The Official New Mom Thread

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Thanks for the replies, everyone.

ahutton- I see that you are from TX. I live about 40 miles N of Houston.

I saw a report on the news one time that discussed how to get kids to eat more veggies. They said to puree them and mix them in with things that they will eat. For example, most kids like pizza. You can puree things like carrots, broccoli, etc. and put it in the sauce and they will never know. I probably need to do that for myself.
Hi guys!

I had my new little one on Febuary 24th. She is in my arms's hard to type with one hand.

I have a question for all of you. My new DD was doing good for the first month but the last week or so she has been very fussy and not sleeping good at night. She is up every 2 hours and she crys a lot. I know it isn't colic because she doesn't cry all the time, just on and off. Anyone know why?

Thanks for all the reply's.

Hope everyone is having fun with thier new bundles of joy.
Hi all, I started a thread like this a few months ago, but it DIED! So glad someone started a new one.

My baby is now 8 months old and is doing great in every way except sleeping. Alot like justhat trials. She doesn't sleep, she only naps and wakes up every 2 hours on the dot. It is rather freaky actually. She will not go back to sleep unless I nurse her. If she wakes up before 2 hours (after 45 min or an hour, and yes sometimes she does do this.) I won't nurse her and she will go back to sleep eventaully.

So considering I had to pee every 30 min when I was pregnant for the last trimester (or longer) I haven't had a decent nights sleep in well a year now. Oh that is sad. Oh well. My older DD started sleeping all night (or at least 7 hours at a time) when she was 8 weeks old. The wrost part is the 2 now share a room.

Lily is eating baby food well now and is rolling all over, but not crawling yet.

Good to talk with other momies (sounds like very tried ones too.)

Congratualations everyone! :grouphug:
Gwene65- are you breastfeeding or formula feeding? could be gassy if breastfeeding watch what you are eating.. if formula feeding this happened to my daughter waking up every 2 hours or so screaming like she was in pain.. i switched her formula to lacto free and she was an angel.. now she's almost 15 months old and i switched her to whole milk at a year and she's had no problems with lactose now.. just a thought.. when i first brought her home she was an angel for a couple of weeks.. i would wake her up to eat.. and then she started screaming all the time waking up within a couple of hours.. so, i assume it was the formula/lactose..

Gwene65 said:
Hi guys!

I had my new little one on Febuary 24th. She is in my arms's hard to type with one hand.

I have a question for all of you. My new DD was doing good for the first month but the last week or so she has been very fussy and not sleeping good at night. She is up every 2 hours and she crys a lot. I know it isn't colic because she doesn't cry all the time, just on and off. Anyone know why?

Thanks for all the reply's.

Hope everyone is having fun with thier new bundles of joy.

Congrats to all!

I am expecting and due in July and I guess I will officially add myself to this thread eventually, but just wanted to interject to this post...

This behavior is very normal, especially for breastfed babies... Please check That kellymom website has been a life- and sanity- saver for me because it has a lot of info and I am having my 5th baby. lol Oh...and I also enjoy and .

Of course, I don't know if you're formula feeding or into attachment parenting or not, but thought I'd add this info to the mix. ;)

GL and hang in there!
Gwene65- She could be going through her six weeks growth spurt and is waking up because she is hungry.

Have a great weekend, everyone! :wave:
justhat said:
Ya know, we tried that, but she just won't cry herself to sleep! We should have guessed that based on her hours of nonstop crying when we'd drive from DC to NJ and back, but no, we tried anyway. She has cried up to 3 hours straight during the night (and after that I just can't take it anymore so I get her)! As she got older, she'd cry for awhile, maybe an hour or so, then start playing, babbling to herself, etc. She'd to that for 2 or 3 hours, then cry again for however long it took to get her milk. This would go on for weeks at a time.

So I thought to myself, is it worth it to me to stay up for hours in the middle of the night for her to eventually sleep, but only after weeks, mayble longer? I decided no. So I nursed her whenever she woke during the night till a week ago cause I got much more sleep that way. But we're going on vacation on Monday, and though the 1st week will be very relaxing, the 2nd week is at Disney, and I decided I did not want to walk around the parks all day with broken sleep everynight so I decided to stop the night nursing. The 1st 2 nights were bad, but then she got better, and slept all night 2 nights ago, but last night we were back to where we started. She'll wake up, cry for an hour, fall asleep for maybe an hour, then wake up, cry another hour, etc. This goes on till I nurse her around 6:30-7am. I'm hoping the end is in sight cause we don't have much time left!

