The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.

We lost our dog at the lake last Sunday and didn't find her for 6 days. I walked just over 170km during those 6 days, where before this incident, I think I was walking about 5000 steps a day roughly. I actually kind of got hooked on walking while doing this and while I don't think I'll be walking 6+ hours a day, I'm setting a goal of at least 15,000 steps a day for myself now. I've got about 15-20 pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight, so if I can keep to this plan, it shouldn't take too long, even though for some reason I didn't lose any weight during that week! People are theorizing that fat was turned into muscle which actually weighs a bit more, so the calorie deficit I was running was almost equaled out. If that's true, once the muscles stop forming as much, more fat should start burning away hopefully!
Hi All, I'm new to this thread but not to the boards. I've been reading some of your posts, but not all. Some good advice in here.
My situation...I've been overweight most of my adult life, yoyoing up and down. I lost significant weight at some points. i used to joke that I had dieted my way up to this weight. That's not funny anymore.
Left my marriage in 2012. It wasn't pretty, I was controlled emotionally for 26 years, my self esteem was very low. I don't know what made me go, it certainly wasn't confidence, but I guess even I had a tipping point.
After a couple of years I started experiencing serious pain in my hip. Not good news, arthritis. Walking was my only exercise and I loved it. I was a powerhouse, crisscrossing the parks, driving my family nuts. Good memories. I still walk but can't get anything close to aerobic walking going on. Today I had a follow up visit to an orthopedic surgeon. My weight, she said, was a big factor in my pain. Of course it is. She also said my arthritis isn't all that advanced, so if I can lose weight, I can prolong the life of the joint. So easily said. So I'm following your posts, hoping for inspiration. I do some strength training, and flexibility exercises recommended by my physio therapist, thank goodness for my work benefits.
Next trip February 2020 with my son who right now is living in California, lucky guy.
We lost our dog at the lake last Sunday and didn't find her for 6 days. I walked just over 170km during those 6 days, where before this incident, I think I was walking about 5000 steps a day roughly. I actually kind of got hooked on walking while doing this and while I don't think I'll be walking 6+ hours a day, I'm setting a goal of at least 15,000 steps a day for myself now. I've got about 15-20 pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight, so if I can keep to this plan, it shouldn't take too long, even though for some reason I didn't lose any weight during that week! People are theorizing that fat was turned into muscle which actually weighs a bit more, so the calorie deficit I was running was almost equaled out. If that's true, once the muscles stop forming as much, more fat should start burning away hopefully!

Glad you found your dog! My last dog ran away twice, the first time after I'd only had him about 2 weeks, he was missing over a month before someone caught him and called me (he was very far from home). Second time was at a local dog park we drove to, he found his way home after 10 days!

When you start exercising your muscles get "damaged" which causes your body to hold onto more water, after a few weeks of exercising you normally drop the water and then you will see the weight loss.
Glad you found your dog! My last dog ran away twice, the first time after I'd only had him about 2 weeks, he was missing over a month before someone caught him and called me (he was very far from home). Second time was at a local dog park we drove to, he found his way home after 10 days!

