The Running Thread -- 2022

I saw the PT today. I have new exercises (no surprise) and back to weight bearing ones at that. I also get to start running, albeit very slowly. She wants me to start with a run/walk, again not surprised. She said i don't have to stay that way but for now coming off the injury we will start that way. I get to do a 2/2 minute interval and get ready for it, I can go for a total of 20 minutes every other day. Next week if everything still feels good i can bump it up to 30 minutes. While it is a very slow start going to look at the positive, I can start Feb with a run. Taking what I can get. Being older means having to start slower. She did clear me to hike so i will also start hiking again next weekend. Trying to build to one of my 2022 goals.

If there's one thing PTs are good at, it's assigning new exercises! If there's one thing PTs are terrible at, it's telling you to stop some or all of the exercises they already assigned! I swear I would be doing exercises for about 6 hours a day if I did all the ones originally assigned and added along the way in addition to the new ones. I asked the PT about it one time and her response was "well, you can just do 2 reps instead of 3 of the older ones". :oops:
@camaker i told her 5 is the limit. I can only do 5. After that I don't have time to get it all done. She knows she has to pick the 5 I do. If she leaves it up to me i will do the ones i like. Now some of those she would agree with but i HATE squats and i can't even do them the way i am supposed to. She knows i won't do them if i have too many exercises to do.
Here we go again...

January Miles = 139 (includes 48.6 Dopey miles)

Outside of the TOT 10 Miler, I have not registered for any other 2022 races but I am sure I will do a bunch of local ones this Spring/Summer/Fall. And I am not sure what I am doing about runDisney 2022/2023 yet. So for now, I am just maintaining. I have been pretty consistent over the last four years doing ~130-140 miles per month with my 100 mile per month streak currently at 46 months. My goal for 2022 is to keep the streak alive as long as I can.

2021 total miles = 1,622
2020 total miles = 1,777
2019 total miles = 1,656
2018 total miles = 1,673
January Miles = 60.28 (including Dopey miles)

I've taken my recovery really REALLY easy, but doing lots of short walks to keep my activity consistent at least a few times a week. After previous race weekends, without another event to immediately train for, I've completely stopped all running activity and am trying to avoid doing the same again.
January miles = 94.6.
Not bad given I had a mid month HM and a recovery week. Technically, I may still have 1 more run for this month but I am currently waiting out weather. It’s raining pretty heavily here and just cold enough that it will be hard to stay warm, so I am waiting to see if I can catch a break.
January running
Distance: 86.2 miles
Average pace: 11:58 /mi

This month was tapering down for Goofy, running Goofy, then taking time to recover. Just finished Week 1 of my new DopeyBadger plan. Fairy Tale Challenge coming up and then a half marathon in May! After moaning on here at the beginning of the month that I was out of goals, I decided to make a stretch goal of a sub-2 hr half for this year.
85.8 miles in January, plus 30 days of yoga!

We're headed to WDW in a few weeks for a gymnastics meet and then some time at the parks. My parents and my in-laws are in FL for the winter and will be coming to the meet - which is at ESPN WWoS. Trying to decide on a place to grab a late lunch that will be easy for non-Disney peeps to find, park at, etc - AND have guaranteed outdoor dining.

open to off property! Any ideas? (Asking this group because I know many are familiar with the WWoS area).
I did my last run of the month this afternoon, 3.62 miles in 50 degree weather that was borderline for my lungs.

My slacker total for the month is 69.61 miles, which includes the Dopey miles.
Steps for the month are 421,257 plus whatever else I do this evening, which takes into account the extra 5 or 10k miles we put in with all the walking prior to and after the 5K and 10K...
January 2022 totals
Distance: 183.1km (114mi)
Average pace: 7m1s/km (11:15/mi)
YTD: 183.1km on 2022km

I was considering this a pretty good month considering the weather, until I saw my stats. It was not my biggest January in terms of volume and I am getting slower. I haven’t been able to do a time trial due to road conditions. I guess this is a meh 😑 Or maybe I just feel old and clumsy running behind the other two runners in the house. Between the three of us, we have ran 500km in January. The athletes have surpassed the coach 😜 in some ways (speed for sure)! DH says, the family is thriving together.

January is also the registration month around here and races are budding slowly after a long interlude. I now have four on my calendar for 2022. I will remain the marathoner of the family for another year, feeling proud.
January Total:
112.8 miles including Goofy

My first 2022 race is the Lake Hartwell Dam Run-10K (5k is also available) on May 7. DH is race director.
The race course begins at the Big Oaks recreation area (Army Corps of Engineers property) and crosses the beautiful Lake Hartwell Dam. The 10k begins in Georgia, crosses into SC via highway, with a view of the river side of the dam, and returns across the top of the dam. The 5k runners are transported to SC and run back across the dam into GA. All Covid restrictions have been lifted at this point, so we are excited! Hope any of you in North GA or Upstate SC who are nearby will join us!
January Total:
112.8 miles including Goofy

My first 2022 race is the Lake Hartwell Dam Run-10K (5k is also available) on May 7. DH is race director.
The race course begins at the Big Oaks recreation area (Army Corps of Engineers property) and crosses the beautiful Lake Hartwell Dam. The 10k begins in Georgia, crosses into SC via highway, with a view of the river side of the dam, and returns across the top of the dam. The 5k runners are transported to SC and run back across the dam into GA. All Covid restrictions have been lifted at this point, so we are excited! Hope any of you in North GA or Upstate SC who are nearby will join us!
Well you enjoy your dam run then…



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