The water may be fake, but the wine is real! Mother Daughter 2017 F&W Trip!!! (Updated 5/27!)

Lots of yummy snacks you tried at Epcot!

Your dinner and evening sound so nice! Strolling the boardwalk sounds like a perfect night activity and that last photo you got is awesome!

It was such a nice evening! We really need to plan more evenings like this on our trips, we're usually running around so much we never take time to slow down like this!
We arrived at the Africa gate where they were holding us until the park opened. There were a handful of other guests there waiting, but it was very calm and laid back group of people just milling around, nothing like other rope drops we’ve experienced! Finally around 8:07 they let us into Africa, and we all made our way back to the safari!

So was it a regular 9 am opening? I know they have been letting people in earlier than rope drop to get people into Pandora.

The last few trips every safari we've been on, these guys were just hanging out next to the road! So cool to see them up close!

Wow! I have never seen the rhinos that close.

That is a great shot with all 3 lions facing forward.

YAY for getting your own row. Mark and I had the opposite happen last October. There were two of us and they assigned us to a single row, and the people behind us to a single row, but they screwed up and sat in our row. The row behind was empty!

Sorry so many of the animals were no-shows. "There will eventually be animals on your safari tour, right?"

So was it a regular 9 am opening? I know they have been letting people in earlier than rope drop to get people into Pandora.

It was a 8am EMH, by the time we arrived around 7:45 they had already let people into the park and back to the various lands where they held us til rope drop, so not sure what time they started letting people in the main gate. The path to Pandora already looked very full when we walked by, so it seemed they started letting people in a while before we arrived.

Wow! I have never seen the rhinos that close.

That is a great shot with all 3 lions facing forward.

YAY for getting your own row. Mark and I had the opposite happen last October. There were two of us and they assigned us to a single row, and the people behind us to a single row, but they screwed up and sat in our row. The row behind was empty!

Sorry so many of the animals were no-shows. "There will eventually be animals on your safari tour, right?"


We've been very lucky with the Rhinos the past few trips! They always are hanging around the road when we go!

It was funny with the lions, as we drove around the enclosure, they're heads followed the truck. One of the guys in the back made the comment "it looks like they might be hungry!" Ha!

It was SO nice having our own row. It's always awkward when you're with others and are trying to see the animals on their side of the truck!

HAAAA, love the reference! It seemed on the early morning one they just hadn't let any of the animals out on the savannah yet, it was so odd not seeing anything out there!
I'm sorry the animals weren't too active! But at least you had a stress free ride to start your day!

Haha, yeah it was odd seeing the savanna so empty, but we did get a good view of the warthogs and lions, so that was cool. We especially liked having the row all to ourselves though, that definitely made up for lack of animals!
Day 6, Part 2: How Many Rides Can We Do in an Hour???

After getting off the safari, we headed out of Africa and made our way over to Asia! Being us, we of course took pictures along the way.

We made our way over to EE and found it to be empty! So we made our way through the queue and a minute later were on the train!

I love love love this ride, it’s one of my favorites. My mom on the other hand does not, she finds it to be too jerky. I do not see where she’s coming from, but to each their own!

After our encounter with the yeti, it was still super early and there was still no wait, so I suggested we ride EE again! My mom surprisingly agreed, so off we went back up the mountain!

After our second encounter with the yeti, my mom had had enough, so we made our way out of Asia over to Dinoland! It was about 8:50 at this point. We had a FP+ for Dinosaur at 9:00, but since there was no one there, we decided to ride it standby. Yet another walk-on ride!

When we got off it was just about 9:00, so we went and rode again with our FP+ (even though we could have rode standby again, there was still no one there).

My mom was braver the second time around, ha!

After riding Dinosaur the second time we were surprised at how much we had already done! A ride on the safari, two rides on EE, and two rides on Dinosaur…all within an hour!

At that point, we had done everything we wanted to besides FoP. Our next FP+ wasn’t for over an hour, and our FP+ for FOP wasn’t until the early afternoon, and it was only 9:10! We decided it would be nice to go visit the Maharaja Jungle Trek, we figured since the park just opened most people would be heading to rides and the trek would be empty. So we made our way back to Asia!

Next up: Lions, Tigers and Rude Teenagers, oh my!

Even though your mom doesn't like EE she looks like she's having a blast in the ride photos!!

You guys really did accomplish so much in such a short period, that's awesome!
Wow! Great morning at Animal Kingdom. You rode SO much!

I love all your ride photos. It is so fun to see everyone's poses and terror!

Looking forward to reading about your Jungle Trek.

