Thanksgiving pre-trip/trip report


DVC member and Disney lover!
Aug 2, 2012

Okay, so I've been a lurker for about two years now and I've decided to finally do a trip report. I've been trying to figure out whether or not to do one for a while, but I finally gave in. In reality, I've done many trip reports. I just happened to write them in a private journal for no one to see ;)

Alas, I finally gave in. :wave2:

I decided to write this trip report for many reasons. One, it's my first time back to the World for a thanksgiving vacation since I was in first grade and I'm so excited. :cool1: Two, it's going to be my friend's first time going to Disney. It's always been a dream of mine to take someone who's never been. I've always wanted to see someone's face as they entered the Magic Kingdom for the first time, or caught their first glimpse of the amazing Cinderella's Castle. More than that, I can't wait for her to realize how truly magical Disney is, as well as the amazing Cast Members, throughout the trip. So not only is her dream coming true, but one of my own is as well. :yay:

So here I am, writing about what is sure to be an amazing journey.

Disclaimer: You all need to bear with me. As much as I've read many trip reports here on the boards for the past two years, I still have no idea how to do these things.



Okay, I'm back.

So just a warning, this will probably not be a five star trip report. I hope, however, they you all enjoy it just as much as one! I can promise you all, a vacation with my family will not be boring one :grouphug::)

Stay tuned for the All About Me and The Vacation Cast!

Joining in!! We are taking a friend with us in November who has never been. She has older children and has never taken them to WDW.:confused3 It's fun showing newbies the ropes, Club cool here we come, and we won't tell her Beverly is awful. :lmao:
Joining in!! We are taking a friend with us in November who has never been. She has older children and has never taken them to WDW.:confused3 It's fun showing newbies the ropes, Club cool here we come, and we won't tell her Beverly is awful. :lmao:

It's so fun showing someone the ropes around Disney! I'm so excited just to see her facial expressions throughout the trip. She's, of course, about to jump out of her shoes with excitement as well. She's a sneaky little one and keeps trying to watch videos of the attractions and shows in Disney but I keep yelling at her to stop so let's hope she does! :rotfl2: I want her to experience everything Disney has to offer live and in person for the first time. But yay! I'm so excited we're both bringing newbies :cool1:
Hi everyone!

So before I start the Pre-trip info, I decided I would introduce myself and the cast of people that will be participating in the trip. I'll probably split the post in two, one being the Get to Know Me and then the other being the Get to Know the Cast.

So here we go!

My name is Kathryn but most people call me Katie or Kate. I actually prefer those two names as apposed to Kathryn but ya'll can call me whatever you like!

I'm still at lose on how to add pictures. :confused3 So if anyone can help me with that, I'll gladly take it!

I'm 17 years-old, about to turn 18 on December 3rd. We'll actually be at Disney until the day before my official birthday. I know, I know, it's tragic isn't it? :sad2: I'll explain later the reasoning behind leaving a day before my birthday, though.

I've been to Disney World over 20 times in my lifetime. My first trip ever was when I was five-months old. What can I say? My parents started me young. :cool2: I also had the opportunity to go to Disneyland Paris during my school's annual trip to Europe. It was great and I had a ton of fun, but it obviously wasn't anything near Disney World. I am, however a little biased. :goodvibes

Ive grown up with Disney and, like all of you, I have such a passion for it. So much so, that I've decided to major in Hospitality and I hope to begin my career with Disney in a couple of years. I can't wait for that :thumbsup2
Disney is where I belong and I can't wait to start my future in the place that I call home, whenever that is. Until then, I'll gladly just keep adding to my number of trips.

I'm very blessed and proud to be the daughter of two DVC members. I will introduce them fully to you all in the Cast post, but for now, all I will say is that they are amazing and we thank God everyday for the chances we have to go to Disney. We absolutely love being DVC members and it has given us so many memories. Without it, we definitely wouldn't have been able to afford the Disney life and we love being greeted by the Cast Members with "Welcome Home."

Up next: Meet the Vacation Cast!
I'm going to hold off on adding the "MEET THE CAST" post until I figure out how to add pictures. Without pictures, this TR could get pretty boring and I don't want that :sad2:

So I'm going to go do some searching around for help. Like I said if any one has suggestions or helpful tips, please share!
Great start! :) And you are definitely blessed to be able to go that many times. We as well own DVC and with out that we would not be able to go down twice a year.
Hope you have a blast, I have not been during Thanksgiving but I have been to Disneyland on my birthday, which is also December 3rd!
I'm excited to follow along too! We are also going that week with first timers, it's really fun planning the trip for them, but it's kind of a heavy responsibility at the same time! I'm a little worried that they won't love it like we do, they are taking three teenagers - 13, 16 and 17 so I'm encouraged to read your plans from the perspective of a teen. Great start!
Hey everyone! I it's so awesome to see all the love! I'm so so so sorry I'm so bad at keeping up with this thing. I'm pretty sure my last post was over a month ago! :scared1: How do you people do this all the time?!?! Lol!

