The Official What's For Dinner thread: - Part 4

Hey ya'll!

Rick and I have been suffering through viral pneumonia and trying to move- the two don't really go together well. But we're out of the store- I'm no longer a business owner:sad1: . But if ya'll need anything embroidered let me know - I got product coming out my ears in the new place. Next on the list is moving the apartment- but we're going slow to try and avoid relapse. Hopefully I'll get my internet back in a couple of weeks. :worship:

TOnight is pork cutlets and baked potatoes.....cause I'm sick of soup.:rolleyes1

So glad to have you back girlfriend!! I missed you so much. Sorry you guys have been sick.:hug:

Y'all, I feel like death warmed up. I honestly think it's flu. I have one of the biggest days of my life this Wed night, so big that my mother is flying in from Florida tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I'll call the doc in the morning and try to see him. If nothing else, he can shoot me with some steroids so I can breathe again.

How long does the flu last? I start running fever Thurs night. Is it almost over?

You need to get into your Dr. When I was sick last time it was the flu combined with a sinus infection and I ended up needing two doses of antibiotics. I'll keep you in my prayers.:hug:

Nancy - What is a spoon roast?
Y'all, I feel like death warmed up. I honestly think it's flu. I have one of the biggest days of my life this Wed night, so big that my mother is flying in from Florida tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I'll call the doc in the morning and try to see him. If nothing else, he can shoot me with some steroids so I can breathe again.

How long does the flu last? I start running fever Thurs night. Is it almost over?

Aimee- you call the Dr and then rest rest rest! I know that this Bug thing last a while, Buddy felt like a train ran over him for almost a week. He slept a lot.

See if the Dr can get you meds, it is only Sunday so you have two full days to start feeling better. Now don't take this wrong, I am a Mom so I can overstep here. When your Mom gets in, let her take care of you. She will in a heartbeat, but if you try you will not get over it. Aimee, did you share what is happening on Wednesday? I'm sorry but I must have missed it, if you didn't I'm sorry to intrude.
Nancyg56, which store in CT carries the spoon roasts? I have the hardest time finding them. :confused3
I've read back a few pages to try and get a little caught up- but I'm sure I've missed alot. Rick and I have been suffering through viral pneumonia and trying to move- the two don't really go together well. But we're out of the store- I'm no longer a business owner:sad1: . But if ya'll need anything embroidered let me know - I got product coming out my ears in the new place. Next on the list is moving the apartment- but we're going slow to try and avoid relapse. Hopefully I'll get my internet back in a couple of weeks. :worship:

Hi Lori! I missed you! Sorry that you two have been sick, there seems to be so much of it going around. Try to take it easy so that you get over ti completely.

Nancy - What is a spoon roast?

A spoon roast is a sirloin roast. They call them spoons because "they are so tender that you can cut them with a spoon". When Becky called it a sirloin roast I had no idea what it was. We always see them as spoons here.

Nancyg56, which store in CT carries the spoon roasts? I have the hardest time finding them. :confused3

They are on sale $3.99 LB at Geisslers in East Windsor, Granby, Windsor and South Windsor. Stew Leonards also has them on sale for $3.99, I think they are in Newington. I am going to make the trip, about 40 minutes for me, the meat is so good, no antibiotics and hormone free. I saw sirloin steaks but I think they will cut to order for you. Where are you located, if you don't mind my asking?
Aimee, if you have the "real" flu you are in for it. It stays for at least 10-12 days. I swear, when DH and I had the flu, it was the sickest we have ever been, and I have had double-lung pneumonia. We were so sick we could not even move. We had to CRAWL to the bathroom. We were too weak to walk there. We slept on our couches in the living room with water all lined up next to us, because we were too weak to get to the refrigerator. I was too sick to cook, some days we ate give you an idea of how bad it was, the remote for our TV was broken, and we both felt too weak to get up to change the channel! Our TV was stuck on PBS non-stop. This is how we discovered the Teletubbies. :confused3 I really hope it is something else. I am not exagerrating BTW. I can absolutely understand why so many older or weakened immune system people die of the flu.

