"the one"


Apr 3, 2006
Ok, guys...I am like 2.5 years out from my wedding day (its gonna be september 2010). But my friend and I on a whim went to a local bridal store and I found my dress. This is the second time that we've gone and the first time was at davids bridal but I didn't like anything and they didn't make me feel comfortable and I felt rushed. Anyway...I went there wanting to see this dress. I honestly didn't think it would look good on me. I just thought it was sooo georgous online and you know how it always looks different once its on. Well...I LOVED it!!!

well details....
its a maggie sottero dress. The capri royale style. I was originally on the hunt for the capri lynette but no place had it near me. So...I thought i'd try the royale since it has the same bottom only its a strapless. Well let me tell you I felt like a princess. It is totally my cinderella dress.

Now...I know these styles by maggie soterro have been around for awhile and I am totally afraid of it being discontinued. The lady at the shop said they discontinue dresses twice a year and she dosn't know untill it auctually happens what dresses are going and what are coming. So I am sooo paranoid of losing out on my dress. My mom freaked out and said there was no way we were buying a dress this far in advance and yada yada.

So...I don't know what I am going to do. I guess if I have to I can put down the half to get it ordered and then my mom will have no choice but to buy it if I order it. However I hope that she changes her mind if she sees me in it. Maybe her little daughter in the perfect dress will sway her to buy it earlier than we typically would. We are going next weekend and we'll have to see. Wish me luck!
There are tons of Maggie Sottero dresses on eBay from past seasons, and for way cheap! :thumbsup2 If your mom doesn't let you get it, you will probably be able to find it on eBay whenever you start to get closer to the wedding.
I don't think that would be a good way to start out your dream wedding planning. As lurkyloo said, I am sure you could find one similar if not that particular one again. I would be too afraid I would change sizes or find something else in that length of time. Just my two cents worth.
I know what you mean. I worry about things being discontinued or selling out. I feel like if you put this dress on, and its your dream dress that makes you feel like a princess: then go for it. I would just make sure that they teach you how to store it so it doesn't turn colors.
I think trying to "force" your mum into buying a dress is not the way to go. That's the sort of thing that could lead to a lot of resentment... Instead, talk to her about the way you feel and listen to what she has to say back. There are a lot of reason to wait until closer to your actual wedding date - you may gain or loose weight, your tastes might change, you could find something you love even more... By your own words, you've only gone twice to try on dresses. There are TONS more out there. But if your 100% sure, then I think talking to your mum is the way to go, or buy it completely yourself.

Good luck!
FYI: Wedding gowns get discontinued in December and June. If it's around now it should be around till at least June. Maggie's Capri collection is HUGE and I don't think any of them will be cut off in 2008, they are just to trendy. I've working in bridal shops for almost 7 years and here's a little advice.
Don't trick your mom into buying it, you may end up having to foot the dress bill on your own. Telling brides a dress is going to be discountinued is the #1 way to get them to buy right away. Keep checking the Maggie web site, when a dress is about to go they pull it off the site. If you are willing to stop looking at dresses all together go for it and but the dress. But if you think you may be tempted to look more then don't do because you will find some thing else and end up spending more money.
Good luck!
I know where you are coming from. I found 'the one' in April 2006. (My original British wedding was booked for April 08) It was way over budget, my mum did like it, but I promised her I would keep looking for a dress in budget that was similar. So we spent all summer looking and no dresses made me feel the same. I was also told that they discontinued the dresses in September time so I kept an eye on the dress I liked.

In September 06 we went to a wedding fair and the dress was there with free alterations and 10% off. I talked the girls about how much I liked the dress and how far away my wedding was. They were really nice and let me put down £150 deposit so that I got the deals and they would then let me order it nearer the time of our wedding. We then changed the wedding to Disney and for a slightly later date. I kept the shop informed. In August 07 they then called me into the shop to be measured and I paid for half of the cost of the dress.

So the moral of story is talk to the shop and see if they can suggest anything to help you. You never know you may get lucky :)
Hey guys...thanks for your input.
I agree I don't auctually want to purchase a dress now I was just annoyed and venting. My rebel brother has my mom on pins and needles and she snaps on nothing and im not one to just sit and take it, I need to work on that. We are going next weekend to just look at it and then just wait and see what happens. I'll keep looking around but also keep watching the web site like someone else mentioned. Whenever I do purchase the dress she mentioned that they will store it there at the shop. Which was important because I have absoutely NO WHERE to put a wedding dress weather its for 2 years or 2 months. lol

I'll keep you all up to date on the dress situation as the months go! :thumbsup2
FYI that Capri Lynette dress is on Ebay right now for a BIN price of $735 and another BIN for $500! I love that dress and I think a DIS'er here is wearing that dress for her wedding! I like the Capri Royal dress too, but I would wait if I were you. I just posted about that dress on Ebay so you can see that you could go that route and save some money too when you are ready to purchase. Good luck!
FYI: Wedding gowns get discontinued in December and June. If it's around now it should be around till at least June. Maggie's Capri collection is HUGE and I don't think any of them will be cut off in 2008, they are just to trendy. I've working in bridal shops for almost 7 years and here's a little advice.
Don't trick your mom into buying it, you may end up having to foot the dress bill on your own. Telling brides a dress is going to be discountinued is the #1 way to get them to buy right away. Keep checking the Maggie web site, when a dress is about to go they pull it off the site. If you are willing to stop looking at dresses all together go for it and but the dress. But if you think you may be tempted to look more then don't do because you will find some thing else and end up spending more money.
Good luck!

