The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

I love a picnic for dinner! Your backseat set-up looks comfy enough for one night--at least no bed bugs to be worried about there!

Oh, your poor car :( I have done this kind of thing more than I should admit publicly, and it just enrages me each time. Then, I have to audibly apologize to my car! (Incidentally, our car is "Mr. Beastly," because when we got "him" Jimmy was about 2 years old and thought that's what Rob and I were saying when he heard us talking about our new Mitsubishi :)
My back agrees with you.
as does mine... and my achilles tendon... and my neck on occasion... knee... thumb... wrist... hip..........
We were... warm.
What more could you possibly want?!?!?!?
Sardines. :) In mustard.

this is the way
Gotta be honest. Never had them that way. Are you saying they were packed in a mustard sauce (I've seen herring like that) or you just put mustard on the bread in addition to the fish?
Yes, IF I get back there. Maybe I should spend an extra night up in Phoenix and take off from there one of my shift cycles.
There ya go!
I love a picnic for dinner! Your backseat set-up looks comfy enough for one night--at least no bed bugs to be worried about there!

Oh, your poor car :( I have done this kind of thing more than I should admit publicly, and it just enrages me each time. Then, I have to audibly apologize to my car! (Incidentally, our car is "Mr. Beastly," because when we got "him" Jimmy was about 2 years old and thought that's what Rob and I were saying when he heard us talking about our new Mitsubishi :)
OH we camp more. :) The next few nights are, in fact. To varying degrees of success.

The last wreck I was in (I was at fault) was about 2014, and it was awful. No injuries worth reporting, but my poor van. UGH. This was worse because it's still a newish car to me and was in REALLY great shape. I'm sure I'll get it fixed at some point, but I sure was sad.

That's such a cute story about how your car got it's name! I named mine Black Momba (think Megamind) as a play on words for my mom mobile. LOL!
as does mine... and my achilles tendon... and my neck on occasion... knee... thumb... wrist... hip..........'s only gonna get worse, ain't it?

What more could you possibly want?!?!?!?

Taco served in bed?

OH wait....!

Gotta be honest. Never had them that way. Are you saying they were packed in a mustard sauce (I've seen herring like that) or you just put mustard on the bread in addition to the fish?
It's a mustard sauce they are packed in. Around here, they come in a mustard sauce, tomato sauce, or plain oil. I like them all ways.'s only gonna get worse, ain't it?
Oh, no. In the end it'll alllllll stop hurting.
Taco served in bed?

OH wait....!

Wait... what do you mean "OH wait"????
It's a mustard sauce they are packed in. Around here, they come in a mustard sauce, tomato sauce, or plain oil. I like them all ways.
Have also seen paprika sauce and beer sauce. But I stick to tomato sauce (and herring) since that's what I grew up with. (Well... sardines in oil too, but not as much a fan of that. Kinda dull.)

And you said you were going to PM me about something?
I snapped a few photos before we left town to give you an idea of how has-been Ashfork is:

I think your description of the motel and bar said it all.

“Just look for the AT&SF Welch Station which will be marked by a concrete slab. Can’t miss it.”.

We looked for the next 2 ½ hours. Really, we did try.


Not only did we see parts of Old Route 66 that only a tiny fraction of people EVER see:

Well that's cool.

Tragically, Carmella's is now a permanently closed victim of Covid

Too bad. Looked yummy.

Basically, this guy Don Robertson bought the old “suburb” of Jerome, Haynes, AZ, and brought all the “good stuff” from Jerome and surrounding areas

Sounds like Fran

This diorama was fun to see how it looked if all the walls were off:

How the heck did they get up there????

It never fails to be jaw-dropping when I enter the Red Rock Zone of Sedona;

Always gorgeous!
Day 7- U is for: Up, Up Into Navajo Land; Sedona to Page, Pt. 1

After my early morning hike, we were back on the road. Things to see; stuff to do!! A couple of days prior my sister let me know that she and my niece were driving west from Virginia as we made our way east. As luck would have it, it looked more and more like our paths would cross in Flagstaff, so we hatched a plan to meet up for breakfast. Neither of us were sure it'd work until sometime between crashing my car and closing my eyes. The highway from Sedona to Flagstaff was ablaze with fields of yellow flowers… just gorgeous! Sorry for the quality, we didn't have time to stop and the dead bug population on the windshield was reaching a super-saturation state. At least this gives you an idea:

Being an NAU Alum, I was VERY tempted to drive through campus and point out to Zach all the places I did some really idiotic things in my formative years, and then thought better of it. After all, I hadn’t had coffee yet. Let’s be realistic, stories are rarely told properly in a pre-caffeinated state. We found a cafe-type place (I think it might have been Mike and Ronda's?) and met up around 10:00. It was a really nice visit but all of us were anxious to get on the road again. We did remember to take a photo, so there’s that.