When you start exercising your muscles get "damaged" which causes your body to hold onto more water, after a few weeks of exercising you normally drop the water and then you will see the weight loss.
Oh nice! That makes me feel better, thanks!
We lost our dog at the lake last Sunday and didn't find her for 6 days. I walked just over 170km during those 6 days, where before this incident, I think I was walking about 5000 steps a day roughly. I actually kind of got hooked on walking while doing this and while I don't think I'll be walking 6+ hours a day, I'm setting a goal of at least 15,000 steps a day for myself now. I've got about 15-20 pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight, so if I can keep to this plan, it shouldn't take too long, even though for some reason I didn't lose any weight during that week! People are theorizing that fat was turned into muscle which actually weighs a bit more, so the calorie deficit I was running was almost equaled out. If that's true, once the muscles stop forming as much, more fat should start burning away hopefully!
Welcome to our group!
I am so happy you found your dog,,,pets hold such a special place in our hearts.
Remember to drink lots of water and listen to what your body is telling you.
You've set some great goals.
Hugs to you
Hi All, I'm new to this thread but not to the boards. I've been reading some of your posts, but not all. Some good advice in here.
My situation...I've been overweight most of my adult life, yoyoing up and down. I lost significant weight at some points. i used to joke that I had dieted my way up to this weight. That's not funny anymore.
Left my marriage in 2012. It wasn't pretty, I was controlled emotionally for 26 years, my self esteem was very low. I don't know what made me go, it certainly wasn't confidence, but I guess even I had a tipping point.
After a couple of years I started experiencing serious pain in my hip. Not good news, arthritis. Walking was my only exercise and I loved it. I was a powerhouse, crisscrossing the parks, driving my family nuts. Good memories. I still walk but can't get anything close to aerobic walking going on. Today I had a follow up visit to an orthopedic surgeon. My weight, she said, was a big factor in my pain. Of course it is. She also said my arthritis isn't all that advanced, so if I can lose weight, I can prolong the life of the joint. So easily said. So I'm following your posts, hoping for inspiration. I do some strength training, and flexibility exercises recommended by my physio therapist, thank goodness for my work benefits.
Next trip February 2020 with my son who right now is living in California, lucky guy.

Welcome to our special group!
Ahhhhh you beat me,,,I did 17 years in a very dysfunctional marriage,,before I left,,hugs Hon!
I have a fair amount of Arthritis and am slowly learning ways to *keep on moving*.
I work with kids that have special needs so staying flexible is a big challenge for me,,along with learning to adjust my diet.
Welcome and Hugs to you
I am up to 4000 steps but taking it slow as right leg is swelling and causing pain,,leg tensor is helping though.
Tomorrow we head out of town for a few days so I should be walking a fair amount.
Hugs to everyone
We lost our dog at the lake last Sunday and didn't find her for 6 days. I walked just over 170km during those 6 days, where before this incident, I think I was walking about 5000 steps a day roughly. I actually kind of got hooked on walking while doing this and while I don't think I'll be walking 6+ hours a day, I'm setting a goal of at least 15,000 steps a day for myself now. I've got about 15-20 pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight, so if I can keep to this plan, it shouldn't take too long, even though for some reason I didn't lose any weight during that week! People are theorizing that fat was turned into muscle which actually weighs a bit more, so the calorie deficit I was running was almost equaled out. If that's true, once the muscles stop forming as much, more fat should start burning away hopefully!
Welcome to our little group!!!!

I'm so glad you found your dog. We lost ours one night when we were camping. She was a little pomeranian just little - lost in bear, coyote, cougar country. We searched for a bout 4 hours. We decided that maybe she was just too scared to come back to us as she knew we were mad. I went to bed...about 2 hrs later I hear her whining and scratching to get back into the camper!!! I was relieved, happy and mad all at the same time. That little stinker. We were so lucky that she was not made into a meal. I"m sure you were extremely happy to have found your dog!!!!!
Hi All, I'm new to this thread but not to the boards. I've been reading some of your posts, but not all. Some good advice in here.
Welcome to our little group here!!!!

Life is never easy. I hope you can find your groove and build up your strength again. I'm glad your here :wave2:
Welcome to our group to our new members. I went to bed early last night and haven't really been on the computer today and it looks like I missed a lot. Glad the dog is back safe and sound.

