The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE

I have been following your report since the beginning and just wanted to say it has been very enjoyable reading and the videos really were a nice addittion.

Thanks for sharing.
The videos are great! I'm glad you took the time to share them. You girls are adorable. :) I started to look forward to seeing the deer face.

Thank you for watching them! And thanks! hahaha the deer face was all over that video :rotfl:

Honestly, this may just be the best trip report on disboards! (well, at least since I started using this site a couple of months ago)

I absolutely loved the port report itself....but the videos you just added are the icing on the cake :goodvibes

Aww thank you You're so nice :goodvibes
I'm so so glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for following along and watching!

YAY YAY YAYYYYYYYYYY for posting the Youtube links!!!!! party:

I'm going to watch the whole thing RIGHT NOW. :banana: :banana: :banana:

I can not wait to show your family this video!! :wizard:

Wow! You did a great job with these videos! What a way to remember your trip! You might have a future in Disney promotional videos.

I could not stop smiling the whole time while watching.

I loved Kristen's transition from her princess voice to her robot voice in tomorrowland. I laughed so hard, I spit out my drink lol.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Thank you so much! That would be a dream job for me - I would love it!
Aww :) :) Yay I'm glad I could make you smile!
And hahaha :lmao: She thinks of crazy things to do when she's there. That was funnyy!
You're so welcome! Thanks for watching!

I absolutely loved your video trip report! You all seem like you had so much fun--especially with the character interactions. I have really enjoyed reading your regular trip report, too. I found it about a month ago--sorry not to have commented sooner.

Thank you! We really really did! Oh, it's fine that you didn't comment thanks for just being here! :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it and watching the clips!

I just started watching your awesome!! I (unfortunately) have to get ready for work now but I'll be back to finish later! :thumbsup2

Haha aww well at least you had something to look forward to when you were done working :)

I just wanted to say that I love your idea of posting videos of your trip so you have some magical memories to look back on :thumbsup2

I will try and watch them later when I have a bit more time on my hands. Thanks for sharing :goodvibes

Edit: I managed to watch them all and loved being there with you. I laughed out loud at Vickie's 50s PTC experience and the interaction you had with your new friend. Your server sounded like a riot as well!

Btw I still have Zip a doo dah in my head from listening to it yesterday!

Yay I'm glad you got to watch them! Isn't that so funny! I'm so glad we captured that dining experience on tape - it was hilarious!
And aww i love that song! Yay I'm glad you liked them!

Great Job Jess! I loved your video, everything flowed together so nicely :) Have you ever thought about doing film stuff in college or for Disney? You would be great at it :) All of you seemed exactly how I picture you to be in the video.

Thank you so much! And I have considered it - that would be an awesome awesome job! I will have to see what I end up doing in college! I haven't decided yet but stuff like this is really fun for me! And aww that's cute! Yup we're just crazy little frumps :banana:

Wow. Great work on the videos!

Thank you so much!

Aw Jess I loved all your videos, you did such a wonderful job. What a great way to look back on all of your memories with your friends :goodvibes

Thank you very much! It's a great keepsake! Even though it took forever it is definitely worth my time and we will all get to treasure it!

Wow! I just watched all of the videos and I absolutely loved them! I cannot tell you how much this helped me get in the spirit for my upcoming trip! Thank you for posting these wonderful videos! :goodvibes I really felt like I was right there with you. You need to submit some of those clips to Disney...I bet they would use them for their commercials!

Oh, I have to say...maybe it's because I'm sooo ready for my trip, but Vickie's moment at the end with Akershus made me cry! It was so cute!

Thank you! I am so glad it got you in the spirit! We had so much fun and I'm glad we got to share the joy with everyone else! I bet Disney would love these haha
And aww that's so precious! I almost cried when I was editing that part! It's so magical! She transformed into a 4 year old girl when she heard we were eating with the princesses!

Watched all the videos. LOVE them!!:thumbsup2 I think you've inspired me to try and take/edit video on our next trip!

Thank you so much! It's a lot of fun! The editing process is tedious but they outcome is worth it, i think!

I have been following your report since the beginning and just wanted to say it has been very enjoyable reading and the videos really were a nice addittion.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for reading :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I too love the videos!!! What a fun addition to your trip report!!!

Aww thank you so much!!​
The videos turned out really cool! It's seems very much like being right there at Disney. Good job putting those together. :thumbsup2
Wow Jess you did an amazing job putting all those videos together. You guys all looked like you had the time of your lives:goodvibes

What kind of camera do you have? And what program did you use to create them? They turned out amazing.

