~The Man Report 2006~~~~~End & Summary~~~~~Lots of Pictures

Does a beer & a brat at 11 a.m. sound good to you?

Yes a brat is good any time of day
I know its not the same but a local place a go to breakfast serve a kielbasa and egg sandwich at breakfast :bounce:
Well, after all the hu-bub over the bagel dogs, we can finally get down to business. We leave tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. Oh, and speaking of bagel dogs...


Linnie the Pooh-Head said:
I have a sinus infection today. Hopefully it's gone in 2 days!

...and I've got the pix to prove it.


I snuck this photo from the upstairs, kids area

I wanted to talk all day about Disney and what we're going to do and watch only Disney shows on tv and only listen to Disney music and so on and so on...

But NO! She's playing sick! I was left to amuse myself all day by going to Google Earth and looking down on Epcot & dreaming about the bratwurst at Summerfest and so forth...

Poor me :sad2:

Anyway, we leave tomorrow morning. Wake up call is 4 a.m. We even had a practice run this morning (which met with a lot of complaining from the Clan). The practice run went smooth so I think we're ready for the real thing. Wish us luck and I'll report back tomorrow night.

Hmmm....I'm still all over them.

But Bagel Dogs in a Samsonite on the MCO luggage thingy for hours (in 85 degree heat).....& you might lose a few Bagel Dog converts.

I bet it's "cheese food product" though. So it'll probably last a couple weeks in the back seat or the trunk...no prob.

Have fun. popcorn::
Thanks for posting the pic of the bagel dogs. I've never seen them before. Do they taste like Pogo's?

I LOL when I saw the pic of the dogs packed in your suitcase...now what did Linnie say???
It Begins ~ LIVE

Tucked safely on the couch of our room at the Caribe Royale, I reflect on what was nothing short of a whirlwind, yet uneventful day.

It’s now 9pm EST here in WDW and we are nestled in our off-site room and are quite pleased with the resort. It’s not as nice as the Wyndham Palms was last year, but it’s a lot closer to the parks which makes up for a lot. Also, the resort is dang near empty. Fine by me.

For those that already forgot, we’re staying here for four nights before we move on-site Saturday morning.

The day started at 4 a.m MST when the coffee grinder went off and, like every morning of my life, scared the holy living crap out of me. Nice way to start your day. I’m sure to have a heart attack before I’m 50.

The first thing I notice after listening to the grinder churn for what seems like 10 minutes, is that I’ve got a little bit of a stomach ache. Could be nerves. Could be 3 Schwan’s Bagel Dogs from the night before. :charac2: Whatever it is, it goes away quickly as I don’t have time to be sick.

We went thru the same preparations everyone else goes thru with little to report. I set all the auto timers for the lamps throughout the house and made sure the alarm system was set and off we went.

It was snowing in Billings, MT this morning and all was calm, quiet, peaceful, and VERY beautiful. Reminded me of Christmas.

It was also cold and a good time to be leaving. :cold: Snow on the way to the airport means at least a 20 minute delay due to de-icing. No problem there tho since I made sure we had 2 ½ hour layover on both the way down and back for just an occurrence.

Turns out, we’re not the only ones in Billings going on vacation this week. This is parent/teacher conference week in Montana and everyone is doing something. Many people on the plane with us are also going to WDW. Problem for them is, they’ve all booked the earlier connection and by the time we de-ice and fly around DIA about 15 times until we’re giving the go ahead to land, their plane had supposedly left.

Fortunately for them (and us which you’ll see later) they held the plane for everyone to Orlando so while we stayed in our seats to let the frantic connections be made, the rest of the Orlando bound vacationers rushed off the plane and down the terminal.

Our Orlando flight didn’t leave for another 1 hr 45 minutes so we went and had a bite to eat then went to the Red Carpet Room to relax a little.

