The Scooter Strikes Back-A F&W 2017 TR- Bonus Features, Link to new TR 3/22

Hooray about the last kitty with the litter box! :cool1:

How dreadful about the house leak. What a pain in the rear. :headache:

Very thoughtful of you not to quickly take care of things with the apartment. I’m sure frustrating though.

That was Halloween day. I hated missing Hanson but I didn’t want the boys bothered by trick or treaters. Glad I went home because there were tons of them.

Yes, we must never ever ever ever do the 45 minute bus ride again. That was just plain painful!

The Nomad Lounge was super yummy. I’m so glad we did that. Last month mom and I had an impromptu dinner at Tiffin’s and it’s quickly become one of our favorites. I know Fran would find things to enjoy.

I didn’t like saying goodbye that day. I was goodbye until next time :( It was so wonderful spending time with you and Fran, as always.
Caught up again!

That was a heck of a leak!

Pam is such a great friend!

I ate at Tiffin's and it was excellent! I need to try the lounge.

Jill in CO
Anyone who has followed the saga of our lovely home knows that if it can go wrong it will. Last month when I paid our water bill it was two or three times what it normally was. I knew that we must have a leak, but had no idea *where* to start looking for it. Then earlier last week I thought I heard something while I was at my kitchen sink that sounded like a leak. There's construction going on with the street behind my house and I thought perhaps that’s what I heard. But I noticed some puddles near the base of the house, the construction workers had gone home, and the sound was still there. We called a plumber and he couldnt get there until late in the day. After some digging this is what he found.

Oh dear, that looks like a mess. I am glad that he found the source of the leak and was able to fix it.

We had another fun apartment related event this week, but since it involved the court, I'll wait until it's resolved to share the details.

That does not sound good. I hope it will be resolved soon.

Amazingly enough we didn’t come away with any souvenirs.

That surprises me. I would have expected that at least a banshee would follow you home.

The menu looks really nice and those drinks looked amazing.

I would love to see an updated photos of the kittens!

I feel the same about the restaurants in Pandora, they just don't sound all that appetizing to me.

I have read some good things about the Edison at Disney Springs; it sounds like a fun place to try.

Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.

Today it was 28 degrees!!! I have lived in Orlando my entire life and I don't think it has ever been that cold!
This it's probably safest to order the minimum (2) and add appetizers if need be.

I'm sure two will be plenty. None of us seems to eat very much and we could have dessert! They have a fresh baked Rhubarb cake served a la mode. I seem to remember that was delicious!

That was so nice of Pam to bring over tools for you and your scooter drama!

She was a life saver. We might have been able to get them from the concierge, but this was more private.

I'm with you on Navi River Journey. No long waits for that one! FoP would be 45 minutes max for me (but thats my max on any ride at WDW)

Maybe once Star Wars land opens, the waits will all move over there...

Glad you got Fran to try Nomad's - those drinks are good! I really think she would enjoy Tiffins - especially lunch! They usually have a couple extra options at

I'm going to see about making our lunch reservation after the cruise there. We'll need something to do until the room is ready. Either that or graze at the F&W booths which may open that weekend.

Also as a heads up - I realize this is super early for this too but I started my Pre-Trip for France. Since we're adding Disneyland Paris at the end, that means I can post the whole thing on the boards right? (It really felt weird not doing a trip report for Italy!)

I'm already over there! Took me a little while though.....

Dang! So sorry, Alison! :(

Yeah, kinda sucked.

Yeah, probably best to keep that one under wraps for a little bit.

But now it's over! At least I hope so!

I'm done except the tree. WE said we were going to do it, but the plan fell apart, and it's still up. :sad2:

Yeah, I did all the outside decorations, but our tree is still up. It's the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree so it will only take about five minutes

It was almost 60 here!!! WHOA!!!

Sometimes I miss real weather. I mean I have so many nice jackets in my closets that have never seen the light of day...but then it rains and I hate it. I remember when I was younger (think 80s & 90s) it did get cold enough for jackets. Rarely does it ever get cold enough, when I'm out, that I need a real jacket. It used to be on the 40s when I left for work, but now that I don't work it goes to maybe the 50s.

The scooter drama is just non-ending! I see why you chose the title you did!

