"The Story and Song from The Haunted Mansion" released!!


Earning My Ears
Jun 18, 2011
Just found out Collin Cambell passed away in April of this year. He was the imagineer who did the art work for most of the concept renderings for Mr. Disney's rides. But most notably for me, he did the art work in "The Story and Song from The Haunted Mansion" LP in 1969.
I was in Disney World last week, as I walked into the Haunted Mansion ride, I traditionally look over at the Kiyosk outside to see if by some miracle they re-released the recording with Collin Campbell's artwork and picture book. Well, they did! The cd cover looks exactly like the LP did (but smaller) with the back cover in the same eerie purple, along with the picture book inside. In addition, the cd has a "Digital Image Gallery" that has high quality images of Mr. Campbell's paintings that you have the option to print. So for anyone who grew up with this "promotional" LP, you can have it again for about $19.00 (and no I am not a spokes person for Disney, just thought I'd clarify that).
Anyone else out there as fired up about this as I, or am I that much of a HM geek?
I LOVE IT! I wish this was available online - i doubt it will still be in the parks by the time i get there. - Well I stand corrected It is online @ barnes and nobles yay!
I got it at POFQ in March. It has the retro type cover and the whole backstory about 2 teenage kids-right? My DS5 really likes it.


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