5 hours later we landed on time in Orlando and went to claim our baggage. Instead of waiting like animals with everyone else for our bags to roll out, I noticed our bags were already there in a roped off area near baggage claim #24. Apparently, our bags came with the earlier flight. Fine by me as we grabbed them in short order, walked across the street to National Rent a Car and got a Dodge Mini-Van. The SUV’s were all sold out. No big deal. We are now in a great mood as we head down the 417 toll road about 20 minutes after landing. I’ll bet the luggage had just come off the baggage claim by the time we were checking in to our room.

I hate to bore everyone without having any sordid details to report but there is really nothing that happened. It went so smooth it was scary. Days like this in the travel world are rare. :confused3

The only real noteworthy tidbit of fun to report was that I got to meet “Airport” Lin. This is the alter ego of my loving wife, Linnie the Pooh. “Airport” Lin is as mean as a cornered beaver. On the airplane, I offered her one of my chips with salsa that I had purchased from “Ted”, she dropped it and spilled salsa all over hell, then proceeded to blame poor, defenseless Me. I don’t know what her problem was. All she had to do was deal with two almost normal children for 5 hours of flying while I read magazines and slept. Women! Can’t live with ‘em, pass the beer nuts… (Norm from Cheers). :banana:

We went to our favorite pizza place tonight (Giordano’s) and had wonderful food, with crappy service (as usual). We also shopped at the Winn Dixie and then went to the Boardwalk after that to ride the little Quad-Bicycle with the kids. We also picked up our annual passes at this time from the kiosk at the International Gateway into Epcot.

I’m so tired right now I’m beginning to think LIVE reports were a bad idea. I’ll keep going as long as things slow down. Travel day is the worst!


“Airport” Lin -
Best to avoid this person… especially when chips and salsa are involved. :dog2:

Caribe Royale – Nice, but just not Disney. The 2-bedroom is spacious and fairly new with nice views of a lake, pool and huge fountain. However, I still cant wait to move to SSR.

Giordano’s – Great food but lord or lord do they need to teach these people about service!

Bagel Dogs - We finished off the frozen food last night. I'm still burping them up. The dogs were the last to go. They didn't make the trip ;)

MGM - Toorrow we hit MGM and we're all very excited. It's supposed to rain a little but who cares. It's Disney man! Looking forward to a little Turkey Leg and Beer :thumbsup2

Here is a pic of the kids last night as they put the last Mickey Sticker on the countdown board. You’ll see pictures of characters my wife drew on there. Pretty darn good if you ask me.

The mouse you see on the board isn’t Mickey Mouse though. It’s “Gickey”, Mickey’s half-witted step-brother. You’ll note he just don’t look “right”. :earboy2:


Before you flame me for making fun of my wife’s drawing, she knows I’m just joking with her. I think it’s awesome she does this. She’s a good mommy. :love:
Thanks for taking the time to give us our daily dose of bagel dogs....hmmm....I mean TR. Glad to hear you arrived safely. Tell LinnieThePooh that I love her countdown board - she did a great job!

You have gorgeous children! have a great time at MGM tomorrow.
Okay, I am hooked hooked hooked! I am loving this report bagel dogs and all. I am going to send you all of the good vibes I can muster. I too started my report while live from Disney, but after a few days, I just got too tuckered to type. So it was half live and have post flight home! I am living through your family's trip. I look forward to hearing about your first day at the parks tomorrow!
The Bagel Dogs didn't make the trip!!!???? Blaspheme!!!!

hound :rolleyes:
It is wonderful of you both to be writing this TR "live". That's a big commitment and I hope you can pull it off for the entire trip.

LOL at the coffee grinder going off at 4:00 am! :rotfl2:

Linnies hand drawn characters are pretty darn good! She could work for Disney!

Keep it coming Montana Family!
Montana Disney Fan said:
The mouse you see on the board isn’t Mickey Mouse though. It’s “Gickey”, Mickey’s half-witted step-brother. You’ll note he just don’t look “right”. :earboy2:

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I'm sooooo loving this TR! Reading a "male" prospective is quite humorous! You sound just like my DH!

