The Frump Takes Over the World: Food Edition! A DR with Extra Magic! Update- 11/14

Hi there Kristen!! Thank you for the WONDERFUL updates :cloud9: All that glorious Disney food is making me hungry!
I am a firm believer that Disney can make almost anything better, so soak in everything from those weeks in your happy place, and have a fabulous time with your family! :hug:
Your plans sound FANTASTIC and I know you are going to have SO much fun! :yay:
WOW!!! Awesome, thanks for the updates! They are all wonderful!!

Thanks for sharing!!

Wow, Poly I would love to stay there one day! Jealous!! Have a great time!!
Hey Kristen! I've been following your daily countdown so I'm excited to see that not only did you have SEVEN updates but a quick PTR of your plans!

Seeing your dining line up makes me excited because we have plans to eat at many of those. I was excited to see your GF Afternoon Tea update since Em and I will be doing that in a couple weeks. Do you select the sandwiches that you want? I'm not really into salmon sandwiches so that's one that would stay on my plate. Honestly, if they gave me PB&J I'd be so happy!

We'll be looking for you while we're there in a couple weeks! We don't arrive until the 16th. From past experience your Brenda detection worked well last time so we'll see if we can catch you in one of the parks. :)

Enjoy your 3 weeks and I hope that Disney helps to make life better! :hug:
Awesome updates! So much food. I CAN'T WAIT! 11 DAYS!!!! (We'll be there August 10th-24th!)

Thanks so much for your updates. It kept me occupied and cleared my head of a lot of stress. What better for stress than food pictures????

I am so excited about Chef Mickey's dinner. We added an ADR there a few weeks ago. My reasoning may or may not have been heavily influenced by the mickeyroni and cheese.

We have 15 ADRs and I thought WE had a lot. I think you won :rotfl:

Have fabulous frumpy fun in Disney!!!!!!
Enjoy your trip. We just returned from three weeks in Florida as well, 10 days were in Disney. 4 days were on the Disney Cruise. Still not enough time, I want to go back:).

Anyway you probably already know this but for the time you are not using the dining plan you might want to consider purchasing a Tables In Wonderland card. It gives you a 20% discount on most restaurants including alcohol. They do add 18% gratuity to all bills, so the card basically ends up covering the tip cost. We get one every year and find it pays for its self in 2-3 meals.

Have a great trip, I look forward to reading all about it.
Have a great time! I'm jealous your there for 3 weeks!! Enjoy the Polynesian! Its my family's absolute FAVORITE! We have stayed there more times than I can count! If you can try to request a longhouse to stay in our favorite is Tahiti. Its the furthest from the Great Ceremonial House but its not that far, and its right by the walking path to the TTC. Plus if you get a waterview room you can watch Wishes from your room because all those rooms face MK.
Omg!!! Have such an amazing trip!! 3 weeks is my dream! I love the Poly sooooo much!! <3 I really want to stay there again! I just got all caught up on your updates and that FOOD! YUM.

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That BOMA COMA picture needs to be framed and displayed in a prominent area of your house. It just needs to be.

Awww your mom looks so happy with Minnie :goodvibes :cutie:
And I love the blowing out the candles picture.

ERMAHGERD I can't wait to watch Wishes from the Top of the World Lounge :banana:

At some point reading these updates, I was like...hmm that seemed rather fast to go from one meal to the next..and then I was like LOL JK this is a dining report... :laughing:

And I was doing ok on my (constant) "I need to be in Disney now." mind set, since I was actually doing something with my life recently... and then I started reading your updates and now I'm right back where I started. Ugh I miss it :sad1:
All caught up on your new updates! :)
Your DVC nail is AMAZING! I wish I could do that!
I just LOVE Top of the World!

YAY it's almost Disney time!!! So excited for you!! Your ADR line up is incredible!:thumbsup2
Do y'all have Tables in Wonderland for your non-DDP portion?? It is the best thing ever. We have had one the past two years now. This year it paid for itself in 4 nights!

Have the BEST time!
YAY for Disney in a few days. It's funny- last year you were at Disney when my baby girl was born! (08/24)
Oh my god you look exactly like...someone...and I can't figure out who! This is gonna drive me nuts. Anyway, looking forward to reading through this giant thread!
Three weeks at Disney?! You must be out of your mind with excitement. I know I would be!

