The Running Thread - 2018

QOTD: Do you run carrying water or a sports drink of any sort? Does the distance / time of your run play into the decision? What hydration system do you use?

Still trying to figure out what is best for me. Right now if I'm running outdoors on a run of less than 7 miles, I use a Nathan Trail Mix hydration belt. For shorter runs, I usually just bring one of the two bottles it holds filled with plain water. Longer or hotter, I'll do both. For my longest runs (above 10 miles), I often carry a Nathan VaporAir pack with plain water. At DH's request, I've been known to fill one of the smaller Nathan bottles with Tailwind for those longer runs, too... the bottles fit nicely in the pouches on the straps of the vest. Usually that's just if it's really hot or the run is longer and fuel factors in. For treadmill runs, I just bring a bottle of water downstairs with me.
I’m a big fan of the Cox events! I do Panther City and Thanksgiving every year, and am going to do one of the Hell’s Half Acre races this year. I also do the Trinity Summer series because I’m a masochist.

Ricky does a great job with his events - they’re definitely smaller, but they’re well-organized, the course support is great and I think there is great value for the price point. He’s also involved with logistics for Cowtown Weekend.

Lone Star in April is also good, but they don’t offer a full marathon - just a half. I think the only other Spring full around here is Irving maybe?

I believe major April full in this region is Oklahoma City which I have heard a lot of good things about. Arlington and Irving are the same weekend, if I am not mistaken. I'm leaning toward Arlington simply because it's close, I'm familiar with the area (and most of the course) and your recommendation regarding Cox. I haven't done a full in five years so a smaller race with minimal pressure and hassle is appealing. I'll decide after the Cowtown half and, if I succeed, aim for something more ambitious in the fall.
ATTQOTD: I carry gatorade for any run over 6 miles. I use a Nathan handheld and have the smaller version and larger version, all depending on the length of the run and the heat. During the summer I always make sure I have some sort of hydration available whether that means carrying it or leaving it on my mailbox. When I leave it on my mailbox I like to practice picking it up without breaking stride, which works really well when you don't have other runners slamming on brakes in front of you. :lmao:
I have four spibelt clip on water bottles, that I clip onto my running shorts as needed. Two are 8oz and two are 6oz. I wear 1-2 of the 8oz bottles on all runs in the warm months (ie most of the year here in Houston) and probably anything over 3-4 miles in the winter. I will wear all four of them on long runs of 10+ miles. I usually use water but am experimenting with tailwind on longer runs...

Further related question--how often to you drink from your water bottles? I generally try to drink every 1.5-2.0 miles in a rough approximation of water stations in actual races. I also only take a few sips each time to approximate what I can consume at water stations without slowing too much in real races...
ATTQOTD: I have an Amphipod 2x 10oz belt, but stopped wearing it a couple of years ago, as it was too much hassle to keep positioned so it didn't bug me. Got an Amphipod 20oz hand-held bottle, which I liked during runs last summer. A colleague told me that the Deer Park 500mL bottles fit well in the hand, and I have to agree. In the summer, I try to carry water on anything longer than 10k. If I take the south rail trail route, at 6.5 miles, there is a railroad museum where I can stop and refill at the public water fountain. That helps a bunch.

I've experimented with not chilling the water during the summer. It makes for a bottle that isn't slimy with my sweat and the condensation of a warming bottle of cold liquid.
ATTQOTD: I actually don’t have a usual method for carrying water, but I’m in the market for a handheld holder so thanks for all the great reviews! If I do hold water, it’s usually just a regular water bottle but I get tired of gripping it.
ATTQOTD: I always have water or a sports drink with me. I may not need it during the shorter runs, but I like to have it. I learned from multiple experiences that sometimes during the early part of a race my throat gets so insanely dry that I need something to wet it or else I'm looking at a coughing fit or worse. A quick swig just to wet it and problem solved.

I was also dealing with post nasal drip during Avengers Half in November. Thankfully because I had was carrying my own hydration, I was prepared when I absolutely needed it.

I hear some people say you don't need to bring your own water to Disney races. Sorry, but I think this is actually terrible advice. I've ran Disney races where the first water station was actually out when I went by. I had my powerade so I didn't have a problem, but better safe than sorry.
I hear some people say you don't need to bring your own water to Disney races. Sorry, but I think this is actually terrible advice. I've ran Disney races where the first water station was actually out when I went by. I had my powerade so I didn't have a problem, but better safe than sorry.

I wore my own hydration for my last half marathon and loved it. I didn't have to stop at the water stations and was able to drink more from my bottles than I'm capable out of those cups, which I find really difficult to do while trying to run...
I believe major April full in this region is Oklahoma City which I have heard a lot of good things about. Arlington and Irving are the same weekend, if I am not mistaken. I'm leaning toward Arlington simply because it's close, I'm familiar with the area (and most of the course) and your recommendation regarding Cox. I haven't done a full in five years so a smaller race with minimal pressure and hassle is appealing. I'll decide after the Cowtown half and, if I succeed, aim for something more ambitious in the fall.

