~The Daily Grind~ 9/16/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 9/16/10

It's The Day Before Friday!!

My list for today:

Caffeinate...This repeats everyday

Feed Pups

Swish and swipe

DIS/FB :surfweb:

:laundy: Laundry reboot

15min purge

Make something for dinner :confused3

Work @ 3p

Have a Great Day everyone!!
Good morning!! My favorite day of the week--woohoooo!! I'm so ready for the weekend!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate--got a new coffee pot for my birthday!!
3. Pack lunches

4. Dust front rooms & living room
5. DS's stuff together
6. DS up
7. DS to mom's
8. Work
9. Go get hair done
10. Pick up DS
11. Laundry
12. Hope to get at least 2 scrappy pages done
13. Frozen meals for dinner
14. Go to sleep sort of early!!

I hope everyone has an awesome Thursday!!
Linda has a good day!

DS home today - apparently caught my cold. Ugh.

Wasn't much on the list today that can't be rearranged, though.

Pam, I hope your DS feels better soon.:hug:

My day:
DS up and off to school
Clean off scrap table
Work on circle journals

Have a great day everyone!
morning all

fair starts today no animals there for us just veggies and some of my mosaics, L and Tom will be there for the middle school field trip today, rest of us I have no clue when.

have to
fold cloths
find kitchen table again!!!
kids from bus
L to swim
early bed cause we has grumps this am
bed for me

have a great day prayers for all those in need

Linda have a great day
Deb I need some purging here still
Pam hope you both are on the mend!
Brooke you're like Nan I'd love to get that much done in a day

Well, we were supposed to get rain last night... LOL... the bubble over our town evidently hasn't gone away cause we got NOTHING!!! :(


make bed
make lunches
ship DH off to work
DS9 up, ready, bkft
clean up living room (everyone just went to bed after Survivor/Big Brother)
DS9 on bus
older kids up
check DIS

older kids out the door
pack and label mailer for today
post office

go thru a big pile of stuff in scraproom
* put sports schedules from years past in proper kids' folders
* pull photos to scrap/label those not scrapping get into kid's photo box
empty dishwasher
pick up elem kids
DD home
DD back to practice/ take stuff to DS14 for soccer game
to soccer game
take DS9 to football practice and stay with him
study night for tests (DS9)
Thursday again! No work for me. I'm hoping to keep the heat off for a two more weeks, but I don't think it's going to happen :(

I'm working on my list. Not as long as Tuesday, but a decent one.

Princess up, breakfast, dressed, make lunch?, drop at school

Start laundry :laundy: - last load is in the dryer!
Finish Kisses page
Set of cards for swap

Pickup from school
Homework check
Open House at school

Good day to all!
Good morning :)

Clean bathroom
Michaels ( I have another 50% coupon & need a book for a project)
Crop, Crop, Crop :yay:
Dinner--french dips

Have a great day everyone :)
Happy Thursday!

Pam feel better, Megan's been sniffiling all week too, I woke up with a scratchy throat yippee :sad2: here comes the school crud...

PD to all in need :goodvibes

I know I should be doing something around the house today..nah just want to play with my swap stuff :banana:
might be going to lunch w/my friend..didn't make it on Tuesday due to her back issues.
Megan up and out
swap swap swap
my new glasses are supposed to be ready today :cool1:
Megan home and home work
dinner - french dip sounds yummy, but then I would have to go to the store, maybe on the way home from getting Megan.

Have a great day everyone! :flower3:

so sorry to hear that ds caught your cold Pam. hugs to both of you.

i'm workin' for a livin' today.
and its board meeting day. YUCK!

bubba is at school.
it's back to school luau tonight. i've got ice cream duty.
so no walk for me tonight.

have a great day everyone!
Luau? Wow, ours is just going through M's day one schedule. I want to go to your luau instead!

I'm DONE with my ABC swap pages! :woohoo:

Going to do at least one set of cards now ;)
Need to vent---DDs golden retriever puppy (7 months old & usually cute as can be) took my small camera off of my dresser and destroyed it this morning :scared1: The camera can be replaced, but, I haven't found the SD card yet and it has the pics of our anniversary dinner on it :sad1:

Anyone have suggestions of how we can keep "Latte" from jumping up & taking things off the kitchen counter & my dresser? We've tried everything we can think of. My camera is the last straw :headache:
Yep- a crate or keeping them locked away from anything valuable will be your best bet.

DH came home and scoured the back yard and he found the SD card :) Bonus, the pictures are fine (and now they're loaded onto my laptop).

At 7 months isn't she too old for crate training? I'm all for sending her to "doggie time out". She makes me think of the book "marley & Me"; I've always said there is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. Apparently I need some training ;)
Never too old but it will take more in the begining to get used to it. Bailey is 18 months and still spends time in it. I cleaned up a mess of a stryrofom plane. now she's back into it for a retraining and it's been months and I thought we were done with it.
Thursday again! No work for me. I'm hoping to keep the heat off for a two more weeks, but I don't think it's going to happen :(

We broke down and started the wood stove. It was in the 40's this morning, brrrr.

Sorry, PBF, that there are sniffles going around the house.

Linda, have a fabulous time!!!

My Thursday to do list:

Feed cats
Empty dishwasher
Write in DD's communication book
DD up and ready for school
Clean kitchen
Talk to MomE
Watch DVR of Top Chef
Watch Project Runway
Oversee tubby time
Early to bed, I am tired from my long day yesterday.


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