The Tenth Honeymoon is the Best One of Them All! - May '14 TR - COMPLETED 4/19

[QUOTE="nilla, post:

You've never read a Trip Report, and THIS is what you started with? Oh my. That's sort of like never seeing a George Lucas film and starting with Captain EO. There should be a warning label on this report, I'm thinking. I am honored that you're reading this, though. Thanks!

I was typically the designated "run across the entire park to get FPs for that attraction while we wait here" guy. Did you also fight the urge to duck into a different, queueless ride for a quick spin on your journey? I always wanted to return with both FPs AND a story of a new high score on Buzz, but kept concluding that might not be as quick (or well-received) an action as I would hope.

Holding out hope that June will be less offensive than some on the DISboards make it out to be. Rainstorms have benefitted us in terms of ride waits in the past, though. Fingers crossed![/QUOTE]

Um, I don't think I am adding your quote to my reply properly. It looks funky on my let's hope when I hit post, it makes sense. Yes, you're my first. I'm super happy so far, so don't let me down, okay? And not only did I fantasize about nailing a queueless attraction as I American Ninja Warriored my way to the 1st FP, I dreamt of conquering TWO. One on my way to the 1st FP, and another omw back. It's kind of sad that I never got to do it. I did run thru Sir Mickey's once, to cut seconds off my one door and out another. Yup, that happened. Lastly, don't waste one magical little moment worrying about June (not just because worry is the least productive emotion ever) because a rainy day in Disney kicks butt on the sunniest day anywhere else.
And not only did I fantasize about nailing a queueless attraction as I American Ninja Warriored my way to the 1st FP, I dreamt of conquering TWO. One on my way to the 1st FP, and another omw back. It's kind of sad that I never got to do it. I did run thru Sir Mickey's once, to cut seconds off my one door and out another. Yup, that happened. Lastly, don't waste one magical little moment worrying about June (not just because worry is the least productive emotion ever) because a rainy day in Disney kicks butt on the sunniest day anywhere else.

I probably said this in all of my TRs, but EVERY time I ran to the Land first thing in the morning to get Soarin' FPs, I was tempted to duck into Circle of Life instead. Simply to confuse the CMs. Of course, I would also have to act like I sprinted there specifically to "beat the rush" to that attraction. These scenarios are probably best left to fantasy.

This winter reaffirmed my position that extreme heat will never be worse than even moderate cold.
I am Miley Cyrusing this masterpiece. Your followers are going to light me up.

Fun fact - Kristin actually liked the latest Miley album. I had to tell her, after a few weeks, that I would listen to pretty much ANYTHING else in the car. Also, I think Madonna rips her off on one of her new songs. Now, I told her I will listen to pretty much ANYTHING other than the new Madonna in the car. My rationale: "I don't play Overkill when you're in the car, so I think I should be allowed to veto this." Thank God for Taylor Swift!

As for my "followers", they'd probably be on your side, after I bailed on my 2013 TR before ever posting the first update and made them wait almost a year to finish this one!
Fun fact - Kristin actually liked the latest Miley album. I had to tell her, after a few weeks, that I would listen to pretty much ANYTHING else in the car. Also, I think Madonna rips her off on one of her new songs. Now, I told her I will listen to pretty much ANYTHING other than the new Madonna in the car. My rationale: "I don't play Overkill when you're in the car, so I think I should be allowed to veto this." Thank God for Taylor Swift!

As for my "followers", they'd probably be on your side, after I bailed on my 2013 TR before ever posting the first update and made them wait almost a year to finish this one!
Wrecking Crew and Wrecking Ball, true dichotomy
Wrecking Crew and Wrecking Ball, true dichotomy

To further go off the Disney topic, I have a friend who likes essentially nothing but thrash metal...AND Madonna. He was at a Madonna show and recognized Alex Skolnick, the guitarist from Testament, in the crowd. He got talking to him before the show, asking if he was in a band. Skolnick asked him which band, specifically, since he's in a lot of bands. After my friend said, "Testament", he said he never expected to get recognized by a Testament fan at a Madonna show :)

Turns out he taught the guy who taught Madonna to play guitar. It's a small world, after all.

