The real Melbourne DISmeet Fri 7th October 2016

what is HK?

It should be a great time, I am booked in at places I have not eaten at before, Disneyland is open to midnight each night of my time there, so I plan to enjoy as much of the parks as I can.

More than anything though, I can't wait to check out the new fireworks :D
what is HK?

It should be a great time, I am booked in at places I have not eaten at before, Disneyland is open to midnight each night of my time there, so I plan to enjoy as much of the parks as I can.

More than anything though, I can't wait to check out the new fireworks :D

HK = Hong Kong

I'm assuming PIO was thinking of the wrong person/trip when she wrote that, since your mentioned LA in your original post ;)

The new fireworks are FANTASTIC! Honestly, can't say enough good things about them. If it's too crowded on Main Street with Thanksgiving crowds, they are also spectacular from IASW, and it's easy to get in the first row there for a completely unobstructed view of the projections, even when it's crowded. Because it was so ridiculously crowded when we were there, we didn't even bother with Main Street, and I don't feel like I missed out.

We were disappointed with PTN. It was fun, but not as amazing as I'd been expecting.
HK = Hong Kong

I'm assuming PIO was thinking of the wrong person/trip when she wrote that, since your mentioned LA in your original post ;)

The new fireworks are FANTASTIC! Honestly, can't say enough good things about them. If it's too crowded on Main Street with Thanksgiving crowds, they are also spectacular from IASW, and it's easy to get in the first row there for a completely unobstructed view of the projections, even when it's crowded. Because it was so ridiculously crowded when we were there, we didn't even bother with Main Street, and I don't feel like I missed out.

We were disappointed with PTN. It was fun, but not as amazing as I'd been expecting.

Well, as a party of one, I can usually score great spots most of the time no matter how late I arrive at something. I think I might have to catch them at various points anyway, its going to be awesome I hope.

As for the parade, I have seen videos of it and it looks nice, but until I see it in person I won't know if it gives me that Disney chill, you know the one, when your happy and content from being there and watching something. Either way I am sure to enjoy it though.

I also want to see this new version of World of Color.. at least I hope if its the christmas one, they have cut like 90% of the frozen content from it lol
Well, as a party of one, I can usually score great spots most of the time no matter how late I arrive at something. I think I might have to catch them at various points anyway, its going to be awesome I hope.

As for the parade, I have seen videos of it and it looks nice, but until I see it in person I won't know if it gives me that Disney chill, you know the one, when your happy and content from being there and watching something. Either way I am sure to enjoy it though.

I also want to see this new version of World of Color.. at least I hope if its the christmas one, they have cut like 90% of the frozen content from it lol

Yeah as a party of 1 you should be ok getting a spot. I really hate crowds, so I'd probably be tempted to go to one of the alternative viewing spots anyway.

Yes, that is exactly what I meant about the parade. It was a nice parade, but I just didn't feel the Disney magic like I did with the fireworks.

I liked the new WOC, but the Frozen section annoyed me. How come they get their own full song? It actually annoyed me with the parade and the fireworks too. It's so popular though (for some reason I obviously don't understand) - everyone starting clapping and cheering when that part came on. I wasn't prepared for just how different the new version would be though! And I did miss the original song. I don't know if they're doing a Christmas version or not this year given that the 60th version has just been released.
Well as I am there many nights, I might check it out at various points anyway.

The new WOC show has me worried, videos online don't really do it any justice, but in person it could be different. I hope that the holiday is one is not on, that contained way to much frozen for me, but then again I can't stand it really at all, so maybe that is why it irked me.
Okay. It's been a busy period!

We haven't got any plans for a Melbourne DisMeet at the moment.
Do we have one before Christmas or wait till after the New Year?
Then the next question is....when?

I think FireflyFi is home very soon; so lets see if she's free to join in as well.
Wow, I finally get around to checking back in here and look at that...I'm mentioned in the last post...! :P Anyway, just a quick drop in to propose a last minute catch up. The tree at Fed Square is being officially lighted (is that the right way to say it?) this Friday.

I did only just get back last Wednesday and I still haven't unpacked my bags, but pfft, I'd rather catch up with my Melbourne Dis'ers :)
No worries, thought it was a long shot. I fly out for America again on 14 December and I have the work Christmas party on 11 December, so probably won't be able to make a catch up this side of the new year.


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