Well it ends when we leave it in Orlando! :laughing:

I agree completely! I watched it before my trip too and had I not, I'd have been completely lost.

Research. It pays off, even at Disney!

Was Fran ill? Distraught over the scooters? I"m worried at this point.

I guess she just didn't really care for the movie or it's souvie's.

I tried something there- review when I get there.

Yeah, nothing sounded good and nothing I heard made me think otherwise that I wanted to eat there, so I set my sights on the Nomad Lounge and Pam totally helped to play into that hand and I didn't even coach her! :laughing:

So.... ummm, this is my #1 favorite place now in all of WDW. I can see it as a wonderful place to meet, talk, just have special time. I just love it there.

I totally liked it too! But I want to try the restaurant as well!

Again, agreed. I LOVE it, but question the why.

Yes, me too!

The menu has changed between our visits. Some is the same, other things are not. I haven't gotten to those photos yet, but I'm sure the poutine wasn't on it.

Interesting, you were only there like two or three weeks after me!
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But now it's over! At least I hope so!


Yeah, I did all the outside decorations, but our tree is still up. It's the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree so it will only take about five minutes

Sometimes I miss real weather. I mean I have so many nice jackets in my closets that have never seen the light of day...but then it rains and I hate it. I remember when I was younger (think 80s & 90s) it did get cold enough for jackets. Rarely does it ever get cold enough, when I'm out, that I need a real jacket. It used to be on the 40s when I left for work, but now that I don't work it goes to maybe the 50s.

That is a shame! I do remember as a kid wearing a jacket growing up in Hemet. I remember many nights they'd fire up the smudge pots for the oranges. I"m afraid those days are long gone because those groves are all gone and the weather has changed I guess.

Well it ends when we leave it in Orlando! :laughing:

Well, thank goodness!

Yeah, nothing sounded good and nothing I heard made me think otherwise that I wanted to eat there, so I set my sights on the Nomad Lounge and Pam totally helped to play into that hand and I didn't even coach her! :laughing:

Pam is indeed a good friend. LOL!

I totally liked it too! But I want to try the restaurant as well!

I do think you'd both like it there.

Interesting, you were only there like two or three weeks after me!

I know! So weird. But I did take a photo of the menu, so will double check.
Oh for the love of.... just go in the box!!!

Yeah thats what i tried to say!

Oh, man.
I can't see the video (At work) but any leak is not a good thing.

Not only was it bad fir the house, it was costing us a lot of money.

Glad it got fixed, but no water for 24 hours is not fun.

Well, i did turn it on twice so that i could wash the cat bowls to feed them. We also flushed all the toilets at that time as well.

Ah, crap. Hope it goes soon. :)

Yeah, me too. It woukd be nice to hace mobey coming in for all the units.

Maybe I shouldn't laugh, but your comment struck me as funny.
But... you're a good wife for recognizing that and not doing it.

We had several years of work already, it was difficult and im willing to work hard not to get back to that place.

Uh, oh.
Okay, I'll wait on hearing that one.

Next update.

Me too!
Well, Ruby had done most of it. I just put away the ceramic village, took apart the tree and brought in the church. And lugged it all down to the basement.

I still need to lug it all back to storage, but we've had a busy week with the kitties and band.

Ha! We broke our record then. We are one hundred and one degrees colder. :laughing:

Well today is supposed to be cloudy and the high will only be 66°. I could wear a long sleeve shirt! :teeth:

Oh for the love of Pete! Sleep in, woman!

I must get excited when on vacation.

Um.... yum!

::yes:: i should make that again over the weekend. I just discovered they sell special bread in the grocery store just for French Toast.

Really! It's beyond repair? That just boggles my mind.

It may not have been beyond repair, but there was no way we were getting it through the airport to take it home.

I'm surprised that it was that easy. A lot of companies won't ship them. Corrosive.

Its a non spillable battery. I dont believe it can be shipped "air", but "ground" is OK.

May I suggest burial at sea?

We were inland, no sea for miles.

Not surprised. Refurb or scrounged for parts.

The seat was still good....

"Toss it in the dumpster".... :sad2:

I wonder what did end up happening to it....

I thought you needed the tools to get the battery out.

No the battery pack just pulls right up. Its the easiest part to remove.