We set out north again; the goals for the day included: Wupatki National Monument, Moenave Dinosaur Tracks site, the Vermillion Cliffs, Glen Canyon Dam, and Marble Canyon.

I was an idiot. (Things haven’t changed much, have they? :rolleyes: )

To even think that was even close to possible is like me thinking I will try all the foods at an EPCOT Festival. I did try but we fell far short. The good news is that what we did see was well worth our time! Let’s take a look!!

My first mistake was that I grossly miscalculated the length/time investment of seeing the Pueblos and Sunset Crater. I, for some silly reason, thought the ancient ruins sites were just off the highway, but instead ended up being like 50 miles of slow road out of our way. Well, I mean, it didn’t have to be, but I just didn’t study the map as closely as I should have. By the time I figured out that it was a giant detour that looped back around to the highway we were committed and it was too late to backtrack. Poop. That said, the first part of the Loop Rd. 395 has some super cool scenery comprised of massive A’a lava beds and cinder cones. The volcanic activity in this area produced both lava flows and cataclysmic explosions of cinder and both can be seen on this drive. Here are the few photos I took at the various stops we made:

It never ceases to amaze me how plants can find a way in landscapes and soil like that!

The Coconino Forest Picnic Ground and Overview gave us some jaw-dropping panoramas of the Painted Desert Vista off to the east. I wish my photos had turned out better as the colors were like an acrylic painting. I don’t know if it was hazy or just too far away but if you ever travel in that area, please stop; this would not be time wasted.

There are many ruins along this loop road, but we stuck to only a couple: Wakoki Pueblo and Wupatki Pueblo. The museums are quite well done, the trails very easy to walk, and all handicapped accessible. If you’re into that sort of thing, I’d recommend them for sure. The Wiki site is a nice resource and if you click on the link for the “Ball Court” you can read about that round structure in the photo down below.

Finally back onto US 89, we continued north and into Navajo Nation Land. It is stunning landscape and it should be obvious to the traveler the inspiration for Navajo blankets and baskets. (More on this later… a lot more) Just look at these colors!!!! I could travel through here and never, ever get tired of how beautiful it is.

I’ll leave off here for this chapter as I’m close to my photo limit. This day has 2 more chapters worth of photos which I’ll try to get to this weekend.
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Oh, no. In the end it'll alllllll stop hurting.

One would hope!!
Wait... what do you mean "OH wait"????
Yes, that is coming up shortly in the TR. :)

Have also seen paprika sauce and beer sauce.
Ok, now we're talkin'!
(Well... sardines in oil too, but not as much a fan of that. Kinda dull.)

Booooring. LOL!
And you said you were going to PM me about something?
Done. :)
A couple of days prior my sister let me know that she and my niece were driving west from Virginia as we made our way east.
Were they moving to Oregon?

As luck would have it, it looked more and more like our paths would cross in Flagstaff, so we hatched a plan to meet up for breakfast.
Nice. :)
the dead bug population on the windshield was reaching a super-saturation state.
Reminds me of a trip I took once in Florida...
At least this gives you an idea:
Reminds me (again) of the canola fields up here in summer.
(Not my photo)
Being an NAU Alum
Did not know that about you. So you must know the area really well.
I was VERY tempted to drive through campus and point out to Zach all the places I did some really idiotic things in my formative years, and then thought better of it.
Didn't want to give him any ideas???
Let’s be realistic, stories are rarely told properly in a pre-caffeinated state.
Thank goodness I drink Coke, then.
Nice shot of you guys, despite the bright sun bothering the kids.
I was an idiot. (Things haven’t changed much, have they? :rolleyes: )
<studiously bites his tongue>

No! Not at all! Of course you're not an idiot!

To even think that was even close to possible is like me thinking I will try all the foods at an EPCOT Festival. I did try but we fell far short.
The mind is willing but the flesh is weak?
I, for some silly reason, thought the ancient ruins sites were just off the highway, but instead ended up being like 50 miles of slow road out of our way.
That must've added a good couple hours to the trip...
By the time I figured out that it was a giant detour that looped back around to the highway we were committed and it was too late to backtrack. Poop.
So it was just off the highway?
The volcanic activity in this area produced both lava flows and cataclysmic explosions of cinder and both can be seen on this drive.
For some reason, I don't think of anywhere in North America as having any remnants of volcanic activity (other than Mt. St. Helens.)
It never ceases to amaze me how plants can find a way in landscapes and soil like that!