Buena Vista Palace hold a special little place in my heart. In the late 80's, when I was a little girl, my dad was a police officer. But he also had a 2nd job as a security guard at BVP. I have a box full of flyers and newsletters that he would bring me. Somewhere around here I even have a white jacket with the Laughing Kookaburra logo on it! I thought it was so cool that my dad worked at Disney World.

Have a wonderful trip!

btw, is the Laughing Kookaburra Goodtime Bar still there?
I give up! As much as I would love to read your report, I can't. Your font that you are using is tiny and your pictures are so huge that I have to scroll just to try to see them. An exercise in complete frustration. Why is the typing so small?\\

I don't think it's my computer either...I've been on the DIS for years. Everyone else's report is fine and their pictures are normal sized.

Some of the trip reports have been getting messed up with text and photos - it's been happening A LOT. For example, I've noticed on Jess' College Program TR that the photos and text sometimes go askew etc, but the next day, it's back to normal. The text in the reports are just fine, as are the photos. Technology - you can't win, ya can't lose.

Kristen, your posts are just fine.
Three whole weeks at WDW?! Wow lucky you! Sounds like it will be an awesome time. Enjoyed your reviews btw. :thumbsup2
So very many updates! Well at least you got the right idea about keeping us occupied. Everything looks so delicious may help me get back to my normal eating habits now that I'm no longer sore from my wisdom teeth surgery (which my poor followers on Twitter had to be bombarded by, sorry guys). Everything looks so delicious and I want to go to Disney right now so badly so I can try some of this stuff... asofagoahgaibiavaug I'll just have to suffice it with some grocery store bought sweet potato fries and Chipotle for now. :goodvibes

I'm sorry to hear about you having to deal with some hard personal stuff, Kristen, but at least you have Disney coming up in... uhh... ONE DAY NOW! I'm sure that will remedy all the stress you have gone through. I mean, you're going to be there for THREE WEEKS! I don't think I've been to Disney for that long, combining the two trips I've been on so far. Take advantage of that (and your supermegafoxyawesomehot ADR line-up) and have a magical time!

I've posted on here before, but that was ages ago before i became friends with you and your sister! (im rachel!)
I've loved every update of this review because every update seems to include FOOD!!! I hope you had a great three weeks in Disney, Sarah was telling me ALL about it and it sure sounded like you were having a FRUMPTASTIC TIME! :cool1:
Chapter 26: Solo Mornin'

August 24th, 2012

HELLO EVERYONE. I seriously cannot believe that I haven't updated since before my August trip!!! Feel free to leave comments of annoyance and impatience. I am so terribly sorry!!! I started college literally THE DAY AFTER I got back from WDW, and life has been extremely crazy ever since. I've been juggling school, two jobs, and dealing with some personal stuff. Things are calming down a little for me, so I decided to try and squeeze in some updates, and to give y'all a heads up for what's coming.

First off, I posted some Vlogs (video blogs) live from WDW this past August, so if you didn't see those, here's the link. I really loved doing the vlogs! I'm going to try to do those for every August trip in the future, because they are just too long to do a trip report. I'll also try to put together an edited video on future trips that is also somewhat live. When I do my DCP (who knows when) I'll definitely be doing a Vlog for that. I just love talking everything out, and it will be much easier for me to keep up with than a written TR. I hope you all will join me for that!

Secondly, I am going to try to share pictures from the August trip on the various photo threads, such as food pictures, resort photos, Poly pics, etc. I'll share the links on whatever TR I'm working on when the time comes for that. I got some really awesome shots on my iPhone 5 and DSLR!

The next TR after I finish this will be from my Christmastime trip last year! I am so excited to share all of that with all of you!

Lastly, you may notice some new tickers in my signature! There are many exciting announcements to be made. Two of the tickers are for next August. We are hoping to get Beach Club Villas at 7 months out for August, and for the other part we are staying in a lagoon view studio at the Villas at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How'd we swing that? THE GRAND IS OUR NEW DVC HOME!!!! In addition to our contracts at Kidani Village, we were able to snatch some points at the GRAND!!!!! It is an absolute DREAM COME TRUE for me to be able to stay there, and I CANNOT WAIT!!! I can't believe I get to call that place home. I am so truly blessed.