I think my fave part was the part in 50's Prime Time..too funny!

I'm sad to see this TR come to an end, but am happy I get to follow along on your other one
I have seriously loved your TR the MOST out of everyones. Yall are adorable. I will hate for your report to end.
Just got completely caught up and I loved your trip report! Now I'm like inspired to go to Disney with my friends one day :laughing:
I loved the videos that you made!!!
Oh my gosh! Those videos are AWESOME!! :thumbsup2 We leave on Saturday for Disney and I'm even more excited after watching those. Thanks so much for posting them! :goodvibes
I LOVE the Park Fare buffet!! That salmon was my most favorite dishes EVER!!! I'm still trying to find a recipe to match.
I also have to say you have good eyes! I'm not sure I would have recognized the characters as being the same person. :worship:
And you look beautiful in your prom dress! Glad you had a good time!!!
The videos turned out really cool! It's seems very much like being right there at Disney. Good job putting those together. :thumbsup2

Thank you so much! :)

Wow Jess you did an amazing job putting all those videos together. You guys all looked like you had the time of your lives:goodvibes

What kind of camera do you have? And what program did you use to create them? They turned out amazing.

I think my fave part was the part in 50's Prime Time..too funny!

I'm sad to see this TR come to an end, but am happy I get to follow along on your other one

Thank you! We definitely did!
And I have a sony video camera. I got it freshman year though so that was like.. 4 years ago now. I used windows live movie maker and i saved the videos in HD. It took a lot of time but it was definitely worth it.
And hahaha I'm SO glad we got that on video!
And thank you for following along!

I have seriously loved your TR the MOST out of everyones. Yall are adorable. I will hate for your report to end.

Thank you so much :) :) I will be sad when it ends too :(

Just got completely caught up and I loved your trip report! Now I'm like inspired to go to Disney with my friends one day :laughing:
I loved the videos that you made!!!

Thank you so much! I hope you get to go with your friends someday!

Oh my gosh! Those videos are AWESOME!! :thumbsup2 We leave on Saturday for Disney and I'm even more excited after watching those. Thanks so much for posting them! :goodvibes

Thank you! Oh my GOSH that's tomorrow! I hope you have a wonderful vacation! And your'e so welcome for posting them!

I LOVE the Park Fare buffet!! That salmon was my most favorite dishes EVER!!! I'm still trying to find a recipe to match.
I also have to say you have good eyes! I'm not sure I would have recognized the characters as being the same person. :worship:
And you look beautiful in your prom dress! Glad you had a good time!!!

Isn't it delicious! Mmm I wish I was there right now I'm hungry!
And haha I know! We pay very close attention!
And aww thank you so much!

OMG, that video of Vicky getting Time Out at Prime Time's Cafe is hilarious!!! I just watched it twice. :lmao:
I figured since I was reading your other TR, I should jump in on this one. I'm still way behind, but I'll slowly catch up. Loving it so far. It reminds me of when I used to go with one of my close friends. So fun. I hope I can do this with my little girl one day!
*sniff* It's over.....

You guys had such a great time and your TR was so much fun to read. I'm glad you guys had so many great memories.
WOW the videos are so much fun!!!! I'm only done with Day 1, I have to make them stretch out......LOL
You sure took the time to document the trip and we are all so glad you did!!! Can't wait to finish watching them.....i'm sure I will have lots of comments.....:rotfl:
I figured since I was reading yoru other TR, I should jump in on this one. I'm still way behind, but I'll slowly catch up. Loveing it so far. It reminds me of when I used to go with one of my close friends. So fun. I hope I can do this with my little girl one day!

I'm so glad you're here and loving it! I hope you can do this with your little girl too! My Mom absolutely loved taking us and the experience is just so fun for everyone in the group! I hope you enjoy reading up the rest of it!

*sniff* It's over.....

You guys had such a great time and your TR was so much fun to read. I'm glad you guys had so many great memories.

Aww don't worry! I still have 2 trip updates left plus a few real life updates! But I am so sad it's almost at the end as well :sad2: Thank you so much for reading along!

WOW the videos are so much fun!!!! I'm only done with Day 1, I have to make them stretch out......LOL
You sure took the time to document the trip and we are all so glad you did!!! Can't wait to finish watching them.....i'm sure I will have lots of comments.....:rotfl:

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy watching them all! I really did take a lot of time to document this trip... LOL but it was worth it! Can't wait to hear your comments! :wizard:
Chapter 30 - And You Thought We Were Leaving Already!
January 19th, 2011

We made our way back to the YaCHt Club with glum looks on our faces knowing that we had to soon leave this beautiful weather!