But again, I really am so sorry! Senior year has been very crazy for me with applying to colleges and everything! Good news tho...I got accepted to my first college, Saint Leo University!!! :banana: it's about an hour away from disney and I'm so happy!! I'm currently waiting to hear back from UCF and FGCU and I hope by the end of this week to finish my applications for Lynn University and Johnson and Whales (North Miami campus)!!! So very excited things!!! Very stressful, very nerve-wracking things, but never-the-less, VERY exciting! :yay: the future sure is looking bright....and sunny! (Get it? Florida pun!)

So I promise to get the "MEET THE CAST" post out soon!

Sidenote* I still haven't figured out the picture thing so if anyone can lend a fellow disney sider a hand that would be greatly appreciated!!!! Lol

Thanks again, loves!

Great start! :) And you are definitely blessed to be able to go that many times. We as well own DVC and with out that we would not be able to go down twice a year.
It really is a magical tool! It has left us with so many wonderful memories!
I'm excited to follow along too! We are also going that week with first timers, it's really fun planning the trip for them, but it's kind of a heavy responsibility at the same time! I'm a little worried that they won't love it like we do, they are taking three teenagers - 13, 16 and 17 so I'm encouraged to read your plans from the perspective of a teen. Great start!
I know exactly how you feel! It's definitely a lot of pressure, especially since the friend I am taking has grown up with me and has spent her childhood hearing about how amazing disney is!! Talk about serious pressure! Haha! But I'm sure the teens will love it! Many of my friends went to Disney for the first time this summer and fell in love with it!
Joining in!! We are taking a friend with us in November who has never been. She has older children and has never taken them to WDW.:confused3 It's fun showing newbies the ropes, Club cool here we come, and we won't tell her Beverly is awful. :lmao:
I love watching people taste the Beverly for the first time!!! It's even better when you tell them that it's the most delicious flavor! Haha! Really throws them for a loop :D
I'm in. Congrats on getting into St. Leo. No matter what college you go to down there do I see an annual pass in your future?
Looking forward to how your trip report develops

We will be travelling from London arriving November 24 in time for thanksgiving and the fantastic Disney Christmas Celebrations. Celebrating our son's 1st birthday
Already booked Mickey's Christmas Party :cool1:
I'm in. Congrats on getting into St. Leo. No matter what college you go to down there do I see an annual pass in your future?
Thank you! I'm definitely excited about going down there for college! And yes of course an annual pass is a must have! :D
Looking forward to how your trip report develops

We will be travelling from London arriving November 24 in time for thanksgiving and the fantastic Disney Christmas Celebrations. Celebrating our son's 1st birthday
Already booked Mickey's Christmas Party :cool1:
How wonderful! We'll be going down on the 26th and are so excited too for all the Christmas festivities! And how exciting to be celebrating your son's first birthday at Disney!!! I'm sure it'll be so magical!

What day did you book your Mickey's very merry Christmas party for?? We booked ours for Sunday the 1st! It'll be my second time at the party but I don't really remember the first time and I'm so excited!
Okay, so I've typed this out about three times and each time, it's gotten deleted. I'm so frustrated and tired right now but I refuse to go to bed until this posts!

So you all have heard about me, but I figured since I've finally figure out this picture thing (hopefully), I would share a few pics of myself.

This is of me, my cousin, and my uncle at last year's MNSSHP. I was dressed as Rapunzel, my cousin was dressed as Jasmine, and my uncle was dressed as Carl from UP. My father dressed up as Russell from UP to go along with my uncle and it was the cutest thing. All of the guests and CM's loved it!

This is a not-so-recent pic of me at my sweet sixteen two years ago. It was the best night of my life and was of course Disney-themed, Beauty and the Beast, specifically.

Now on to the rest of the cast!

My parents, Barbara and Omar:

They are the absolute best parents I could ever ask for and I am so blessed for all that they've done for me.

Next is my sister, Therese:

She is 22, almost 23, and just graduated from Montclair State University with a BFA in Art History. She couldn't come with us on our last trip in April because of exams so we're really excited she can come in november!

After her we have my three aunts, Aunt Terry, Aunt MaryEllen, and Aunt Margaret. I'm not going to post pictures of them yet only because I haven't asked permission and I'm not sure how they would feel about it. Hopefully, by the time the trip rolls around I'll be able to post pics of them. My younger cousin (daughter of Aunt MaryEllen) will also be coming! She hasn't been on a trip to Disney with us in over a year and we're all very excited.

Finally we have my really good friend, Burcu! (pronounced Borja)

It'll be her first time at Disney World!!! We can't wait to witness something so magical and she, especially is so excited. She's been doing research and watching videos and we all just can't wait!!!

So, that's it for now. Can't you tell we're all excited? I must've said the word "excited" about 15 times in this post! :rotfl2: Haha!

Next up is the trip details and itinerary!!
How exciting to see Disney through the eyes of a first timer.. DO will the two of you have time there without the parents around? Glad you figured out how to post pictures.


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