The walking dead amc #2

A little off topic, but for a while I have been thinking how much the actor Charlie McDermott looks EXACTLY like Chandler Riggs. they could be brothers. Crazy how much they look alike.
I was a big fan of the show, but my interest has wanned the last two seasons. Carls death is just the end for me. I've had to force myself to watch the last couple of years. I turn it on Sundays nights, but I'm usually surfing on the internet or doing something else while I'm watching. It doesn't hold my attention the way it used too. I'm not sure why they think killing off the best characters is a good thing. It might be ok if any of the new characters were interesting, but they are not. It won't be long to all the original characters are gone, and then whats the point of watching. I'm not sure how the ratings are, but I'm done with the show.
I was a big fan of the show, but my interest has wanned the last two seasons. Carls death is just the end for me. I've had to force myself to watch the last couple of years. I turn it on Sundays nights, but I'm usually surfing on the internet or doing something else while I'm watching. It doesn't hold my attention the way it used too. I'm not sure why they think killing off the best characters is a good thing. It might be ok if any of the new characters were interesting, but they are not. It won't be long to all the original characters are gone, and then whats the point of watching. I'm not sure how the ratings are, but I'm done with the show.

I think what makes TWD so good is that it is different than any other zombie show out there. We are far removed from watching them have to protect themselves against zombies. Zombies are not the main threat anymore. Now to survive, they need to be able to defend themselves against all the Negan's and the Terminus' and the Governor's. TWD is hopefully going to be a show on for many more years. We will see a shift of main characters. Kirkman has said it in the past. Nobody has a guaranteed life on this show, not even the main characters.

I used to get upset if there was a 60 minute show and we only saw 3 minutes of zombies, but I have come to realize this is no longer a show about zombies. It is a show about surviving against all the threats. That is what makes it more scary than zombies. In an real apocalyptic world, we know we won't have to fight zombies, but the Governor's, the Negan's and hell yeah, even the Terminus people will be a very real threat in a society with no law enforcement.

Stop watching if you want, but I am excited to see the show shifting and starting to kill of the main group. So many of the characters are already dead in the comics. Imagine if they killed Carol off the TV show around the time she died in the comics? The show is based on the story in the comics, but it is very much different. I am glad it is, because if it stayed true, then we would not have Daryl, Judith, Carol...Andrea would be Rick's wife (yuck).
Scott Gimble said on Talking Dead that Carl’s bite will play out as bites do. That sounds like he’s not coming back from this one.

My initial thought on that was that perhaps Carl will turn, like as what happens with all other bites, but that Rick/Michonne and the others won't have the heart to put him down. So they keep him around as a walker. After all, Michonne was the one who cut off her relatives' jaws after they turned and kept them on leashes when we first met her.
I watched last night as I didn't get to it on Sunday. Was most of the episode dark (brightness wise)? Parts of it we literally couldn't even see what was going on. Yet we had no trouble with anything else we watched.
I watched last night as I didn't get to it on Sunday. Was most of the episode dark (brightness wise)? Parts of it we literally couldn't even see what was going on. Yet we had no trouble with anything else we watched.

Yes! I thought that it was just me and my living room chandelier reflecting poorly off the tv. I found myself constantly moving around in an attempt to see it better.
See I think that interview with Chandler is a set up. If they didn't have Chandler do any of this, then fans would be saying he just bought a house near filming so he won't die. BUT if they have Chandler do an interview saying I am shocked & I just bought a house!, people will then believe that he will die.
Maybe I am reading into this too much, to be honest I don't care whether he dies or not on the show, but I am trying to get a read on Gimple and what he is trying get past us. I highly doubt after so many years on the show they would treat Chandler this way. They are trying to make us believe he will die & are trying to cover up anything that may give away that he won't by having Chandler & his father all over social media complaining.
After trying to cover up Glen & Abraham's deaths & it still getting out, I think this is what they are trying this time to trick the fans.
If Chandler is truly off the show, then that was quite a cruel thing to do the the kid.
At the same time he decided a year ago that he was planning to attend college. While he's apparently taking a year off, he plans to start some time. So I can understand the writers deciding to write him off the show based on his educational plans. Yes there's online courses, but we don't know if this is his intention or not. I'm sure anyone would complain about being written off a lucrative show. Could the complaining be to throw us off base? Yes. It could also turn out to be true and they're voicing their frustration over losing his paycheck.