Our last day was super sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky! It was probably about 75 degrees.... aka absolutely PERFECT! We were loving it because the last time we had weather that nice was about 5 months ago, at this point!


I took tons of pictures on our walk back home because I wanted to capture everything one last time!




Now, I never got the chance to go in Storm Along Bay. And how can you stay at the Yacht Club and NOT go in Storm Along Bay at least once!?


So that had to be done. Vickie and I decided to go swimming while Mother and Kristen stayed back at the room and packed.


We laid in the sand, which is a great exfoliator, actually!


The weather was beyond perfect. We were in pure heaven. If the weather every day could be like that day, I would be one happy girl.



We swam around a little but had to head back to the room at one. I am sad that I didn't get to spend more time at this pool, but I guess that just means that I'm gonna have to go back!

We needed to get to checkout at 1 o'clock, but didn't get there till 1:20 because I lost my iPod for a few minutes. But thank God we found it before we left! I don't even remember where it was. I feel like I had it packed already and it was just buried under all of my stuff. LOL I'm a mess.

I grabbed a few last yogurt pretzels and we headed downstairs.

We handed in our luggage and that was that.

But you don't think it's all over now, do you!? Oh no! Our Magical Express didn't come until about 3 o'clock!

Now considering we were staying at the Yacht Club, what do you think we did now?

We went back to Epcot! YAYY!


We timed it, and the walk LITERALLY takes 5 minutes. That seems almost too good to be true, doesn't it!?

So, we went back to Epcot and walked in the World Showcase. We needed to get some lunch!

Do you want to just look at these crowds? Wow. Disney in January is amazing.


Mother stopped at the French Bakery because she was too tired to walk much farther. Vickie, Kristen, and I hiked all the way to China! We ate at Lotus Blossom Cafe! YUM!

Here's the Orange Sesame Chicken:


And I got Shrimp Fried Rice:

And here's the best dessert on this planet... STRAWBERRY RED BEAN ICE CREAM!


Which was the other :mickeybar Kristen's Food of the Day! :mickeybar

I don't know what it is about that stuff, but it just seems even more delicious than regular ice cream! (which has to be spectacular, because Ice Cream is my favorite food!!)

It is available at Lotus Blossom Cafe as well as Nine Dragons. So if you haven't had any yet, you probably should get some on your next trip!

So, after our lunch, we headed back towards the International Gateway.

I feel as if the seagulls were attacking us AGAIN, because I took a picture of one. hahaha


For some reason, my knees were hurting me, so I was partially lunging and marching while I was walking back to distract myself from the pain. So when we walked through the American Adventure, I marched behind the band to pretend I was a part of it. LOL I'm a frump.


Continued in Next Post


To those of you that are still following along (Thanks for being such loyal readers!) here is the outline of the rest of the Trip Report! We hope that you stick it out until the very end, because we have a few last updates that are a pretty cute!

As far as the trip goes, we have 1 update to go! :(

And as far as Real Life Updates:
- We have a Cooking Success
- A Cooking Failure
- Prom #2 (which is taking place this friday!)
- And I'll probably do a little update on my Graduation! (considering this trip was taken in honor of my Graduation anyway!)

So, I hope you guys keep reading until the very end! If not, thank you so much for being here! We love having you and I hope you all have a Magical Day!
I just watched all the videos for your trip. They are pretty awesome! I've had a little slideshow I put together for my first trip with pictures for awhile and I used the same version of "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" as in your last video. It always makes me sad since it reminds me of WDW so much. :') And what software or program did you use to make the videos? :-) I'm so sad this TR is over already, it was such fun to read. Luckily, I'm reading your other TR. :thumbsup2
Wow, you update just as I'm making a late comment on your TR. Win for you, fail for me... LOL Moving on, I can't believe how pretty it was. The sky was like that perfect sky you rarely ever see and the water at the pool looked gorgeous. This also looked good with the Yacht Club since the color tones are so similar. :thumbsup2 And lucky you to have a later Magical Express and go to EPCOT one last time! The French Bakery is always a great place to stop (I had to hold back on buying something from there last time, but everything looks SO GOOD!) But I've never really checked out China, but the food there looks awesome. I've heard many good things about the Strawberry Red Bean Ice Cream, so another must-do for my long list of foods to eat at Disney Haha Well... it seems this is only an update away from the bittersweet end :'( Well, as I said in my last post it has been great reading this TR, definitely one of the most enjoyable I've had the pleasure of reading. :)


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