Teresa's WISH Jouranl (Comments Welcomed)

Hi Tera,

I'm rescuing you ;) You're near the edge of the first page!!!!

Hope all is going well.

Thanks Sunny - I meant to type in my journal last night, but was too tired.

Camping was great! Weather was perfect and we had a great group of friends. It's kind of sad it's our last trip, but now I know I can concentrate on the rest of this weight without a problem.

I forgot to post after my last weight. I didn't get the 146, but was close at 146.8 I was pretty happy since I've been losing a steady pound each week. I can handle that.

The scale was up to 153 when we got home, but down to 150 this morning. It's still 3 pounds up, but hope in the next day or two, I'll be back down. Not sure there will be a loss this week :guilty:

This morning I got up at 5:30am and went to the gym. I did 45 minutes on the ellptical, burning almost 600 calories. I hope that helps.
I just found out my 20th high school reunion is planned for October 15th and I totally excited. At my 10 year, I had just had my youngest daughter, so I know I was up about 50 pounds. I think I actually might weigh less than I did in high school :blush:

It's going to be a busy week trying to catch up on stuff around the house.
Well the scale was down to 148 this morning, so only 1.2 above last weeks weight. I have decided not to weigh in tomorrow as usual and wait until Friday. I really don't want to have a gain this week, especially with me so close to goal. Next week I'll go back on Wednesday and hopefully will be celebrating goal by then.

I got up early again and went to the 5:45am spin class. I dread it in the morning, but am happy after class that I went. I'm hoping in time, my legs will start to tone and I'll see a difference in my measurements.

Food today has been good. I've been so busy, I'm lucky to get anything in.

Tomorrow I'll get up and head to the gym early. I have a busy work day ahead of me, so I'll have to make sure I pack easy snacks and try and get my water in.
Well I'm not starting my day or weekend off very well. I put off weighing in this week, thinking I would lose my "camping weight". Well this plan totally backfired and ended up gaining 1.6 pounds, more than I would have been on Wednesday. This is totally bumming me out since I have less than 2 weeks to get to goal and need to lose 3.4 pounds. :guilty: Just seems like I take 3 steps forward and 1 step back every time. I'm thinking about switching back to Flex, but I hate having to write things down and love that I have more of a choice for food.

We're doing our Labor Day barbecue on Saturday instead of Monday, which is good for me since I'll have more time to flush out, but unless I lose at least 2 pounds next week, I don't see me getting my goal on schedule.

I've been working out hard and walking tons at work. Food has been great and now wonder if I'm just not eating enough :confused3 I don't feel hungry :confused3 Need to start writing stuff down again
Hi Teresa, hang in there...you may get that goal in the nick of time!
Hope you have a great bbq!
Thanks Lily... It can get frustrating sometimes

Well today I'm feeling VERY disgusted with myself. The weekend has been pretty good, but with a barbecue Saturday and football draft Sunday, I had too many opportunities to blow it. The scale this morning was WAY up to 152, but I know a lot of this is water.

Today we have no plans, so I will stick to my plan and hope by tomorrow, I can flush some of this out. I was going to weigh in on Wednesday, but I might have to wait until Friday. I'm not sure I can handle gaining two weeks in a row :guilty:
I'm still feeling very frustrated :guilty: The scale dropped down to 150, but it's been holding there for the past couple of days. I have been sticking to the Core program to a tee the past few days, but still nothing :confused3 I'm giving it one more day and if I don't drop tomorrow, I am going back to Flex. I'll have to pull out my original stuff and re-read everything so I can get a new shopping list together. The Core was great, but definitely was going back and forth with my weigh.

I did the spin class yesterday and then today I did 20 minutes ellptical and 15 minutes on the bike.

Work has been good and I keep busy enough not to be thinking about eating and my weight loss.

Friday I will weigh in and hopefully can get back down to 148, but am shooting for 147.
Hi Tera,

Sorry that the Core program isn't gving you consistant results. The flex program did work for you, so you can always stick with what works for you. You are a workout queen.
Take care,
Thanks Beth - Everytime I complain about the Core plan, I lose something. I don't know what to do, stick it out or switch :confused3

Well I decided I'm going to skip my weigh in this week and try and get back to my regular day on Wednesdays. I'm also hoping I can get rid of this extra weight and actually have a loss next weeek.

I'm still working out, but only getting in about 45 minutes. I guess that it's better than nothing, but need to really turn up the weights.

Food has been good and I'm sticking to the core program pretty well. I think as long as I stay away from the alcohol, I'll be fine

Jessica celebrates her 13th birthday tomorrow. We're having the neighbors over as usual and I ordered a 6 foot sub sandwich. I also have shrimp and veggies, so I think I should be okay.
:bday: :bday: Happy Birthday to jessica!

