test Part 3

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not doing much here today, wet and nasty out, so no undecorateing,, ( boxes are all stored in storage building over at grannnys, trying to cook greens, black eyed peas, salt pork etc:) sposed to go to friends and play rpg after 7 tonight so will end up rushing to get supper fixed and then eaten and to nieghboring town in time to play:)

Happy New years everyone, hope this yera brings success in all your goals:)
Its in the 70's here today and beautiful out! I went shopping and got some great deals!!

Tonight I m going to take down the christmas decor. But it is too beautiful to stay inside right now.
Evening all!

Today is typically my un-decorate put it all away day...but with my family here, and spread out all over the house...(they are trying to pack 1000 lbs. of stuff into a 500 lb. bag...lol) it is impossible to get the tree undone. I've been putting items that sit around away...and trying to at least organize and put things in piles to be packed into my tubs...but NO...today did not get the grand "let's get it all put away" attention it usually does.

We have to be to the airport very early tomorrow a.m., so I'll have all day to work around the house...I'll be sad anyway, so it will be good to be busy and focused on something other than the fact that the babies have left.

It was very warm here today also...very un-December like..but a welcome day after the cold of the last few weeks. I think it is calling for rain tomorrow, so we will see.

Glad everyone is enjoying their New Years Day!! :wave: Pam, we are closing in on your BIG post #....woo hoo...won't take this bunch of chataholics long come the first of the week...when we all are over the holiday.
mic, so glad you have had the family for the week to enjoy.
i am sure you have loved every minute of it, especially with the mr. littles.

the morning will come too soon, enjoy the rest of the evening fully.

talk later.
We went to my grandma's today. We ate cabbage--yummmmm, black eyed peas. mac n cheese, cornbread (yuck) and squash (also yuck). Watched a couple of video's and now have come home to laze around. My tree is still up maybe we will take it down tomorrow, or maybe dh can put my gifts on it and it can be my birthday tree--hey anything not to mess with all the stuff yet.
Evan goes back to preschool Wed and the older ones go back Thursday.
Mic - We will be around tomorrow. I know it is hard to say goodbye.

Deena - A birthday tree!! What a great idea. If I was there i would place pictures of you from baby to now and make it your birthday tree! I am sorry i am not there to do that. But we will do our own special hoopla here!! We love reasons to celebrate.
mic--it is very hard to say good-bye, but you will see them soon! You are going to AZ in March right?!?!?!

deena--a birthday tree!!! very clever!

ocm--you are so creative! I would have never thought of that! I guess that is why we call you the all-mighty one! lol

mac--i am so sorry that you missed the movie last night! You ventured out on NYE's for nothing!

We had a good time last night! We played texas hold em which i have NEVER played before--well I was the big winner! I am ready for vegas!!!! :cool1: Then we played hucklebuck for $$ and i was the big winner in that too! Maybe i will have good luck in 2005 ;) I can only hope!!!!

How was the rest of your nights????
LOL OCM I'm lucky if my dh has my present to give to me on the actual day. I will never see the tree covered with me (said like Dr Suess) by him, lol.
I think I may be setting myself up for disappointment. I gave him a suprise party last April for his 40th but Im pretty sure he is not even thinking of mine. Unless my best friend (either one) has called him.
To bad you guys dont live closer, we could have one heck of a party!
yoo hoo deena, here i am , i 'm listening to you........
but it was 8003 post when you said that about the 8000 one.

go ahead and talk, i'm all ears.......
good morning friends, another new day for us............

think i will call this day Sunday
Morning Everyone!! I took the morning to put all of the christmas decor away! Done gone...poof! LOL Nico keeps telling me how much he is going to miss our christmas tree. Such a sensitive kid.

Deena - I wished we lived closer too! We could have a big party...psst...these people are crazy party animals! They are wicked big fun!!

Mic - how are you doing today? March isnt too far off.

Mac - bummer about NYE!!!

Ed - I still keep missing you. Hope you had a good weekend.

Pam - did you ever hear back from the chick?

Morning...I'm being rather sad this morning...putting decorations away and doing laundry and finding little reminders of the little ones...a toy, a shirt left behind...I'm not feeling much like anything really :guilty: I've been trying not to cry all morning, but it just overcomes me at times and I can't help it.

So, I'll be better later this afternoon and I'll pop by. Thanks for all hugs and kind thoughts. I don't think we will get out in March as we hoped, vacation seems to fall at odd times for us this year, and we are doing our Florida trip a little later than normal...so, not sure if we will get out before Oct...but I'm hoping!!
hi all.............looks like you missed my pic this morning.........
i'll try it again later........

mic, shall i tell stories to cheer you up???????
i'll get ahold of you later.

i'll bop back in again this afternoon.
Mic--go see them soon and go to WDW in Oct. Lots of ppl will be there, incl rwethereyet. Lots of fun stuff planned.
macraven said:
hi all.............looks like you missed my pic this morning.........
i'll try it again later.......

You Mrs MAC are a big tease!!!!
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