~The Daily Grind~ 8/31/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 8/31/10

It's the Day After Monday!

My list for today:

Caffeinate...This repeats everyday

Feed Pups

DIS/FB :surfweb:


Make appt for vet

Work at 3p

Have a Great Day everyone!!
Good morning, everyone! Yay for "Not Monday"!

A little Blythe update: She is loving life at home! She is just the cutest! She still has a bunch of weekly doctors appts, but she's doing well at all of them. She even got to go outside for a walk Sunday! Thank you for all of the pixie dust & prayers!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Empty dishwasher
4. Pack lunches

5. Cut letters for tomorrow's 2 pages
6. Cut mats if time

7. Clean kitchen/dining
8. DS's stuff together
9. DS up
10. DS to mom's

11. Work
12. Pick up DS
13. Fold laundry
14. Remind DH to stop @ cleaners

15. Gather weekend clothes
16. Change to weekend purse (yes, I know it's early, but it makes me happy!)
17. Dinner??
18. Do 2 pages
19. Go to sleep sort of early!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!
morning all

woke with a headache not sure what that's all about since we had the ac on and I'm usually much better with that...???? oh well down the hatch with the advil and coke (soda) hopefully that will help. maybe its cause I didn't have any soda yesterday?

boys up in a few
lunches made throw breakfast at them
all of us out the door love in that the bus is 25 mins later in the am
dis/fb more
crash into bed by 8ish was up reading last night and I'm going to be wiped out.
should problably clean something.,,,

have a great day all
glad to hear Blythe is doing so well
Happy Not Monday!

Glad to hear about the Blythe update. I think about them lots and send mental Pixie Dust.

I hope the headache goes away Christy. :hug:

Make Sugar Toast [make DH make the ST ;)] for Birthday Boy
Make sure everyone takes extra allergy medicine, they are so bad right now
Everyone out the door for school
Take metal can back to Target, get bigger one - metric and me don't hang
Finish up bathrooms from yesterday
Work on swaps
Take birthday treats to school
Bring home birthday boy
Soccer practice
Happy Birthday Little Bit!!!!!!:dance3:

Brooke, thanks for the Blythe update. How wonderful that she's doing so well.

Christy, I hope the headache goes away.

My day:
DS up and off to school
Haircut appointment
Clean up mess from my guys being left home alone for 5 days. (they did quite well actually)
Unpack from SDV
Grocery store
Work on swaps

Have an awesome day everyone!

Thanks for the Blythe update.

Happy birthday little bit!!

Sorry for the headache Christy. Hope it leaves real soon!

Happy first day Morgan!! Good luck today!!

Working with bubba today. Soooo tired today. Not sleeping well at all.

Have a great day everyone!
Continued PD for Blythe. I love how the family is so positive despite the challenge. No wonder she is such a trooper, she comes from a long line of strong people.

Happy Birthday, Little Bit!!! :banana:

PD Christy on that headache.
Po3, I say we all go back to bed for about three hours.:surfweb:

My Tuesday to do:

Feed cats
Put more laundry away
Clean up the kitchen after Chef DH made today's lunches.
Start dishwasher
Lunch with MomE
Stop at Verizon to see why my Blackberry is not receiving emails
Call DD's neurologist
Upload vacation pictures
Good Morning!

Dusting Princess Blink!

So happy to here about Blythe!

water aerobics
Bible Study
nominating committee
collect scrap stuff around house and bring it to room
clean off dryer
character swap
card swap
circle journal
work on Baby book (for my nephew due in early Nov)

Urgh, I'm exhausted...Miss "I'm Not Nervous" woke us up at 4:15 am saying she can't sleep...Um, I guess you're nervous, and that's okay. I think I'm going to need a nap.

So, she's off for her first day. I almost threw up after dropping her off. I'm a complete wreck! I'm sure it will all be fine.

I've got a list going and already have a few things done...

Princess M up, dressed, fed, make lunch, drop off at school (remember to put card and cookie in her bag)
Towels in washer
Change beds
Sheets in washer
Fold towels
Link new cartridges to G
1 or 2 sets of cards for swap - got one done, good enough for now
Work on Hugs page - think I've got my final prototype done - will start cutting and adhering on Thursday

Fold sheets - nope, they're not going anywhere, I'll do them on Thursday
Find pumpkin pancake recipe? Nope, I had to wing it!
Pick up from school
Homework - None
Dinner - pumpkin pancakes and sausage
Thanks, guys, for the kind words about Miss Blythe!! She is our little trooper!!

