The Bottomless Pit conquers the bite at a time


DIS Veteran
Oct 30, 2007
:welcome: Everyone!
We went home to SSR 10/10-10/19 and now it's time to share our shenanigans! We had a few glitches before arriving, including my sinuses joining the "let's get infected a week before we leave" but thankfully, the worst was over before we flew! I do have to warn everyone, just before the trip, we decided to invest in a new lens for our camera. To say we were shocked at the improvement is an understatement so there will definitely be plenty of pics!

It's Friday 10/10 and much to our dismay DH (who is my squatch) and I both had to work. So, we were both up at 5am in order to be home from work by 10:30am so we could leave for the airport when my DMIL arrived just before 11am. We made it through the airport and security fairly quickly ( I should mention I was wearing my Malificent Minnie ears which earned a few strange looks and fun remarks) and for once, the airport bar was open so....we pulled up a stool and commenced our shenanigans!


Just as we were finishing our "snack" our flight was called, we grabbed our seats and thankfully, took off a few minutes early. Even better was we landed nearly 20 minutes early! Score! Soon we boarding the Magical Express and saw one of the best signs on earth!


We arrived home to SSR within an hour after our flight landed, check in was extremely easy (we did do online check in) and had a surprise, our grocery order from Garden Grocer had been delivered early. (We had actually been scheduled on a later flight due to work, however, after our flight was changed and we only had a 20 minute layover in Atlanta, we made arrangements at our jobs and switched flights!) Our 1BR was ready, so after I had our number, the squatch was already at bell services picking up our groceries and soon we were in our golf cart taking the scenic route to Congress Park. For some reason, the main road was torn up:eek: Our villa was perfect, we put our groceries away, dropped carry on gear, put the camera in the park bag and off the bus stop we went. As we were waiting for the MK bus, the squatch spotted none other than SSRMonkey and koala! They were just returning from TL (it was a very hot day) and despite their earlier shenanigans, their parents decided the spa trip made up for it and we made plans to meet up later. (they had to clean the sand out of their fur!) The MK bus arrived and soon we standing in line to exchange our AP vouchers. So, the squatch is now revoking my privileges as I had forgotten it was a party night and the line was looooong with people picking up will call tickets. I had managed to score a FP+ for POTC (good thing because the line was insane) so we stopped at Caseys for a hot dog for the squatch and nuggets for me and finished the last bites as we arrived at POTC. After a welcome ride, we hightailed it out of there. No, I did not get a dole whip as the line was nuts on both sides! We jumped on the monorail and over to Epcot we go!
Upon arriving the Epcot, the pit has decided to revolt. Bad feedings for a few days before we left and today have the left pit in disarray! We decided to visit the festival center, pick up passports and enjoy the chocolate creations while it was not very busy.




After wandering around the festival center and finding out the D&B handbags were sold out, I was at least able to get a passholder shirt (passholder pins were already gone also), sent our package back to SSR and off to the Craft beer stand for the squatch.


After the squatch was watered and the pit picked at the snack mix (which was quite tasty), we wandered back to the world showcase. Since the pit was being rotten, the squatch grabbed a few more drinks, I took some pictures and then it was time to meet SSRMonkey by the fountain!




We found SSRMonkey and we all decided to head over to DTD. We wound up at Splitsville (a first for us) and were very pleasantly surprised. The pit was still out of service so I managed half a hamburger while everyone else had these wonderful pizzas and nachos and gaitor baits. If you've never had a gaiter bait, you don't know what you're missing! the Squatch entertained SSRMonkey with his tales of gaitor wrestling and all too soon, we were all exhausted and headed home to SSR for the night. We finally made it to bed after midnight.

Up next, our first full day, will the pit behave?, who's bright idea was it to make a 7:30am breakfast ressie and Party for the Senses!
Yay! I've been waiting for your report! I'm honored to be mentioned and so glad we had a chance to engage in some hijinx! I am still trying to figure out the recipe for gator bites! Can't wait to read more!
Yay! I've been waiting for your report! I'm honored to be mentioned and so glad we had a chance to engage in some hijinx! I am still trying to figure out the recipe for gator bites! Can't wait to read more!

