The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

I just read your whole report from beginning to end at one time because I could NOT believe how they acted!!:sick: You and I would have a great time! I love having fun at disney! I can sleep when I'm dead! You are a saint for putting up and PAYING for those lazy people!
Nuh huh ! :eek: Don't wanna scare any reader away!

I should have updated this weekend but I was beat (I HATE WORKING SUNDAYS!!!) and guess who's visiting now ? Yep my dear sister. She's trying to move back around here, so she came up to see some apartments.

It's so weird, I never used to have jet lag before. These past 2 trips, I came back, didn't sleep for 3 days, then slept for almost an entire day, and now I'm back to being absolutely unable to sleep. I'm sooooooo beat!!! :confused3

I wonder if maybe Jessi didn't have jet lag when she was at Disney? I know when I used to travel to Europe, I would always get jet lag really bad.

However, she and I look to be about the same size and I managed to walk all over the "world" without having to go slow or sleep most of the day...

So I don't know what her problem is. What does she have to say now, about the trip? When she looks back on it, does she remember it fondly?

So I don't know what her problem is. What does she have to say now, about the trip? When she looks back on it, does she remember it fondly?

Funny, we were talking about that an hour ago. She says she was disappointed, not in the parks, but because she couldn't keep up at all. She wasn't prepared for the walking and the heat - good thing we didn't go in August .
She said she felt as if she did nothing (well, can't argue with that part). But when I tell her she'd have done more if she hadn't spent half her time sleeping, she says it still needed to "be a vacation". :confused3
Funny, we were talking about that an hour ago. She says she was disappointed, not in the parks, but because she couldn't keep up at all. She wasn't prepared for the walking and the heat - good thing we didn't go in August .
She said she felt as if she did nothing (well, can't argue with that part). But when I tell her she'd have done more if she hadn't spent half her time sleeping, she says it still needed to "be a vacation". :confused3

Can't blame you for being confused. Even if she couldn't keep up, you would think that all the different things around here would have stimulated her some. Oh well. Thankfully, you have Grumpy to have fun with and plan.

I still can't believe that English is not your native language.
I never told Grumpy what I'd seen. Alex must have suddenly felt better, or something like that.

The next morning Grumpy & I were up bright and early. We had chosen a late flight to Ft Lauderdale on purpose, so we could enjoy one more morning in WDW. We asked the girls (who were awake, but not up or ready by 9am) which one they wanted to go to.

"A park ? Oh no, we're not going to a park. We're just going to stay around the hotel since we don't have much time."

It was 9am. The DME bus was picking us up at 1.15pm ! There was PLENTY of time to go to a park.

I told Grumpy I wanted to go to MGM because it was close and I wanted to try and ride Tower of Terror. Grumpy said no way she was going on ToT but she'd go to MGM with me and do Great Movie Ride. Our other park of choice would have been Epcot, but since it was past opening time already,we'd never get a chance to ride Soarin'.

The girls got ready quick, brought their luggage to our room, and we called Bell Services. Someone came to get all our stuff and gave us a ride to El Centro, where we stored all of our bags. Then, the girls headed to Pepper Market for breakfast while Grumpy & I took the bus to MGM.

It was the only time we had to stand on a CSR bus, but the ride is so short it didn't matter.

I have no pics of this morning because my camera was in my carry-on in storage. Moron me forgot to take it out. I even forgot my AP and had to go to Guest Services to get a new one.

Between the luggage thing and me forgetting my pass, it was 10.30 by the time we entered the park. I went straight to the times board to check wait time for ToT : 50mns. Grumpy said she wasn't going to wait that long for me to chicken out on a ride, so we went to Great Movie Ride instead, which was a no man's land.

After GMR, I insisted on doing Little Mermaid. You know how much Grumpy loves princesses,and she fought tooth and nail, but ended up going with me anyway when I threatened her with ToT. We had 10mns to wait for the next show though so we went to get ourselves a pretzel to share. That's when High School Musical started stalking us.

It had been going on when we first entered the park and we literally ran away from it. And there it was again ! I HATE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL !!!! Grumpy loathes it too. We gobbled down our pretzel and went to seek refuge with Ariel.

This show is so cute ! Grumpy didn't quite care for it. She started pinching me about 2mns into the show when she realized it was a musical.

"It's SINGING! You didn't tell me that ! Is it going to sing for the whole show?? Get me out!!"

"It" would be Ariel in this case. I tried to explain to her that Ariel is just an honorary princess, and therefore she doesn't have to hate her guts as much as she hates Cinderella and Aurora, but she didn't buy it. princess: Truth is, she's just jealous because she doesn't have her own castle.

We then went on One Man's Dream, and that one Grumpy enjoyed. She took her time looking at all the exhibits, and we both loved the movie.

It was around noon when we were done with One Man's Dream, and I wanted to make a run for it and go on Stars Tours, but Grumpy said we had to go back to CSR :(

"I guess you're right, we may have to wake them up or something."

