~The Daily Grind~ 8/4/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

Flylady links:
Declutter plan http://www.flylady.net/pages/focus_feb.asp
Flightplan http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp
Beginner Baby Steps: http://www.flylady.net/pages/FLYingL..._Babysteps.asp
Yahoo Group (reminders sent all day): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlyLad...?yguid=9999373

This month's Habit is: One load of laundry each day :laundy:


~The Daily Grind~ 8/4/09

It's Tuesday!!!!

Packing for a surprise trip to the beach...DH got me a boat... yup, he is blaming it on me because we got a party boat... He is telling everyone it's my BDay gift :rotfl2: He can call it whatever he wants, I'm thrilled!!! I'll be leaving for the beach Today after work, and be back on Thursday... Both boys are going too, so this will be really nice! Crossing my fingers for good weather...

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

Come home and pack for the beach...

Have a Great Day everyone!! :teeth: See ya on Thursday!!
A boat whoo a party at the beach!! Have fun Deb

Up cook breakfast for the kids +1
get to the gym
empty truck out
home and probably pick veggies in garden
figure out property taxes
clean my messy scrap room :sad2::sad2: it's bad bad bad!
send extra kid home
You got a party boat.. I'm so jealous!! I want a party boat!!!


pack DH lunch
PJ up
DH to take PJ to XC practice

empty dishwasher
ck email/dis

sweep kitchen/dining room
pick up PJ
PJ to get showered and ready for registration/photos today
photos of 4-H projects.. I know, I know.. it's still on the list...but not after today..
2- 4x6 mats embellished in regards to getting hair done before wedding
4x6 journal mat/embellish telling about PJ's hair being done..
continue kitting pages for next week
photo shoot w/ PJ before registration (hope it's pretty tomorrow) POURING/STORMING... POSTPONED
to high school to pay for PJ's book rental/class dues
write ck for DS8's book rental
hope to find out who DS8 has for a teacher
hope to get DS13's class schedule for Thursday (book rental to be pd later)
wash sheets from yesterday

fold last load of towels
dinner menu for 2 weeks
start grocery/shopping lists
remember to pull out money on Friday for PJ's lunches (boys take their lunch)
DS13 to soccer practice
DS8 to foot ball practice
PJ and I to walk 2 miles while he is at practice
make list for Wednesday
make sure house is spotless for stepsons visitation week starting tomorrow at 8pm
need to ck on property taxes since they are due next month

I know there is a ton more but everyone is yelling at me to do this...to do that.. do this... what? who broke their arms and forgot to tell me???
My to do list for Tuesday:

Iron outfit for work
throw a load of laundry in the wash
Put some laundry away
Get DD up and ready for school
Finish paying bills
Send invoice in for travel cancellation claim
Check SDV classes being offered. A little birdie confirmed the pickings were slim
Packing (ok mabye sometime this week)
Laundry (ok mabye wensday)
Findin true love
watching big brother
SLEEP!! (hopefully without the horible dreams)
Nan- As usual, your list blows me away!!

Yeah, we got a party boat... Someone at the beach was selling, and DH got a good deal. It happened really fast the last time we were at the beach, and we kind of were in the right place at the right time :teeth: But in his mind it's not a "Real Boat"...ya know? That's why he is telling everyone it's a gift for me.... But they are so much fun, and I'm sooo excited!! So, I told him to get over it...he now owns a "PopPop Boat" :banana:

OH, and get this...the boys gift was a hot pink fishing rod. And when you turn the reel, it has LED lights in pink and green :rotfl2: How funny is that? I was :rotfl: playing with it...
Deb, congrats on the birthday party boat AND the pink fishing rod!! Sounds like a blast!! And Happy Belated Birthday, dear! (It was yesterday, right? Or am I ahead of myself?)

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Try to look through 1 of the 5 discs of bday pics to start picking
4. DS up
5. Take DS to Mom's
6. Take photo album to mom's

7. Work--holy cowzers there's a lot to do. . .come on, Friday!!
8. Leave at 1
9. Pick up DS
10. DS's well-baby 12-month appt

11. Stop at Target for card & hair stuff
12. Baby DS after shots
13. DH--mow
14. LAUNDRY--it is taking over. I hear it forming battle plans!
15. Fold laundry--obviously, the plans are being led by the clean laundry!
16. P365 pic
17. Fix pic cd's for tomorrow
18. Work at home, if need to
19. Make lists of pics I want
20. Fix gift to mail
21. Start on thank you notes
22. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have a wonderful Tuesday!! :dance3:
OOH! We need photos of the first fishing expedition w/ the hot pink fishing rod w/ LED lights!! At least we know there will be light for late night fishing!!
Hope you have a fantastic time Debbie!!! I still want to hear all about CKC when you get a chance.

SIOH- give the little one kisses form us too

Nan- have a great day and get everything done you need and want to get done.

FlyingBabyB- hope you dreams are pleasant

work on swaps
finish circle journal and mail
dinner- chicken, rice, vegies
meeting- carnival preplanning
finish laundry
finish cleaning scrap room

Par-tay boat! I wanna come on the party boat!

