~The Daily Grind~ 9/11/09

Holly, good for you on talking to the bus driver and good for Bubba on sticking to it too!!!!

Nancy, good luck on the teacher front. DS had a teacher once who was a first time teacher and only found out she was hired the day before school started. Anyway, that was a total waste of time school year. I swear he didn't learn anything new that year.

I had my interview at Michaels today and I got the job!!!!! I go for orientation next Friday and then begin. I'll be seasonal to start with, but he said that most seasonal employees that make it through the holidays usually get made permanent in january. And, he said I'll get trained on how to use the new Gypsy!!! I'm so looking forward to getting to play with that. He also said that it's doubtful I'll have to work many (if any) weekends since he's got college kids galore for that, but that I'll mainly be working part-time during school hours. Perfect!!! Just think, last week I wasn't really even thinking about a job and now I have one. It'll sure help out now that we have a car payment to go with my new car.
Congrats DIT!!! good for you!
we now have an inside track on what's going on at M's!

Nan- not drinking the water was funny! i hate that there are teachers out there that want to "muddle" through with anyone's kids. i mean HELLO!

thanks guys for understanding about the whole bus thing. my Bubba so knows the drill now. he's on it!
DIT~ congrats!!!! :)

Glad Bubba knows the drill.. We all know that bus drivers does NOT want all the DIS aunties on his/her tail!!!

I'm staying home this weekend...cleaning...unless I have to build an ARK!!
i was at work pregnant with ds and wondering what the heck i was doing bringing a baby into this crazy world!

Me too!!! I was preggers with DS7 and I thought the same thing.

Congrats on the job DIT! I worked at Mike's in GA when we lived there. I loved the job, hated the customers when they returned crap that was like 8 years old but I really liked the job itself.

Got our car today! DH says it's sweet!!! Loads of original parts from the first year of production. Can't walk away from the car at car shows or parts will disappear.
LOL!!! I'm going to get on PJ as she didn't tell me one of the teacher's expecting is her teacher for SPANISH!!! CRUSH! Now, who will we get... she'll get thru most of the 2nd tri-mester w/ her Spanish teacher... I just hate for her to get a teacher who can't teach Spanish! We have enough problems currently w/ my DsS who has a teacher who on the first day of school annouced "I'm rusty at Algebra, so we'll muddle thru this together".... Now, in Indiana they have to pass a Core 40 test for algebra or they can NOT graduate... We can't afford for our kids to muddle thru!!!!!

If he needs help I can give you a hand - I hav done some math tutoring over the years. I would have him start working through algebra on the website www.aaamath.com I higly reccomend it to my students who need practicce in any area of math- it goes from K up to high school with drills and explainations of how to do each area.

Thanks Rebecca... I believe I have that site saved and if not, it will be after tonight!
My DS13 is already in high school Algebra, DsS is retaking it as he did not pass the Core 40 last spring...anyway, DS13 is doing better in the class.

I heard last night at the store that several parents are calling the school as new teacher has been cursing in class. ;(
Nanc, that is not good. :sad2:

DiT, congratulations! :thumbsup2


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