IMO, Linnie, I love your board and your drawings ARE pretty good! What a cute idea!
Montana Disney Fan said:
...The day started at 4 a.m MST when the coffee grinder went off and, like every morning of my life, scared the holy living crap out of me. Nice way to start your day. I’m sure to have a heart attack before I’m 50.
Had one at the ripe, old age of 37. Unless your heart is really set on it, I don't recommend one.

Montana Disney Fan said:
...Many people on the plane with us are also going to WDW. Problem for them is, they’ve all booked the earlier connection and by the time we de-ice and fly around DIA about 15 times until we’re giving the go ahead to land, their plane had supposedly left.
Pshaw! Amateurs.

Montana Disney Fan said:
...The only real noteworthy tidbit of fun to report was that I got to meet “Airport” Lin. This is the alter ego of my loving wife, Linnie the Pooh.
awww what beautiful children! How cool of linnie the pooh to do that! I hope you're having a wonderful time!
Want to share a bad day? :thumbsup2

Day 2 – MGM – Part #1

Anyone familiar with Autism? Well, even tho my son hasn’t been diagnosed with it, we’ve read a bunch and he’s as close as you can get without actually calling it. It’s officially called something like “Speech & Language” delay. But we all know it’s more than that it’s just that he doesn’t quite fit the description of Autism (he’s very loving among other things).

Here is how we handle it; we drink a lot! :banana: j/k

Actually we handle it the same way any of you would. One frightening episode at a time.

Yesterday was so smooth for one primary reason. Moan Boy didn’t “bug” out on the plane. This is probably our greatest fear on vacations. When he “loses” it, we’re done for. You can’t bring him back.

Lucky for us, a Dr. took pity and prescribed a medication which really helps a lot but doesn’t turn him into a zombie either (after his first medication, we found him sunning himself on our landscape rocks like a comatose rattlesnake). We’ve been giving him this drug for around 6 months without ever having missed a day and he’s been so much better to deal with.

Well guess what? :confused3 We left this morning in a rush to make MGM by 9 a.m. and became complete “rooks” in the process. We totally thru out 10 years worth of priceless Disney training and became those people in front of you who obviously don’t know what they’re doing. I hate those people. You hate those people. We became those people. :wave2:

We left with our backpack in tow, minus our water bottles, snacks, makeup for mom, no breakfast for mom, no coffee for mom, no medication for Moan Boy, no allergy medication for dad and probably 8 other things I can’t think of at the moment.

We pulled into our parking spot at MGM, and we are all the way down as far as you can be from the walkway and people mover (little train like thing that takes you to the park since the parking lot is the size of the Moon).

As we open the backpack to show the security guard, I ask Lin where the water bottles are. She gives me the look like “What, you didn’t get ‘em?” I know it’s going downhill from here.

As we head to Tower of Terror I notice that Moan Boy is moaning extra loud & long and bouncing around like Tigger on Crack. “Mom, did you give the boy his meds?”

Once again the look. Only this one isn’t the look I can deal with. This is the look of sheer terror as it registers what has happened and what’s about to happen.

You don’t walk into Disney without a backpack and you don’t pay rack rates for rooms and you don’t ride Rockin’ Roller Coaster on Standby and you definitely don’t go to the theme parks without medicating Moan Boy. These are rules you need to live by and you don’t EVER forget them. We forgot the last.

Lin is a stay-at-home mom with the hardest job in the world. I’ve got it easy. I go to work and police the inner-office workings of 95 people all hell bent on “getting” the person sitting next to them. Lin has Moan Boy and Loud Girl. Taking care of Moan Boy alone is similar to taking care of a wild pack of rabid wolverines with toothaches. Toss in Loud Girl and you’ll understand where ”Airport” Lin came from on the way down.

She has never missed a morning without giving him his medication but the first day in Orlando, she forgot. It’s not her fault. I was ALL over her to hurry up so we could make the park prior to opening. (Side note: There is nobody down here! MGM is empty and we’ve only seen about 15 cars at the hotel we’re at). We were in such a rush to hit the gate running that we became those dreaded rookies we all fear of getting stuck behind upon exiting Muppet Vision 3D. You know the ones. Stopped dead, 50 people behind them, staring at a park map and looking around dazed and confused.

