The DIS Dad's Club VII - Oh Peanut Butter...

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Wasn't Chef Mickey's also on the boat at Downtown Disney for a while too? I remember going to a character breakfast there. Probably around 1995.

There was a character meal on the then known-as EMPRESS LILLY - but it wasn't Chef Mickey's. I'll have to do some digging in our honeymoon scrapbook to find it...we ate there one meal on that visit in '94
The Monorail Station above - the Submarine Voyage station below... Tomorrowland, circa 1987 or 88

Literally thousands - but tilted more towards Disneyland than Walt Disney World...

vintage ones not as many - many have not been scanned yet

I would love to see a few of the DL pic's since my memory of being there back in 1989 when I was in the Marine's isn't so good. :rotfl:
The Gift Giver Extraordinaire - 1985 - Disneyland's 30th Anniversary Celebration where every 30th guest through the gates won some sort of prize - from simple stuff like soft drinks, all the way up to a new car - one of those spiffy 1985 Geo's

Sorry - no WDW Mr. Toad that I am aware of... though it is entirely possible in my unscanned box. That's a project I've been working on very slowly...
Bummer. Ohh well that what google image search is for.

Literally thousands - but tilted more towards Disneyland than Walt Disney World...

vintage ones not as many - many have not been scanned yet
I think that's a big indicator of how much digital has changed photography. Its probably not uncommon for people to shoot 1k+ on a single visit now. That would have been unheard of when shooting film so their are far fewer older images in general.
Haven't seen my favorite Stopher pic yet, Stopher with the Madhatter hat on, otherwise known as Wierd Al's #1 fan
The Rivers of America - Frontierland - pre-dating the addition of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - which sits beyond the Mark Twain in those big trees today... circa 1975

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