We were honored to hang out with you! And dumbfounded that we didn't think to take some pictures with you! The squatch thinks he has the gaitor baits figured out, but he hasn't had time since we have been back to hunt down the main ingredient. It may involve a road trip! Will probably do the next installment tomorrow. It's getting late, we had a 2 hour zumba fundraiser tonight and photobucket has an attitude problem this evening!
It's our first full day! Yay! So, someone *cough squatch* decided a 7:30 am breakfast Sat am was a good idea. So, we somehow managed to wake up at 6:30am and get ourselves out the door by 7:10am. took forever to get a cab for some reason so we did arrive a few minutes late, but we were seated within a few minutes. Great way to start off the trip....breakfast with Stitch. And the pit was empty! Usually our server will leave us the Stitch juice when I ask nicely, however, our server was not so nice. By the 4th time he filled our juice glasses, he was kind of figuring, perhaps he should have left the juice! We were happy to see our friends!







So, the pit happily filled, we hopped on the monorail and made our way to MK. We made it just in time to watch the welcome show (which kind of loses something when the railroad is not working) and made our way up Main St on the off chance we may get on the 7 little people's mine ride (I'm borrowing a quote from SSRMonkey as we believe in being PC ;)_ NOT! the line was back to Dumbo. We were fortunate enough Space Mtn had a 10 minute wait so we rode and by the time we were off, the wait was up to 40 minutes. After Space, the squatch beat me badly at Buzz....what's new? As you can see, I was deeply concentrating on trying to beat him, but no luck!


After Buzz, we notice Under the Sea was still a relatively short wait so we dropped in to visit Ariel. Now it's time for the obligatory ride on IASW...complete with the squatch serenading me during the ride, not quite sure what I did to deserve that. Next we checked out the new Momento Mori shop, which is actually pretty cool. HM was still pretty short wait so we popped in to see the 999 happy haunts. We got lucky and Splash actually still had a humane wait so we took a ride through the Briar Patch. By now, the park is getting pretty busy and we can't pull a FP for anything because we have one for TT later in the afternoon so thankfully, the dole whip stand only had a few people so the pit finally had a dole whip. By now, we decided to head back over to Epcot, however, the pit is now again on revolt. finally figured out it was the antibiotic for the sinus infection, which was thankfully the last dose. It's also now 90+ degrees outside!
We arrived at Epcot and wandered around for a bit!




So, Epcot is jam packed, it's hotter than blazes and the pit is ticked off. GREAT! Squatch needs watered so we went back to Craft Beer so he could try the next round. WS is just a sea of people and with the pit currently having technical difficulties, we decided to hang around the front end of the park. We had heard a rumor SSRMonkey might be heading to the pool and we were almost to the point of being miserable so we stopped at a FP kiosk, not able to change the time for TT, we gave our FP back, stopped at the festival center to pick up a couple of bottles of wine and thankfully, since we were leaving we were able to take it with us, and headed home to SSR to spend the afternoon at pool. We did see SSRMonkey and koala and their parents and had a nice visit, although Monkey and Koala did disappear for a bit....wonder what shenanigans they were up to? It was getting about time for us to head in to get ready for the evening so we said our "see ya real soon" to our furry friends (they were leaving in the am) and went home to get ready for the night.

Up for the senses (senseless)....does the pit rebound?
We were fortunate enough to attend PFTS (party for the senses) 2 years ago and decided to go again this year. Unfortunately, we were not able to get reserved seating so we wound up going early in order to be at the front of the stampede. I was very excited as a couple of awesome celebrity chefs that night and the party did not disappoint. thankfully, the pit is now back on track with the technical difficulties resolved. If you've never done PFTS, the reason we change it senseless is because if you leave hungry or sober, shame on you! We made friends while waiting for the stampede to start and because the squatch was wearing his big Blue M shirt, the family we had met, actually took the time to find us and invited us to join them for the evening at their table! We were very grateful!! There were 30 food stations and as many adult beverage stations. We were neither hungry or sober! Highlights of the evening include my being able to meet both Art Smith and Rock Harper and get their autographs! Some of the more memorable food items were Art's pork tenderloin with apple and fennel, Rock's mac and cheese with braised beef cheeks, pumpkin soup, waygu sliders and most of the adult beverage. We tried rabbit which looked and tasted like chicken. We actually managed to try each chef's food, no easy feat and most of the adult beverage! Here are a few pics from the event.





Full and mildly and pleasantly polluted, we left the event just before it ended at 10pm and stopped for a couple of post-party pics!



