The Running Thread - 2019

ATTQOTD: I'm part of the dopeybadger crew. Granted, I'm way behind on my current plan due to some unexpected life drama (I am really looking forward to channeling all the turmoil into some decent mile times). The first ever plan I used prior to Billy's was a Galloway 5k for beginners I found online.
Since it appears @LSUlakes is not making an appearance this morning, I'll cover for him and throw out another question. Here's today's QOTD: what training plan do you use for your "A" race and why? Do you grab one online from Higdon or Galloway? Are you part of the @DopeyBadger crew? Do you have coach? Do you just wing it?
Mostly wing it.
I really cannot figure out how to vary pacing so any plan with ''easy a," "easy b," "HM pace" or what not is more than I can seem to cope with. All the variety I can deal with seems to be "Run X time or distance," "Run Y time or distance," or "Run X on a path with bigger hills." I used to think I would get better with varying pacing over time, but that does not seem to be true.

For my first 5 & 10Ks, I just went out and ran a few miles a few times a week without structure or tracking. I think it was a fine way to start. I got a random number in my head that I wanted to finish in, so I paid someone local to write me a plan and then proceeded to rearrange every single week to make it fit my life. I felt awful about not following the plan and it is one of the reasons I have not done it again.
For the half I was targeting 'just finish' so all the standard plans seemed overkill, and so I just tried to come close to a total weekly mileage and long run distance.
Great goal! I highly recommend doing your century as part of a group ride or event. Having people around you to ride with makes the miles pass more quickly, not to mention the fact that large group events also have aid stations every 15-20 miles. :)

Absolutely on the group ride. We have done the metric in two different rides that we liked quite well, so the first one is end of July thinking do the metric century again for that and the other is in Sep and train for that to be the full century. Just not sure we will be completely century ready by July, but it could happen. I really like the July event.
Mostly wing it.
I really cannot figure out how to vary pacing so any plan with ''easy a," "easy b," "HM pace" or what not is more than I can seem to cope with. All the variety I can deal with seems to be "Run X time or distance," "Run Y time or distance," or "Run X on a path with bigger hills." I used to think I would get better with varying pacing over time, but that does not seem to be true.

For my first 5 & 10Ks, I just went out and ran a few miles a few times a week without structure or tracking. I think it was a fine way to start. I got a random number in my head that I wanted to finish in, so I paid someone local to write me a plan and then proceeded to rearrange every single week to make it fit my life. I felt awful about not following the plan and it is one of the reasons I have not done it again.
For the half I was targeting 'just finish' so all the standard plans seemed overkill, and so I just tried to come close to a total weekly mileage and long run distance.
I'm not really super great with pacing, either. :) I had paces I was supposed to hit in my DB plan (I just had Easy, HM, and 10K paces) and I knew generally what they were, but I was not great about hitting the Easy one (I was always too fast because my easy pace was very close to my walking speed). I just tried my best to stick to "run very slowly for most of them" and then one run was either "run faster" or "run a lot faster" paces. :D
I've done Hansons and DopeyBadger plans. Personal issues have cropped up that impacted me while I was on the DP plans. (they were in no way related to the plan) Right now I am doing my own thing playing around with heart rate, but I don't have an A race lined up. If I lined an A race up I'd probably re-orient around my last DP plan adjusting paces/ times based on my current physical fitness.
ATTQOTD: Higdon’s plans have helped me cross the finish line for the past three marathon weekends (full, Goofy, and Dopey) so I think I’m going to stick with him for as long as I can.

New Picture! Going to have to get used to that.

For the current cycle, I searched through @DopeyBadger thread for his plan for the (I think) Daniels 10k training he did a couple of years ago, and modified it to my needs. This weekend will be the test to see how well it worked for me and my half.....

Looks like our 5k PRs were very close between when I started that plan and yours now (21:02 vs 21:13). I got my 5k PR down to 19:29 in 11 weeks training. And that's coming off already having 7500 miles on the legs, so I was absolutely shocked with that improvement. Although, your HM of 1:36:49 is slightly faster than my PR of 1:38:49 at the time. That 19:29 5k would have predicted a 1:29:38 HM. So my fingers are crossed for you for good weather and a possible sub-90 or at a minimum a nice drop in time!

ATTQOTD: I’ve been using @DopeyBadger plans for the last year, and I was able to set 7 PRs with those plans (5k, 10k, Half, and Full as part of Dopey, 2 more Halves and 1 more full). Not sure how much faster I can get, but I’m hoping this latest plan can get me to an under 4 marathon. :)

I wouldn't be so sure. I remember those epic track workouts you used to do right before we started working together in July 2017.

Track paces: For a 400, I'm around 2-2:05 minutes when we run a several of them. When it's hot (which it has been), I'm a little slower. I can look up different intervals if you want those.

Looking back through Garmin Connect, it looks like the last 12x400 that I did, I slowed down from one to the last. I think this is the one where I didn't get as much time to cool down in between. Times ranged from 1:55 to 2:27. One at the end of May (also cooler), must have been a timed recovery, because I don't see any distances between the 400s. That 12x400 had times from 1:54 to 1:57.