I'm with the plan of us all going back to sleep for 3 or 4 hours!! I hope everyone feels better throughout the day!

Jennifer--Morgan is definitely getting good thoughts and pixie dust from me today!! I hope her day goes well (and yours too)!!
Good morning all!

P & PD for all who need it :)

I agree with the idea that we all either go back to bed or take a nap later. I'm exhausted today (too many nights in a row of not sleeping well).

Walk for 30 minutes
Clean bathrooms
Paper piecing swap
Pick up a few groceries
Dinner--french toast

Hope everyone has a great day :)
PD for all!!

Thinking of Miss Morgan on her first day!!


DD up, dressed, fed and animals fed
reboot laundry
reboot dishes
Little One to Dance class at 10
Mail Horse Show forms
Bank transfer
hotel research for horse show
Mom is going home today :sad1:
Cut rolodex cards and embellishments

Have a great Tuesday all!
Yay for Blythe!! :goodvibes

Sorry about the headache Christy!

Dusting Princess Blink and Buffy!

Good news was waiting on my phone this morning. My friend from work had her baby! She was due 9/10, but I guessed today in the baby pool! They started inducing yesterday, and when I left, there was no baby at 11p...so I'm thinking I got the bday right! :goodvibes
Mornin' all..
Well, I took Lisa's advice and went back to bed for a while..Had a strange dream last night and I woke up crying.... (not enough to wake DH but enough to remind me how blessed I am to have him and my kids!)

So glad to hear the good news for Princess Blythe!!! I bet she was mesmerized being outside for a walk..talk about all the sights and sounds....

Sorry you have a headache Christy.. those are awful...
Dusting Princess Blink... Will check on her shortly
Hope Morgan has a great first day of school!!!

Hope everyone else has a good day...

Fold load of towels
another hour in the scraproom trying to organize... I want to scrap this 3 day weekend so I need some order... DH is still laughing at the amount of stuff I have... He says our books should look spectacular once the items are on pages and not stuffed in drawers!
clean kitchen
clean fridge/freezer
dust family room/entry
clean off bar area
get elem kids home
homework duty
run water up to DS14 @ practice because DD has to get ready for her XC meet and doesn't have time to drop it off
DD to XC and pre-race warm ups
get everyone ready to go to XC meet (DS14 to come over after practice)
DS9 to football practice
older kids homework
bedtime showers
bedtime routine
A raining Tuesday from WA State....

Had a bad night with DD last night, she is starting to get really scared and nervous about starting at her new school next week and had a major spiral downwards. She holds so much inside of her (gets that from me I guess) and it all comes spilling out in one major crushing blow.
I feel like crap, not knowing if I'm doing the best for her in trying to get her ready for her new school. Unfortunately I lost it with her when she started pushing my buttons and we ended up having a huge argument. I try so hard to be patient with her but doing this parenting thing by myself is the PITS!
So much has happend to us since Jim dying in Jan, us moving and leaving all her friends in CA. Its a lot for me to handle, even more for a 10 year old girl (who also started puberty last year).
Our main counseling doesn't start until Oct (thru Hospice) I am going to try to talk to her new school counselor on Thur night when we have a welcome back to school night and make an appt with her once school starts.
Sorry for the vent, but thanks for listening...
So I think today we will just have a PJ day and have some major snuggle time. :hug:
Good morning!

Hope Morgan has a great 1st day!!:hug:for Mom.
Great to hear Baby Blythe is doing so well!
PD to everyone that needs it...

Been paying bills and cleaning all morning-fun fun!:rolleyes:
DH is sick so I'm spraying lysol everywhere hoping that I don't get it.

Naptime for kiddos
Work on swaps
Pick up boys
Early dinner
Pick up DS14
Early bedtime for kiddos
Work on swaps some more
Go to bed sort of early

Have a great day everyone!!:)
Oh Lisa- I am so sorry to hear that- I will make sure to keep Megan in my prayers as she begins school- I know she must be having a hard time with all the changes and that you are under stress from them all too.



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