Hi audisight and the rest of the DIS brides!

I've been lurking on this site for over 8 months now!:) I came over to follow SRU Alum's PJ and wedding and then I've stayed on to glean wedding information from all of you experts!:worship:

My DD just got engaged in Dec. and is planning an Oct. 2009 wedding. It won't be at Disney, rather at her college chapel. She hasn't found a wedding reception site yet.

Back on topic: audisight, we went dress looking last week and the salesperson did try the old "this dress will not be in the designer's next collection you should order it today!" Well -- it was a Jim Hjelm designer gown and both my DD and I were a little :faint: at the $3500 price tag!!:scared1:

I then said that if the dress was being discontinued, how much for the floor sample? She supposedly called her boss and came back with an offer of 25% off. We said no, so she countered with 30%, we still said no. My reasoning is that it's a sample and will need alterations and the discount should be more substantial.

My question to you is (sorry about the lengthy rambling!) - what is the norm for discounting and selling the floor sample gowns? Thanks!

And to all the DIS brides - I love reading your journals and looking at your photos! Keep up the good work!
My question to you is (sorry about the lengthy rambling!) - what is the norm for discounting and selling the floor sample gowns? Thanks!

My Romona Keveza gown was a sample. Ticket price was $5300 (including tax) and I bought a sample gown for $2700 (also including tax). So about $50 shy for being 1/2 off, which I believe is about normal.

Hope that helps your negotiating!

** Edited to add - I got my dress in the spring at the end of the fall season, but it was still being featured in all the magazine adds. It had a few small tears in the tulle at the bottom that were cut off when we altered the dress to my height. Other than that it was in perfect condition. I did have it cleaned, though, just to get out any body soil from it having been tried on.
I completely know how you feel about this dress being the "one". I found a dress only 2 weeks after we were engaged (I wasn't really looking for one, more just browsing around and enjoying the feeling of actually being able to look at them legit! lo). I stumbled on an Alfred Angelo dress that I KNEW was the one. It was $1000, I found it online for only $200! (75% off!). I ordered it, even though it was 18 months out from my wedding. Some people thought I was a little wierd, but since then, now that its less than a year to my wedding, a lot of people have asked "So have you found your dress yet??" And its so nice to be able to say "Oh yes..the dress is done!" :) So go with your gut. But DEFINATELY look online!! (mine was on Ebay, you can trust most of those sellers. It came new w/ tags just like promised!)
I am on the hunt for a Capri Lynette!

I've seen those on ebay and other shops online, but obviously I want to try it on first to make sure it actually works on me!

That darn Maggie Sottero site is down at the moment, so I can't get a list of the nearest stockists to call to see if they have it!!

I think everyone's advice has been sound so far, keep an eye on the website (when it works!) but if your mum really doesn't want to get it now and you decide you do, you may have to buy it yourself, you never know, if you are right and don't end up wanting a different dress later on, she may give you the money at a later date!!
Back on topic: audisight, we went dress looking last week and the salesperson did try the old "this dress will not be in the designer's next collection you should order it today!" Well -- it was a Jim Hjelm designer gown and both my DD and I were a little :faint: at the $3500 price tag!!:scared1:

I then said that if the dress was being discontinued, how much for the floor sample? She supposedly called her boss and came back with an offer of 25% off. We said no, so she countered with 30%, we still said no. My reasoning is that it's a sample and will need alterations and the discount should be more substantial.

My question to you is (sorry about the lengthy rambling!) - what is the norm for discounting and selling the floor sample gowns? Thanks!


Sorry it took me so long to reply, work is so crazy right now.
For a Jim Hjelm dress a 30% discount is not that bad, it saves you a little over $1,000. The store will only make about a 20-35% profit from the sale (which in the bridal world is VERY low). Sample gowns are almost always sold as is, meaning a lot of them will need alteration's and re-beading but your on your own with it. The longer the dress is discontinued the more of a discount you can get on the sample. You might want to look and the Hjelm web site and see who else in your area carries the dress. Call and see if they can give you a better offer or if they can order a new on at a discounted price, it never hurts to ask. If that does not work and DD really loves the dress I say get it. If you need anything else feel free to let me know. Hope this helps :)


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