And with only 200m recovery intervals (2-3 min)

Based on that info back then, I knew you were in for a big endurance jump and massive PRs. Funny enough, I still see things in the workouts you're doing that suggest we're not done yet. There's plenty of juice left to squeeze. I mean you are the first person that I'm aware of to officially achieve the Sextuple PR Dopey Challenge in 2018.

Oh... and this too from July 2017:

ME - How do these paces look?
You - Scary. When I see 'M Tempo' anything under 11, it scares me a bit. I did have a few miles in my last marathon that were under 11, so I know it is feasible.

M Tempo pace now = 9:09.


Mostly wing it.
I really cannot figure out how to vary pacing so any plan with ''easy a," "easy b," "HM pace" or what not is more than I can seem to cope with. All the variety I can deal with seems to be "Run X time or distance," "Run Y time or distance," or "Run X on a path with bigger hills." I used to think I would get better with varying pacing over time, but that does not seem to be true.

For my first 5 & 10Ks, I just went out and ran a few miles a few times a week without structure or tracking. I think it was a fine way to start. I got a random number in my head that I wanted to finish in, so I paid someone local to write me a plan and then proceeded to rearrange every single week to make it fit my life. I felt awful about not following the plan and it is one of the reasons I have not done it again.
For the half I was targeting 'just finish' so all the standard plans seemed overkill, and so I just tried to come close to a total weekly mileage and long run distance.

I'm not really super great with pacing, either. :) I had paces I was supposed to hit in my DB plan (I just had Easy, HM, and 10K paces) and I knew generally what they were, but I was not great about hitting the Easy one (I was always too fast because my easy pace was very close to my walking speed). I just tried my best to stick to "run very slowly for most of them" and then one run was either "run faster" or "run a lot faster" paces. :D

@TheHamm - I think @Miranda nailed it. I assign paces across the whole spectrum. But at the heart of it, I'm really assigning different efforts.

Let's use the Disney HM as an example. You're running at an effort called X. Now all the sudden you see something interesting like Main Street and you really want to soak it in. So you slow down the effort to enjoy that area of the course. Now you've got effort Y, it's slower than X (it's easier too!). Then you're out on the highway back at effort X, and all the sudden you see a wild turkey. And you're like, holy moley, and start running real fast down the road. Well, now you've got effort Z. The big picture of training is to do a lot of effort Y, some of effort X, and just a touch of effort Z. If you can do just three different efforts, you're mostly there. If you ran almost all effort Y for your training, even then you'd still be doing great with training.
ATTQOTD: Prior to the injury I was just starting a program designed by a friend. He is a veteran ultra runner and I liked it. Then ouch, citizenship to injury town...

Now I am winging it with a base building plan; slow, easy running, lots of bike trainer time, and strength training. I am going to have to figure out a plan pretty soon though as my first race in what will be just over 17 months is now only 4 months away!
ATTQOTD: I have used the FIRST half marathon plan to some success, but for my races this summer I wrote my own plan. It’s somewhat aggressive, like the FIRST, but also allows me to build up from 1/2 Marathon in June, 16 mile in July, full in August. Lots of hills and tempo runs for the training in addition to a big mileage build up(big for me). Thankfully my September race is only four hundred meters, but it is up the K120 ski jump hill from the 2002 olympics.
I wouldn't be so sure. I remember those epic track workouts you used to do right before we started working together in July 2017.

Track paces: For a 400, I'm around 2-2:05 minutes when we run a several of them. When it's hot (which it has been), I'm a little slower. I can look up different intervals if you want those.

Looking back through Garmin Connect, it looks like the last 12x400 that I did, I slowed down from one to the last. I think this is the one where I didn't get as much time to cool down in between. Times ranged from 1:55 to 2:27. One at the end of May (also cooler), must have been a timed recovery, because I don't see any distances between the 400s. That 12x400 had times from 1:54 to 1:57.

And with only 200m recovery intervals (2-3 min)

Based on that info back then, I knew you were in for a big endurance jump and massive PRs. Funny enough, I still see things in the workouts you're doing that suggest we're not done yet. There's plenty of juice left to squeeze. I mean you are the first person that I'm aware of to officially achieve the Sextuple PR Dopey Challenge in 2018.

Oh... and this too from July 2017:

ME - How do these paces look?
You - Scary. When I see 'M Tempo' anything under 11, it scares me a bit. I did have a few miles in my last marathon that were under 11, so I know it is feasible.

M Tempo pace now = 9:09.

It still seems scary! But I’m gonna try to give it my best effort and see how fast I can get. Thanks for all the help!
ATTQOTD: I used Higdon (with intervals) for my first half- and then followed it poorly for my first fairy tale challenge last year. That said I finished both races. I'm using the Galloway challenge plan to prep for Star Wars. Luckily the longer runs start early enough for me because I have a local half a month before Rival Run.
I used Galloway for my first 2 HM, and a Train Like a Mother Club plan for a 10k (in which I discovered training during summer isn’t my fave). I used a @DopeyBadger plan for my 3rd half this year and had great success.