That's probably right - I never think about OKC because I tried to avoid Oklahoma unless I'm kidnapped there or am court-ordered to visit. :rotfl2:

Most of the Cox events are capped at 500-750 people across all distances (I want to say Thanksgiving is the largest - and it may be capped at 900?), so it's DEFINITELY low-pressure and hassle. There are lots of people of all speeds and experiences. For Thanksgiving, he even does corrals based on estimated time of finish, so I feel like that's a really nice touch that you don't normally see at a smaller, local race.

Good luck at Cowtown! My besties are running the Ultra, so I'll be spectating that day instead ... have you done the half before? The "hill" at Main Street into downtown is, well, the opposite of fun.
That's probably right - I never think about OKC because I tried to avoid Oklahoma unless I'm kidnapped there or am court-ordered to visit. :rotfl2:

Most of the Cox events are capped at 500-750 people across all distances (I want to say Thanksgiving is the largest - and it may be capped at 900?), so it's DEFINITELY low-pressure and hassle. There are lots of people of all speeds and experiences. For Thanksgiving, he even does corrals based on estimated time of finish, so I feel like that's a really nice touch that you don't normally see at a smaller, local race.

Good luck at Cowtown! My besties are running the Ultra, so I'll be spectating that day instead ... have you done the half before? The "hill" at Main Street into downtown is, well, the opposite of fun.

this will be my fourth time running the cowtown half so i'm well acquainted with mile nine. still, this has to be one of my favorite races. it's always a good sized crowd but they still organize it very well. the vibe among the runners is always very relaxed and fun. oh, and they tend to give out medals big and heavy enough to sling through a car windshield.
All my routes are multiple out and backs with my car being home base, so I just stash water/Gatorade (if really hot or over 12 miles) there.
this will be my fourth time running the cowtown half so i'm well acquainted with mile nine. still, this has to be one of my favorite races. it's always a good sized crowd but they still organize it very well. the vibe among the runners is always very relaxed and fun. oh, and they tend to give out medals big and heavy enough to sling through a car windshield.

I LOVED the spurs - probs one of my favorite medals of all time. I'm not planning to run Saturday at this point, but the draw of the little spinnin' cowboy medal might just be enough to get me in last-minute for either the 5K or 10K.

The Challenge Bell is really cool.
QOTD: Do you run carrying water or a sports drink of any sort? Does the distance / time of your run play into the decision? What hydration system do you use?
I have always been prone to heat illness and dehydration (I'm a fainter...) so I never run without nuun. It really has been a game changer for me! (And not just when it comes to running...) I have a 16 oz. handheld that works for runs up to 5 miles. If I'm going on a longer run/hike I have a UD hydration vest that holds two 16 oz. bottles (one with nuun) and a bladder if necessary.
Well, it happened...I’m officially registered for my first marathon!

10/7 - Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon

No time goal yet, and not sure if I’ll make one, but we’ll see how the next few months go. I’m excited about this race because I’ve heard such great things about it. :)

I like the talk about hydration options, because I’ll need something once summer runs return!

I’m sad to admit that I don’t drink nearly enough water. I despise it. It’s like taking medicine to drink it. I don’t know why, just always been that way. Because of this I always have water with me when I run on the treadmill. It’s basically the one time in my day where I hydrate myself and don’t hate it. My long run is a 1.4 mile loop around my house, so I leave water bottles outside and stop every couple of laps.
Further related question--how often to you drink from your water bottles?
I generally take a 1 min walk break after completing each mile which is the perfect opportunity to take a few sips and catch my breath before running the next.
ATTQOTD: I actually don’t have a usual method for carrying water, but I’m in the market for a handheld holder so thanks for all the great reviews! If I do hold water, it’s usually just a regular water bottle but I get tired of gripping it.
My 16 oz. handheld is by Amphipod. It fits the curve of my hand so well, I forget I'm even holding it!
ATTQOTD: I always carry water for a run, no matter its length. When it’s hot and I’ll be running over an hour, I usually take endurolytes to get my electrolytes. Last year while training for Chicago, I got and used their Gatorade mix. If I carry an electrolyte drink, or for longer unsupported runs (not with my running group), I will use my OrangeMud Double Barrel Hydraquiver, one bottle with water and the other with Gatorade (or Powerade or Nuun or whatever the next race says they will use). Otherwise for runs of 6 miles or more, I’ll wear the Single Barrel. 6 miles is about the limit for how long I want to carry a water bottle (Amphipod, I think) in my hand.

Also, for races I usually wear the Single Barrel Pack. It carries my nutrition and extra water. I like to have water when I want it (not when the race tells me I want it) and for taking nutrition at the time I want it. But it mostly is just a supplement to what they have on the race course.
Further related question--how often to you drink from your water bottles? I generally try to drink every 1.5-2.0 miles in a rough approximation of water stations in actual races. I also only take a few sips each time to approximate what I can consume at water stations without slowing too much in real races...

About every half mile to mile I will take a sip or two.

I hear some people say you don't need to bring your own water to Disney races. Sorry, but I think this is actually terrible advice. I've ran Disney races where the first water station was actually out when I went by. I had my powerade so I didn't have a problem, but better safe than sorry.

Ugh. I followed this advice for my first half last year during PHM. It did not work out well for me at all! I needed more than what was being offered. To top it off, my least favorite Powerade is the yellow one. That's what they had on the course. Blech. I'll be bringing my own hydration with me this year.


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