If you have the flu you would be running a high fever, around 102 or higher and you can't keep it down with advil for more than a couple of hours. You would also be feeling a decent amount of pain in your joints, esp. places like your elbows, knees, knuckles, etc. I tell you this hoping that you will not have these symptoms!
Photos! Pre-game fish chowder:


Meatwich to the left, veggiewich to the right:

Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I had called at midnight to check on her and she was having a really rough night, and they called my dad in at 8am this morning. My brother is going to fly down to take care of the cremation, and her remains are being shipped to me in Maine....we will take care of her wishes this spring or summer, when everyone can get here. She wants her ashes buried at the family cemetary, and a few ashes scattered in a special place in Acadia National Park.
I will go do a small obit. tomorrow at our local newspaper.
I am so happy we all had the week we did with her..Thursday we talked for 20 min.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.

I'm so sorry Wendie. Take care of each other. :hug:
OK, for your viewing pleasure and to show I have no shame, some demo pics:

And last but not going to the dump. Tom dared me to go in my PJs and work shoes...


Bravo!!! ;) Are you sure we aren't related? I would so do that!

Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.

Wendie, I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for your family. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.

Hey ya'll!
I've read back a few pages to try and get a little caught up- but I'm sure I've missed alot. Rick and I have been suffering through viral pneumonia and trying to move- the two don't really go together well. But we're out of the store- I'm no longer a business owner:sad1: . But if ya'll need anything embroidered let me know - I got product coming out my ears in the new place. Next on the list is moving the apartment- but we're going slow to try and avoid relapse. Hopefully I'll get my internet back in a couple of weeks. :worship:

Lori - Good to see you girl! I hope you and Rick get to feeling better soon. It must be miserable trying to move and fight pneumonia at the same time. As for your embroidery business, are you still planning on operating some from your residence? I ask because my brother and his wife are having their first baby in July and I'm sure I'll pick up a gift or two ;) for the new baby.

Never apologize for not getting back to me. This thread moves fast it is easy to start responding and still miss a lot. Kady loves the Electric Parade, but i never thought of Narcoose as a family friendly restaurant. Now I need to get over to the menus to check this one out as well.

I don't know a lot about antibiotics but I believe the Zpak is supposed to keep working after you stop taking it but I would call the Dr as a precaution to see if Haily needs to be seen again. AS Becky said some of these bugs are pretty drug resistant. I hope your Baby feels better soon.

We've seen kids there every time we've been and their children's menu seems to offer a little variety. The children we observed loved the view of the Magic Kingdom and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Only you know how Kady will do, but with the beautiful gingerbread house in the hotel lobby, it is worth the trip to the Grand Floridian at that time of year.

Thanks for the advice for Hailey too.

Y'all, I feel like death warmed up. I honestly think it's flu. I have one of the biggest days of my life this Wed night, so big that my mother is flying in from Florida tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I'll call the doc in the morning and try to see him. If nothing else, he can shoot me with some steroids so I can breathe again.

How long does the flu last? I start running fever Thurs night. Is it almost over?

Aimee, I hope it isn't really the flu and you are well by Wednesday.

Nancy - What is a spoon roast?

I was wondering the same thing.

Aimee, if you have the "real" flu you are in for it. It stays for at least 10-12 days. I swear, when DH and I had the flu, it was the sickest we have ever been, and I have had double-lung pneumonia. We were so sick we could not even move. We had to CRAWL to the bathroom. We were too weak to walk there. We slept on our couches in the living room with water all lined up next to us, because we were too weak to get to the refrigerator. I was too sick to cook, some days we ate give you an idea of how bad it was, the remote for our TV was broken, and we both felt too weak to get up to change the channel! Our TV was stuck on PBS non-stop. This is how we discovered the Teletubbies. :confused3 I really hope it is something else. I am not exagerrating BTW. I can absolutely understand why so many older or weakened immune system people die of the flu.

You poor, poor thing! And I know whereof I speak. Hailey, while 10, is developmentally in the 2-3 year age range and STILL watches the teletubbies. So I've had about 8 years of the joy of Teletubbies and believe me when I say I both cannot think of a torture worse than being confined to a couch and being forced to watch Tinky Winky and the rest of the gang. :scared:

Thanks for the antibiotic advice for Hailey as well. She tends to have a difficult time shaking any illness, so I think I'll call the doctor tomorrow and see what he says.

