The Sean incident on the show today.

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You do realize that this has nothing to do with the show right? And, if Sean's brother is still there and people stop going to HDDR then that is a way for him to lose income. This is mainly an issue with the first security officer by being rude, aggressive, disrespectful, and lying to his superior. This has ZERO to do with the show or food.

It has to do with the upper management at the resort and I don’t want to support that. I have nothing against the servers or actors but I don’t feel I want to support a resort that clearly has deep rooted upper managerial issues. More power to anyone who chooses to but I’ve dealt with situations like Sean was put through and the only way to uproot deep rooted problematic management is by talking with my wallet (or lack thereof). Food is still good and I’m happy to go back to support the staff when this gets addressed.
Am I the only person who totally would have handed over their phone? I am a wimp!
Me too. Or at least I would have been REALLY torn - so count me in as a wimp too! I am glad that Sean had someone like Pete to call, and get guidance in a time of duress.

I have nothing new to add here, just wanted to express my horror at the story, and sympathy to Sean's family for having gone through such a terrible incident after such a rough year. :hug:
I would have never handed over my phone....

Know your basic fundamental rights their not even law enforcement.
I agree with you. You are 100% right.

But international guests do have a different perspective. We know, at least Canadian guests crossing the border or going through US Homeland Security at our own Canadian airports, that US security is free to demand phones be unlocked and can freely search our phones. Clearly a huge difference in privacy and personal security expectations at any border crossing or airport v WDW. Apples and oranges. However, international guests to WDW have this stamped on our minds, most of us have read and reread the latest news stories of airport search and seizure, and so would easily be pushed to surrender our phone to WDW security. Most of us would not make the distinction between private WDW security and genuine law enforcement officers when confronted on WDW property. We are not citizens. We are foreign nationals and are hyper aware of that.

Don't think we are at loggerheads here. Just different background and perspective. :-)
So sorry to hear of Sean’s bad experience. I have cancelled a reservation next month for an 8:30 performance at Hoop. This was to celebrate my Daughter’s birthday. Will find another restaurant off property to celebrate. We do have other reservations on property, but I will be scaling those back also. I’m really tired of lack of customer service and over priced dining options. The Orlando area has very diverse and wonderful dining options to choose from. Time To Explore!

I would say to anyone who is either canceling their reservation, or just changing their mind about going, that you should call Disney and let them know why. That you had heard there have been multiple problems with the security there and your not willing to spend a premium on that dinner to have to worry about having the night be soured by poorly trained employees.
I would say to anyone who is either canceling their reservation, or just changing their mind about going, that you should call Disney and let them know why. That you had heard there have been multiple problems with the security there and your not willing to spend a premium on that dinner to have to worry about having the night be soured by poorly trained employees.

I fully agree with this, doing this speaks volumes and is probably the best route to a resolution.
I have been thinking about this for a while and I wonder if it wasn't more of a situation of the security cast member wanted to get back at Sean's brother for some perceived offense that he (Sean's brother) committed against him (the secerity cast member) here is why I am wondering that.
1. Sean mentioned in the show while telling the story that his brother used to work full time as a cast member in the production at Hoop Dee Doo Review but that he (brother) has primarily moved to a different part of the company (Walt Disney World) though from time to time he (brother) fills in for his previous position.
2. Sean mention that originally they were not planning on going to the show on Christmas Eve (2019) due to his brother no longer being in it on a regular basis and strongly implied that there were memories of going to this with his dad (who passed away in 2019) and not sure how it would be. The decision was made to go at the last minute when they (Sean, his mom and 2 others since he mentioned a table of 4) learned that his brother was going to be performing and that they were able to get enough seats for the last show of the night.
3. Sean mentioned that his brother had come out to let them (Sean and the rest of the party sitting with him) to wait for him (Sean's brother) and they would all leave together. Rather this was during the time that the HDDR performance cast members were taking pictures with guests or immediately at the end of that time is a bit unclear.
4. Sean mentioned that his mom had texted him (Sean) a picture that he was downloading to his phone in order to upload it to places on the internet in order to start an interactive conversation. (Go watch the show if you haven't to learn what this interaction was ment to be)
5. At that time even though according to Sean there were other guests still in the dining area of HDDR the security guard approached Sean and his party and told them they needed to leave immediately. Sean mentioned that he would be just a minute finishing up what he was doing on his phone and at some point it was mentioned that they were waiting for his (Sean's) brother at the brother's request.
6. At some point it was assumed that Sean and his party were guest of his brother by at least the security cast member and the supervisor of that particular cast member. Because of this Sean's brother's work identification was taken and copies made as well.
Ok now that the background is done here is what I am wondering.
If there wasn't a position that opened up in the new area that Sean's brother is now working (though because it is hard to get people trained to learn performance parts especially in a musical and HDDR is expected to be a professionally done performance not one on the level of a community theater, high school dinner theater production, or even a Missoula Children's Theater production similiar to what my teenager participates in each year when they come work with a group we are members of (A little side note here folks if you ever get a chance to see one of these productions take the chance and go see it because those kids work so hard to learn their lines and songs and all the movements in only 5 days which is quite an accomplishment considering the kids range in age from 5 (kindergarten) to 18 (seniors in high school)) and Sean's brother got the postion though I wonder if the Secuity Guard at HDDR cast member had applied for that position as well and didn't get it and was upset that Sean's brother got the position that he (Security Cast Member) thought rightfully in his mind at least for what ever reason should have gone to him (S Cast Member) be it I have been with the company longer, I have a degree in X, He (Sean's brother) only got it because he is a hind end kisser or knows the right people, ect, ect, ect. Because of this perceived notion that he (S Cast member) was wronged and it was Sean's brother's fault I wonder if he thought if I can get him fired I will get that position that I wanted and saw an easy oportunity (Sean and his party are still sitting there showing no signs of even getting ready to leave and I know that they are some how connected to this person who got the position I also applied for and wanted so I am going to demand that they leave but so that it looks like I am asking everyone to leave I am going to go around to all the tables and then if they haven't left go back to that particualar table and if they don't listen to me they are not going to like what I can do because I am having a power trip right now) to get back at Sean's brother even if it was having to hear his brother (Sean) and his mother and who ever the 2 other people in the party were talk about how rude, awlful, bossy, ect the security cast member was over their Christmas celebration either that night still or on Christmas Day sometime.
Even after they left instead of ignoring Sean's use of a guesture the security cast member choose to get into it with Sean and at some point because it was assumed that they were guests of Sean's brother his id needed for work was taken I am saying assumed because Sean never mentioned a word about asking if they were guests of his brother and never asking his brother if they were his guests. I personally think with as much detail as Sean gave as to what happened including mentioning about his (Sean's) use of a certain guesture that had this been the case it would have been mentioned in the telling on the show.
I've noticed on several occasions that some of the security guards at Disney misuse their authority. They get that Disney badge, and some can't handle it. They try to act like they are doing their job, but they are just rude.
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