Not only did we not give him his medication, we didn’t have any water which is the only thing he’ll drink. No milk, pop, juice or beer. Only water. Not only that, he can’t drink out of a drinking fountain! Where’s our water? Sitting in our fridge back in out hotel room.

Let’s also toss in the fact that he’s hungry, and picky about food, and its 10 a.m. and nothing is open. All we have are a pack of marshmallows as we left the snacks in the room. He immediately tossed the marshmallows on the table indicating what he thought of my offer of food.

He couldn’t even enjoy one of his favorite rides (RRC) as he cried in line and starting repeating things over and over and moaning. Lucky for me, I was with Loud Girl waiting for them but Lin had to go through it with him and trust me, it wasn’t pretty (Been there… Done that!).

We finally throw in the towel, packed up the kids in our rental stroller ($16/day) and head back up stream through the throngs of incoming people, back to the parking lot to head back to our room so we can medicate the Boy.

One problem though! Where is the fricking car! I told you, we became total rookies today. I should have my DIS privileges revoked. I don’t deserve to comment on forums anymore. We didn’t even make a note of our parking area and row. How bad is that! How many times have we been here? Once? Twice? No, try 12 times for me!!

Thanks to my inner directional instinct, I was able to triangulate the location of the car using the clouds in the sky. Needless to say, if it wasn’t for my innate ability to know everything there is to know about everything, we’d never have found the car (I’m setting myself up for Lin’s rebuttal once she’s calmed down enough from the day to type – By the way, she’s sleeping as I type this and it’s only 5 pm… at least I hope she’s only sleeping).

We finally make it back to our room having found the car. Lin say’s “Geez, I hope the maids aren’t in the room”. Guess what? They are! Unbelievable! Could anything else go wrong? I feel lucky in the fact that we didn’t die this morning as that’s the only thing that went in our favor.

Did I mention it’s only 10:45 a.m.?

Part 2 of “The Day from Hell” coming up this evening.


Vacation -
its vacation dummy! Slow down, relax, have fun, and never ever forget to put pills in the boy first thing in the morning.

Whiskey- Is it wrong to want a shot at 10 a.m.?

Parking – Don’t ever be as stupid as I was to park and not write down where we were. That’s just Busch League!!

Lots of pictures coming soon.
I'm hoping you're at MGM right now having the time of your lives! Don't worry about becoming a rookie again, we've all made mistakes because of excitement or whatever (we rushed off to the MK one night and I had left our passes on the counter...I was not very popular with my family that night!! :guilty: ).

Hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly!!!!
What is the weather like. I actually think Montana is having a second October snow storm. Saw it on the weather channel this morning. Suppose to be in Wisconsin Friday nite, yuck.
I'm sorry about what happened with Moan Boy this morning. I learned something from your lesson. I think I'll put an extra pill of DS6 in the backpack -- just in case we forget. Our DS6 is Moan Boy's lost cousin or something like it.

Tell Linnie that if you had your bagel dogs, none of the things that happened this morning would've happened! :rotfl:

Hope you had a better rest of your day.
Day 2 - MGM - Part 2 – You turned my feet into glue stix

Was Part 1 actually this morning? It’s really hard to believe. Feels like it all happened a couple days ago.

We got pills into the boy along with some sourdough pretzels and a big jug of water. 30 minutes later we had tamed the beast. :darth:

I gathered the troops and held a pep talk. :grouphug: We were forgetting the morning, and everyone had a clean slate. Nobody was in trouble and it was time to go back to having fun. We HAD to salvage the day! My four year old wasn’t impressed. She rarely is.

I thought about bagging MGM and hitting another park, thus ruining my 11 ½ months of planning but finally came to my senses. Besides, we had ADR for Mama Melrose at 1 pm and It must be met (its part of my obsessive – compulsive nature).