What's that?

I believe they were an 80s boy band. I dont actually know.

Of course. And a nice one, too!

Thank you.

Yes. But it's still a visually interesting area, regardless.

But seeing the movie helps!

Yes, we would have been lost had we not seen it.

That thing is just.... rude.

I think they are working with the concept of the spitting Stitch Disney Springs. People seem to love that one.

::yes:: Incredible job on those.


I completely agree. Wait an hour? Even 45 minutes? No.
Let alone two hours.

I have much better things to do with my time than wait two hours for a ride!

I may have some waterfall shots of my own. :)

Which we'll end up seeing in about two years when you get to that TR! :faint:

Makes sense. It's the exit for FOP, and I'm sure you didn't miss the line for that!

Actually i didnt see the actual line, but it did say the wait was like 180 minutes.

I'm sorry. I mis-heard. It almost sounded like you didn't buy any souvenirs.

Let me repeat. We didn't buy any souvenirs. Just not a big interest in Avatar.

Interesting statement.
You won't try a restaurant unless you've read (good) reviews on it first?

Let me rephrase: There was nothing on the menu, that wowed me and i haven't heard any reviews to change my mind. Tiffins, on the other hand, had a weird sounding menu when it opened, it was challenging to even mine and Fran’s adventurous palates. However, every review that i have heard has praised the restaurant highly, so much so that I'm working on Fran to get her to change her mind.

Where is that? Never heard of it.

Its attached to Tiffins, which is on the path to Pandora.

Another one I particularly like.


Why not? I mean they have Dinoland for Pete's sake. And that sucks


Meaning... you got her in there? Or you got her in Tiffins later?

I got her in the Nomad Lounge and the food wasnt weird. That gives me leverage to get her to try Tiffins.

I don't know if I'd like it, but it sure looks good.

Well it doesn't have rum in it....

Probably something I'd order.

I thought it was pretty good. Out of the ordinary for me.

That Pad Thai looks good.

I should have taken a bite....

Did you order it that way? With the gravy on the side?
It looks.... well.... wrong. On several levels.

No thats how it came. I don't expect to be served proper Poutine outside of Canada. I think it was between the chicken wings, the sliders or the Poutine. We knew we would be eating a big meal in 2 hours so we just wanted a snack to fill the void.

Aw. Poor Alison. All tuckered out from her long day.
The guy beside you is funny. I wonder if he's an accountant or something.
"I am mildly enjoying myself."

And i still had more of a day ahead of me.
Tiffins was one of our favorite meals when we went last in 2016. In fact Tiffins is the only place dd has asked to repeat on our trip in Sept. The service was excellent and the food was soooo good. I had halibut that was excellent (and I don't generally like fish) the waitress said it was really good and I should try it if I didn't like it she would bring me something else. I am so glad I went out of comfort zone and tried it.
You mean to say I’m the only one who likes brussel sprouts, coconut, AND Dinoland??? :duck:
Sorry to hear about your water issues ......... there is always something to fix around a house.

This house seems to have had more than it's share of things to fix.

On a much better note - I was happy to hear that your babies/kittens are doing well and that they all learned to use the litter box. Nothing worse than having to clean up after them.

Its bad enough just taking out the "deposits" Fran scoops from their boxes, but finding "presents" around the house is just :sad2:

So did we. :sad1: Not happy about it, as we had such a beautiful tree this year. But at least they collect them.

We have a sad littke fake tree. But i like to go all out on the lights in the house.

Clever move to see the movie. We have not ........ tried it, but that is just NOT my kind of movie, so I just don't get it really. :rotfl2:

I had a little trouble following the plot and had to keep pausing to check that i was following along.

I didn't think there was much that really excited me and I have no big desire to go back to that ride. We did FoP and it was fine, but as you said, we might have enjoyed it more, had we had seen the movie.

I would like to go back with my dark ride lens and see if I could get better pictures.

Neither have we. I read a few reviews but we are not really sure if there is anything we woud particularly like.

None of the "bowls" sound good at all. The cheeseburger pods might have been an option had they not been made with ketchup and mustard. I fond that combination gross on a burger.

I second that, well WE do!


Food looks really yummy! That bread service looks delicious.

It was very good!