The third (and top) ticker is for a girls trip in March on my spring break!!! My mom, sister and I are taking a family friend who is basically like an aunt to us to Disney for Flower & Garden! We're using DVC to stay at one of my dream resorts: WILDERNESS LODGE! I am pumped. Mama Frump has been DYING to go to WDW for F&G for years, so we're all very excited!!! YAY for dreams coming true!

For now, though, let's get back to this DR! Also, in order to move things along more quickly, I am going to limit my responses to all of the comments. If any of you have questions/concerns, please feel free to PM me, as I am much better about checking those more regularly. Feel free to keep commenting though! I will most definitely read each and every one of them, and respond when I can!

Alright, on with the show!


This morning I decided to sleep in a little bit (I know, shocked me too) and let everyone else head off to DAK. The park was totally dead that morning!





Meanwhile, I had a relaxing morning on the Boardwalk.



Eventually, I meandered into EPCOT and strolled around World Showcase.




The Food and Wine signage was already going up!




Viva Mi Italia!


Eventually, I wandered back toward France and got in a really short line to meet Belle! She was so sweet and said I looked like her twin! She hugged me a couple times and said we could be sisters!


MEEP. Day made.

I headed toward the Boulangerie (pre-refurb) and got myself this sinful Napolean:


NOM. Those things are so flaky and sweet and just delicious.

While I was munching on that, I met up with the fam, who came over to EPCOT to have lunch. We got some food from Katsura Grill in Japan, and some Boulangerie stuff and reconvened in a central place.

Sarah's favorite Disney CS meal: A ham and cheese baguette and cheesecake:

Classically yummy.

I got some Tempura shrimp Udon and Green Tea kochi cake.



Yum! This was my first experience with the Japan CS and I was pretty impressed! The tempura did get a little soggy in the broth though, which was kinda icky. Just plain udon (no shrimp) is the better way to go for me, I think.

An almond croissant from the Boulangerie for Dad!


Later that afternoon, Mom and I split up from Dad and Sarah, who went to ride Mission:SPACE or something. Mom and I did some World Showcase touring and were walking toward International Gateway to go back to the Boardwalk when I spotted Brenda (emmysmommy) and Emmy and her dad again! I caught their attention and we all chatted for a few minutes. Of course we had to take a picture!



Later, after everyone got back and we all changed, it was time to head to MK to get to our dinner ADR! We decided to walk over to the YaCHt Club and take an MK bus from there.


Oh my beautiful Yacht Club. I love you so.



It really is just beyond perfect.

We got to MK and then hopped a highway in the sky to get to the Poly!


ALOOOOHA. I miss the Poly. Staying there this past summer was absolutely incredible. GAH it's perf. CANNOT WAIT FOR POLY DVC.


Continued in Next Post
Kristen I was so excited to see your update! I've seen on Twitter your new GFV contract - which is completely exciting! Congrats on that. Love having new trip tickers - glad to see you are continuing your annual August trips as well.

You did look lovely with Belle so I see why she was so complimentary. :)

I completely forgot which TR you were on when I saw our photo posted from last summer. That was so exciting to meet you last summer! You were featured in my current TR when we ran into you and your family at AKL this summer. See link here. I think this is becoming an August tradition for us.

I know life is crazy so no worries about updates and comments. Em follows you on Instragram as well.

Take care! :hug:
Hmmm, I think with all that going on you are without a doubt excused from DR updating. My goodness. You are a busy young lady.

AWWWWWW, I wish you were doing the Xmas TR now!!!! I'm heading to WDW in a month and it would have been great to read some Xmas doings to get in the mood. Well I'm in the mood anyway but still...

Yay for tickers and a BIG YAY for Flower and Garden. Epcot is truly stunning anyway, but in Flower and Garden it's beyond extraordinary.

I had a watch of your vlogs too. Thanks for the link. You are just adorable. I particularly really enjoyed hearing about your day with Pete and all the backstage doings. Such an amazing experience and it's so great how much you genuinely appreciate it. Yeah, I think you'll work there one day. If I had children, they would definitely be "Disney kids", and it's so heartening to see how real "Disney kids" turn out. :goodvibes

Ahh I remember that Belle and I also remember her being very tanned. Sweet photo.

Haha, I swear Brenda has more photos in other reports than her own, lol. I do remember her meeting you on her current TR too at AKL.

Continued good luck with school and I sincerely hope the personal stuff works out for you. :flower3:


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