

Are you wanting to post a link to that website, or post a photo in your sig?

If the link, you'll need to begin the address with [htm] and end the link with [/htm]

If you want to embed a photo, you need to get the photo's address by putting your mouse on the photo, right clicking, choosing "properties", and getting the address from that box. For this photo, that would be:

http: //www.parabol-designs.com/photos/images/riley_jpg.jpg

Then you start the image with [ img] and end with [ /img].


The only problem is that this photo is too large to use in your signature. You need to edit it in a photo editing software to reduce the file size- it needs to be under 35K. Right now it's over 70K.

If you need help doing that, we can give you a hand later tonight.

I gotta tell ya- that's one CUTE doggie!
I am trying to post a picture in my signature, it keeps coming up as an x
Thanks for the help!!!

I will edit it from home in photoshop thanks!
Go to your main page in your account in imagestation, find the Storage Bin. Click on that, and then click on the small picture so it pops up a larger one. From that larger picture, get the url.
[ IMG]http: //www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid130/p9627de88a073eef2fe9595f7ddfd27c4/f7bdbbff.jpg[/IMG]


You're *really* close- you just need to use the address of the photo, not the address of the web page it's on.

Put your mouse over the photo, right click, choose "properties", and get the photo's address there.
You can highlight, copy and paste this, it is all set to use............


and you will get this...................



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