~The Daily Grind~ 9/13/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 9/13/10

Welcome to Monday!! Everyone Caffeinate!

My list for today:

Caffeinate...This repeats everyday

Feed Pups

Swish and swipe

DIS/FB :surfweb:

:laundy: Laundry reboot

Finish cleaning crap room... Who bought all this stuff :confused3

Work on baby blanket for friend

Cook some stuff :confused3

Pack a dinner

Work at 3p

Have a Great Day everyone!!
OK, so how stinkin cute is this...

DS22 was called to help this little cutie because it got stuck inside and hit the glass trying to get out. He put it on a haybale outside and hoped it could fly to get some food... It wasn't there when he checked back...
Good morning! Monday. . .here we gooooooo!! Prayers and pixie dust going out to everyone in need!

Countdown: 14 working days 'til Fall Break!!!

Deb, that is TOO cute! And yay for DS--great job!

Here's my list for today (busy monday):

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Pack lunches
4. Clean DH's bathroom

5. DS's stuff together
6. Cut titles for next two pages
7. Take grandparents day gifties
8. DS up
9. DS to mom's
10. Work--lots to do there

11. Pick up DS
12. Fold laundry

13. Weigh-in--forgot that above
14. Finish 2-4 pages

15. Spaghetti for dinner--DH brought home pizza for an early bday celebration!
16. Fix Build-A-Bear for car
17. Watch DVR'd show
18. Go to sleep sort of early!

I hope everyone has an awesome Monday!!
morning all

dusting those in need.

caffine is going to be the story of the day here

boys out the door
ortho for E
suit fitting for L (can you believe they measure them for swim suits?)
dinner leftovers yay no cooking
boys to bed way earlier than their bed time
scrap I actually got 8 pages done yesterday

Have a great day all
Deb, that little birdie is so cute. I'm glad your DS was able to rescue him!:thumbsup2

Christy, awesome job on getting 8 pages done yesterday!!:cool1:

My day:
DS up and off to school
Update slideshows for Character Swap
Clean up mess from swapping out Character Swap
Sort through mountain of mail & paperwork on counter
Update checkbook & pay bills
Post office
Tidy scrap table
Work on circle journals

Have a great day everyone!

make bed
make lunches
DS9 up, movin', bkft
fluff and fold towels/put away
pack up DS14's swim stuff for class
DH out the door
DS9 on the bus
DS14 up to shower, etc
DD up, movin

older kids out the door
start dinner in crockpot (hey, SIOH, we were going to have Spaghetti too; but DH had pulled out steaks instead of hamburger for the sauce....)
cut titles for the pages I did this weekend
scrap at least 8 pages today
count up total pages and add to thread
pick up kids from school
DD home (no college class today)
DD back to school to meet up w/ DS14 for their practices

DD home
pick up DS14 from soccer practice
enjoy our evening off tonight~
Good Morning!

Dusting those in need!

Bible Study
Water Aerobics
Lunch- Salmon
clean out microwave
dust cabinet
dust knick knacks
dust pictures
kitchen counters
kitchen dishes
swipe bathrooms
work on card swap
put paper away
Post Office- E's gift, transcript request
dinner- steaks, asparagus, mushrooms, potatoes
bag up stuff to make Christmas gifts
watch US open final
send address to Dining Swap
Set up check in for swap

Good morning All, P & PD for those in need

Yay Christy for scrapping 8 pages :)
Deb--glad DS could be a hero

Dust (no wonder our allergies are so bad, there is a layer of pollen on everything!!)
Younger DD starts play rehearsal
Dinner ??? just us girls

Have a great day everyone :)
Morning all!
what a cute photo Deb!

I posted a thread about our Tahoe trip if anyone is interested...emotional but loved every minute of it.

my day:

:surfweb: with lots of coffee, ssooooo tired....

get Megan up and to school, this should be fun
home to unpack luggage, sitting in my dining room
gyno appt for me this morning
stop at Freddies to pick up some glue dots
make 2 bday cards
start load :laundy:
maybe cut out another set of letters for ABC swap
dinner :confused3
Megan to her first :dance3: class at the new studio..its a dance, theatre and music combo, should be perfect for my little Diva!
home and crash

have a great day everyone!
Workin'. There's quite a chill in the air. Fall is coming!