Happy to report we made it safely to the bus and had no incidents on the ride home. Suffice it to say, it was mostly kids over 21 on the bus so it was an entertaining ride. No one was out of control, but many were entertaining! We decided it was past time for bed so we cleaned up and off to sleep (it off) we went!

Up next, our first day at DHS and around the world we go!
The looks on your faces in Buzz are priceless! Hahaha! I've been sworn to secrecy about where Koala and I went while you and Mom and Dad were at the pool, but I think the statute of limitations has almost worn off and I will soon be able to discuss it. That's why I haven't finished my trip report yet!

Looks like you had a great time at PFTS. Your TR's always make me hungry. I'm going to go make a fluffernutter. Can't wait for the next installment!
The looks on your faces in Buzz are priceless! Hahaha! I've been sworn to secrecy about where Koala and I went while you and Mom and Dad were at the pool, but I think the statute of limitations has almost worn off and I will soon be able to discuss it. That's why I haven't finished my trip report yet!

Looks like you had a great time at PFTS. Your TR's always make me hungry. I'm going to go make a fluffernutter. Can't wait for the next installment!

:rotfl2: oh boy! I can't wait for the statute of limitations to run out! This one sounds pretty juicy! At least you can tell I was trying very hard to beat the squatch! Fluffernutter sounds way better than the chicken and stuffing I just put in the oven for dinner!
It's Sunday and we had made FP+ for ST, TOT and TSM. While we had initially planned to make RD, we were not sure if TSM had a stand by line so, we didn't bother to get up early. After my signature breakfast of a Mickey waffle with bacon, off the studios we go. I have to say, so far, bus service hasn't been too terribly awful. We arrived at the studios and stopped for a photo. We'd never seen a photographer in this spot in previous trips.


We went to ST and the squatch was happy, we had the Wookie planet and Gungkins. We had planned to run around and go again, but line had gone up to 40 minutes by the time we were done, so we decided to wander around for a few. We came upon the new Frozen sing along and actually was able to snag a seat just before it started. Remember, I warned you all we got a new camera lens and we were sitting in the bleachers when these pics were shot. I have to say, the show was cute. It was rather entertaining for the adults with some off color jokes that went over many of the little ones heads. It was cute with all of the little kids singing along.





After Frozen, we wandered in Oaken's trading post. I can honestly say, the studios were definitely "frozen over" to the point of almost being on overload. We had a cute pic done in there.


My prediction is (much to my dismay and I'm REALLY hoping I'm way wrong) Frozen land is coming to the studios. Just a prediction! We live in Oh so we had no desire to play in the ice and no one was working at the snack stand for some reason so we wandered over to TSM where we found there is a stand by line (guarantee it wouldn't have been had we made RD) and I soundly beat the squatch, again! (I stink at Buzz, he stinks at TSM) We stopped in the art store and for a popcorn snack. We also bought some pins under the hat, which was our last time for that as the hat is now being removed for some reason. We had checked for RNR but the wait time was 80 minutes so we stopped in a few shops and it was time for TOT. Excellent as always and the video was different. Thankfully there was a FP+ kiosk and we stopped. RNR was gone for the day but we did snag one for F! that night, which many of you know, is my absolute favorite show. We stopped for a pic.


For some reason, the Squatch wanted a burger so we stopped at Backlot express where he got is burger and I found a salad. yes, the pit ate a salad because the CS at DHS is yuck! After we were fed, we made our way to the boat and over to Epcot for eating and drinking around the world.
First stop was the craft beer pavilion, again, so the squatch could get something else. Then it was time to feed the pit! Pavlova from Austrailia did not disappoint, the ribeye taco and sweet corn cheesecake in Mexico were less than stellar, we shared some beer flights at brewer's collection. Final stop was Canada for the beef filet and Neige bubble. Now, my phone is blowing up because, unfortunately, this is the one game every 5 years the clowns, I mean browns have beaten the Steelers so I took my ribbing and we made our way back to the studios for dinner at 50's PT. We arrived and were seated quickly and lucky us, we had one of our favorite servers, Kaydee! She is the person who put my DSIL (and the one who coined the term, bottomless pit) in the corner holding a sugar packet with her nose for repeated elbows on the table. We had a great meal and enjoyed visiting with Kaydee. After dinner, it was time to head over to F!. the squatch was able to get ahead of me and secured seats on the far right of Pocohontas (not bad considering there was only 1 show and we couldn't sit in our regular spot due to dining package) I picked up the snack (caramel corn, what else?) and found the squatch. I was really excited to play with the camera and here are some of the better pictures.