Yeah I know how that was. Number 3 did that, that's why I nursed him at night until he was over a year and I weaned him. I hope she sleeps soon for you. :grouphug:
Copper68 - I never have had a real problem with getting my babies to eat veggies. Now that they are older its another story...but anyway. try carrots and sweet potatoes. They have a lot more vitamins than peas anyway and they taste a whole lot better. I've always made my children eat what was given to them(like I said I never had any problem until they get around 2) if they dont like it then they only have to eat 1 bite. But they are NEVER allowed to say "I don't like it and dont want any". They ALWAYS have to try it and eat the small amount I give them. I will not let my boys grow up to be rude. My sisters bf(20) is so picky I hate having him over for dinner. He won't eat ANYTHING. I don't think I have ever fixed anything that he likes.(his mom makes frozen chicken patties and those kinds of unhealthy processed foods) So he literally doesn't eat it. I think that is really rude and I don't want my boys doing that when they are older. So stick with it. Find something healthy that she loves and keep trying the things she doesn't like. She might change her mind one day. Mine have all gone through the grilled cheese stage too, just make it on whole wheat bread. :flower:

Sleeping at night - Kaleb has no officially slept through the night for a full week. It's marvelous! :cloud9:

Starting solids - I started my first at 3 months. Way too young, he wasn't ready and therefore didn't really eat it. I started my other 2 at 6 months on cereal and then introduced veggies and fruits. I made my own baby food for the last 2 and when they were ready(way before they were 1) I started them on bite size pieces. I found that with my 2 that ate the homemade stuff(it's much thicker than jar food) they were ready for finger foods much earlier. They didn't really need teeth to get the job done, they gummed everything right up. :teeth:

To everyone who has had a baby in since Dec. - Have they rolled over yet? Kaleb rolled from his belly to his back before he was even 2 months old. :scared1:

Today I start watching my second cousin. She is 6 weeks. So I'll have my own 4 boys(4,3,2 and 3 months) and Ivy. It should be interesting. :teeth:
I'm down another 2 pounds. Only 6 more and I'll be at my pre-pg weight. Yay! :Pinkbounc Walking 10 miles at WDW Sat. helped too I'm sure. :teeth:
Hi everyone! I am checking in briefly before I have to go to cafeteria duty. I'll be catching up with you shortly. The school's network would not allow me to log on this morning. That makes me cranky!

Hope you're all having a good day.
Last night I was so tired that I just let her sleep in bed with me. I finally got more then 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I am breastfeeding but am seriously considering switching to formula. I know it isn't best for her but I just don't think she is getting enough breast milk. She only feeds for maybe 10 minutes max, then she just stops.

I also blame the hospital for this too. They put her on my chest as soon as she popped out and we had bonding time for a little over an hour. So I think she is just attached to meb/c of that. When do you just let the baby cry? I know she is dry, warm and full, so is it safe to just let her cry?

I feel like an idiot. I have a son too but he was a dream compared to my DD. He slept through the night at 4 months. I loved when my DS was a newborn/infant and I find myself impatient for my DD to be 6 months already.

Thanks for all your good thoughts and words of advice.
Gwene65 said:
Last night I was so tired that I just let her sleep in bed with me. I finally got more then 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I am breastfeeding but am seriously considering switching to formula. I know it isn't best for her but I just don't think she is getting enough breast milk. She only feeds for maybe 10 minutes max, then she just stops.

I also blame the hospital for this too. They put her on my chest as soon as she popped out and we had bonding time for a little over an hour. So I think she is just attached to meb/c of that. When do you just let the baby cry? I know she is dry, warm and full, so is it safe to just let her cry?

I feel like an idiot. I have a son too but he was a dream compared to my DD. He slept through the night at 4 months. I loved when my DS was a newborn/infant and I find myself impatient for my DD to be 6 months already.

Thanks for all your good thoughts and words of advice.