To make a long story short, the rest of the day was GREAT! We hit Star Tours, ate at Mama Melrose, did Muppet 3D (got stuck behind the rooks upon exiting), went on RRC and TT along with my daughters favorite, Voyage of the Little Mermaid. It took every once of manhood I could muster to not brake down bawling as I watched her watch the show. She just loves those princesses.

We also hit one of my kid’s favorites, Honey Who Shrunk the Kids playground set. It was empty so we had the run of the place. We love this place as the kids can run and burn energy and mom and dad can sit in the shade near the only exit and not worry.

We left right before the parade and went back to the hotel for a swim. Swim was great, the pool is horrible. Dirty and too warm. The kids had fun which is all that matters. Plus, we were the only ones there.

We took two hours off after that to loaf in the room as the wife slept, the kids played, and dad did trip reports (this morning’s).

At 6 pm we cleaned up, jumped in the family truckster :car: and headed to Cape May Café (at the Beach Club) for din-din.

We arrived early of course but since nobody is in town, we were sat right away. Our waiter was awesome and the buffet was incredible. So good and fresh. Needless to say that Buzz is NOT a fan of the buffets but this was REALLY good. We aren’t even big FISH people. The kids had great meals also and were incredibly hungry as Moan Boy ate 5 chicken strips, a slice of pizza, two cookies, a cupcake, and a gallon of water. Loud Girl had mac-n-cheese, hot dogs and a cupcake. She also had a Sprite which is a treat for her as they usually drink just water.

The wife and I pigged out on ribs, chicken, beef tips, sausage w/ peppers, and so on. Everything was fresh and delicious. Only the beef tips weren’t great but were still very good.

We saved almost $20 with our DDE card on dinner which I really love. Especially since we purchase the card a year ago and savings are now over $600 for the two vacations. I could go over $1k by the time we get home. Not a bad $50 investment (I can’t remember what I paid for it but I think it was $50).

We were so bloated and fat from dinner that we walked from the Beach Club over to the Boardwalk and rented the Quad-Bike again. We raced around the BW two times and were sweating profusely by the time we turned the bike back in. The kids enjoy it but were starting to "turn" as it was closing in on 8 o’clock.

On the walk back, Moan Boy was moaning and Loud Girl was being loud. Actually what she does is “gripe”. She is all woman that one. :bride: Griped from the time we left the BW until we reached the van. She’s like a 15 year old trapped in the body of a 4 year old. She was still griping in the minivan on the way back to the room when I told her I was going to give her away to the Gypsies if she didn’t pipe down. It was then she made her now famous line: You guys made me walk so much you turned my feet into glue stix.

I wasn’t sure I heard her correctly but the wife was cracking up laughing so I figured I did. Lin informed me that I was correct in what I heard then I burst out laughing. Where did you come up with that LeeAndra? What a nut.

Day 2 over. Thank goodness.

Tomorrow, Day 3, Animal Kingdom. :simba:

Weather is very humid (as always) and around 88 degrees. Feels hotter. Clouds and sun mixed. Was supposed to thundershower today but never saw a drop.

Let it snow 20’ in Billings. I don’t even care. I am in Walt Disney World man. Woot!! :banana:


I think that’s it for us. One time in this park is enough and the boy no longer likes RRC for some reason which is why we went anyway.

Mama Melrose - Great Atmosphere! I mean, the best. Really good service and great employees. The food was bland though. I would still go back but that place needs some spice. And the new healthy menu for kids should have some unhealthy choices. What kind of 4 year old would eat chicken pizza? :confused3

Cape May Café – AWESOME! I never would have guessed it. This place was good and we ate our weight. I think the waiter got tired of dragging off empty plates but who cares (I would guess we had at least 14 plates by the time we were done). Great food, great people, great service. :thumbsup2

Loud Girl – …you turned my feet into glue stix. What the heck does that mean?!?!?
:woohoo: I'm the first to comment..yay me :bitelip: I'm a dork, I know :rolleyes1

I am so glad that Moan Boy and the rest of the family bounced back for the second half of the day :bounce: :bounce:

Hope you have a great day tomorrow :yay:


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