~The BOT Battalion~ BOTS On The Run

Howard Hopefully we can get an LR in but with Christmas and New Years on the horizon it may be tough. When we do get out we'll plan to pit stop over at Pat's and Geno's when we are done. I've been there many times but it's usually after a late night out. A few beers, low self control, and a cheesesteak go well together. A cheesesteak may go well after a LR too. Lou

Lou~ It looks like I am "supposed" to do a LR of 18 on 12/28 which is a Sunday. Any idea if you might be available? Let me know and we can work out the details if necessary.

The weekend prior to that Cam and I will be in WDW for a pre-anniversary trip so I don't think I'll be getting a run in of 17 miles down there.

It's awefully quiet here, since most of the East Coast is knee deep in rain, I fugured there would be more people online tonight. :confused3

Hi to all! :wave2:


It is dreary today, isn't it?
Beyond dreary here, actually.

I was scheduled for 6 today but wasn't real thrilled with the monsoon-like conditions and since I didn't have time to drive a few hours north to Jen's TM-Cineplex I just decided to bag it.

Weather looks dicey for the morning as well. I'm slated for 14 miles but may move things around a bit. I'm not saying I don't care at this point but I'm feeling just a tad more "flexible" than normal.

Not officially looking to the future or anything, but a dozen doughnuts sounds pretty good right now. Anyone got anything planned for Feb 7th?


Colleen - You or Jeff ever consider running the Grandfather Mountain Marathon? Boone's only what, 90 minutes or so from you?

Hey everyone: I'm too excited to sleep. :banana: I've got a half day of work today and then my girls, DD7 pooh: and DD10 princess:, and I are flying down to Disney. :thumbsup2 Can't wait. Man, I should have gotten an annual pass this year.
Hey everyone: I'm too excited to sleep. :banana: I've got a half day of work today and then my girls, DD7 pooh: and DD10 princess:, and I are flying down to Disney. :thumbsup2 Can't wait. Man, I should have gotten an annual pass this year.

Hey, it's never too late for those AP's!!

Have a great time!
Colleen - You or Jeff ever consider running the Grandfather Mountain Marathon? Boone's only what, 90 minutes or so from you?


Ha, Mike, yes, we know about the marathon and know some people that have done it, but it is tough, beautiful, but tough. There is a 10K in the same area called THE BEAR, because, yes it guessed it, it's a bear. Straight up (sort of)! And yes, Boone is about 60 minutes from us. Be sure you come and stay with us when you run it!:thumbsup2
Lou - :hug: Thank you for not letting my wallow in my self-pity. I really appreciate the link:thumbsup2 .

Dave - Have an absolutely magical time in WDW with the princesses:love: princess:

Mike - Here's to feeling flexible:hippie:

Howard - Won't even say how jealous I am that you and your bride:bride: are off to WDW as well this month. Happy Anniversary:lovestruc !

Cindy - Thanks:hug: . Please just don't post any mega miles you've run and I promise not to whine too much:laughing: about my ailments.

Jodi - I thought you were coming backpopcorn:: .

Managed to get in a good run yesterday which was much needed for my mental stability:rotfl: . Picked up my puppy last night:cloud9: so I was somewhat happy to run out the door to work this morning and let DH and the DD's have doggie duty:confused3 for the day since school is closed. Although, I did sleep on the couch with Maggie for most of the night:rolleyes1 I'll definitely get in a double-digit LR/LW this weekend, most likely Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend:grouphug:

Just kayaked into work and all is well :sad2: . What's up with that rain???

Mike - Ahhhh, flexible, now you're speaking the language of Dodo ;) . Honestly, a couple of LRs under 16 miles & you'll be all set for the Goofy. Go a bit easier on that half this year, though, huh? As for your offer to groom my dog, you just stay put on Fleet Street, there, Skippy! I'm in for the KrispyKremeKolesterolRun:laughing: .

Sara - Too cool about your puppy!:banana: I can't believe you spent the night sleeping with it, though :rotfl: , too cute. Good luck with everything, puppies can be quite a handful in the beginning, but well worth it in the end. I highly recommend crating your little Maggie :cutie: .

Colleen - When do you leave for DDs swim thingie? Any training for you?:rolleyes1 How 'bout DH? That Grandpa Grueling Marathon, or whatever it's called, looks HEINOUS!

Dave - I'm too excited for you!! Have fun with DDs & travel safely. I'll be waiting to hear your reporting on the Podcast!

Steve - Hey, man, where are you? What's your opinion on the scenario below? Is this possible, or am I just a whack job creating phantom ailments so I can get attention?

Cindy - Read about the raid on your huge party in the paper! Sounds like you're really taking advantage of Matt's extended business trip!

Lou - Hope work isn't interfering with your posting here today :rotfl: .

Howard - WOW, you've got a lot of running ahead of you! I hope you & Cam have a terrific Anniversary Weekend @ the World :hug: . Take care of that PF!

Brief update: After I ran a whopping 3 miles on Tues. & noticed the discoloration, swelling, et al on the side of my foot I decided to soak it & play around with it for a bit. I took an Aleve, which helped a bit. I pulled up on my toes & pushed down with my foot to create resistance (think pushing down on a stiff accelerator), then did the opposite. Didn't feel a popping, but the pain was significantly diminished. Woke up the next a.m. anticipating pain when I swung my gnarled tootsies out of bed, but to my surprise, nothing. I am now 98.13% pain free with swelling/bruising all but gone. Called the torture guy to report & he confirmed what he thought all along, a little-bitty tarsal was out of place & popped back in (or decompressed...whatever). Gave it a few days (been working abs & yoga stuff) & will try to get a run in this afternoon before Noah swings by to pick up the family.:confused3
Yowch, I hope all of you east of me (Sara, Jodi, and Steve) didn't fare too badly with that ice storm. How are things in your part of the state Sara?

