The Official What's For Dinner thread:Thursday 1-24-08? Recipe finder in OP. Enjoy!

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Wendie, I am so glad your Mom is doing better! You must be so happy.

And good luck to Kyle with his games being scouted! Great name for a pitcher.

Yesterday I made comfort food, we had a good friend over for dinner and the game. his Dad, who he has been caring for, passed away last Sunday at the age of 90 so I wanted to make something he would like. This is chicken, stuffed with proscuitto and brie, served over pasta with a sauce asparagus, white wine, chicken stock, and parmesean cheese. We also had garlic bread (not pictured):


Not photoed are all the crazy snacks I made to go with the game! The biggest hit, as always, was the buffalo chicken dip. I swear, if you want to make a man swoon at your feet, you should make buffalo chicken dip. My DH literally kissed my feet after eating some of it! I also had three other dips, all dairy based (onion, hot pepper, and herby scallion), with chips, and I also made nachos, and put out honeyed bourbon chicken wings (I did not make the wings, I bought them from my local store). It was all yummy, and of course the Patriots won, hooray!

Here is today's dinner. Some nice, refreshing, healthy salad, with radish, carrot, red onion, pistachios, gouda cheese:


lasagna! here is the meat one:


It has ground beef AND sausage in it.

The vegetable one, with spinach and mushrooms:


and, more garlic bread:

Great pics Becky! Could you please share the recipe for everything in the first photo, OMG, that looks amazing!!!!!!!
I also have a question about the buffalo chicken dip. I fixed it once, not sure where I got the recipe but the chicken was very stringy, tough & dry. What did I do wrong?????
Only 11 days to go until DH comes home from deployment

:cool1: You must be so excited!

Wendie -- I am so glad to hear the good news about your mom. You've had a rough week...try to make some time for yourself in the next few days to relax and catch your breath.

Kathy -- Congratulations to Kyle! I can't believe baseball season is starting already. Becky posted her buffalo chicken dip recipe on here before. I could be wrong, but I think she poaches the chicken to cook it, then shreds it and adds to the recipe.

Becky already posted our dinner from today. It was yummy, and very garlicky. I am glad I didn't need to stop at any stores. I may have cleared the place with the amount of garlic exuding from my pores. :laughing:

Yesterday, I made a chicken pot pie.

ETA: Lauren, thanks for the information on your SIL's cheese. Becky stops at one of the stores that carries it every time she visits her ILs, so I am going to have her get me some. I can't wait to try it!
Just wanted to jump back here real quick and let you all know that my mother had the vent, and feeding tube removed. She is on an O2 mask just to help her a bit as her larynx is very sore, and a bit swollen as to be expected. She is quite tired, but feels pretty good considering. They will start her on some soft solids tomorrow!!
Now if we can get my father to stop telling her how close to death she was it will be great.......the man has no bedside manner, the good thing is after 41 yrs she is used to him, :rotfl:

I will call her around 10ish tonight and by then Billy thinks she might be able to talk to me a bit!! I can not wait!

Glynis--I can't wait to hear how your cake comes out!!! I think I will go bake something as well!

I can't stay on, just wanted to check on your Mom. I am thrilled with her progress, I can tell it is good, you are finally eating! I'm glad that she was able to get off the vent so easily, my Mom had a terrible time. She also had a very sore mouth. I can't tell you how happy I am for your family.

I'll talk to you all tomorrow, I'll have time I expect to be snowed in
Wendie I'm glad your Mom continues to improve. :cool1:

Tonight I made Paula Deen's recipe for chicken florentine (mine with brocolli)

Alex didn't like it, he is not a curry kind of guy. I may try it again except with paprika and see it he likes it better. I thought it had a good taste. Curry is like cilantro either you like it or :confused3.

Aimee I don't like tax time either I have some budget stretchers if you want. Casseroles mostly.
Nancy - :worship: :worship: :worship: Those Greek Potatoes are awesome! We were fighting over them, next time I'm doing a full batch. I really love the way the lemon & oregano come through, excellent!
Aimee I don't like tax time either I have some budget stretchers if you want. Casseroles mostly.

Would love anything you care to share! Thanks!

Tonight's dinner plans changed, as my ILs were in town for the stockshow and took us to dinner at Cotton Patch Cafe. Man, their menu was HARD to find something healthy on. It's a home cookin place. I finally settled on a grilled chicken sandwich, which I healthified, and replaced my fries with steamed veggies. Everything was good, though I know I went over my calories for the day. Oh well!
Tonight it's leftover stuffed pepper stoup. Boy was it good!!!!!!

