The ABC's of Sauntering Through WDW- J is for: Just Like That, It's Judiciously Ended! (4/23)

Yikes! Page 4! I've been pre occupied but I'm here! I was going to specifically comment on something you said in your original post but I'm so tired I already forgot. Oh now I remember did you not like the PTN parade?
Yikes! Page 4! I've been pre occupied but I'm here! I was going to specifically comment on something you said in your original post but I'm so tired I already forgot. Oh now I remember did you not like the PTN parade?

YAY!!! Alison is here!!


OH sheesh! Yes, I had totally forgotten it though when I wrote it. I guess cuz I had WDW on my brain. But, yes, I really did like it a lot. Catchy music, and bright, colorful floats!
I have been lurking on your other thread, but decided to comment since I was able to join this one at the beginning. Looking forward to following along on your adventure.
Well, HI there Tammie! :welcome: to yet another Steppe report. I haven't heard your latest progress of moving back to the Left Coast. Close? Already here? Do tell!!!

Nope! I was flying out of Aurora, but am re-thinking that and may switch to Independence... if I can finally get up there again.

Yes, we took the long long truck towing my car through the desert with 16 hour days in the first part of June. You know I wasn't looking forward to the cold, and I'm sad that our Summer short as it is has been consumed with smoke from the fires. But with all that being said, I am happy to be home. Jim likes his job much better and with working at home, my BP which was looking a little high is back to normal! Our house which was rented out is now a fixer upper so we are very busy with fixen uppen projects as we can. You know how that goes! We are enjoying the grandsons here and looking forward to lots of PNW adventures together. We miss our Texas bunch terribly but we're happy to get to know these guys again. If only we could clone ourselves.

Looking forward to more of your adventures!
B is for: BOUNDING!

I know you’re shocked, but a lot of planning has gone into this trip. A year’s worth, in fact. And the excitement and anticipation are mounting! Steppe’s going on an adventure!!!!

It might
not also come as any big shock to you to know that I’m already mostly packed.

No, for reals.


Yes, it may seem extreme, but everything in the bag is something that I won’t be using until the trip and it feels good to be able to be freed up to spend time on other details like designing and gathering my window decorations or planning my Food and Wine Action Plan. All that is left is throwing in my Ditty Bag (Steppe Code for my toiletries bag), finalizing the carry-on I’m taking, putting in some everyday jewelry, and zipping ‘er up. Yes, I did happen to buy a new suitcase for the trip. The one that Southwest wrecked (after Disney wrecked the one before that) is being used. So, it's fun to be using virgin luggage that is all my very own. I went with a hardcase although I'm sure Disney or Southwest will do their best to make me buy another piece next year.

Because I work full time now, I realistically only have 5 weekends left to get stuff done before GO TIME! I want to be organized and not put myself into a position of scrambling at the last minute to take care of stuff. Plus, I’m pretty darned excited about going!

Now, to the topic at hand…

As most of you know, Disney Bounding is a fun new way to bring another level to park touring, and this year I thought I’d try it out. Being Halloween season and all, hey why not dress up every day? Off I went on a hunt! I love a good scavenger hunt and this one was quite a challenge! First, I had to choose which characters to “Bound” as. Honestly, I am not super into characters and don’t have favorites. So, in the end, I chose what I thought would be easiest to find and put together from thrift store shopping. I kept in mind that it’ll be on the warm side; I wanted to be comfortable with shoes that I can go all day in; I wanted it to be subtle, yet obvious, to fellow “Bounders” as to who I am.

I spent 2 weekends (about 6 hours total!) gathering the clothes and accessories for <drum roll please!> four Bounding Costumes plus a Halloween Party costume (saving that for the TR)- Moana, Tinkerbelle, Dory, and one I am putting out there for you all to guess. It’s a trickier, lesser known “character”. On average INCLUDING accessories (some were a bit more pricey, like the Dory necklace) each was only about $25! And almost everything can be worn for every day. Best part? Everything came from the Goodwill or JoAnn’s. Unbelievable, no?

I think I’m most excited about “Dory”. My plan is to wear her on an EPCOT day and take a photo by The Seas. The blue pants need to be altered a little bit (I need to turn them into shorts and take them in a tiny bit) and I need a black belt to finish it off, but I LOVE the necklace I made. So fun!!! By the way, all the shoes except the black flats for Dory (vv) are ones I already had.

Next is Tink. It’s the most subtle of them all, and I need to find and order some shoe pom-poms, but other than that I’ll leave her as is. Maybe I can add a little bag of pixie dust. I was thinking this would be for DHS since I only have 1 MK day and I’ll be wearing my REAL costume then.

Moana was fun to put together as well. I am in LOVE with the skirt (just above the knee). NO! I will NOT wear a crop top. 5 kids= no chance whatsoever of that. Ever. Because lipo is way too expensive. The necklace and pendant both came from the thrift store as well and I consider it a score for accessorizing. I ordered the plumeria clip for my hair off of Etsy, so it was a bit more. But again, all total $25-$30 or so. Moana is for AK since she’s all about adventuring. I'm still re-thinking the shoes for her. Sandals seem necessary...

