Thank you tag fairy but I'm a little confused?

Thanks Tag Fairy for giving so many PodCasters a little pixiedust:

Someone went to see Horton Hears A Who.

Dang it! Too obvious?

It had to be the best line in the movie. Everything in my world can now be divided into two groups:

Those that eat rainbows and poop butterflies and those that eat gravel and poop cacti. I avoid the latter.

I've got over 2,540 posts, and have never been lucky enough to be visited by the tag fairy.....:sad1:

OK, it takes a while but eventually I get the hint!

:mickeybar :mickeybar :mickeybar :mickeybar :mickeybar

and just in case, a little of this too...
:drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1


Yes, the TF definitely loves chocolate, no doubt about that! (Don't we all need a hit of the good stuff now and then?!?!? :rotfl2: ) but it does take more than have to be spontaneously clever on top of that! :lmao: You see...that was my problem for the first 2000 posts (before I got tagged...I am now on my second set of tags, for which I :worship: the great and powerful TF for....oooops....sorry for dangling my participle there! :lmao: )--

You cannot just show up where the TF seems to be and expect to be have to be clever and witty and in an oh-so-spontaneous way. So c'mon....get those creative juices flowing! :rotfl2: Yeah, I slay me.... :rotfl:
This is so much fun. Reminds me of elementary school when I would purposefully run past whoever was "it" really slow so I would be tagged. Please pick me, please, please!
You cannot just show up where the TF seems to be and expect to be have to be clever and witty and in an oh-so-spontaneous way. So c'mon....get those creative juices flowing! :rotfl2:

Oh, as I said before (see post #146/pg. 10), I prefer to think that some of us are just SO clever that TF is just having a hard time picking just one or two clever lines :rotfl:

When one is not clever, one must resort to bribes... :laughing:

Ok, I have been a DIS'er since 2004 & up until this very moment I have used it as purely a planning tool, usually just post to ask questions & receive advice to plan my last 6 magical trips!! The DIS has served me very well the past few years...

So fast forward to tonight, I just happened to stumble upon this thread, now I ask, what are the chances of that, I HAVE never even visited the podcast forum until tonight, quite odd in my opinion....I am feeling a little Kharma...

So now after reading all 11 pages I can't leave this thread without giving it my best shot to receive a tag. I am a TRUE competitor in every sense of the word so it is in my blood to beg, grovel, & plead for a tag, so here goes....

OMG, I cracked under the complete pressure of trying to come up with something witty...will crawl under my rock & go back to my former life as a completely boring DIS'er...

Thanks for listening, we will return back to our regulary scheduled programming.....
Ok, I'll admit it.....

I keep coming back to this thread, hoping, wishing, praying for a tag....

so far NADA, nada freakin thing!!!!

Must go to bed now, will check back in the morning..maybe the TF will visit while I am sleeping.

Must not give up hope...
Ok, I'll admit it.....

I keep coming back to this thread, hoping, wishing, praying for a tag....

so far NADA, nada freakin thing!!!!

Must go to bed now, will check back in the morning..maybe the TF will visit while I am sleeping.

Must not give up hope...

Maybe the Tag Fairy is like a watched pot that never boils?????
Tags are a lot more fun when they're just be patient and maybe you'll be surprised one day. :goodvibes
Tags are a lot more fun when they're just be patient and maybe you'll be surprised one day. :goodvibes

...says she who has been tagged twice ... :rotfl:

Ahh, the whining is all in good fun. It is kind of fun to be the whiner instead of the whinee (Mommmm, I need your help....Mommmmm, he's looking at me... Mommmm, I forgot my math book...).

Maybe the Tag Fairy is like a watched pot that never boils?????

thanks for the advice...

I am used to watching the pot that never boils..I am Italian & have to feed many hungary Italian mouths & all I ever do is watch the pasta pot that never boils.....

Oh well, life goes on....
Come on Tag Fairy....:worship:

I am an AWSOME Southern Cook... what do you like... Deserts ??
Mexican? Pot Roast?

I'm a stay at home mom.. I love my kids.. Take them to Disney World.. and spend a fair amount of time on this "Forum"
The signs say you must be close... I keep finding "Disney" Characters in my Fajita's in the Green Peppers. you can see them for yourself on my Pre-TR.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Thank you TF!! I've been waiting 2 and a half years for this day, and it's finally come! XD

My life is complete now. :lmao:
Ok, maybe a silly question, but I'd SWEAR when Tag Fairy tagged me (thank you again), my tag was black. Now today I noticed it's green. Is this a little extra Tag Fairy dust being sprinkled my way, or am I reading too much into it?


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