WFD at your house?
Happy Birthday Wendie!!!

Morning All!

We lucked out in Jersey and didn't get any snow. We were supposed to get 3 - 7 inches. I am upset for Andrew though since we haven't had snow that he could actually play in this year. I hope all of you up North are doing OK today with the storm.

We are having Glynis pot roast with potatoes and carrots thrown it. I would love to try Nancy's potatoes but Tom thinks he's allergic to oregano! Don't know how that could be since I cook with it all the time!

Yeah Giants!

Have a great day all!
Tonight it's leftover stuffed pepper stoup. Boy was it good!!!!!!

WFD at your house?

Funny, when I tried the recipe, I immediately thought it had your name written all over it! I had to come here and post it!

DH is out of town tonight, so it'll probably be either leftover chili & cornbread or shrimp fettucine.

Wendie - glad to hear your mom is doing so much better.
Happy Birthday Wendie! I hope you have a great birthday and I'm so very glad to hear your mother is doing better.

I've had to be in lurk mode for the past couple of days. Now is a very busy time for me as I am working on the end of year payroll and 1099s. Next will come the busy time of preparing all the returns themselves. When you add this to the continuing saga of family drama, It doesn't allow much time for me. Oh well.

Tonight's dinner is a new one, some sort of pork stir fry. I managed to make a big pan of pasta fazool over the weekend and we ate three meals from it. I feel terrible about serving nothing but leftovers all weekend, but it was that or take out. I just had time to get the laundry done with all the other responsibilities and fall into bed at midnight. The theme for this week's dinners will be fast and easy.

Have a great day everyone!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! You sure got a wondrous gift!

Lauren- sorry about the snow. I know that as much as I hate the mess and inconvenience, I do like a snowstorm or two. Do you want me to do a snow dance for Andrew? I agree that he needs enough to build a fort or two :thumbsup2

We are not in bad shape here. It is not as much as was predicted and the worst came in over night and early morning. Looking at another for Friday but i am not going to think about that one yet.

Kathy- Those potatoes are the best, aren't they? I made a lot so I fried the leftovers with onions and boy oh boy were they good!

I have a big chicken poaching right now for a chicken pot pie that I intend to make this afternoon. I also want to make a chicken meatball soup with the stock.

Aimee- I have been short on grocery money as well so I have been using up things here and refusing to make more until the leftovers are gone. January is a killer for me anyway but add that to the oil bills we had the past two months and I am sick! I am not going to complain because while I am cutting back on some things to compensate for the oil and the electricity, I know that there are a lot of folks on real fixed incomes and they are struggling. I admit that we almost had a rebellion here this week though. I guess that there are leftovers and then there are leftover leftovers.

Well I am back to trying to catch up with some of the things I overlooked during the Holidays. They did not go away they just multiplied under the clutter :confused3
Happy Birthday Wendie!

It is still snowing here, so it is looking like leftovers for dinner here. I have some of the lasagna from yesterday or the chicken pot pie from Saturday.
Happy Birthday Wendie!!!

Tonight we're having swedish meatballs. I had all the stuff on hand and it sounds yummy =) I think it's a recipe from one of y'all that I saved awhile back - I can't remember. I've never made it so let's hope I can pull it off!
Afternoon all,

Thank you all so much for the b-day wishes!! You all are just the best!!

Gretchen- I am so sorry that things are so hectic for you right now, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through these trying times. I hope that things do work out for everyone. Please try to find a moment for yourself...I know easier said then done, but even if it is just 15min and a glass of wine, it might recharge you.

Lauren--I agree A needs at least one good storm to get out and play in!!

Kat--A big congratulations to Kyle on what seems to be quite a year of baseball for him!! I meant to mention it over the weekend, and just kept spacing on it...I am sorry.

We are in the middle of a huge storm, already at least 7inches on the ground and more to come, they say it will snow until 1am in my parts.....I am trying to not even listening to the fact that more is headed for Friday (and might be an ice event, eek).
If our fav little seafood place is open this evening, we will go there for lobster stew and lobsters...if not we will wait until tomorrow for my b-day dinner out.

I suppose I should at least get brother had to head back to NC as my sil has to be at work tomorrow. My mother is doing a bit better, off the O2 mask and just the small one in her nose. She did fail the swallow test so no food yet, they say in a day or so her voice and throat shuold be much better. She can have ice chips so that makes her happy. I talked to her last night, and she tried to talk, I told her to rest her voice and I would do the chatting. Her nurse said she mothed I love you to me, that made me so happy. I had the nurse ask if she was happy and he said she nodded yes that her tears were happy ones not sad. ( I could tell she was crying when we talked) It was a wonderful b-day gift, there is no gift that could ever top this or ever will. I am so gratefull.