Morgan and I are hanging out today. I've got to go to the grocery store (and she has to come with me, like it or not). Other than that, I've got swap stuff to do and a book to read. No big plans for the day. It's supposed to be hot!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hey All! I have decided to change my screen name to MIAMOM.:lmao:

Stoopid Facebook - gotta get off there and back over here! I think of you all everyday and do come and read up late at night!

Deb!! I wanna see pics of pretty flashing fishing rod!!!

Ashley hope your move is going well.

Christy - glad dad is home - how is he doing??

DH is done with chemo - blood counts are rising SLOWLY - no where near normal levels but no longer critically low so this is good. The moved him from a biweekly count to 2 weeks - so Dr pretty much is on wait and see mode. They will watch his counts and some secret "ratio" but for now he are praying this means remission. Average remission time for hairy cell leukemia is 10 years. We also pray the little hairballs do not come back at all.

Took my 4H new leader orientation last night!! Consisted of a boring power point presentation. I am now the Spring Valley 4H Scrapbooking leader. Lord help us all.:worship:Another leader was talking about writing letters to the major product companies for donations...HUH - never thought of that.:headache: I really need to work that out before I have my first meeting!!

I, like Deb, am heading to the beach today. Going to spend 2 days visiting a friend. Little one is eating a pop tart, bigger little one is eating cereal. Laundry is drying. 1/2 packed. Finish the dishes. Gotta run the garbage up to the dumpster. See if we can hit The Little Gym on the way outta town for a make up class. Drop of the drycleaning. And on way - spy scrapbook stores and Barnes and Noble for some oceanside reading.:cool2:

Will be back Thursday! Gotta hit the ground running - DD has a horse show in Sunday but before that BEEG 4H fundraiser dinner on Saturday - gotta set up tables and silent auction items. Throw in a surprise 40th birthday party Sunday evening for dear friends wife. Whew. Its gonna be a busy weekend.

So trying to be less MIA,
He's doing much better thanks for asking. He's going upstairs to his beloved library and office. Still sleeping downstairs in the hospital bed since it's easier getting in and out. but he went out to the grocery store and walmart, although he's found out that was a little much for him. He has his college roommate coming the end of this week and then friends coming from florida on the 17th so he has plenty of ambition to get better. He's got lists a mile long for my boys to do for him.

Hope all stays well with DH's blood counts and prayers for continued health.
Our plumbing has just totaly backed up- there are good asnd bad points about living in a parsonage-
the good- it will be fixed and we don't have to pay- t

he bad- we have to get ahold of a member of the trustees before calling a plumber- there are 9 of them and not one was home. We called someone else in the church to get the name of a plumber that is used by the church. About 10 minutes after we called the plumber we got a call back from the head of trustees who suggested it might be the spetic tank but I know that was pumped out last August when the plumbing backed up then and we had to get a whole new bathroom.

We have a plumber coming between 4-5 and until then we have to drive to the church to use the bathroom or any plumbing- I think we will be going out to dinner tonight and the thawing chicken will be cooked on Thursday night.

OH good gravy Rebecca... I remember that being done last year.... :) I sure hope that it is an easy fix so you all don't have to drive back and forth too many days...
Yup, we'd be out to dinner for sure....
I just paid book rental/class dues/bought athletic passes for my family (could not add my stepsons because they don't live w/ us and we don't get their mailing info... she tried...)... I'm just awaiting DS13's schedule to know how much I'm going to owe on him.. my guess is $120.
Oh Rebecca what a pain. Hopefully it will be a fairly quick and painless fix. I hate issues like that.
Give me the plumbing problems Rebecca, You can have my issues.

My car bit the dust today. DH and I went to look at a new car but the one we went after was not there, the General manager had it for the weekend.
So we go back tomorrow.
I really really don't want another car payment! We were just getting ahead of the game.
Thanks, I guess I shouldn't complain to much. The Montero lasted me 7 years and is 500 miles shy of 200,000. I just didn't want a car payment for a few more years.
He had it for the weekend? Uh, the last time I looked at my calendar the weekend was OVER!!!!

Someone needs to send that GM a memo!!! Sorry that it wasn't there...

:hug: I know what you mean.. I pay mine off in January...and we are buying a newer used one in December....ugh!
Debbie, congrats on the party boat and pink fishing rod. Sounds really cool. Have an awesome time at the beach!!!

Rebecca, sorry about the plumbing problems. I hope it gets fixed quickly.

Buffy, sorry about your car. We need to get a new one, but I sure don't want a car payment.

DS and I have been touring Chicago and that boy is walking me off my feet. I'm so tired and sore!!!! But, it's an awesome city and we've had so much fun. Today we went to the Museum of Science and Industry and they had a special Harry Potter exhibit going on. Oh, that was fantastic!!!! It was props and costumes and things from the movies and it was so interesting and fun. The bad thing was that they wouldn't let you take any photos in there. I was NOT happy about that! But, I got a picture of DS outside of the exhibit against the sign and with the flying car from the Chamber of Secrets which was sitting in the lobby of the museum.

We're getting used to the busses and haven't got on the wrong one yet. Luckily the hotel has an awesome concierge who is helping keep us straight. It also helps that we don't have to ride too many busses because so much is within walking distance.

I'm waiting for DH to get out of his meetings to figure out what we'll be doing tonight.


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