. As my mom, bridesmaids and planner headed downstairs we went straight to the elevator. When the doors opened 3 little kids popped out 2 girls and 1 boy. The boy saw me and immediately said "WHOA" followed by "I was not expecting that" he must have been somewhere between 8 and 10. The girls' jaws dropped and said "you look really pretty" they got out of the elevator slowly staring the whole time. We could not help but laugh, I said thank you and we got on the elevator. Right before the doors closed they came running back...they said "can we get on with you if there is room we got off on the wrong floor?" I can not remember if they got in the elevator or not because I believe another elevator got to the floor right when they asked....anyway moving on it was so flattering and funny.

My planner warned me as we came downstairs that she tried to get all our guests to leave the lobby of the Swan but that they would not go outside as they were busy chatting. She wanted me to be prepared that everyone would be standing there. I was pretty upset about this because I did not want anyone to see me but there was nothing I could do about it. Instead of being upset I just gently smiled and walked by as fast as possible with my mom and planner.

Greg was already set and waiting for me to come walking here are some pictures of Greg getting set.


I love this picture of my Husband




I think he is ready to go! Don't you just love that boutonniere


So I came walking all the way from the Swan to the Dolphin with my mom and Diana helping me the whole way. Diana was directing me on how far to walk and all the while Randy and Stan were doing their thing. Once I got close enough Randy got me positioned. When he was sure we were both ready he had Greg turn around. That moment you want to happen when your groom sees you for the first time well I had that moment for myself. When I saw him turn around my breath caught in my chest and I was fighting back tears. He looked so handsome and I was amazed that today was our wedding day. It was at that moment that it really hit me. Here are the series of pictures of that amazing moment.










Reaching out for the hand of my soon to be husband



Desperately trying not to cry, can't mess up that amazing makeup




Due to picture limits I will need to continue this part in another post! A few more pictures coming up!

I loved the first look because it meant so much to me. I got to see Greg before the ceremony and my nerves definitely were settled by our time spent together. We did not kiss once which I noticed because when we are with Randy he always has us kiss each other but not this time. We laughed and had a great time. The one thing I noticed though was that my mom and I were going to have to go into a bathroom and adjust my bra and my dress. For some reason you could see a little bit of my bra if I moved a certain way so we had to fix that. I love the first look pictures though and although I don't have a picture that just evokes all kinds of tears and emotion seeing those images it brings back the emotions that I felt that day. Here are a few of my favorites:














There are so many more awesome pictures. I am not sure how long the first look was but it sure helped everything. Sharing that short period of time before the wedding with my soon to be husband is something I will cherish forever. Here are a few more shots.






Randy showed me how to carry my own dress! What a brilliant man!



Fabulous lighting!


There was one other moment from the first look that I loved and it was caught on film by Randy!


My Mom and Greg together talking before the wedding I am so glad that they had some time as well it made things so perfect.

I would definitely recommend doing a first look. There are some traditions I am so glad that we broke.

coming up next: Part 3: The Ceremony!

Teresa & Greg
I am so glad you are reading everywhere that is so nice. I will get something up on the DIS can you let me know exactly what you would like to know?

i'm really busy this week will send u a pm on facebook when i get a chance, ps looking forward to listenin to the podcast about ur swan wedding :)
I am really enjoying your TR and loving all of your photos! I especially love seeing photos from different couples' first look. I really love the idea of it and it really gets me excited about the possibility of also doing one myself.

Looking forward to hearing you talk about your wedding on the podcast!
I love all your pictures! OMG your flowers were amazing! I listened to you on Carrie's podcast. :cool1: I'll be following along as you post more of your TR and pics.
Gorgeous pictures! I absolutely LOVE your bouquet! The purple calla lilies are breathtaking.
So, I'm finally all caught up and everything turned out beautifully! I am glad the first look gave you guys some time together and calmed you down. I'm sure you felt so much better after that! It sounds like you managed to be a very calm bride!
Your flowers are stunning.

What a stressful morning.