After F!, the park was closed and it was pretty early, so we headed home to SSR, dropped off park gear and went over to DTD. Love, love, love the new bridge! We did some shopping, had a popcorn snack then went home for the night.

Up next, AK and our first MNSSHP
It's Monday and we are off to AK this am. We don't always do AK and it's usually a quick park for us, which is good because we had wanted some down time this afternoon before MNSSHP. We arrived and tried to take a pic of the tree, there were construction walls everywhere.


We then made our way to the safari, good thing we had FP because the line was awful. 70 minutes. I can't remember the last time we saw that long of a wait in the fall for the safari. Got some very cool pics, including rhino butt, which the squatch found to be hilarious!









After the safari, we had quite a bit of time before our next FP and Dinosaur had a 15 minute wait so we went and rode Dinosaur. After Dinosaur we had some more time so we headed over to EE. Stopped for a pic.


EE had a 35 minute wait and we had 20 to kill before our FP so we rode in the standby line, jumped off and ran around for round 2. I did cancel our FP for Dinosaur and we stopped for a snack, popcorn for me, pretzel for the squatch and frozen cokes (it was hotter than blazes) and headed to the bus. We had just missed a bus, which was going to put us in a bit of a pickle for lunch so instead of the Earl, we just went up to AP. Salad for the pit and flat bread pizza for the squatch then we spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool.
All to soon, it was time to head home to get ready for the party!

Up next, MNSSHP and the reveal of the squatch's great idea for costumes!
Looks like your camera lens is working well, great pics! I agree with the Squatch, the hippo butt is the best! Waiting for the next installment... popcorn::
Time for our first night of MNSSHP! We learned 4 years ago it's impossible to enjoy the entire party in 1 night so, we splurge and get 2 nights.
But first, a quick background on our costumes this year. It was late summer and we were starting to kick around ideas when one night, Wreck it Ralph came on. Well, to us, it's like.....squirrel. So as we sat (when we had plenty of stuff to do) and watched Ralph, the squatch says, "I want to be Ralph for Halloween so I can say I'm gonna wreck it" Go squatch! Great idea! A colleague of mine is artsy and sews so we enlisted her help, did some shopping on amazon and viola' our costumes were born!


waiting at the CP bus stop!

We arrived at MK and having already linked our tickets to our bands, in we went! Stopped for a couple of pics on the way in



We did stop and say the Pledge as we were arriving just as the flag retreat ceremony was starting. After the ceremony, we went to the Plaza for our dinner. The squatch had...what else...a burger and I had the philly cheese steak. Both were very tasty! The family next to us was dressed up as IASW and their kids loved we were Ralph and Vanellope. After dinner, we made our way over to the other side of the park, stopping for popcorn (dessert) in the zero bucket. Hey, we should have a light right? Thankfully, POTC had a short wait so we rode and by the time we were done, the ghost host was shooing all non-party goers out. We did some trick or treating then headed over to Splash. I didn't want to ruin my wig so I had to use some rain gear!


After Splash we did the trick or treat trail then over to BTMRR (washer then dryer :lmao:) The parade was getting ready to start and I did manage to snag a pic of the horseman on our way over to HM. And play with the camera. Oh, and we stopped to trick or treat!





We definitely picked a good time for the Mansion! Line was pretty short for both the mansion and the special pictures. By the time we were off the mansion, the wait was 40 minutes. The party was sold out and quite honestly, probably a little over sold.



After the mansion we took ducked through Liberty Square and made a stop at Sleepyhollow for the pumpkin waffle, Yummy!! We also managed to snag a pretty decent spot to watch the fireworks at the last minute. I didn't any fireworks pics tonight, but have some cool ones to share on MNSHHP round 2. After the fireworks, we made our way back to Fantasyland and found the 7LPMT (PC version courtesy of SSRMonkey) line to be 85 minutes....WHAT? Moving on, we found the witch from Snow White who was trying to keep Ralph from wrecking her basket.


We headed over to Dumbo, trick or treat, Space, which was walk on when we arrived and half an hour by the time we got off to run around, and off to Buzz where we got stuck and I managed to get 999,999 to the squatch's 899,999 therefore, I won! (I wouldn't tell him which target I was shooting at!) We took another spin through Fantasyland to try the mine ride and were surprised to see a short line, because it had broken down! Doh! So, we decided to check out the Villains dance party. The Step mother was having some fun with Ralph.