I tried to finish my Kisses page yesterday and ran out of foam tape, so I need to stop at Jo's on the way home and get some. Tonight is the info meeting about band. Gotta go to that.

Does anyone know if new TV starts tonight? I'm so sick of reruns!

Pixie dust all around!
Good morning!

Deb-what a cutie!
Can't wait to get that swap back Stephanie!

Crazy Monday!:eek:
New babysit kid...things seem to be going well so far.

So I decided to put the boys back on the bus today. They rode it for the first week of school, until DS5 declared that the bus driver was "Mean." I think part of it is that he's a man and a different nationality but anyway...he separated them because they were pushing each other and told them they couldn't sit together anymore. He almost wrote them up, but luckily I was at the bus stop and talked him out of it. After day 3 of this (and DS5 coming home in tears every day) I decided to make them car riders. Now I have 3 babysit kids under 4 all day and it's a lot harder to take them & pick them up from school every day. I waited at the bus stop this morning with them and told the bus driver that they had to sit together. He said no at first until DS5started crying and I told them that they HAD to sit together. Bus Driver finally said ok they can sit together but if they start fighting again I'm going to write them up. :mad: We are talking about a 5 and 8 year old that have never had behavior issues, and were just doing typical sibling messing around with each other. I told them we'll try it for a week, and if they still have issues I'll put them back in car riders. DH said he could maybe help with picking them up in the afternoons...it would just make my life so much easier if they could ride the bus!
Good morning, Everyone!

Up since 2 so you KNOW there's been coffee!
Pool and gym done.
grocery done
breakfast done
going over my travel ressies - good thing - I had us leaving Strasburg, VA on Saturday and a ressie for TN on Sunday night. hmm. Are we sleeping in the car on Saturday night? Thank heavens I was able to find a nice lady to fix it. I:love: Southerners!

Does anybody know if the Crop shop in Chattanooga still exists? Planning my route - it's getting more difficult with so many closing.

Happy Day, all!
DisneyBarlans - I hope the bus situation works itself out for you this week!

Monday, Monday

Just getting back into the swing of things. Fair weeks always take some time to recover from!

Laundry - wash DDs sheets and towels today
Remake DDs beds
Plan dinner
PU DD and DNiece from bus
Take girls to horse barn
Apparently my Mom needs to talk to me.....
Pile and clutter control
OK! WHO bought all this stuff!!!

Grrrrrr, purging is just so time consuming!!
Deb i so know the feeling!!!! Hang in there
I've decided that I CAN NOT buy anything but adhesive till I complete at LEAST 2 years in each childs book and catch my book up. I need to learn to speed scrap! I have 6 1" art bins with patterened paper sorted and then I have 3 cropper hoppers full plus the 12 insersts that are supposed to be in them filled I also have a paper file that I carry to crops of plain paper full. and then a 3-4" stack that just stands between the hoppers. That is just the 12x12! the 8x11 is 2 holders full and then the mosaic grid paper is in a 2" art bin.

I will reasses after that. it might be another year in the books before I allow myself to buy more.
Spent most of today starting to do the filing of "important" papers, mail, etc. that has been piling up for a long time. I've got four boxes (of various sizes) full of this crap, and got most of the way through the first one today. :banana:

It feels GREAT to start this (was dying to do this all summer, since the stack of boxes/mail piles was growing and growing - than realized it was going to have to wait until the kiddos got back into school)! Our file cabinets had lots of space and I had all the office supplies I needed - just needed the quiet time!!!

Others have Mt. Washmore...I have Mt. Papermore! And I'm slowly climbing...

DB - good luck with the bus! Maybe a "thanks for being so cooperative" muffin/donut/coffee (or $5 gift card) would go a long way in getting the "mean" driver to cut you and your kids some slack in the short term...

Linda - funny (probably not at the time!) story about the lodging!
My day started at 3:00 am, ugh. DD went back to sleep at 4:30, wish I could have.

My to do list:

Feed mouthy cats :rotfl2: Boy do they get loud if I don't get their breakfast quickly!
Clean up the kitchen
Gas in the van.
Oversee tubby time


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