(You like how I brought it all back to Disney?)
To further go off the Disney topic, I have a friend who likes essentially nothing but thrash metal...AND Madonna. He was at a Madonna show and recognized Alex Skolnick, the guitarist from Testament, in the crowd. He got talking to him before the show, asking if he was in a band. Skolnick asked him which band, specifically, since he's in a lot of bands. After my friend said, "Testament", he said he never expected to get recognized by a Testament fan at a Madonna show :)

Turns out he taught the guy who taught Madonna to play guitar. It's a small world, after all.

(You like how I brought it all back to Disney?)

Impressive...way to bring it home! I have another fantasy scenario in my mind that upends the Flower Power Concert series and morphs it into "Rock in the Garden". You feel me?

And as for crossing musical genres, in my humble opinion, the best musicians/artists appreciate forms that diverge from their own. I can't imagine not having music in the Circle of Life. Boom.
Now that our tax returns are finally filed, I should be able to wrap up this TR in the next week.

To the three or four people still reading...stay tuned!

I'm still reading. :wave2:

Hey, did you watch last week's episode of The Goldbergs - the one where Barry & Erica discover CDs at the record store? Did you notice there was an Iron Maiden sticker on the cash register? HA!
I'm still reading. :wave2:

Hey, did you watch last week's episode of The Goldbergs - the one where Barry & Erica discover CDs at the record store? Did you notice there was an Iron Maiden sticker on the cash register? HA!

I did not! I saw an Anthrax sticker, though. I think I still have it TiVo'd, so I'll have to watch it again.

Thanks! (and thanks for reading!)
It's on Netflix? I may have to get Kristin to watch it. She missed it the first time around. I was always partial to the episodes where Vincent was pushed to his breaking point and had to beast out on someone, but that's not surprising for a teenage male viewer, I guess :)

Yep, it's on Netflix. I've watched the first couple of episodes - have to say, it's very 80's TV, but I just love it :cloud9:

Oh, and not to be creepy, but I noticed you posting on the CBR thread - we absolutely love CBR - I would actually choose it over some of the deluxe resorts. We decided to add on a couple of days to our July trip and we're staying there :yay: Sure you'll have a fantastic trip!!
I am way too far behind to comment but I've now read and caught up. By the way, LOVE the family picture at Fantasmic...great shot.
I am way too far behind to comment but I've now read and caught up. By the way, LOVE the family picture at Fantasmic...great shot.

Thanks! We can't usually get decent night shots. No worries about being far behind...I think I'm on page 12 of yours :o

But I'll have more time soon....because this Trip Report wraps up RIGHT NOW!
Day 12! This is it. And while Day 11's "ok, you've been here long enough. Go home." door hanging from Mr. Walter Elias Disney himself was a bit depressing, we've had a great run. 11 days in WDW so far, with 9 of them in parks. Downtown Disney. Meetups with friends. Our first DISmeet. It ends today, but we can't complain.

Plus, we still have another day of park tickets! And a late-afternoon flight! Back to Epcot!

I evidently decided that notes were not to be taken on this day, so I'm going to have to wing it. Seeing how much trouble I've had remembering what we did on the days we DID take notes, this could get ugly.

Anyway, we do have My Disney Experience to consult, so at least we can get the FP list for today:

10:45-11:45: Test Track
12:50-1:50: Figment
1:50-2:50: Spaceship Earth

Ready to go! But first, we need to evacuate our room. We've overstayed our welcome. Or our paid reservations. One of the two.

In spite of what I said earlier, no one was truly happy we had to leave.

Though I will be taking with me a rockin' Magic Band tan:

We say "goodbye" to the Cabanas, drop off our bags at the Magical Express stop, then have the kids pose for what's become a classic CSR shot for us:

A few more shots around what we did not realize was a resort we might not be seeing for quite some time:

Bye, Cabanas! You've been good to us!