You are a very beautiful bride.
•I loved having a first look, and I totally agree--It helps with the nerves.
•The photos are so beautiful. I love that fountain!!!
•Oh my goodness, they way Greg is looking at you seriously gives me tears. I love this!!
•You look so happy, aww.. You're about to get married!!!! :bride:
Gorgeous!! Such awesome photos!

pictures of you are coming!

i'm really busy this week will send u a pm on facebook when i get a chance, ps looking forward to listenin to the podcast about ur swan wedding :)

glad you got a chance to listen I hope it helped

I am really enjoying your TR and loving all of your photos! I especially love seeing photos from different couples' first look. I really love the idea of it and it really gets me excited about the possibility of also doing one myself.

Looking forward to hearing you talk about your wedding on the podcast!

You must do a first look it really helps calm any nerves and gives you some peace of mind

I love all your pictures! OMG your flowers were amazing! I listened to you on Carrie's podcast. :cool1: I'll be following along as you post more of your TR and pics.

I am glad you heard the podcast! The flowers were really really cool!

Love, love love

Great pics Teresa!


Gorgeous pictures! I absolutely LOVE your bouquet! The purple calla lilies are breathtaking.

:wave2: Thank you

So, I'm finally all caught up and everything turned out beautifully! I am glad the first look gave you guys some time together and calmed you down. I'm sure you felt so much better after that! It sounds like you managed to be a very calm bride!

i was pretty shocked with myself that I was pretty calm the whole day!

Your flowers are stunning.

What a stressful morning.

You are a very beautiful bride.

Thank you!

•I loved having a first look, and I totally agree--It helps with the nerves.
•The photos are so beautiful. I love that fountain!!!
•Oh my goodness, they way Greg is looking at you seriously gives me tears. I love this!!
•You look so happy, aww.. You're about to get married!!!! :bride:

aww thanks Danielle and I am glad you see the same look on his face that I saw. The ceremony is coming today!
PART 3: The Ceremony

Wedding Playlist Click Me To Play
Feel Free to Play this as you read
1. La Vie En Rose
2. Concerning Hobbits
3. Across The Stars
4. Star Wars Main theme
This playlist is missing Real Gone from Cars

We have officially reached the Wedding Ceremony and the part where we actually say our vows. I am going to do my best to give you the play by play the best that I can. There are parts of the ceremony itself that are such a blur for me because it happened so incredibly fast.

Once we got done with the First Look Greg and I had to walk all the way back over to the Swan to get set for the ceremony. I needed to go and fix my dress and undergarments so mom joined me for that adventure into the bathroom. Greg went off to go get lined up with everyone else and I joined my Mom and Dad in some cushy chairs until it was time to get me lined up. I was already pretty hot but I was trying to just handle it all without saying anything to anyone but my dad went and got me water. My feet were already hurting because little blisters had started to rub from my shoes. When it was time to get lined up Diana came and got me and we went over to the side of the Swan to get in place. I could not hear anything coming from crescent terrace so I had no idea what music was playing.

So the order of people walking into the ceremony and music to be played was as follows:
*Grandparents Paternal and Maternal- La Vie En Rose, Louis Armstrong, Wall-E
*Bridal Party followed by Groom and Parents- Concerning Hobbits, Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
*Junior bridesmaid/Junior Groomsman and Ringbearer- Real Gone, Cars
*Bride and Parents- Across The Stars, Star Wars Attack of the Clones

Two things happened with this processional. My youngest nephew and the ring bearer was having nothing of walking up the aisle with his brother. So he had to be carried in. In addition I would find out later that the incorrect songs were played. This is not anyone's fault but mine. I should have written something down or talked with the planning assistant that was doing the music to make sure that this ran smoothly. No one else would have noticed it though because the song that did play was long enough to cover everything. I found out about this when I watched the part of the video that I have.

Here are some pictures of the processional:

Rev. Teresa Knox


Delgado Grandparents


Moya Grandparents


Faith Russell (Bridesmaid), Jeff Delgado (groomsman, brother of bride)
Luke Delgado (ringbearer, nephew)


Salina Estrada (maid of honor), Steve Lutha (groomsman, brother of groom)

When we were told to start walking we made our way down the pathway and once I got a little down the path I heard Across The Stars and I was very happy that it could be heard. I had been nervous about that aspect of the ceremony. The song was gorgeous and I remember just trying to walk.