Tonight's dinner ended up being takeout Chinese. I worked until around 7:30 and just couldn't face dinner too. So I'll try cooking again tomorrow.
Aimee, if you have the "real" flu you are in for it. It stays for at least 10-12 days. I swear, when DH and I had the flu, it was the sickest we have ever been, and I have had double-lung pneumonia. We were so sick we could not even move. We had to CRAWL to the bathroom. We were too weak to walk there. We slept on our couches in the living room with water all lined up next to us, because we were too weak to get to the refrigerator. I was too sick to cook, some days we ate give you an idea of how bad it was, the remote for our TV was broken, and we both felt too weak to get up to change the channel! Our TV was stuck on PBS non-stop. This is how we discovered the Teletubbies. :confused3 I really hope it is something else. I am not exagerrating BTW. I can absolutely understand why so many older or weakened immune system people die of the flu.

If you have the flu you would be running a high fever, around 102 or higher and you can't keep it down with advil for more than a couple of hours. You would also be feeling a decent amount of pain in your joints, esp. places like your elbows, knees, knuckles, etc. I tell you this hoping that you will not have these symptoms!

That sounds horrible. I am not that bad, thankfully. Tonight I got a rare burst of energy so I took a shower. First time since Thursday morning (gross.) I am sitting upright right now, too! Small steps, I suppose.

We'll see what the doc says tomorrow. I hope he has a miracle cure because I need to be at work Tuesday.
Aimee- you call the Dr and then rest rest rest! I know that this Bug thing last a while, Buddy felt like a train ran over him for almost a week. He slept a lot.

See if the Dr can get you meds, it is only Sunday so you have two full days to start feeling better. Now don't take this wrong, I am a Mom so I can overstep here. When your Mom gets in, let her take care of you. She will in a heartbeat, but if you try you will not get over it. Aimee, did you share what is happening on Wednesday? I'm sorry but I must have missed it, if you didn't I'm sorry to intrude.

I have to say I'm looking forward to mom being here. DH is NOT compassionate at all, though he did bring me food so I didn't have to get up. Maybe I was pathetic enough?

You are not intruding - I have not shared, mainly because I am always afraid someone will make a remark about it. :sad1: My church is ordaining me on Wednesday night. I am very nervous about it, but excited too. I really need to be 110% by then. We are still firming up the service so I'll have to just call the pastor tomorrow and discuss some of it from home.
Okay, I think I've read through everything, and I have a lot of catching up to do:

Morning all! Just a quick note to let ya'll know we got back safe and sound

Welcome back, Stephanie!

He got "the call" last night, he made it.:scared1:

Congratulations to Kyle! You must be so proud of him.

Is anyone familiar with how that medication is supposed to work? Should I take her back to the Dr? Her fever is gone, but she's just not well.

Liam had a problem with this the first time he had pneumonia. It didn't work, and they had to give him a couple antibiotic shots and then something else. If Hailey's fever returns, you definitely need to talk to the doctor again.

Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.

Oh Wendie, I am so sorry.

Rick and I have been suffering through viral pneumonia and trying to move- the two don't really go together well.

You and Rick take care of yourselves and feel better soon. Good to hear from you.

You are not intruding - I have not shared, mainly because I am always afraid someone will make a remark about it. :sad1: My church is ordaining me on Wednesday night.

Aimee, I don't think you need to worry about judgment from this group. Good luck Wednesday, and feel better!!

Thanks, to all of you for the good luck wishes and congratulations to Caili. She did place first in her individual event -- she was so excited she was jumping around and telling everyone about her medal. She is usually pretty quiet at the rink, so everyone was surprised at how vocal she was this weekend. Her team also got first place (they beat the book this time!) and deserved it. They really came together and skated well. She only got third in her other event, but it ran an hour late and I think she was just ready to leave at that point. In fact, her coach came running down the walk as we were making our way to the hotel saying that the bus was waiting for us.

Lake Placid is pretty, and it was a good experience, but I'm not sure how eager we will be to return. For the most part, we traveled six hours, and the individual skaters and the teams competed against the same kids we compete against here, with a few different competitors here and there. It was a little baffling. I would go back for a different week, but I don't think we would go back for this particular competition.

As for the food, we liked the restaurant near our hotel, Charlies, although it was overpriced. The food was good, though. We had blueberry pancakes one morning that were delicious. I also had a chicken dish with an herb infusion and a sauvignon blanc reduction that was very good. Unfortunately, my stomach wasn't 100 percent for most of the weekend, so I couldn't enjoy the food as much as I normally would. Caili basically stuck with grilled cheese.
Wendie, I am so so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family to get through these hard hard times.
Gretchen, I hope Hailey gets well soon. I would take her back or call the doc for sure.