That is pretty cool.
But I've also read that ash makes for very fertile ground.
The Coconino Forest Picnic Ground and Overview gave us some jaw-dropping panoramas of the Painted Desert Vista off to the east. I wish my photos had turned out better as the colors were like an acrylic painting. I don’t know if it was hazy or just too far away but if you ever travel in that area, please stop; this would not be time wasted.
Okay! Thanks for the tip. :)
if you click on the link for the “Ball Court” you can read about that round structure in the photo down below.
Wonder what kind of ball game they played? Surely nothing we'd recognize.
All the ruins shots are interesting, but this one is particularly captivating. :thumbsup2
It is stunning landscape and it should be obvious to the traveler the inspiration for Navajo blankets and baskets.
I had no idea! And yes, can totally see it. ::yes::
It was nice that you were able to meet up with your sister and niece, even if it had to be a short one. :)

It never ceases to amaze me how plants can find a way in landscapes and soil like that!
I'm always amazed to see plants growing out of volcanic rock. I guess it is porous enough to hold some water. The most dramatic example that I've seen is on the Big Island of Hawaii. People even build houses on these black lava fields.

Have you been to Craters of the Moon Park in Idaho? It is also full of lava fields. I was there many years ago and all I remember is the flies. ;)

Just look at these colors!!!! I could travel through here and never, ever get tired of how beautiful it is.
I love the colors in the layers of sediment. You were lucky to get some pictures with clear, blue skies. :)
V is for: Very Grand Scenery and a Dam Good Dinner

I hate to disappoint you, but we, in fact, did not make it to either the Vermillion Cliffs OR Marble Canyon. However, we did take in some spectacular scenery as we drove along. I spent quite some time composing these shots and can’t decide which one I like best. Time to vote!

We did happen to make it to Glen Canyon Dam to peer over the edge. Doing so IS the things nightmares are made of. The thing is massive. It’s yuuuuge! Zach and I parked, probably illegally, and walked onto the sidewalk and took a few photos through the chain link fence to the canyon’s bottom. It’s a very long way down.

Sadly, the dam was closed for tours or visiting (which made zero sense to me as they blamed it on Covid-gimme a freaking break) so we saw what we could and then went to eat. Oddly, it was at a place that had more people in it that the dam visitor center probably would have fit (yes, I’m feeling snarky tonight) and it was the best Dam Bar and Grill Page, AZ could muster up.

I ordered a Lemon Drop and Z got…something. The server was very nice, and we chatted about her job and that she was thinking of moving to Oregon. I shared why I was moving and I saw a sense of contemplation wash over her face.

The food was average for a Bar and Grille, which made me question the “Best” part. I got a salad and Z had some sort of pasta and had the audacity to eat all of it without offering a bite. I took one anyway.

There were lots of historic photos strewn around of when the dam was being built and its early days which were fascinating. I think maybe in one of my former lives I was a structural engineer. I’m not sure what happened between that life and today; now I have to count with my fingers like a 2nd grader. Anyway, instead of camping out in the back of the car I sprang for a legit hotel room and it even had a pool.

Z and I donned our suits and sat in the hot tub and soaked away a week’s worth of grime so we’d get a fresh start on the next batch of days on the road and then hit the sack for an early start the next day for a tour that would prove to be one that tied for 1st place for “Best Thing We Did On This Trip”.
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Your photos are stunning!
The drop to the bottom of the dam gives me vertigo just looking at it! Think covid is used as an excuse for a lot of things that make absolutely no sense- like closing a tour and keeping the bar open. I mean seriously shouldn’t it be the other way round :confused3 At least you got fed and watered
That hotel room looks so luxurious and those beds look heavenly. I’m betting it set you up for the next leg of the journey. Can’t wait to see what tied for first place in the list of things you’re glad you did. It has been an amazing journey so far. I am always stunned at the vastness of the USA.
I hate to disappoint you, but we, in fact, did not make it to either the Vermillion Cliffs OR Marble Canyon.
This is completely unacceptable! TR ruined!!!
I'm not exactly sure why... but I vote for this one. That vista is breathtaking.
We did happen to make it to Glen Canyon Dam to peer over the edge. Doing so IS the things nightmares are made of. The thing is massive. It’s yuuuuge!
I've never been to a truly massive dam. I'd love to see one some day.
Zach and I parked, probably illegally,
Cool bridge!
I always find it fascinating how all that water can be held back. The difference in elevation is incredible.
I'm guessing those belong to a tour group. I could be wrong.
Sadly, the dam was closed for tours or visiting (which made zero sense to me as they blamed it on Covid-gimme a freaking break)
Well, dam. That's unfortunate. I guess the tour takes you inside and into small, tight spaces.
(Totally guessing.)
Oddly, it was at a place that had more people in it that the dam visitor center probably would have fit
(yes, I’m feeling snarky tonight)
Oh? Hadn't noticed.