Right now I’m sort of winging it for some 10 milers I have, still trying to figure out how to train for them and what my goals are.

If, IF, I do a 2020 marathon - I’ll go back to @DopeyBadger :)
ATTQOTD training plans and coaches:
I took a coach when I joined a gym about five years ago to help with motivation and to exercise without injury.
When my interest went to running, after doing a C25k and enjoying free form running, I switched to a coach who evaluated my running biomechanics and gave me a 10k plan from the book Run Better by Jean-Francois Harvey. Since then I have followed these plans and they gave good results.
I now have a new coach (I had some prepaid sessions left) who gave me speed intervals to try which have less « rest speed ». Unfortunately, I still haven’t resume doing any kind of speed work because of my Achiles. So I am looking forward to see what 2019 will bring in terms of training plans.
My A and B races are all planned until the end of 2020... So I already know how many weeks I have between them!
I’m using a Hal Higdon plan right now for my first half.

For those that replied to my earlier post, I ran 4 tonight while my daughter danced. Stuff changed so i can start just after 5 vs 5:30 or so. That helped with the light issue, plus I bought a little clip light. It was sprinkling when I dropped her but I was like, I’m doing it. I brought a visor so that was a good experiment and it did keep the rain off my face well. I haven’t loved the visor in the AZ heat, but liked it here. The sprinkle quickly turned to a rain, but I trucked on. I crossed paths with a few people and we quickly commiserated and I like to think everyone driving thought I was a rock star for running in the rain!
ATTQOTD: I am a winger, like many here. I wish I could follow a plan (especially DB's), but my schedule is just so varied and relatively last minute, so I can't follow any plan at this point. Later this year, if my schedule evens out and I've got a race in the near future, I may be in need of a plan!
A lot of you are mentioning @DopeyBadger ’s training plans. I am
About to run my first HM at the princess, which was basically a bucket list item. I have gone from zero running for the last 20 years to my long run being 10 miles this week and about 23 mi/wk. my long run is typically just under 10min/mi and I am
Shocked at how far I have come! When I started training I figured not walking was a good goal and then I would quit running and check it of the list. Well now I am hooked and I haven’t even done a race yet!

My concern/question now is what do I do next? I am considering signing up for the Dark Side but I don’t know what to do to maintain my fitness level without burning out and then what to do to hit a PR or two along the way with 5ks and 10ks. And dare I shoot for a time in a second HM or just stick with running being enough?

Any pointers would be great. I don’t have running friends and I am not on Facebook so I don’t know where to
Go for more help!

A lot of you are mentioning @DopeyBadger ’s training plans. I am
About to run my first HM at the princess, which was basically a bucket list item. I have gone from zero running for the last 20 years to my long run being 10 miles this week and about 23 mi/wk. my long run is typically just under 10min/mi and I am
Shocked at how far I have come! When I started training I figured not walking was a good goal and then I would quit running and check it of the list. Well now I am hooked and I haven’t even done a race yet!

My concern/question now is what do I do next? I am considering signing up for the Dark Side but I don’t know what to do to maintain my fitness level without burning out and then what to do to hit a PR or two along the way with 5ks and 10ks. And dare I shoot for a time in a second HM or just stick with running being enough?

Any pointers would be great. I don’t have running friends and I am not on Facebook so I don’t know where to
Go for more help!

A popular way to do it is set three goals. A minimum that you would be happy with, say finishing, a second tier goal(something faster) and a “I knocked it out of the park” range goal.
social media: I've done everything I can to opt out/block targeted ads online across all the platforms I use, so not looking for races that way...

plans: since Higdon actually has a plan for walking, I've used that (well, as best as possible...). It's gotten me through 5 half marathons (and a few more where I was short-coursed a mile for being slow), so something must be all right with that :)
A lot of you are mentioning @DopeyBadger ’s training plans. I am
About to run my first HM at the princess, which was basically a bucket list item. I have gone from zero running for the last 20 years to my long run being 10 miles this week and about 23 mi/wk. my long run is typically just under 10min/mi and I am
Shocked at how far I have come! When I started training I figured not walking was a good goal and then I would quit running and check it of the list. Well now I am hooked and I haven’t even done a race yet!

My concern/question now is what do I do next? I am considering signing up for the Dark Side but I don’t know what to do to maintain my fitness level without burning out and then what to do to hit a PR or two along the way with 5ks and 10ks. And dare I shoot for a time in a second HM or just stick with running being enough?

Any pointers would be great. I don’t have running friends and I am not on Facebook so I don’t know where to
Go for more help!


I had a similar experience after doing PHM - went from basically no running to being hooked by race day.

I ended up signing up for then tinkerbell
Half, which was about 3 months after PHM - leveraged my fitness from PHM and PRd. After that, I just added a next goal race to keep training for, and another - one was a 10k, another was a 10 miler, and then another half.

I try to space them out so I don’t burn out, but always keep a longish race on the horizon (10k or longer) to keep me moving towards a goal. Sometimes the goal is finish or try a new distance or race location, other times it is to try for a time goal.


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