Lastly, here is the Mystery Bounding outfit:

I won’t offer any hints except to say the skirt is short. Any guesses without looking at others'?

I’m also trying to keep these weekly Pre-Trip updates short. So with that… I’ll invite your comments and hope to get to say hello to many of you soon!
I'm going to say Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6.

Love this idea, and I love your choices! I think it is lots of fun but I know I would drive my family crazy if I actually did it.
I have been lurking on your other thread, but decided to comment since I was able to join this one at the beginning. Looking forward to following along on your adventure.
Well, HELLO!! And :welcome:! I am so glad you're here and have decided to join in and be part of all the fun. Everyone is really friendly here and I hope you feel welcome. :hug:
Yes, we took the long long truck towing my car through the desert with 16 hour days in the first part of June. You know I wasn't looking forward to the cold, and I'm sad that our Summer short as it is has been consumed with smoke from the fires. But with all that being said, I am happy to be home. Jim likes his job much better and with working at home, my BP which was looking a little high is back to normal! Our house which was rented out is now a fixer upper so we are very busy with fixen uppen projects as we can. You know how that goes! We are enjoying the grandsons here and looking forward to lots of PNW adventures together. We miss our Texas bunch terribly but we're happy to get to know these guys again. If only we could clone ourselves.

Looking forward to more of your adventures!

That's one long trek!!

I hate the cold ad rain here. Yuck. But yeah, I totally get that you want to be home and near the other part of the family. :hug:

Good luck on all of those projects; I know how overwhelming they can be.
I know who the mystery bounding outfit is!! So fun. :) Great job on the other bounding outfits too!!!!

YAY!!! I think you do too! Thanks, they have been a lot of fun putting together!

I'm going to say Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6.

Love this idea, and I love your choices! I think it is lots of fun but I know I would drive my family crazy if I actually did it.

Nope. But someone got it. VV

It is fun and I'm genuinely curious if I'll get any fun interaction or comments.

OMG is the "mystery bound" the go-go scientist from SE???? Please say yes!

IT IS!!!!!

I was going to post that the mystery bounding one is a grand and miraculous one. ;-)

I love the tink outfit. I wish I were good at this, but I am not. I also suck at shopping at thrift stores. So, I will just not bound... but love others doing it!
I was going to post that the mystery bounding one is a grand and miraculous one. ;-)

I love the tink outfit. I wish I were good at this, but I am not. I also suck at shopping at thrift stores. So, I will just not bound... but love others doing it!

Grand and miraculous?? The Groovy Scientist Chick is rather fantastic in my book!

Your post reminds me I need to chase down those pom-poms for the shoes. :) I'm happy to be sharing my Bounding quest! Glad you're vicariously enjoying it with me. :goodvibes
Grand and miraculous?? The Groovy Scientist Chick is rather fantastic in my book!

Your post reminds me I need to chase down those pom-poms for the shoes. :) I'm happy to be sharing my Bounding quest! Glad you're vicariously enjoying it with me. :goodvibes

That’s how the narration starts: “Like a grand and miraculous spaceship...”
Next is Tink. It’s the most subtle of them all, and I need to find and order some shoe pom-poms, but other than that I’ll leave her as is. Maybe I can add a little bag of pixie dust. I was thinking this would be for DHS since I only have 1 MK day and I’ll be wearing my REAL costume then.
Tink is perfection as is, love it!

Lastly, here is the Mystery Bounding outfit:
Awesome! As soon as I saw the yellow top and lab coat I knew who you were going for. :)

I bounded as the Blue Fairy for MNSSHP last year, it was so fun! This year I am doing an Alice bound for the Supercalifragilistic breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. I can't wait!
Tink is perfection as is, love it!

Awesome! As soon as I saw the yellow top and lab coat I knew who you were going for. :)

I bounded as the Blue Fairy for MNSSHP last year, it was so fun! This year I am doing an Alice bound for the Supercalifragilistic breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. I can't wait!

Huzzah!!! A fellow Bounder!

I was wondering how many would see the Groovy Scientist Chick. :banana: She's so awesome!

And, spoiler... I'm going as Steampunk Alice for the party... because I could steal (borrow) my daughter's costume from 2 years ago. (Yay for free!) Make sure you post a photo of your Alice too; I'd love to see it!!
And, spoiler... I'm going as Steampunk Alice for the party... because I could steal (borrow) my daughter's costume from 2 years ago. (Yay for free!) Make sure you post a photo of your Alice too; I'd love to see it!!
I will definitely send a pic along...... it is pretty subtle. A pale blue ruffled tank top, white gauzy knee length skirt, black headband and black sandals. I want to get a picture with Alice as Alice! Here 's my interpretation of the Blue Fairy from last year's MNSSHP.
I will definitely send a pic along...... it is pretty subtle. A pale blue ruffled tank top, white gauzy knee length skirt, black headband and black sandals. I want to get a picture with Alice as Alice! Here 's my interpretation of the Blue Fairy from last year's MNSSHP.
View attachment 344915
Oh yeah!!! That is uh-maz-ing!!! Well done!


You look magical...:goodvibes


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