Personally Carl can stay or go. Not everyone can stay alive during the apocalypse, especially with all those baddies out there.
I think it is shocking because Carl is kind of the main focus on the show, the future of the human race if you will. He is not one of the most beloved characters, but his character is huge in the comics and apparently had huge story lines in the comics. I think that is why people are shocked.

As far as college plans, he can easily do both. He is not on every episode. With an ensemble cast, you don't get a ton of screen time. He could go to school part time.

I am still thinking he will live. I don't know why the heck Gimple would do that, and make everyone think he was killed, but something is off to me.
I am still thinking he will live. I don't know why the heck Gimple would do that, and make everyone think he was killed, but something is off to me.

Possible ratings boost. Makes sure we tune in to learn more. Then when we see that he doesn't die we keep watching to learn why that's so.
I am voting, if we were voting on it, that Carl does NOT die. I am going with the theory posted in spoiler links up thread. I think Chandler and his dad's rantings are a fake out. And I think it's a cheap trick by Gimple. Why can't he just produce a good show that doesn't need gimmicks, like Glen and the dumpster, and tricks...and a show that doesn't leave viewers with the need to watch Talking Dead to be told what was going on in the show???? Why? Dumb!

I don't care who dies anymore either. I think Carol or Daryl or some others that aren't in the comics at this point (maybe never were) would be ideal to kill off. But whatever. I just can't reconcile comics with show if Carl dies. This is why I hate to read books that I am watching shows or movies....I HATE when they don't match up. Don't mind subtle differences but it really bugs me when they deviate by a mile.
I am voting, if we were voting on it, that Carl does NOT die. I am going with the theory posted in spoiler links up thread. I think Chandler and his dad's rantings are a fake out. And I think it's a cheap trick by Gimple. Why can't he just produce a good show that doesn't need gimmicks, like Glen and the dumpster, and tricks...and a show that doesn't leave viewers with the need to watch Talking Dead to be told what was going on in the show???? Why? Dumb!

I don't care who dies anymore either. I think Carol or Daryl or some others that aren't in the comics at this point (maybe never were) would be ideal to kill off. But whatever. I just can't reconcile comics with show if Carl dies. This is why I hate to read books that I am watching shows or movies....I HATE when they don't match up. Don't mind subtle differences but it really bugs me when they deviate by a mile.
:rotfl2:Oh good, it's not just me. I thought something was wrong with my comprehension abilities because I find myself getting distracted and then not understanding what's going on, thinking "I'll just wait for Talking Dead to explain it." Although, the fact that my mind is constantly drifting to other things while watching says a lot about how poor a job the show is doing to hold my attention these days. I used to watch from the edge of my seat -- now I watch because I'm too lazy to change my DVR settings. :rotfl:

ETA: Funny so many people mentioned the last episode being so dark. I had the same problem. As if it's not bad enough that I can't follow the plot and decipher half of what Eugene is muttering, now I can't even see the damn thing.
I agree it was so dark. I"ve watched it twice now and still don't get everything that went on. Did thy show them going to the sewers? Did the entire town get down there?
Everyone is talking about how Scott Gimple talked in circles and such. That is how he ALWAYS does any time he's on the TD. Every. Single. Time. He drives me nuts! Personally, and it may just be me, I can't stand him. He comes off as both arrogant and pompous to me. I roll my eyes at him more than anything lol.

I am on team Carl lives and this is all a trick. Could be wrong. But I can see that happening. Doesn't seem all that far fetched to me. And the fact that Scott would not commit to saying he is definitely dead makes you say, "Hmmm."

As for the darkness of the show, I'm pretty sure this has been an ongoing complaint over the seasons. I am not sure why they make it so dark but it does NOT help viewers to understand what is going on and that can't be a good thing.

With all of that being said, I'm still a fan and will continue to watch.
OMG the way Gimple will not answer a question is so annoying. Someone asked when Carl was bit. It is not a hard question. He paused, took a deep breath and said something like:

"We know he was bit, we know that, we know it happened. We just thought, me and some other folks, that everyone would know when it happened. You could see it on his face. Carls, Chandlers. We thought everyone would pick up on it but they didn't

He went on and on instead of just saying, "when he was killing walkers with Siddiq"


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