Watch out Mom, you have a teenage girl on your hands now. You have a good plan in place for tomorrow. I hope you all have a great time.

45 minutes is definately better than nothing. The start of the school year is always a time of adjestment. You'll figure out a schedule that works.

Take care,
Sorry to hear you are struggling Tera. Hopefully things will smooth out soon on the loss front. Hang in there - I know you can do this!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thannks Chris and Beth!

Jessica's birthday was a lot of fun even though I bought way too much food. I guess it's better to have too much than not enough :)

I went to the 5:45am spin class yesterday. I'm really starting to enjoy that class.

I had my first day back on Flex and did pretty well. Stayed within my points all day until last night, but don't think I blew it too much. The scale was up this morning as expected, but think it'll be back down by tomorrow. I had to pull out my journal from when I first started WW and try and remember what foods I ate. It might take me some time, but I think I'll be able to get back on track. This is our first weekend home, so food shouldn't be an issue. Football starts tomorrow :cheer2: :cheer2:
Well the weekend was nice and I've been staying OP with the Flex program. Friday I was at 149 and after Happy Hour on Friday night, I was at 150 (not a surprise) this morning I was thrilled to see 147.5, so the scale is finally moving again. I was thinking maybe I'm getting way too much fiber on Core and I'm just retaining water. Anyways, food today has been good and I have gotten tons of water in, so I'm hoping to see 147 on the scale by tomorrow. If I can keep this pace, I'm hoping to be at goal by next week, one week off schedule.

Tomorrow the plan is to really work out hard on the weights, especially my legs. I know one day, these things will get toned :blush:
The scale is still moving and I'm at 146.5 now. I was going to weigh in tomorrow, but there is a VERY good chance that I could get down to 145 by Friday. I've been great with the flex, staying within my points, not using my 35 weekly points or AP's like before, so I'm confident that the 1.5 will be gone in the next couple of days. Once I get to goal, I'm going to stick with the flex for a few more weeks, try and lose an additional 5 and then switch back to core for maintenance/lifetime.

Work has been busy and I've very exhausted tonight. The biggest loser is just starting and I find it very motivating to get my fat butt in gear.

Today I did the spin class for 45 minutes and plenty of walking at work. Tomorrow I will do some cardio and burn those calories and maybe some upper body weights.
Congrat on the falling scale.

It sounds like you have a solid plan in place. I am so proud of you.

Keep up the great work,
Wow Tera :earseek: You are making amazing progress! I wish I had your discipline! You aren't eating your APs or Flex :earseek: I know I need to do some of that, I just can't bring myself to be so diligent! Weigh to go :cheer2:

Hi Tera,

Just checking in with you. I hope you have a great weekend.

Take care,
Thanks guys for checking up on me. Wouldn't be where I am without you :flower:

Well it's been a couple of days since I last wrote in my journal and the scale was up and down this week. I waited until Friday to weigh in and I didn't make goal, and I'm okay with that, but I did lose 1.8 and am at 146.6 pounds currently. I was pretty happy with that considering I'm going to start my TOM any second now. I feel bloated, but not as bad as I have in the past. Maybe in a couple of days, I'll have a big WHOOSH before my next weigh in. I have decided not to rush the goal and since I have 9 coupons left, I'm giving myself 3 more weeks to lose as much as possible and then I have 6 coupons left for the weeks I need to do maintenance. I'm getting comfortable with the switch back to Flex and I think evidentually, I will get there.

We don't have much going on this weekend, so I think I'll be good. I need to get back to going to my WW meetings on Wednesday so I can actually stay for the meetings. On Fridays, I just weigh in and leave. I need to start going to the meetings again if I want to succeed in this. :sunny:
Well TOM finally arrived Sunday morning, so I was glad to have it start. I'm still up at 147 as of this morning, so apparently no big WHOOSH just yet, maybe by tomorrow. I was planning to weigh in tomorrow, but since I'm off on Friday, I will plan to wait until then and hopefully be down some. I'm just shooting for 1.5 pounds and I'll be happy.

Food this week has been fine, but I've definitely had the chocolate cravings. Workouts have been good, doing weights yesterday and spin class today. Tomorrow I'll work on more weights and get some kind of cardio in. I've been getting in over 3 miles a day just walking around at work.

It's been a busy week and will continue again tomorrow. PTO meeting tonight, tomorrow I have Jessica's teacher conference after work. The season of Lost starts, so we'll pick up Del Taco (for kids only) and head home to watch the premier. Thursday I'm going out after work with the ladies for some drinks, but need to keep it to a minimum if I'm going to weigh in Friday. Friday afternoon, I'm having lunch with my Weight Watcher buddies at Sweet Tomatoes.

Well see what the scale brings me tomorrow....
Hi Tera,

I hope you enjoy Lost. :wizard: for the Whoosh Fairy to show up soon.

Take care,


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