This thread has become a catch all thread to vent, encourage, and just touch base with a few of the regulars. The more the merrier.
Looks like tomorrow will be a relaxing day. We've been swimming 3 days in a row but this evening kiddo has a bit of a fever, so he went to bed early, and I suspect tomorrow will be a relaxing day. He has reminded me that we can just have a day we don't do anything. I guess we'll be watching some netflix tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough for me to get puppy out for a walk. We did go this morning, and then about 2 1/2 hours of swimming this afternoon. Three weeks from now we'll be at Disney... so I'm glad if he is going to get sick this summer that's now and not then!
Hope he feels better soon Heather.Hugs
Lots of walking which actually helped the small lump on my right leg to go down. (swelling).
Trying to stay motivated,,,and positive!
I swear I walk a 1000-2000 steps each day before I remember to grab my phone which is recording the steps,,,
:crazy2:,,tomorrow I am dragging it everywhere with me.
Happy Long weekend everyone!
hi to our newbies and welcome to the group!

i started the year with weekly checking, but monthly seem more realistic now...

looking back on july, i think i did a great job of being more active, and especially making activity part of my daily life. we walk to the library or grocery store or just around the neighborhood most days. add yard work and chasing after a toddler, and my steps are waaaaay up. my average for the month was over 10,000/day. i hope i can keep it up as the summer comes to and end (there’s a chill in the morning and evening air here already...). winter is the most challenging for me, so i’m already thinking about how to keep active in the snow and cold.

food for the month is more of a mixed bag. meals have been pretty good. lots of grilled foods, which means (at least for me) mostly fresh stuff. some highlights: pork chops with grilled peaches, halloumi with a tomato salad, and rainbow trout with crispy skin. snacking is where i’m falling down though. too much ice cream and chips and candy! this month i’m going to cut snacking down so it’s a treat again instead of a habit.
hi to our newbies and welcome to the group!

i started the year with weekly checking, but monthly seem more realistic now...

looking back on july, i think i did a great job of being more active, and especially making activity part of my daily life. we walk to the library or grocery store or just around the neighborhood most days. add yard work and chasing after a toddler, and my steps are waaaaay up. my average for the month was over 10,000/day. i hope i can keep it up as the summer comes to and end (there’s a chill in the morning and evening air here already...). winter is the most challenging for me, so i’m already thinking about how to keep active in the snow and cold.

food for the month is more of a mixed bag. meals have been pretty good. lots of grilled foods, which means (at least for me) mostly fresh stuff. some highlights: pork chops with grilled peaches, halloumi with a tomato salad, and rainbow trout with crispy skin. snacking is where i’m falling down though. too much ice cream and chips and candy! this month i’m going to cut snacking down so it’s a treat again instead of a habit.
Thanks for the update. I love the summer foods-fresh fruits and veggies, but you are right....along with those come the vacation treats (even if you are retired and on a permanent 'vacation'). I like your goal. My goal for August will be to make my steps 85% of the time. Helping me is checking this thread each evening and then I can check my Fitbit to see how much I have to do. So, for that, I thank y'all.
Well we leave Saturday morning, I've done all I can walking-wise at this point! I hope the trip goes well. I'm upping my vitamin C and stuff this week, kiddo being sick means mama does not want to get it.

Kiddo has come down with a cold and is stuffed up, he is VERY worried about the flight now. I will do everything we can to help him, and have earplanes already. Decongestant and antihistamine before the flight, saline spray as well. That will be about the only liquids in my bag for this flight, plus sunscreen :) I am checking a bag with all the rest since it's Disney and the magic of it showing up is part of the trip. I know once we get there it will be great, he's young and is always on the go. We'll perhaps slow down a bit, and miss a few rides along the way, perhaps end a few of the days earlier than I had planned, and maybe have a nap in the afternoon instead of swimming. And hopefully I haven't already caught it.

I did my hair, purple, today and he wanted his blue, so it's a greeny-blue now. Our pictures will be fun for sure, and I'm sure my mom will say something about it when she sees. I suspect his will wash off within a few days.

I should go to bed and get a good sleep too I guess! Packing is done except for the last few things. I should be getting excited but I'm stuck on the worries.

Hope everyone is doing well.
I'm stuck on the worries.
I hope everything goes well for you. I know the stress of going with a child who's come down with something. We drove down when my daughter was 4 and the first chicken pox spot showed up as we were beginning our trip. Just had to ride it out in the hotel, but we were going for 2 weeks so the whole trip wasn't a washout. Maybe your kiddo's cold will be short.


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