The dance party was pretty crowded so we made our way back over toward POTC, rode it again (as the party seemed to have moved over to the other side of the park) and trick or treated some more. It was nearing midnight and we have learned, it's not going to kill us to get to the bus before midnight, so we started to head out, stopping for one last photo on the way.


We managed to get a bus at 11:55 and were one of the last folks on! We made it home to SSR and it was time to clean up and go to bed!
Up next, Epcot for a full day of feeding the pit, or so we thought!
It's Tuesday and the plan for the day was to feed the pit! Started the day off a little on the later side since we were out late the night before so it was cereal and banana for the pit for breakfast. It seemed most everyone staying at SSR was in line for a hot breakfast. We made quick work of breakfast and headed over to Epcot. We arrived just in time to use our Nemo FP and right after Nemo headed over to Soarin'. The wait for the land was 40 minutes :eek: so, we elected to bypass that experience. Shortly after Soarin' our window opened for Mission Space (orange of course) so after we rode, it was off to the WS to eat! Of course, I had to play with the camera!


Arrived in WS and started at Terra where, due my losing the rock/paper/scissors, selected the cupcake. The nicest thing I can say is, I would not choose to eat that again! Next stop was Mexico for the rib eye taco and the sweet corn cheesecake. Again, not fan favorites. The mango-strawberry margarita, however, was quite tasty. Moving on to Farm Fresh, the bacon hash and the yard bird were both very tasty as was the beer flight and the Eroica Riesling. It was time to leave for lunch (scored BOG FP) so we stopped at the locker for water and rain gear (it was starting to get cloudy and showers were predicted) and off the monorail.

BOG for lunch was a huge let down. We've had dinner here three times and lunch was just plain awful. We had pre-ordered and for some reason, the pre-order was not there. Thankfully the CM believed us and allowed us to put our order in. Thankfully we remembered what we had ordered. The squatch's beef sandwich had so much horseradish, it was almost inedible and my pork was so salty, I felt my blood pressure rise at least 30 points. However, there was not the least bit of seasoning on the veggies. Disappointing! If I'd had a crystal ball, would never have made the lunch FP.
We made our way back over to the monorail and just as we were pulling out of the TTC station, it started to pour. Not regular pour but someone holding a hose on full blast pour. Despite having rain gear, we were soaked just going down the monorail platform. By the time we made it to the locker, the rain had stopped, however, there were storms right behind it. We did the smart thing and headed home to SSR. We definitely needed to do some :laundy: as we had gone through a lot of clothing due to the heat and humidity. within minutes of getting back to our villa, the next round of storms let loose! We got lucky and the rain had stopped long enough for us to walk over to DTD to grab a bus to Poly for dinner at Ohana. Squatch thought I was nuts for grabbing the umbrellas.....good thing because on the way over to the Poly, a nasty thunderstorm blew up. We weren't too soaked, but we did stop at the gift shop and we each got a new pair of Mickey sandals. Dinner at O'hana did not disappoint and I'm glad we asked and got a salad because the lettuce wraps were yuck. Full beyond belief, we had planned to go to MK to watch Wishes, however, it was still rainy and stormy so we headed home to SSR. Early night, but that was ok, because we could stand an early night.

Up next....feed the pit, take 2!
Your costumes are so cool! It sounds like you had a great time at the first party. I can't believe you got to meet the witch from Snow Caucasian! #jealous I totally would have stolen her apple and would have tried to see if her nose is a prosthesis. Good thing I didn't run into her. I'm eating some leftover candy from our trip while waiting for the next installment. :)
Your costumes are so cool! It sounds like you had a great time at the first party. I can't believe you got to meet the witch from Snow Caucasian! #jealous I totally would have stolen her apple and would have tried to see if her nose is a prosthesis. Good thing I didn't run into her. I'm eating some leftover candy from our trip while waiting for the next installment. :)

It was entertaining to watch her and the squatch attempt to duke it out! I'm surprised the squatch didn't make a run for the apples either!
It's Wed and that dreaded knowledge of the trip is now half over crept in for half a minute and thankfully left quickly! We were pretty well rested and had planned to start our day at BB, however, the weather was still overcast and it was a little drizzly so we decided to spend the day feeding and watering the pit. Fortunately, we were able to snag FP for TT, the land and MS. Out the door we go and on the way to breakfast a gentleman and lady happened to stop us. Turns out, the pit has a fan! Hello again if you are out there reading this TS...drop a line and say hi! It was awesome to meet you!
Mickey waffle and bacon into the pit and off to Epcot we go! We stopped for some pics on the way in. It was too hot to wear our drinking shirts earlier in the week, so we were happy it was cool enough to wear them today!




