~The Daily Grind~ 8/26/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 8/26/10

It's The Day Before Friday!! And it's my day off!! :woohoo:

My list for today:

Caffeinate...This repeats everyday

Feed Pups

DIS/FB :surfweb:


Swish and Swipe

BBQ steaks for dinner (never got them done yesterday)

Make assorted balls for snakes... sausage balls, spinach balls, oreo truffles...

should read SNACKS!!! :lmao:

330p dentist appt

Returns at Joanns...

DH wants me to get the car inspected...NAH!

Have a Great Day everyone!!
YIPPPPPEEEEE for the day before Friday!! I didn't want to drag myself out of the bed this morning, so now I have that "running behind" feeling! Oh well!!


Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Pack lunches

4. Wipe down DH's bathroom
5. Figure out embellishment for Minnie letter
6. DS's stuff together
7. DS up
8. DS to mom's
9. Work--need to get a lot done there!

10. Haircut
11. Pick up DS

12. Walk when we get home
13. Enchiladas for dinner
14. Fold laundry
15. Get ironing out for DH

16. Finish Minnie letter
17. Make grocery list
18. Go to sleep sort of early!!

I hope everyone has an awesome Thursday!!

It's Thursday! Morgan has an open house at school this morning. After that we need to run over to the mall and pick up some pocket antibacterial stuff they are holding for me at B&BW (Halloween'y for my FE gifts on the cruise), we have haircuts at 4:00, and a Girl Scout planning meeting at 7:00.

She went back to school shopping with my sister yesterday - I haven't seen anything yet, because I went out to dinner with two of my sisters and one niece...I did hear about a few things though. All I know is, she spent a small fortune, I'm sure. I'm very very thankful ;)

I have the window open and it doesn't sound wet out there! Yay!!

Hope everyone has a great day!
fly by

have a great day all..........................

will try to update when I get in this pm
Mornin' all..

Debbie ~ you've got some explain to do about these SNAKES!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

I've done a lot this morning.... so I'll just put on what it is left..


older kids out the door @ 750a for 8a mtg @ school

put away laundry
straighten drawers (kids ideas and mine don't mesh well)
clean bar area/dining room
elem kids pick up 210a
DD to text when she arrives at CNC campus for college course
homework duty
get ready for DS14's soccer game (away)
DD home to change and head to practice
DH home from work
leave for soccer game (I'm on my own due to conflicts)
DD home from track
DH to fix dinner (reheat)
DH to take DS9 to football practice
update DH on game
home from games/pick up DS14 @ school
homework duty/eat
bedtime routines

Well, spell checker didn't pick that one up now did it...

Morning all!

:surfweb: On 2nd cup of coffee!! usually only has one!

didn't get a good night sleep, up at 4:45......
oh well, had a great evening last night at the beach with friends, probably the last good day of weather for awhile...60 today and the rain is a comin' soon.

Not to much today,
heading down to Tacoma to see Jim's Dad and Aunt
go through photos that FIL has
head home
make some phone calls
look over new will draft I got yesterday
something easy for dinner
crash and hopefully a good night's sleep tonight!

Have a great Thursday!
Good morning!

What's up with the snakes-ewww!:laughing:

Mollie's doing good, they shaved a 6 x 6 inch patch of fur on her hindquarters (for a 2 inch incision), so she's looking pretty rough right now. She slept ok and I'm giving her the pain meds so hopefully she'll heal quickly. Here's a pic of my sweet girl-


Busy day today-DS8 has his first game this Saturday and we're having a pep rally tonight...

Morning stuff done
Go to JoAnns-need more supplies & return
Pick up football socks
Call magnet guy to see if magnets are ready
Pick up car magnets
Naptime-work on pp's for page swap
Call tshirt lady to see if shirts are ready
Pick up shirts
Pick up kids from school-they are car riders now-that's a story for another day. :headache:
Pack up supplies for pep rally/practice
Dinner-shepherd's pie
Pick DS14 up from school/practice
DS8's practice
Pep rally :cheer2:
Come home & crash

Hope everyone has a great day!!:)
Hi Friends! :wave:

well it's thursday. i'm exhausted. i had my nieces kids last night and bubba. i must be old cause i am wiped out today!:upsidedow

bubba is with his bestest today swimming.
i'm working.
looking forward to ending this week. it's been a looooooong week for me.

everyone have a great day!
eeeeek!! snakes!!

would definitely rather have snacks than snakes!!

Mommy2mrb - I am so sorry to hear about your DH! I, too, wish we could have gotten together - its going to be more difficult to coordinate now!;)

Today - um

heat wave - not as hot as yesterday 110 but still 104 - and the a/c quit working completely. Waiting for a/c place to call me. So thats gonna kinda dictate my day.

DD is working with her market lamb before it gets hot
Little One has Little Gym - we'll see
Another cool shower
Finish this load of laundry, fold all and put away
Dinner - who cares! It's too hot
Back to school night -
Mom is arriving this afternoon - good thing she lives in the desert!!
So glad to finally see the sun here. It's a beautiful day!

My list:
- Cut DH's hair - DONE
- 90 minutes on treadmill - DONE
- Upload photo order to Walgreens - DONE
- Laundry - DONE
- Post Office
- UPS Store
- Grocery Shopping
- Hardware Store
- Pick up photo order Walgreens
- Fool around with scanning negatives for Dot
- Try to do some scrapping/kitting

Hope everyone has a great day!
Poor Mollie!

I chopped my hair off. It's going to be a shock tomorrow morning when I go to wash it. It has so much product in it right now, I think it would stand on it's own. I didn't realize I had so much natural wave ;)
PICTURES!!!! I've been thinking about it but just haven't had the nerve to do it
Poor Mollie!

I chopped my hair off. It's going to be a shock tomorrow morning when I go to wash it. It has so much product in it right now, I think it would stand on it's own. I didn't realize I had so much natural wave ;)

Omg you did??!! Oh I can't wait to see it!! It bet it looks awesome.

I bet Morgan looks even more like you now. :)
I'll try to get some pictures this weekend. I keep catching myself out of the corner of my eye (in the mirror) and doing a double take :) Who is that?!
eeeeek!! snakes!!

would definitely rather have snacks than snakes!!

Mommy2mrb - I am so sorry to hear about your DH! I, too, wish we could have gotten together - its going to be more difficult to coordinate now!;)

Today - um

heat wave - not as hot as yesterday 110 but still 104 - and the a/c quit working completely. Waiting for a/c place to call me. So thats gonna kinda dictate my day.

DD is working with her market lamb before it gets hot
Little One has Little Gym - we'll see
Another cool shower
Finish this load of laundry, fold all and put away
Dinner - who cares! It's too hot
Back to school night -
Mom is arriving this afternoon - good thing she lives in the desert!!

Thank you for you kind words! :hug::hug:
Hope you got your AC fixed, I'm not missing the heat, it rained here today and will be in the 60's for a few days. Try and stay cool!

Glad to hear Mollie's okay!


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