The New *Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread*

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No problem. Porta potty smell makes me almost puke.:sick:

It was Tommorland across from the Speedway next to Cosmic Ray.
Yes, I agree Porta Potties first thing in the morning when my nerves
Were already frazzled and excited would have been too much! Plus being able to
Wash hand was nice!!
I noticed a couple of new runDisney items at the Disney
If anyone is on the fence about ordering one of the cute shirts they have at the Disney Store, today you can get 25% off using HAPPY25 to celebrate their anniversary! I think I'm going to get a shirt and a magnet.

This is what I hope for. Disney by far has some of the best medals around.
I really hope they have some nice commemorative race swag.
I'm also hoping for some good swag. This will be my first race, and it's cool that I'm doing it on a special day. I hope the medals are even more gorgeous than they usually are!!!
I'm also hoping for some good swag. This will be my first race, and it's cool that I'm doing it on a special day. I hope the medals are even more gorgeous than they usually are!!!

I'm sure they will have plenty of 5th annvsy items for SALE. Swag? Don't count on anything, and I mean anything, other than the medal and the shirt. 2011 we got a cute little mesh drawstring bag, the shirt and a mini Lara bar in our pickup stuff. Last year? Ummm... just the shirt. I saw some people walking around with a drawstring bag, but most of the folks I know did not get one. As far as Disney goes, you are def. paying for the course entertainment and NOT the swag. Which is fine with me, I guess - I'd much rather have the fun experience than a bunch of freebies that I may or may not use.
I'm in - assuming all goes as planned, the 2013 Princess will be my first half-marathon :banana: The plan is to do it with a group of amazing ladies I've known - some online and others in real life - for years, thanks to the DIS. We're scattered all over the country, but will converge for Princess weekend. I'm all out of DVC points, so I'll be waiting for passholder rates to come out before booking a room.

As for training, I'm a Galloway gal. Used his 5K program for the Tangled 5K this past Feb. and I'm following his 10K program now. I don't actually have a 10K planned, but I need short-term goals, lol! Running the Expedition Everest Challenge with my son, then the TOT 10-Miler on my own before starting Princess training. Clearly, I'm hooked on RunDisney. :rotfl:
Lol, well of course for sale. I was really kind of putt off with the plastic bag and
I think I will email my concern because I do like the mesh bags better. I use gear check at races and I was not comfortable using that plastic open bag for Gear check.

I did a big Publix half in Atlanta and they even managed to give us a nice gear check bag. Other than that I was pleased with the organization, even the early wake up call was not bad. There were so many ladies to talk to and I had my good girlfriend with me. The walk to the corral was not noticeable. I will just express my concern to go back to a mesh bag like other races have.
Setting the Princess as a goal. I'm working on losing weight and trying to stay motivated. I'm signed up for the 5K in September during the ToT 10 miler weekend. That will be my first Disney "running" experience. I plan to walk. Reading through all the posts and learning from y'all!
I did a big Publix half in Atlanta and they even managed to give us a nice gear check bag.

I did that one, too! Wore an "Irish Girls Have More Fun" shirt and my Tink tutu. Never thought that thing would see so much action! Have to laugh - my Publix Half time was almost exactly an HOUR faster than this year's Princess!:rotfl: Think I was having a good time during the Princess Half?!?!?!:banana:
How many Princesses are making the leap to do the full marathon, or any full marathon? The 20th anniversary hype is sucking me in. A small part of me wants to do Goofy, but I really don't think my legs can handle all that in one weekend. I think my biggest mistake after the Princess was not icing my shin. I got my knee iced good but didn't do a thing for my shin and I'm still paying for it. I've been using the elliptical lately cuz I can't run without limping. Sadly, I've only run 3 times since the Princess.:sad1: I'm signed up to do another half on April 21st :scared1: Hopefully that won't set me back. I'm hoping to get a short easy run in over the weekend.
I would LOVE to do the full this coming year, and I was trying to talk my running group into it, but they are all scared and want to do the half :lmao:
I would LOVE to do the full this coming year, and I was trying to talk my running group into it, but they are all scared and want to do the half :lmao:

I would love to do it and if I do, I am sure I will be running alone and probably traveling solo. We should start a Dis Solo group.
What is dailymail?

Daily Mile is like Facebook for exercisers.

As far as a full, I love the idea in theory but not ready to take the leap yet.
I did enjoy reading Stitchfans race report last year about her doing Goofy!!!
Oh and when my phone went off and it was my Uncle Joe on the phone, and I was ending the call yelling "I love you Uncle Joe" and about 10 ladies around me yelling "we love him too!!" :lmao:

That made me smile. And I probably would be yelling it too. ;)

I used the real potties in Tomorrow Land right across from the speedway. Actually I ducked into the men's room since there was a line for the ladies room. there were a few guys in there, but I just kept my head down and ran into a stall. There is a large bathroom as you head into Frontier Land.

In all honesty, I'd much rather do this than use a porta-potty... I may have to keep this in mind. :goodvibes


Sign up another first timer for the Princess 1/2! This will be my first big race, although I am planning on doing some local 5 and 10k's beforehand. Right now after about three months (First two on my own, the latest month at the gym working out) I'm doing about 2.5 miles at a 16-17 minute pace so I still have a ways to go, but I'm determined to do this! Planning on trying out the Galloway plan since alot of people on here seem to swear by it.

Also another one running solo. I just can't seem to convince anyone to do it with me, although my DM (and possibly dad and grandpa) will be coming to cheer me on. Hopefully I can find someone here to team up with. :thumbsup2

Next year can't come soon enough! :banana:
I definately recomend using the men's room over the porta potties! Figuring there are so few men running the Princess, their bathrooms aren't crowded. And it's first thing before the parks open so they are clean. I saw a lot of guys coming out of the woods. At least they have that advantage and it keeps them out of the bathrooms! LOL!
Is it as much fun doing the race alone? I did a 5k solo and whatever that was only 3.1 miles, but 13.1 miles with characters and no one to have fun with along the way?! (Except Flynn from Tangled... 'cause that might work ok for me) Unfortunately, I severely lack the skills to sell this to anyone... and that's even when I include the whole "you know, you can wear a tutu" point, which totally sold me.
Is it as much fun doing the race alone? I did a 5k solo and whatever that was only 3.1 miles, but 13.1 miles with characters and no one to have fun with along the way?! (Except Flynn from Tangled... 'cause that might work ok for me) Unfortunately, I severely lack the skills to sell this to anyone... and that's even when I include the whole "you know, you can wear a tutu" point, which totally sold me.

I ran solo this year and had a blast. I am hoping a friend and my sister will do it with me next year, but don't let running solo turn you away. I chatted with a bunch of people while waiting in lines (most of them not too long) for character pictures.
Is it as much fun doing the race alone? I did a 5k solo and whatever that was only 3.1 miles, but 13.1 miles with characters and no one to have fun with along the way?! (Except Flynn from Tangled... 'cause that might work ok for me) Unfortunately, I severely lack the skills to sell this to anyone... and that's even when I include the whole "you know, you can wear a tutu" point, which totally sold me.

I have run solo and with my daughters and both were fun just a different fun.
Hi everyone!! :goodvibes i have been looking forward for some time already and i cant weight for next year!! i have training for a while now.. i cant wait to meet everyone and read all your posts!!! :banana::cool1::bride:
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