Our first FP was for MS, good thing because we only ride orange. Would hate to have to use the space sickness bag! We strolled though Mouse Gear and soon the WS was open! First stop-Patagonia. Chowed on an empanada and a glass of malbec. Yummy! Next up was Farm Fresh. The bacon hash was one of the best things we had eaten so far. The griddled yard bird was also quite tasty! The Squatch took a beer sampler and I tried the Eroica Riesling which was also quite tasty. We traveled to Africa next and did the beef tenderloin tips, which are always a favorite. Soon after was Singapore for the sear Mahi Mahi and I was lucky enough to catch them as they were taking it off the grill. So yummy! And no, I did NOT drink a Singapore sling. Whomever invented that awfulness should be hung the toenails. We grabbed the second sampler from the brewer's collection and then off to Germany for brats and donuts. I paired the food with the wine flight while the squatch polished off the rest of the beer. It was starting to get warm, warmer than we had thought it would get and the pit was getting full so we checked the time and started making our way back toward TT. We stopped at the locker and changed into cooler shirts (the t-shirts were getting a little warm) and then it was off to TT. After TT, back to feeding frenzy it was! Next stop was china, which never disappoints. Pot stickers were awesome and served along side one of my all time festival favorites, the happy lychee! We stopped across the way at Korea and tried the grapefruit Icing beer. I will not repeat what the squatch said it looked like, this is a PG TR. Suffice it to say, it was nasty, both the squatch's comment and the beverage. Made our way over to Poland for grocery store kielbasa and the squatch's O.K. beer. I had the Frozen apple pie vodka drink. Next stop was the block and hans for some ice wine for me. We also stopped for a picture.


It was getting to be time for the Land and the pit was again reaching it's full point so we made our way up to the land and enjoyed our ride through the green house. Gave the pit a little time to digest! After the break, it was a stop to Scotland. Thought about the veggie haggis, then thought better of it. Potato pancake with salmon it was along with the cranachan dessert and beer for the squatch. Took this near the Scotland stand. I think the squatch was hoping it was real and we could find a way to bring this home!


We grabbed a pork slider and some Kona from Hawaii then to the refreshment port for a cronut. Cronuts are very popular where we live and that was one of the worst ones I've ever eaten. We also tried the dragonberry cooler, definitely missed the colada this year, but the cooler was tasty. Greece is always scary and I lost so I had to do the food. The CM recommened the cheese. Oh the horror! :scared1: One bite and the pit almost emptied itself! Blech! Next stop was Puerto Rico, I had to get that awful taste out of my mouth! We tried the Braised beef, the plantains and the custard, which was tasty. The plantains were greasy and the beef was just ok. The San Juan breeze (leaded) was also quite tasty and the squatch tried a medella beer. We kept on walking and came across Ireland where I was able to get some decent cheese! We came across Brazil and enjoyed the pork belly and moscato and Xingu beer, which was a little weird. Next up was Belgium where we downed both the savory and the berry waffles, which are one of our festival favorites! The squatch grabbed a beer from Morocco (no new food and the food is not a fan favorite) We decided to stop in the Chase lounge for a pit stop and some non-adult beverages and to sit down in the AC for a few. I have to say, we do enjoy the Chase lounge, it's a nice little perk! By now, the squatch was squawking about "real food" so we made our way out the back door and over the Big River Brewing for dinner. We were seated quickly and the squatch ordered his customary beer flight while the pit tried some water and diet Coke. Dinner was a kobe burger and chips which were quite yummy! After we ate, back to the festival we go! On the way back, the sky was amazing so I stopped to take a couple of pictures across the lagoon!



We stopped at the Champagne and desserts and tried the frozen s'mores (weird, but good) and the dessert trio which had its high and low points. The passion fruit creamsicle and the chocolate cake were good, the blueberry lime cheesecake, not so much. The champagne was also tasty! The pit was pretty full and both of our check liver lights were starting to flash so we made our way up the festival center to see if a bottle of wine I had wanted had come in, it had not, and then we stopped over the shopping. Sweet mother of monkey milk, the limited edition festival D&B handbags were being unloaded as we stood idly by! :wizard: It's the one thing I had REALLY wanted this trip and after some heavy bargaining, the squatch relented and I had my bag! Even got the AP discount! I was also a decent human and called my friend Missy at home (she had mentioned wanting one) however, while she thanked me for calling, she said that a new bag was not in the plan. Here is my bag!!