Ah, fun times ending too soon.

I'm looking forward to our time together this summer!

You seem surprised at this. :rotfl2:

It appears that Fran does not have the same idea of getting up early and getting to the parks as i do. :rolleyes1

Disney knows how to take care of its guests! ...and make a little cash.

Win/win for everyone! :laughing:

Ugh. What a nightmare.


Wow, you guys are celebrities!


That sounds awful! You got your workout for the week.

No wonder I didn't gain any weight on that trip even with all I ate!

I'm guessing that's not good.


Isn't that a small island in the Pacific?:confused3


I can't blame you there. Sounds exhausting.

Pretty much.

I know that feeling. Maybe can you set her a reasonable deadline?

You see how well it does to get us to the parks on time.... :rolleyes1

It's been like 8 degrees here for a couple of weeks. I have no sympathy!

I don't know how you live like that! Seriously. I mean I can deal with weather that gets down in the 40s, but much less than that and I think I would hibernate in my house all winter!

Wait, there's homework involved? Not cool, Disney!

There's always homework involved! How can you appreciate Carsland if you didn't watch Cars? It's just that the homework is fun with Disney.

They do look pretty


I have a hard time thinking of anything that is worth a 120 minute wait.

The only thing I can think of that I wait 120 minutes is at the vet when I don't have an appointment.

I'm a sucker for waterfalls too.

I think most people are.

:eek: And Fran was with you??

I know! She just didn't like the movie all that much and didn't think the merchandise had a very good resale factor on eBay. :lmao:

Because the movie made $$$$$

I guess I missed that since I didn't get caught up in the hype of the movie when it was out.
Yeah thats what i tried to say!

Cats. The planets great listeners.

Well, i did turn it on twice so that i could wash the cat bowls to feed them. We also flushed all the toilets at that time as well.

Ah. Smart. Worth the small amount of leakage.

Yeah, me too. It woukd be nice to hace mobey coming in for all the units.

Who doesn't like to hace mobey? :confused3

I still need to lug it all back to storage, but we've had a busy week with the kitties and band.

And I thought I was done... then looked up yesterday and "D'oh! Forgot the reindeer on top of the cabinet."

Well today is supposed to be cloudy and the high will only be 66°. I could wear a long sleeve shirt! :teeth:

Me too! Two days ago it got up to 40! Unheard of up here this time of year.

I must get excited when on vacation.

Who doesn't! :laughing:

I just discovered they sell special bread in the grocery store just for French Toast.

They do? I'll have to look for that! :)

It may not have been beyond repair, but there was no way we were getting it through the airport to take it home.

Ah! Yeah, that would've been a bit tough.

Its a non spillable battery. I dont believe it can be shipped "air", but "ground" is OK.

Got it.

We were inland, no sea for miles.

The pool has a deep end, no?

No the battery pack just pulls right up. Its the easiest part to remove.

Oh, of course. :sad2: It'd be the one thing you'd have to replace (usually.)

I believe they were an 80s boy band. I dont actually know.


I think they are working with the concept of the spitting Stitch Disney Springs. People seem to love that one.

True. Just.... you have to rub it to make it "hot" and then it spits.... I dunno... :rolleyes1

I have much better things to do with my time than wait two hours for a ride!

Yeah! There are characters to wait for!


Which we'll end up seeing in about two years when you get to that TR! :faint:

Nah. If I write it (IF!) it'll be quicker. Trust me.

Let me rephrase: There was nothing on the menu, that wowed me and i haven't heard any reviews to change my mind. Tiffins, on the other hand, had a weird sounding menu when it opened, it was challenging to even mine and Fran’s adventurous palates. However, every review that i have heard has praised the restaurant highly, so much so that I'm working on Fran to get her to change her mind.

Interesting! So the reviews (for that restaurant at least) are what sold it for you.

Its attached to Tiffins, which is on the path to Pandora.

Okay. Think I know where that is (and the map showed it, so... now I know.)

I got her in the Nomad Lounge and the food wasnt weird. That gives me leverage to get her to try Tiffins.


Well it doesn't have rum in it....


No thats how it came. I don't expect to be served proper Poutine outside of Canada.

That is not poutine. That's fries with some cheese and gravy on the side.


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