I love the emotion in Greg's face

As luck would have it as I made my way up the little stairs I stepped up and my shoe caught on the front of my dress and I tripped. Luckily I did not fall and there pretty much was no way for that to happen since my mom had my arm on one side and my dad had my arm on the other side. Both of my hands were gripping my bouquet so I could not lift up the front of my dress. In my head I just kept thinking...say something clever...say something clever. So if I remember correctly I said something like "ok we are good, just checking things out". I am pretty sure people were laughing because I know I was and so were my parents. Check it out.



Ok we are up the stair now...steadying me out




still laughing...

The ceremony was gorgeous and very well put together. I am so glad that I got to work closely with Teresa Knox to customize a ceremony that was just us. Greg's vows were amazing and I remember this part the most. He read a poem to me that he wrote towards the beginning of our relationship that is framed in my office at work. He had to get it out of his memory and he had it perfect word for word. He made me want to cry many times. I used something that I found on pinterest for my vows. I had no problems doing this because I knew when I read it for the first time that it would be perfect. Another aspect I really remember was when the button that Greg had attached to his boutonniere fell off he kicked it under my dress and said something clever and everyone started laughing.

In addition we handed out peacock feathers to our moms and my grandmothers. The peacock feather is very symbolic of Nobility, Guidance, Holiness, Incorruptibility, Glory, Vision and Immortality. All of these things were very important to us as a couple and we wanted to share these qualities with the women in our lives.

Our unity chest I think went pretty smooth. My future sister in law and also Disney Bride had forgotten her letter to us in her purse and she came up and did her quote to us by memory and then had to walk to her purse and go get the letter she was to put in the chest. Then the locks were not out of their packaging so we still have yet to lock it as it is boxed up in a box that got shipped home. We need to lock it though and maybe actually stain the chest now. I am glad that we did it though I am very interested to read the items inside of it in 25 years.

More Coming Up....
The next two sections of posts for this part are picture heavy
Here are some images from the ceremony:

Our Program



My mom gave me away




The beauty and glory of the feather


Greg trying not to cry while reading his vows



Unity Chest


In memoriam of my uncle and great grandmother




I love this one!



You May Kiss the Bride!

Of course being the independent woman that I am I could not have Rev. Knox announce us as Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lutha so we were introduced as Greg Lutha and Teresa Delgado. I have no idea if this bothered anyone I would bet it probably did but oh well. We had to exit the platform to the title theme from Star Wars of course!




Be careful there walking down those stairs!


He had my hand very tight!

After the ceremony we did a lot of pictures with family and we kind of ended up having a receiving line where everyone came and gave us hugs. I was not really expecting that to happen but it did. We also had a staged exit where everyone threw Fruity Pebbles cereal at us as confetti. I have to thank my bridesmaid Faith Russell for putting all the cereal in the little bags. I know my nephews were happy about the cereal because they were getting hungry so they decided to eat some of our confetti. The cereal did great and it did not stain anything!

Here are some pictures:


Cereal Confetti


The Lutha Family


Greg and His Parents


My mom and dad


Moya (Mom's) Grandparents

More Coming Up





Delgado (Dad's) Grandparents




Being Normal


The Best Boys Ever




Bridal Party





Cereal Dress


I noticed it and was going to shake it off and was told by Randy Chapman to leave it




Once the ceremony was over and the staged exit was done it was time for everyone to go get into the Black Mears Vans that we hired to take everyone to Downtown Disney. While that was being taken care of Randy took Greg and I off to go take pictures!

Coming Up in Part 4: Picture time at the Swan!

Love all of your pictures so far! I actually teared up a bit when I watched the video Stan posted on his Facebook.

The unity chest is such a great idea...I must've missed you posting about it previously.

The tripping pictures are priceless! I'll probably have a few of those myself.
This is primarily a picture post. Once our guests and family left to go to the reception we spent a good bit of time at the Swan taking pictures. So many gorgeous pictures came out and I could not be happier that I had the photographer that we had.

We took pictures on the bridge leading to the Boardwalk then we turned around and did pictures over at Crescent Terrace. We also did some pictures with the architecture of the Swan itself. I hope you enjoy the barrage of pictures.
























We took a lot more really cool pictures and they are up on my facebook or you can visit this link to the album on Photobucket

Coming Up: We Take over Downtown Disney


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