I hope you all are having a nice afternoon.
Afternoon all,

Thank you all so much for the b-day wishes!! You all are just the best!!

Gretchen- I am so sorry that things are so hectic for you right now, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through these trying times. I hope that things do work out for everyone. Please try to find a moment for yourself...I know easier said then done, but even if it is just 15min and a glass of wine, it might recharge you.

Lauren--I agree A needs at least one good storm to get out and play in!!

Kat--A big congratulations to Kyle on what seems to be quite a year of baseball for him!! I meant to mention it over the weekend, and just kept spacing on it...I am sorry.

We are in the middle of a huge storm, already at least 7inches on the ground and more to come, they say it will snow until 1am in my parts.....I am trying to not even listening to the fact that more is headed for Friday (and might be an ice event, eek).
If our fav little seafood place is open this evening, we will go there for lobster stew and lobsters...if not we will wait until tomorrow for my b-day dinner out.

I suppose I should at least get brother had to head back to NC as my sil has to be at work tomorrow. My mother is doing a bit better, off the O2 mask and just the small one in her nose. She did fail the swallow test so no food yet, they say in a day or so her voice and throat shuold be much better. She can have ice chips so that makes her happy. I talked to her last night, and she tried to talk, I told her to rest her voice and I would do the chatting. Her nurse said she mothed I love you to me, that made me so happy. I had the nurse ask if she was happy and he said she nodded yes that her tears were happy ones not sad. ( I could tell she was crying when we talked) It was a wonderful b-day gift, there is no gift that could ever top this or ever will. I am so gratefull.

I hope you all are having a nice afternoon.


So glad it's a good one! I'm so happy for you that your Mom is doing better! I can't imagine a better birthday gift than that!:grouphug:
Happy Birthday Wendie! I can't think of a better birhtday gift than the one you received. I hope the weather holds enough so you can get your lobster dinner tonight.
Stay warm - that goes for all you ladies in the path of this storm. They were talking about it on our weather down here, so I knew ya'll were in for a lot of white stuff!

Lindsay - don't read too much into the SK's departure from lunch. Especially if Robin is having problems with her mom, and if others are giving them a hard time on the speed of things. Just be there and be the great friend that you have become, supportive and a good listener!

Becky - thanks for the bean and sausage recipe! It looks really easy, and I picked up the ingredients while at the grocery yesterday, so it'll probably be dinner one night really soon!

Don't know WFD yet, DH is home today and he said he would put something together.
Gretchen- I know that you cannot change the pace you have for a while but Wendie is right. Try to take a few minutes for yourself so that you don't rundown. And the family drama is what it is. Your sister has to let her emotions run their course before she can even think as hard as that is, so if you can let some of it run off you it will be easier.

Wendie- My Mom was really emotional when she came off the vent. She actually was euphoric, and for my Mom that just was not like her. She felt like she had a second chance, it was nice to see her laugh and smile so much more than she had before.

Lindsay- I meant to respond to the shower for the SK's and forgot. :upsidedow I would not have one if they don't want one. I would host a nice cocktail party or something like that. When it is a little closer to their date and the fuddy duddies have gotten over their snit, then I would plan a celebration.

I have some news as well. I don't know how much I explained my family situation, but I was married before. After Don died I remained very close to my former IL's, they are really the IL's I generally talk about if it is nice ;) ( I have a whole other set and they are different) Anyway, my Sis IL told me she chose an engagement ring and her soon-to-be fiance will give it to her on Valentine's Day. They are both going to try to have their previous marriages annulled as both were married to freaks, and then will set a date. I am going to stand up for her. She was alone for so very long so I am very happy for her. My MIL, her mother is happy but I think a little scared. She lost two sons, a daughter and her husband so she is going to be alone after Janice leaves. She is incredibly strong so I know that it will all work out.
Great pics Becky! Could you please share the recipe for everything in the first photo, OMG, that looks amazing!!!!!!!
I also have a question about the buffalo chicken dip. I fixed it once, not sure where I got the recipe but the chicken was very stringy, tough & dry. What did I do wrong?????

Whenever I make the buffalo chicken dip, I use a large can of chicken instead of cooking my own. It's quicker, and I don't have to worry about the chicken being undercooked, overcooked, etc.
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