Day 6, Part 3: Lions and Tigers and Rude Teenagers!

We were making our way out of Dinoland, when we saw a photopass photographer all alone! So we headed over to get the picture!

This is one we’ve never seen before, so glad we got it! Plus there was hardly anyone back there, so it was nice to get shots of an empty park!

We made our way back to Asia and back to the jungle trek. It was relatively empty, there were a few other families who entered at the same time as us, but since we were in no rush we walked at a snails pace to let them get ahead of us.

We slowly made our way through the jungle, taking pictures along the way. It really is beautiful back there, we don’t often check out these trails during our trips, so it was nice to get back there again!

Funny thing about this picture, after taking it, noticed a line of people had formed to take the same thing! Guess we have good ideas!

We eventually made our way to the tiger viewing area. They were so beautiful! Although we had a run in with a case of bad parenting here. My mom and I had just gotten to the viewing area and there was an open window so we headed over to check out the tiger. A moment later, this teenage boy comes up and pushes my mom aside so he can get in front of her to look out the window! To make it worse, his mom was standing behind us actually encouraging him to push his way up front! Oh man, I was furious! I’m totally happy to let little kids stand in front of me at these viewing windows, but not some 15 year old who is taller than me! And to see the parent encouraging this behavior, ugh makes my blood boil!

My mom and I decided to hang back in the viewing area to let that horrible family get very far ahead of us! We ended up getting a great view too once that teen had moved along!

After a while we moved on and made our way to the aviary. We ended up finding a bench in there and just sitting to watch all the birds. It was a nice relaxing break, and we still had a lot of time to kill before our next FP+!

Eventually we got up to explore the aviary a bit. My mom made a new friend:

I know I look like some millennial so focused on their phone they don't even notice NATURE right in front of them, but I swear I'm actually trying to take a picture here!

After a nice long break, it was finally getting close to our next FP+! So we finished up our trek and made our way back to Africa!

Even though your mom doesn't like EE she looks like she's having a blast in the ride photos!!

You guys really did accomplish so much in such a short period, that's awesome!

Haha, yeah, she'll have fun while on rides, but afterwards will note if they're a bit too jerky for her taste!

I'm amazed at how much we did in an hour, I've never felt so productive while at Disney! Totally sold on the morning EMH!
Wow! Great morning at Animal Kingdom. You rode SO much!

I love all your ride photos. It is so fun to see everyone's poses and terror!

Looking forward to reading about your Jungle Trek.


Yeah, what a fantastic morning, I love how much we got accomplished! I too love the ride photos, they crack me up, love seeing all the reactions!

Funny thing about this picture, after taking it, noticed a line of people had formed to take the same thing! Guess we have good ideas!
I love that people started a line. Funny. There are so many good walls in Animal Kingdom for photos like these.

Oh man, I was furious! I’m totally happy to let little kids stand in front of me at these viewing windows, but not some 15 year old who is taller than me! And to see the parent encouraging this behavior, ugh makes my blood boil!
The more we go to Disney the more I notice the bad parentlng out there. And not the different parenting styles. But things like that, cutting in line, rudeness all that kind of stuff. I am so pained by it, just breading another generation of rudeness.

I know I look like some millennial so focused on their phone they don't even notice NATURE right in front of them, but I swear I'm actually trying to take a picture here!
Ha! I pretty much carried my phone in my hand the whole trip, and not to check facebook but to take pictures. I don't use a camera anymore.
Great PP pics in Dinoland!

I love the jungle trek, cute photo with the wall backdrop! Glad you could take your time and enjoy yourselves, minus the rude teenager!
I love that people started a line. Funny. There are so many good walls in Animal Kingdom for photos like these.

Haha, I know! It was so funny, but I do really like that picture, so I don't blame others for wanting to get something similar!

The more we go to Disney the more I notice the bad parentlng out there. And not the different parenting styles. But things like that, cutting in line, rudeness all that kind of stuff. I am so pained by it, just breading another generation of rudeness.

Ugh, it's so frustrating! I really cannot understand why anyone would encourage such rude behavior!

Ha! I pretty much carried my phone in my hand the whole trip, and not to check facebook but to take pictures. I don't use a camera anymore.

Haha, yeah, it's so convenient to just take the pictures on the phone! I still bring my actual camera, but have been using it less and less each trip. It's really only good now for rainy days since it's waterproof!
Great PP pics in Dinoland!

I love the jungle trek, cute photo with the wall backdrop! Glad you could take your time and enjoy yourselves, minus the rude teenager!


It is so awesome back on the jungle trek! We hadn't been in years and forgot how nice it was back there...of course minus that teenager!


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