Please don't give up breast feeding because of this. Belive I am going through the same issues, it has been over a year since I had a decent nights sleep. I can count the times that I have slept for 4 hours or more on one hand since then.

Also formula may not make the situation better, it could make it wrose. The only time DD had formula was a little in her ceral when I didn't have enough breast milk pumped. She thew it all up all over the place. No more for her. I will just wait unil she is over a year to start milk. She doesn't take a bottle very well anyway.

I have the same issues that my older DD started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. However I don't think being "too attached to you" is really the problem, or bonding right after brith, that really can only makes things better.

DD still wakes up every 2 hours, like clock work, and will cry and cry unless she is nurses. If I nurse her right away she goes right back to sleep, so that is least distruptive way to deal with it. My Dr. said it won't hurt her at all, but it is hard on me.

You are not an idot, you are not alone. You are a good mother. This is just a difficult situation. (belive me I am there with you, and so is my best friend. :blush: )
Gwene65- do whatever feels right for you.. if you want to stop breasting then stop.. and don't feel guilty about it.. the ultimate goal here is making sure she's fed..
Molly is a pretty good lil sleeper; I get up 2-3 times a night, but it's no big deal since she's in my bed; I just nurse her right there and we both fall back asleep. We had some serious issues getting her weight back up- she lost a full pound and I had to go thru this nightmare of timing her breastfeeding, then supplementing with formula, then pumping for 10-15 minutes and being very regimented about it. Ugh. She's back up to her birth weight now and I only give her a bottle of formula if she seems starving still after nursing. No big whoop. No nipple confusion with her, thank God.

She has long, beautiful fingers that fascinate me.

Her brothers LOVE her!

DH came home last Tuesday on leave and has been getting to know her. He has commented several times how weird it will be to come home next Jan or so to a BABY not an infant. She will certainly change a lot.

My hardest thing I have had to deal with since becoming a new mom to a daughter----the CLOTHES. OMG- I really REALLY have to talk myself into being practical! The girl clothes are to die for. I am now a diehard Gymboree fan- it just didn't do much for me with the boys. I went yesterday to exchange an outfit some friends sent (hello- they actually paid full price so I had $92 to play with---they sent in 3-6 month size which I do believe Molly has no less than 30 outfits in that size...) I was DYING at their new lines- sooo cute. I exchanged for a similar dress and the same sweater for next summer, but instead of getting the hat/crib shoes/socks, I bought another dress on clearance and a tank top in the new French boutique line...when they mark it down I am marching back and getting the capris and sandals. How do you mommies of girls do it? Keep from spending every last cent on clothes that is? I mean, my god, I am at the point with my boys (they are 7 and almost 4) where I am totally good with some cute t-shirts from Target/Old Navy/Mervyns and Osh Kosh shorts. Nothing that will break the bank. Plus I think, "Geez.....she will never ever be able to wear all of these clothes anyway...WHAT am I doing???????"

It doesn't help that this is my mom's first granddaughter, my mother in law has one other one (but 4 grandsons and my niece is 6 so it's been awhile since she bought girl baby clothes) and ALL of my close friends literally only have boys. So they all have been going hog wild too. Ey-yi-yi!

And for you Gymboree die-hards- do you wait for it to go on sale? Wait for the GymBucks deals? Buy it full price and then go back for a price adjustment? Do you like to buy the whole outfit, or just the basics (I've learned that matching socks, hats, hairbands are NOT necessary after my first child---although he didn't wear hairbands, lol). The sales girls at Gymboree were totally pushing me on the socks and hats yesterday---it reminded me of those old SNL skits from the early 90's with David Spade and Adam Sandler as the "Gap Girls" trying to upsell socks with everything. :rotfl:
Morning everyone! I actually got a decent night's sleep last night. DH was out of town for work, so Jimmy slept with me in our bed (I know, but it's not going to become a habit.). He fussed a little around 3, so I snuggled with him for a little while, and he fell back to sleep. I am actually mostly awake today!

I took Jimmy shopping yesterday and bought some really cute rompers for summer. I had a gift card to use and a coupon to boot. I did splurge on a RL outfit ($13.99 and 15% off). I love Carter's clothes, so that's mostly what I bought.