Aimee, Hope you feel better really quick!

Lori, Welcome back! Sorry y'all have been so sick.

Becky, Congrats to your Pats! That was some serious football food, your meat sandwich looked a lot like our muffalettas! What all did you have on there?

Lauren, That was sooo Whiskey Tango of you! :lmao: Thanks for posting Real Life pics for us, we appreciate seeing the real you! ;) :thumbsup2
Morning all. It's 15 degrees here this morning. Brrrrr! Pooh is off today and I don't see us venturing out into this cold. I am planning on making a big pot of black bean soup and cornbread. Warm comfort food!!!!!!!

WFD at your house?

Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.

Wendie, I am so sorry. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

A little update on the Seriously? Seriously?! (a la Grey's Anatomy) moment I was writing about yesterday.

Like I said, I wasn't planning on saying anything to the SKs yesterday unless they brought it up. They had already gotten a table at the Macaroni Grill and we knew our ILs were a good 20 minutes behind us. Let's just say they had "sobered up" big time and were falling over themselves apologizing to us. Talk about making me feel better. They both, the doofuses, had taken Nyquil that morning and were in a haze. They had gotten comfortable on her couch, dozed, and realized neither one of them had called us.

They knew they had screwed up and that we were a little honked off. Especially after Kevin asked us what we ended up doing instead. We turned around and went home. You talk about his face completely falling. Anyway, all is well in that area.

Our ILs reaction shocked me. They actually laughed and said they weren't surprised!!! So everything is good with them!! :cheer2:

Kevin asked if we wanted to get together on Friday and we said sure. So we will see how that goes :)
Hey all--why is that life doesn't stop while you're on vacation. I have been super busy ever since getting home last week. No major cooking from me in a couple days. We had dinner at our neighbors last night. He grilled an excellent pork tenderloing served with something called Jezebel Sauce (to die for!--gonna get the recipe for ya'll) Tonight is going to be sausage and peppers

Wendie--Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!:hug:
You are not intruding - I have not shared, mainly because I am always afraid someone will make a remark about it. :sad1: My church is ordaining me on Wednesday night. I am very nervous about it, but excited too. I really need to be 110% by then. We are still firming up the service so I'll have to just call the pastor tomorrow and discuss some of it from home.

Aimee, of course I am going to remark. I can't let this Blessed ceremony go by without my well wishes going with you. As impossible as it sounds, please rest and recover so that you can enjoy the day that you have worked so hard for. :hug:

Thanks, to all of you for the good luck wishes and congratulations to Caili. She did place first in her individual event -- she was so excited she was jumping around and telling everyone about her medal. She is usually pretty quiet at the rink, so everyone was surprised at how vocal she was this weekend. Her team also got first place (they beat the book this time!) and deserved it.

I can just picture your Cutie bouncing around on her skates! I am also thrilled that they beat "the book". I am still confused that a book can outstate and out perform children but what do I know? It seems one must skate like a Champion to beat that Book so congrats to your little Champion :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: and her team!

So glad that it all has worked out. I imagine that where there are Lovebirds...or Smitten Kittens....there will be drama, though ;)

Dinner tonight is going to be the roast I did not cook last night, garlic bread, some kind of potato ( I want the Greek roasted, but my family is craving mashed) veggies and a salad.
Way to go Big Blue!

Good Morning!

I am rushing now but will be back later...

I am glad everyone enjoyed seeing the real me in the pics I posted!!! ;)

Aimee, Hope you are feeling better...what an honor that you are being ordained. I am very proud of you.

Great Job Caili!!!

Lori, So nice to see you back. Sorry you guys have not been feeling well and been busy on top of it. I didn' know you did embroidery...what exactly do you do? Do you have anything for a baby? My friend just had a baby and I would be interested in a gift...maybe for the brother and sister too.

Lindsay, I am glad everything went well.

Lindsay, can you do me a favor? Can you revise the page # on my balsamic pork chops? It says 918 and it should be rush...thanks my dear! :)

We are having pork loin in the crock. I am going to make it with the sauce from the balsamic pork chop recipe I posted. Not sure of the sides.

Have a great day all! I'll check in again later to make sure I didn't miss anyone!


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