Now, before we start feeling too guilty about cheating on Coronado Springs with Caribbean Beach next year (in TR time. In real time, it's this year. Unless you're reading this TR eight months after I finally completed it. Then, you're on you're own figuring out when we went to Caribbean Beach. Well, not really, because my 2015 TR will be in the books by then. Maybe. Hopefully. If I totally break character and get in done in a timely manner. What are the odds of that happening?)...

Wait, what was I saying? Oh...yeah. Better get to Epcot!

I don't recall when we arrive there exactly (remember, no notes), but our first photo was clearly taken between 10:45 and 11:45:

Thanks, My Disney Experience!

It's somewhat annoying that we can't book FPs for both TT and Soarin', but we don't REALLY need to ride Soarin' more than once per trip. And we already did that, a few days earlier. So, today, Test Track it is!

You know the drill:

And then, we ride. I attempt to take a photo:

And another:

This one's decent:

As is this:

This one's a bit blurry, though:

And this one is from...Star Tours?

What the-?

Oh, wait - those are decals for your car. Ok, that makes sense. This IS Test Track.

I get some antenna toppers for my car, to replace the ones I've had stolen over the past year. To the thieves: if you're simply Disney fans who can't afford antenna toppers, I'm ok with it. But you're probably punk kids. Yeah, I'm leaning toward punk kids.

Note: as of this posting, my Orange Bird and Hitchhiking Ghost toppers remain in my possession. I guess the punk kids got bored with me, and turned their attention instead to spraypainting graffiti on the nearyby train trestle. Oh well. At least my toppers are safe!
After TT, we venture into World Showcase. Instead of hitting a QS restaurant today (we're out of DDP credits, btw), we plan on picking on things from the food carts set up especially for the Flower and Garden Festival. We kick it off with this:

Again, no notes, so I don't know what she's eating. It was AWESOME, though. And from Mexico. It had cheese and mushrooms in it.

But wait! I forgot - we have this wonderful thing called "the internet"! Let's consult it!

Thanks to this WONDERFUL write-up on the Disney Food Blog, I am able to tell you that it was called, "Quesadilla de hongos con queso". And, as I remarkably remembered, is described as a "flour tortilla filled with mushrooms and cheese". Fantastic. I want another!

But not yet.

I think I saved receipts for the very purpose of knowing what we ate, but those are long gone now. As is this:

I don't know what that was, and the website I just praised isn't helping. Looks like a really good pretzel. I'm guessing Dylan at it. Yeah, I'm going with that.

Conversely, I do know what this is:

"Beijing-style candied strawberries". And I don't need notes to tell me those were Emily's.

For some reason, Kristin and Dylan ran off to do who-knows-what, while Emily and I sat on a curb in Norway and ate.
They return from wherever they had gone, and it's back on our feet. Emily poses with Duffy...

...and then, it was time for more food!

This was undoubtedly sushi, and therefore, undoubtedly me. Oddly enough, for as much as I love sushi, I can't really identify the different types of seafood on it, ever. Except for salmon, since I've fileted real salmon. But the rest, not sure.

Regardless, this was FANSTASIC. I want more. But maybe after another quesadilla. We'll see. I'm REALLY impressed with these food selections!

Emily is impressed with the Kaki-Gori, as always...

...while Kristin tries the "Gnocchi Parisien à la Provençal (Parisian-style Dumplings with Vegetables and Mushrooms)", from France:

Also excellent! This was a wonderful day, from the perspective of our stomachs! Just another reason to love Epcot.
I don't think we ever ended up using our last two FPs, but we did manage to look through a fake camera...

...and use a real camera to get one last topiary shot:

Love Fantasia! Though I still couldn't tell you the sequence of the different parts. That was a nightmare when we only had it on VHS. "Kids, I'm TRYING to find the Mickey one. Is it before or after the boring one with the string vibrations?

Oh, and OF COURSE we managed to meet this bear:

No way Emily's missing him!

Duffy's always fun, and Emily likes taking her Duffy to meet him, too. We're getting later in the afternoon now, so it's time we take the next step in bailing on WDW for 2014 and head back to CSR. But you didn't think we'd do that before taking another photo?

Ok, two more:

Sorry. Three more:

So long, Epcot! We'll miss you!


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