and it was the best Dam Bar and Grill Page, AZ could muster up.
I ordered a Lemon Drop
mmmm... yes please.
The server was very nice, and we chatted about her job and that she was thinking of moving to Oregon. I shared why I was moving and I saw a sense of contemplation wash over her face.
There she goes... our Liesa. Destroying the dreams of our youth, wherever she goes.
The food was average for a Bar and Grille, which made me question the “Best” part.
Well... if you're the only Dam Bar & Grill, you're technically the best. Conversely, you're also the worst.
I got a salad and Z had some sort of pasta and had the audacity to eat all of it without offering a bite. I took one anyway.
I think maybe in one of my former lives I was a structural engineer.
Who fell to her death working on a dam...
I’m not sure what happened between that life and today; now I have to count with my fingers like a 2nd grader.
I sprang for a legit hotel room and it even had a pool.
ooohhh... stepping up in the world.
I love hotels with their unlimited hot water...
I do not love it when their tubs are so tiny that they may as well not exist.
Z and I donned our suits and sat in the hot tub and soaked away a week’s worth of grime
1. That must have felt wonderful.
2. Remind me never to get in a hot tub with you guys if you've been traveling.
a tour that would prove to be one that tied for 1st place for “Best Thing We Did On This Trip”.
The pictures in this chapter are simply gorgeous! I love all the layers in the stone, and could seriously not decide which of those pictures was best--I understand your dilemma!!

It must've been nice to hit the hot tub after so many miles on the road. Definitely worth springing for a hotel room for the night.

How perfect that you were able to bump into family on the road! :) I love when things fall into place that way. Just meant to be!
I'm sensing a theme here...
I'm glad to see someone caught that.
I was thoroughly disappointed and will go back someday to conquer that wild goose chase. We did, however, console ourselves in the facts that we: A) Saw some pretty cool stuff along the way, and B) Really did try our best and it was worth the extra time.
Sorry you couldn't find it, but at least you got to experience some nature that was off the beaten path!
I was able to grab a photo of a replica of my new RV while I was there so I could show you!
Looks legit! That old Pete probably runs more reliably than these new emissions compliant machines.
I know there may be more than one of you that enjoys car racing. How about this gem?
Nice! A piece of Indiana history... in Arizona.
In keeping with the theme of Native American history, Montezuma’s Castle was next on the agenda.
Just amazing how they lived back then!
It’s basically hard NOT take a good photo. But I’ll let those speak for themselves as I leave off with some mouthwatering Nature Porn for you.
Beautiful scenery!
I wish everyone would just pick up after themselves. I mean, why be a pig?
::yes:: Pretty basic and simple.
The one that I didn’t see/forgot about made a hideous crunch-scrape-your-car-is-now-jacked-up-with-about-$1,200-worth-of-damage sort of noise and I knew in that instant this trip was far more expensive than I’d hoped it’d be.
Oh, no. So sorry that happened. But it does appear as if the damage isn't as bad as it could have been.
I was an idiot. (Things haven’t changed much, have they? :rolleyes: )
I mean, you could have gone with ambitious here and I wouldn't argue with that. But you said it, not me!
It is stunning landscape and it should be obvious to the traveler the inspiration for Navajo blankets and baskets. (More on this later… a lot more) Just look at these colors!!!! I could travel through here and never, ever get tired of how beautiful it is.
It really is quite beautiful!
Time to vote!
I like the fourth one.
I parked, probably illegally,
You really don't care about your vehicle at all, do you?
Oddly, it was at a place that had more people in it that the dam visitor center probably would have fit (yes, I’m feeling snarky tonight) and it was the best Dam Bar and Grill Page, AZ could muster up.
I'm sorry they wouldn't let you take a dam tour. But I'm glad you found this dam bar and grille.

If Mark and the Oblivious family ever get to Page, AZ, I know exactly where they will be eating. Not for the food, but for the endless string of dam jokes.
Glen Canyon Dam looks like it would be a good place to visit, especially once the tours return. There are a lot of lame reasons that things needed to be closed for COVID.


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