My mom and sister are always going straight to the girl stuff when we go shopping. DS has a son, too, so we don't buy any girl clothes. Maybe someday way into the future :flower:

Hope you're all having a good day!
Alice, I love Gymboree too. I just buy the pieces I really love, and I don't think will make it to markdown. Then I go back 3-4 weeks later to see if some of the other pieces I liked are on sale. I skip the accessories altogether. Sometimes I'll buy one pair of the socks that match, but if you wait, the accessories will go to 40% off pretty quickly, and they seem to have plenty here, even at markdown. Finally, I use the Gymbucks for the expensive pieces I'd never regularly buy. I bought a $37 reversible jacket (the frugal part of me just died looking at the pricetag) and a couple of other pricey things with the Gymbucks. Disclosure*** I'm not a new Mom, just a Gymboree shopper---hopefully I'll be joining the new Moms on Sept 1 or earlier!!!
I've only bought a few things at Gymboree. What are Gymbucks?
Gwene65 said:
Last night I was so tired that I just let her sleep in bed with me. I finally got more then 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I am breastfeeding but am seriously considering switching to formula. I know it isn't best for her but I just don't think she is getting enough breast milk. She only feeds for maybe 10 minutes max, then she just stops.

I also blame the hospital for this too. They put her on my chest as soon as she popped out and we had bonding time for a little over an hour. So I think she is just attached to meb/c of that. When do you just let the baby cry? I know she is dry, warm and full, so is it safe to just let her cry?

I feel like an idiot. I have a son too but he was a dream compared to my DD. He slept through the night at 4 months. I loved when my DS was a newborn/infant and I find myself impatient for my DD to be 6 months already.

Thanks for all your good thoughts and words of advice.

If you feel that she isn't getting enough you can always bf her and then give her a few ounces of formula. But if she is growing and gaining weight and peeing and pooping then she is getting enough. You can't go by what people say(10-15 minutes on each side every 2-3 hours blah blah blah...) You have to do what is best for your baby. I knew a woman whose babys would only nurse for about 15 minutes total and they thrived. Every womans body and milk is different and every babys needs are different. I wouldn't think about the bonding time as being a hinderent. I cherish the time I got to bond with my DS # 2 and 3. I didn't get time right away with DS one because they said he was cold and DS #4 was HUGE(over 9 pounds) and they had to do a glucose test which took a while so I didn't get him right away either. Both DS 1 and 4 have had more issues with nursing than my other 2 who I was able to nurse right away. Anyway Kaleb (#4) wants to nurse ALL the time so I nurse him and then give him a couple of ounces of formula. He doesn't seem satisfied with just nursing all the time. As for letting them cry. Ever since the day I brought my kids home from the hospital I have taught them to go to sleep on their own. When I nurse them I lay them down to sleep even if they are still awake. If they cry a little its okay. It won't hurt them. After a while they will learn that when you lay them in their bed, it's time to sleep. While the "experts" say you can't spoil them when they are infants, I say heck yeah you can. :teeth: I wouldn't call it spoiling though. It's obvious your baby would rather be in your arms than anywhere else, but we all know that its just not possible or healthy for anyone involved to hold our babies 24/7. I believe in teaching them good sleeping habits from as young as infants. It's worked for our 4 kids. But not every method is good for every family. You just have to find what works for you and your baby and stick with it. :grouphug:
Gymbucks are kind of like gift certificates; during certain advertised dates, you spend $50 & you get a $25 coupon for certain dates; you have to spend another $50 to get the $25 off, but it's a nice deal. Doesn't have to be on full priced merchandise either.
Alice28 Thanks for the Gymboree info. I signed up for their e-mail list, so will they let me know when they're offering the Gymbucks? Also, I hope you and your kids are having a great time with your hubby. It's so nice that he's getting to spend time with your DD.
Hi everyone! I'm a new mom again. There's 6 years between my son and daughter. My 3 month old is just starting to sleep thru the night. Now if I could just get DS and DH to leave me alone I might be able to sleep.

It never fails, if I try to take a nap DS needs to talk to me...usually about NOTHING important :confused3 and at night if DH is feeling chatty guess who has to keep him company instead of sleeping? ME ME ME, lol

So I've got the baby trained how do I get the 6 year old and 30 year old trained? :rotfl2:
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