The ABCs of Greece & Italy! X, Y, and Z, and that Friends is THE END!!! :) See you in Asia and Australia, Join Me THERE!!

Hi Liesa 👋
Not sure if I’ve ever commented on one of your reports, but I have read several. I only check into the DIS every 6 months or so. I obsess for a week, devouring as many reports as I can, and then decide it’s time to get back to my regularly scheduled life. When I’m on, I always look for your reports as I know I will be thoroughly entertained!! Thank you for sharing with us all!

(This week I also read your cross country TR. You are a busy lady!!)
I know! I KNOW!! I'm just completely MIA these days. I'm so sorry, but this class is all-consuming on every level.
That's OK, me too, but the stuff will be interesting whether we read it this week or in 3 months. You just might not remember it as well. :flower3:
Honest thoughts? I'm exhausted. I haven't taken a day off since January 3rd.
I know what you mean. I haven't had many down days, but a whole different experience.
Anyway, I'm woefully behind here and long to read your reports too. I miss you all!
Hopefully I'll actually have a chapter posted soon!
Wish me luck for Sunday

Good luck! pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
Whelp, Friendlies...

There's good news and there's even more good news!!

I was able to pass my big, scary Pharmacology Exam today (with a very comfortable margin!) and am stoked that Term #2 (of 5) is behind me now. Which means, that I now have several weeks (maybe?) of downtime to spend some effort writing some chapters and editing the photos. WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOTY!!! :dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:

Hopefully there will be fresh material for you to read soon... :)

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Whelp, Friendlies...

There's good news and there's even more good news!!

I was able to pass my big, scary Pharmacology Exam today (with a very comfortable margin!) and am stoked that Term #2 (of 5) is behind me now. Which means, that I now have several weeks (maybe?) of downtime to spend some effort writing some chapters and editing the photos. WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOTY!!! :dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:

Hopefully there will be fresh material for you to read soon... :)

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Advanced pathophysiology was my toughest class when I got my NP. Pharmacology just seemed to click for me, but I also have a chemistry degree. Congrats on progressing.
Try swimming down a bit…
I know there is that phenomenon called something turnover but even that's probably only 40 degrees at best.
Talk like Yoda you do.
Subjects and predicates invert I can.
Then you chose wisely
I try. :)
Ah yes. You is a busy lady.
I am. And that's okay. It keeps me young (ish) I suppose. But I AM hoping to find some downtime now that classes are over for a bit. Then again, I'm looking for a travel gig too, so...
Alas, no.
<sigh> me neither.
There are ways to improve the odds, but... yeah, I hear ya.
Yes, I know you can hold the lens up to the glass, but then you get blur from moving. Glare gone for sure, but....
Not that long. Just Four and a half billion years or so.
That's approximately how long my neck has been hurting.
Actually... did see one guy in shorts out the other day. Yesterday or the day before, I think.
There are homes for people like that. I hear they take good care of you despite deficits.
See this is why I prefer cruises that don't go to destinations where there's lots I want to see, or cruises with many many sea days. I love being able to just chill out on the ship. Eat, drink, some more....
Definitely a different kind of vacation than I'm used to, but do wonder if I could "get used to that". ;)
I agree with pkondz they do look like gargantuan gatos!
LOL!! I do assure you that the perspective was completely unintentional. :rotfl2:
I have a feeling much of this tour would have gone over my head as I was raised basically atheist.
Oh I actually think you'd have loved it. There was still tons of secular history as well and as you'll see in the next post, there was a yummy lunch included.
This is just so sad. Even the daily buffet on the Disney ships has fantastic choices. The fruit is super fresh, the pastries are good. Some mornings I would go up and get us a giant plate of fruit as an appetizer before going to the sit down restaurant for breakfast.
Yeah, I just can't even eat that much. A fruit plate would have been all I could have managed and I'm not a huge pastry fan. I did end up with the Swedish/Norwegian-style fare a couple of times with lox, bagels, capers, etc...
This is how it works on Disney too. But rarely did you wait that long. They also staggered the arrival times.
I wonder sometimes if it was the 3rd party tenders at some places that caused delays. Some of the ports only allowed local tender companies to operate and maybe there weren't really enough? No idea. They did stagger times at a few of them though.
So are the arches made out of butt hoses? And what exactly is a butt hose?
LOL!!! But. Those. Arches. ;)
Well I can tell you there are no souvenir shops at the vet, they just separate you from your money without cheap trinkets.
:lmao: Yes, they are very good at that!
Or tectonics.
I think maybe that could have played a part in re-routing the river? Possibly? They didn't mention that as it was a slow process over a thousand years that is has gradually moved further from the coast. But given the recent ginormous quake there in Turkey who knows!! I did hear that there was no damage at Ephesus which I was very glad to know!
Because they don't build them like they used to.
I'm surprised that they didn't know this already.
I wonder if it was one of those things that had to be actually tested for them to know?
Hang in there! You're doing great!
Thanks!! Passing was an enormous deal to me!
I'm not touching this comment with a ten foot butt hose.
I think it was something like the hostels in Venice were full and we couldn't find an affordable hotel. That place was just far enough away that we could get there before the hostel closed for the night and they had room. And maybe there was a train leaving for there at the right time. But the name sounds awfully familiar.
Sure sounds possible!
I haven't updated it since August when the "you know what" hit the fan with vacancies and Fran's surgeries. I thought I was going to do an update on my days at the park for OBB with M&M, but I just wasn't feeling it.
I have no idea how far behind I am NOW given it's been like ANOTHER month since you posted that. Oy!
Nope, a whole host of complications, that I probably couldn't even remember all the details even if I did talk with you on the phone, have happened since the beginning of November.
But hopefully NOW things are smoother sailing!!
That's probably why I enjoyed Europe so much. I get peeved when a restaurant puts a 90 minute limit on seating. Even though it's usually I enough time, I feel the pressure to rush and I hate that.
Yeah I do too. Seems strange they'd do that as long as you're eating and ordering more. :confused3
They still serve most of the same stuff, it's just you order it instead of pick it off the buffet. I guess I'll find out in about six weeks.
Yes you will!!!! YAY!
I read it that way too. :lmao:
I love the way Mass ends.
Me too. :) Very uplifting.
Astounding! I can't get over the detail and how beautiful. Your photos really do the site justice.
The details were incredible. And we were so impressed with how much of it is left! Very elegant and detailed.
The opposite of what we have here in Louisiana, where the coast is eroding.
Local ecosystems are always so fascinating.
I've watched and read all the "The Last Kingdom" books. Utread is always asking why what the Romans built still stands and why what they have built doesn't.
It's a great question to ask!!!
Your pictures make me want to go on this type of cruise. My grandson graduates from High School next year and we are talking about a cruise for his high school trip.
Oh I sure think you'd enjoy it. It was had such a nice variety of sceneries and styles of islands/destinations.
The boys I am leaning toward cruises just because they can eat all day. My 7-year-old grandson eats as much as his father and is super skinny. I wish I had their metabolism.
Both of my boys are like that too!
The 2 girls are getting Disney in June. I still want to take the oldest on something that lets her see a bit of the world and I think she would love this one.
Oh lucky girls! You're very generous!
We will have to wait til she graduates from college in a couple of years. School has to come first.