I'm heading home now, and hopefully I won't have any delays with my flights. Have a great weekend everyone!
Colleen - When do you leave for DDs swim thingie? Any training for you?:rolleyes1 How 'bout DH? That Grandpa Grueling Marathon, or whatever it's called, looks HEINOUS!

DD's swim meet starts today, but she isn't feeling great so we will swim just Saturday and Sunday.

Training? What training? Nothing this week..:sad2:

DH's training is going alright. He plans 18 miles Sunday morning, we will still be at the swim meet, so he googled the area around the hotel we are staying and he found there is a golf course just next door. He is a happy swim dad!

Yes, Grandfather Mountain Marathon is HEINOUS!

I am just packing up the last suitcase for the swim meet. The whole family is going to this one, which is so much more work!

Have a good weekend all!
Mike: You are welcome at our TM-cineplex anytime ;)

Jodi: I'm glad your foot is feeling better

Dave: Have a great trip. I'm sure you and the girls will have fun.

As for me, happy to finally have some sun today although that is about the only thing that went right. I did manage a quick 3 miles and am trying to figure out where I have time for a 20 mile run in the next few days. Now off to bake several dozen cookies for a cookie exchange party tomorrow. popcorn::
Greetings and Salutations,

Colleen - I hope the swim weekend goes well for everyone.

Jen - I'd have been more inclined to run in your theater if I would have known there were cookies involved!

Sara - How's the back/knee/cold? Getting any sleep with the new baby in the house?

ChiChi - Great to hear your footsie is feeling 98.13% well. It's always that last 1.87% that's the toughest.

I somehow missed commenting on your race report statement where you focused on increasing the oxygen to your legs or some such thing. Is this like some Jedi trick? Can Dave learn this technique while toting Yoda around on his back?:yoda:

I seem to remember Obi-Wan saying the Jedi deal was most effective on those with weak minds. I fear you may have me clucking around like a chicken next month.

Cindy - I guess now we know the secret of your motivation: No Matt, no running. Either that or you're just pretending not to run so the rest of us feel better.

Lou, Howard, Dave, Chester, Cam, Steve and anyone else lurking out there - Hey guys!:wave2:

I was able to get 14 miles in this morning. It was plenty windy but dry. The run was much more difficult than it should have been IMO. Everything was kind of tight and achy and uncomfortable for most of the run. But 14 miles done is 14 miles done.
Howard - 12/28 is a possibility. I'll check with the boss on my social schedule and get back to you.

Dave - I'm jealous. Enjoy the time in WDW!!

Sara - Good luck with the LR this weekend!

Jodi - Glad you worked out the foot problem. Yes, work jammed me up most of this week.

Cindy bagged a run? Imagine that.

Colleen - Good luck to DD at the swim meet.

Jen - Good luck getting the 20 in. The weather looks decent this weekend so you should be fine.

Hey Mike, Chester, Cam, Steve!

With Christmas looming and work I have been neglecting the boards. Plus I am not training for anything right now which kind of has me bummed. I'll work on putting something on the calendar soon.

Heading into Philly with the familia today to enjoy some of the Christmas festivites! They have a huge light show in town in Macy's (formerly Wanamakers) that is a must see.

Oh yeah, I squeezed in a few 4,4,3 mile runs on the TM this week. Boring as heck but I hooked up my laptop and watched DVD's to pass the time. I may actually try to run outside tomorrow since the flood is over. I think the news said we got a month's worth of rain on one day this week.

Hey everyone! Is there anybody out there????

Is there anybody out there????

Man, we are dropping off the boards. No LR's for me this weekend but managed to get in 6 miles on the TM today. It's something.

Went to Philly with the family yesterday to check out the Christmas festivities. The Macy's (formerly Wanamakers) light show was nice. For those not from Philly I'll post some photos of it later today. Macy's also has a Dicken's Village set up that used to be in Strawbridges (another old Philly department store) for years. The Dicken's Village is like a walk-through version of Pirates without the fancy animatronics. It was still nice.

Comcast actually stole the show. They had the largest HDTV I have ever seen and had this incredible Christmas show. The people on the big screen actually looked real. Again, I'll post some pics later.

Lowlight of the day was when we witnessed a brawl between a bunch of skateboarders and a wedding party that was trying to take photos in front of the LOVE statue at Love Park. No one was seriously hurt but it was entertaining. Lots of love on display at Love Park yesterday.

It sure has been quiet in Botville this weekend.

A brawl in front of the LOVE statue just seems wrong on so many levels....

We've been doing the holiday thing, went to 2 parties yeaster and didn't even run from the car to the house... We also stayed up too late and both myself and DH are falling asleep already, so a run tonight looks doubtful (why do today what you can put off until tomorrow :rotfl: )

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
BarrenBotville Wasteland

Where's the tumbleweeds?

Real quick. I ran 6 miles on Friday (foot protested a bit), off yesterday, & 4.5 today, foot's ok, I guess :confused3 . Still a little sore.

The Cloud & I went to a Christmas party last night (I know, can you actually believe someone invited us somewhere?) :lmao: . Did some shopping today :sad2: .

Lou - The trip to Philly sounds FUN! Especially the fight in front of the LOVE statue :yay: ;) !

Jen - My sentiments exactly!!! Why run today when tomorrow looms?:rotfl:

Mike - Don't worry, I know what you want for Christmas!!


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