The Good, The Bad, The Cancelled and The Surprising ... Our Take on Deluxe Dining!!

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We have the deluxe plan for December and I have been worrying that this might be to much.Can't wait to read the rest of your posts .Thanks so much for doing this.By the way, we loved the carrots and celery too.After a while, we just wanted some vegetables!I think our favorite meal was the Greek salad at Pop Century. Of course we WERE sick with colds and the vinegar felt soooooooo good on our sore throats. We are hoping we will stay well this next trip. Being sick at Disney stinks! Congrats on your steak. I ate overcooked shoe leather steak until I was about 20. (that's how my mother cooked it) I met a man who cooked for a steak house and he would not let me get it well done...Now I eat my steak rarer than him! :flower3:

Welcome and thanks for joining in :goodvibes That's hilarious about the steak - I still like mine pretty well done, but I have opened up to new possibilities with how my steak is cooked :laughing:

this is so much fun, and so excruciatingly tantalizing. I just got home from work late, too late to feel like cooking dinner, and you are making me hungry:thumbsup2. Guess I'll grab that snickers bar in the back of the fridge.

MMMMMM .... snickers ;) I always get home too late and never feel like cooking and that's when I update too ... bad combination :rotfl:
Awesome reviews. I can't wait to hear if you think DxDDP was worth it b/c I'm still going back and forth with it. We want to eat a Fulton too so I'm still not sure if DxDDP but we do love room service so it might be worht it for that since we usually order a couple of room service during our trip

Thank you so much :goodvibes I will tell you this ... room service comes up more than once in this review ;)

Those treats from Goofy's look awesome!

They were fabulous!!!

I'm in. Loved your review of Fulton's.:)

Thank you and welcome :goodvibes

I'm in as well. More please!

Welcome!! Uploading more pictures as we speak ... hopefully get an update in tonight :thumbsup2

Great reviews! Can't wait to hear more. Thanks for the reviews of Fulton's, we're considering places for our rehearsal dinner and that could be a contender.

I thought those pretzels were a snack credit. Generally anything under $4 is.

Fulton's was fantastic! Not sure if you've seen the restaurant or not, but inside is kind of broken up into several different dining rooms so that could be awesome for your rehearsal :goodvibes

Great reviews. I can't wait to read the rest.

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Thanks for joining and for the tip :thumbsup2


Enjoying your reviews!

Thanks so much :goodvibes

Great reviews. I think the DxDP would be too much food for us too, we're just doing the regular DDP next time. But reading about your experience with it is interesting. I'm off to read your other reports now....

Welcome - would love to hear what you think of the regular dining plan!!

So excited to read about your experiences! Great job so far :) We didn't end up making it to Goofy's Candy Company when we went in Sept! It looks like we really missed out. And my hubby is drooling over Fulton's now!

Thank you! We forgot about Goofy's when we went for our honeymoon so it was a definite must do this trip and we were not disappointed!!

Awesome reviews so far..........can't wait for more!

Thank you and welcome :goodvibes
Just found your reviews. Those crab legs look soooooo good, I wish I could have that right now. :goodvibes
Your pictures make me wish our trip was tomorrow! Everything looks awesome. We can make dining ressies in 3 days so I can't wait to read more.
Ok, so I'm joining on Pg. 4, but this is a great report so far!! I'm really loving your critiques.
Joining in! love the reviews, I'm not a fish/seafood eater but my husband is, thank's for the Fulton's review :)
Just found your reviews. Those crab legs look soooooo good, I wish I could have that right now. :goodvibes

Don't you hate how reading food reviews always makes you SO hungry :lmao:

Great reviews! Looking forward to your other reviews.

Thank you very much :goodvibes

Your pictures make me wish our trip was tomorrow! Everything looks awesome. We can make dining ressies in 3 days so I can't wait to read more.

I always wish my trip was tomorrow :rotfl2: Good luck on getting all the dining reservations you want :thumbsup2

Ok, so I'm joining on Pg. 4, but this is a great report so far!! I'm really loving your critiques.

Thank you - it has been so much fun to do this :)

Great start and love the food porn...

Don't worry, there's plenty more food porn where that came from ;)

Joining in! love the reviews, I'm not a fish/seafood eater but my husband is, thank's for the Fulton's review :)

I'm not a seafood eater either, but I think Fulton's had a little something for everyone and it was all so good! Thanks for joining in :goodvibes

Loving the reviews!!!


Thank you!!!

:lovestrucMore more...can't wait to hear and see more!! Great reviews!

I am trying to upload more pictures now so I can do a review tonight :cutie:

Subbing to your thread, can't wait to hear more!

Thanks for joining along :)
I loved your review on Fulton's. Went there for lunch and loved it. After seeing the crab legs will definately will go to dinner on our next trip. Looking forward to the rest of your reviews as I know they will give us some more options for next year.
I loved your review on Fulton's. Went there for lunch and loved it. After seeing the crab legs will definately will go to dinner on our next trip. Looking forward to the rest of your reviews as I know they will give us some more options for next year.

What types of things did they have to offer for lunch? I am really, truly trying to work on an update, but life keeps getting in the way :rolleyes1
Loved your review of Fulton's. It is one of our favorites and has been for years. Never fails to impress. Really looking forward to your other reviews. We're going in April and have decided to splurge on Deluxe Dining.
I am really enjoying your reviews. We are taking our first family trip to Disney in March and I love reading about your experiences. I totally agree with you and the steak thing...DH and I are both well done....his usual line is "well done and if your not sure leave it on a few more minutes". We went to Jeff Ruby's steakhouse (Louisville, KY) and they would not cook our filet well done. I look forward to reading more!

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