Looking forward to seeing more as you have the time.
Yes, it does!!! It's too big of an investment to let go.

Hopefully now that Pharm is behind me I can focus on RV remodeling projects, getting outdoors more, and working on this TR!!
Thanks. Hopefully getting there...
It's been a month since I've been here and posted etc.... still going ok?
Exactly! I kind of feel that way about traveling anywhere. Drives my wife nuts, but I'm like I can sleep at home. Then again, she gets frustrated because at home, I swing the other way and I'm a total homebody.
OH boy!! Dude, balance! ;)
Oh man... the number of humorous words that can be found in a hashtag... :rotfl2: :lmao:
I know.... I was proofing my post and burst out laughing! So funny!!! I swear it wasn't intentional!
Clearly we both have similar senses of humor.

And funny.
I'd like to think so. Maybe he'd just blow it all up.
I'd like to think that too.
I'm going to say that the 10,000 year old road and those beautiful tile floors weren't built by the lowest bidder... :rolleyes1
:rolleyes1 I think you're right. ;) But might have been this too:

"Here's your slave labor.... let me know how they do."
Sounds very nice! I hope you're enjoying your winter home and getting some good studying done!
I love it here so much!!! I love my RV since I'm making it all updated and personalized. It really is such a lovely tiny home. And the setting is so warm and sunny.
I definitely would agree with the "we came all this way, let's see what's here!" philosophy.
I guess otherwise.... stay home? Or take a WAY less expensive vacation?
Awesome! I would be very excited to tour here.
Yeah, your family would eat this up like Waffle House on Christmas Eve.
:rotfl2::rotfl2: Even funnier with the sharp contrast in subject matter.
I decided to leave it so I could come back here a month later and laugh out loud all over again. :lmao:
Absolutely inspiring. It's also wonderful perspective for us. We like to claim persecution now, but in reality we have it so good.
Yes we do. For now, and that could change, so best be ready in season and out, but for now.... perspective.
I almost went down a tangent with more similarities but then thought about DISboard rules and thought it might get me banned.
Caution sometimes has to be the rule of the day. But I can only imagine what these must have been!
Stunning! What an amazing ruin. Nice photos, too.
It was so rich with detail and insight to the culture then. So incredibly interesting!
Hugely important in Biblical history. A lot of my favorite verses come from Ephesians as well.
"Hugely". That's a perfectly apt way to label this. Such a great book of encouragement isn't it!
Ahhh....I mean, it did make the chapter better. No offense, it just works every time.
I always forget that he had to work and make money too.
Yep, the tentmaker who apparently made a decent living when he wasn't in trouble for cutting in on idol making business.
Even thousands of years ago people got arrested on trumped-up charges.
There's zero new under the sun.
Well, one was built with care by a trained artist who spared no expense. The other was built by the lowest bidder after the general public screamed for tax cuts and less revenue for the DOT. They also wanted this @#$% paving project completed as fast as possible because it was making their commute last 3 minutes longer. :rolleyes1

Sorry, the scars run deep.:laughing:
Mosaics maybe? The roads, I'm guessing maybe, maybe not.

:scared: I'll never listen to Summer of 1969 the same way again.
Or Tiny Dancer.
Hi Liesa 👋
Not sure if I’ve ever commented on one of your reports, but I have read several. I only check into the DIS every 6 months or so. I obsess for a week, devouring as many reports as I can, and then decide it’s time to get back to my regularly scheduled life. When I’m on, I always look for your reports as I know I will be thoroughly entertained!! Thank you for sharing with us all!

(This week I also read your cross country TR. You are a busy lady!!)
Hi Laurie!!!! Welcome, in case this indeed was your first post! :welcome::welcome::welcome:

I love that you're going back and reading previous reports! I'm not sure if they are still relevant since so much has changed over the last few years at the parks but at the very least I hope the stories and photos were entertaining. :)

I think TRs are a fun way to document vacations and fun to look back at now and then to see old photos. Thank you for stopping by and letting me know that you are here reading when you are on the DIS!!! That means a lot to me!!! :hug:


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