After it was paid for and being sent back to SSR, we made our way to the locker, grabbed our gear and headed to monorail and over to MK to watch Celebrate the Magic and Wishes. As we were heading into the park, the water parade was going by.



My castle pic as we were waiting for the show to begin!


And the Halloween Mickey!


We enjoyed the show and the fireworks then made our way out to the bus, capturing these last couple of shots on the way out.



We made our way home and off to bath and bed we went! Up next, a FULL day at MK including meeting Anna and Elsa, a ride on the new 7 little people's mine ride (borrowing the PC phrase from SSRMonkey), BOG for dinner and MNSSHP part deux!
The pit (and our livers) needed a break today, so it was MK day. Today was the only day we were able to snag FP for A&E and 7LPMR (again, borrowing SSRMonkey's PC ride name) Our day started wandering up Main St with a turn to Aloha Isle for my after breakfast snack of a dole whip and a stop to POTC to start the day. We also had time for Splash before our FP for Peter Pan. After Pan, we made our way to the HM to visit our 999 happy haunts and then it was time for the mine ride. I have to say, it was a little disappointing, definitely not worth an hour wait. It's a cute little ride, but that's it...cute and little. We did get our ride photos.


After the ride, we had some time before meeting Anna and Elsa so we dropped in to see Philharmagic and then rode the carousel. Finally, it was time to meet the newest queen and princess. Anna talks way too much and we did beg Queen Elsa to be merciful and not freeze us to death this winter. She did assure us it was not her who froze us last year.....:confused3 not too sure about that! Definitely one of the better character experiences we have had in recent memory!



I grabbed a popcorn for the road and we headed back to SSR. We needed to pick up 5 days worth of shopping and grab some lunch. Thankfully, our favorite CM, Donna was working and she was on fetch our package duty while we scarfed some flatbread pizzas. We took our treasures back to our villa, showered and it was time to get ready to head to the party!
Up next, MNSSHP part deux
Your photos are excellent and your trip report is charming. Thank you for sharing it.
It's time for MNSSHP part deux! We arrived and made our way to dinner, stopping for a castle shot!


We are starting the evening off with dinner at BOG. While lunch was awful, this is the fourth time we have snagged dinner ressies and dinner did not disappoint! Shot this while we were waiting for our table




We had planned to stop and thank the master for the meal, however, his line was quite long so it was out to the party. The ghost host was reminding all of the non party goers it was time to vacate the kingdom. The trick or treat station at Pinnochio's village house was opening and the CM's kindly encouraged us to come trick or treat so we did. We were rewarded with extra candy for out costumes! The squatch needed a time out so I took some pics at Rapunzel while waiting on him.



We went over to Splash and rode, trick or treated then dried off on BTMRR. After BTMRR, we decided to watch the parade in Frontierland due to the chaos on the hub with the construction. I think this may be our new favorite spot to watch parades! We had a great view and didn't have to find a spot super early either. Here are a few shots from the parade, including a much better one of the horseman.









After the parade, we stopped in to club villain. It was a little less chaotic than Monday night. I spotted Cruella so I called out, Hey Cruella, I have puppies. she said "puppies, where are the puppies" I said outside, she wasn't believing me, then my Ralph got in on the fun to which she replied, you stay out of this, you have you're own movie. She was absolutely on par!


After the club, we headed over to sleepy hollow as the pit was needing a snack, so we shared another pumpkin waffle then made our way over to the chaos for the fireworks!





After the fireworks, we headed back to fantasyland to trick or treat and do some riding. 7LPMT was packed with over an hour wait, so we decided to take a spin on Dumbo. Did some more trick or treating and then rode Space twice and Buzz, where the squatch beat me...again!



We did some more trick or treating and heading back over to ride POTC.


After POTC, the pit was needing a snack, so we stopped for some frozen crack, I mean, a dole whip! It was getting close to midnight so we made our way out, stopping for one last shot on Main St.


We caught a bus around 12:15 and headed home to SSR. Next up, finally some flexibility to FP+, let sleeping squatch's lie and earning our completion stamps at F&W


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