High School Musical was coming up again and we ran away from it!

Miracles happen, the girls were where we had told them to meet us, at the fountain in the lobby of CSR. They had presents for us : a Stitch pin for me, and a Princess necklace for Grumpy. I felt awkward getting a present from them, since I was about ready to sell them both to the circus at that point. But we thanked them anyway. It WAS nice of them to buy us something, since they had so little money, but I couldn't help but think it was too little, too late. I hadn't wanted presents. I had wanted to show my sister and her friend how fun Disney World was. And I had failed :(

Then it was over. We got our luggage, checked for our flight (for once we were able to use the airline check in system) and boarded the DME bus.

At the airport, we had time to kill so we had lunch at the food court. On the way there I noticed a Crocs store and wanted to buy myself a new pair of Athens, because I can't ever find the purple ones online. Jessi was still complaining of her feet hurting so I dragged her there with me. We'd been begging her all week to let us buy her some Crocs and she had refused.

I picked my Athens and helped her select some Crocs. She liked the camo looking ones and picked up a pair that looked like they'd fit the Yeti at Everest.

"You know it's supposed to be a shoe, not a boat."
"I'm size 13!"
"No you're not."

Seriously, she can't be. I wear women's 8, she may have slightly bigger feet but NOT a size 13 MEN !!!! I made her try a women's 10, and they fit just right. No wonder she'd been uncomfortable if she had been wearing shoes 4 sizes too big this whole time !!!

While we were at it we picked up a pair of Athens for Alex too. Grumpy hates the way Crocs look, athough she borrows mine all the time at home, she refuses to get some for herself.
The guy minding the store was too busy talking on the phone to help us while we were picking our shoes, and ignored us when we went to the register.

"Sir, do we mind if we pay for our purchases ? Believe it or not we have a plane to catch."

He groaned, took our money and grumbled again as he almost threw the change at us. I thanked myself for my business and we got back to Grumpy & Alex.

Then it was the usual, security, etc... Alex sighing heavily because she had to take her hiking boots off again (that's why they invented Velcro, ya kno??). Grumpy was giving me killer looks.

"If she sighs like that again I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!"

I guess that's part of their problem. Every little bump in the road is like a huge inconvenience.

Grumpy & I slept on the plane but Jess and Alex didn't, they say. Of course. When they're in Disney World, you can't get them out of bed, but a 45mns plane ride is SO much more exciting !!!!!

We had booked a 1-bedroom apartment in a motel in Ft Lauderdale, which meant we'd have to share a bedroom and bathroom.

That was so not gonna happen.

When we reached our motel, we sat Jessi & Alex outside while Grumpy and I went to check in. Right away, I said

"My sister and her friend are sick, and we'd really like to NOT catch whatever they have. By any chance, would you have 2 smaller rooms available instead of the apartment ?"

Thank goodness, they had. We got an "efficiency" room for ourselves, with a small kitchen, and a regular room for them. I was so relieved. If we'd had to share a room I think I would have killed one of them before the end of the night.

We went to our rooms and immediately they started saying their room was bad, the bed wasn't firm enough, etc... Okay, so it was a cheap motel, but I've gone in much, much cheaper places and survived just fine. Grumpy had had enough.

"You live in a house where it rains on your BED four months a year ! It's still an improvement, no ??"

Jessi sulked. Alex said nothing. Grumpy & I went to pick up a few drinks and breakfast stuff at Walgreens, then we ordered Domino's pizza (our first-night tradition in Ft Lauderdale).

The rest of our Ft Lauderdale stay ?Let's see.... Grumpy and I shopped a lot, alone.Bon Jovi was "the bomb" - literally. And Jessica did not see the Everglades. Why ? She didn't wake up to catch the shuttle.
No comment.

When we landed in Paris, my sister said something that absolutely floored me.

"Next time, we should all stay a whole month!!!"

Ten minutes later, I got my cell phone and put her number on my blocked list.
Next Time? NEXT TIME??? OMG!!! Next time take a machete and kill them in their sleep...oh sorry, she's family. They always suspect'd never get away with it!

You have an amazing way about you and I am so impressed that you got through the trip. I will never complain about our family trips again. I was so glad to see you and Grumpy just went back without the rest of the entourage.

Thank you for sharing your story, you have made so many of us smile (and grouch) right along with you.
:) Sheli
Oh Marina, you poor baby, you deserve a:grouphug: after that trip. I'm with you on High School Musical, I'd want to run away from it too.

Glad you got to go to the Poly, I know you & Grumpy had a good time. Looking forward to your TR.

I don't even know what to say.

You're a saint though, Grumpy too!

Now I can't wait to hear about your most recent trip. I know there's no Jess and no Alex, but still, your writing is so entertaining!

Thank you for writing this, I have enjoyed it so much!

That's funny about HSM...the one show we had no desire to see and we ran into (or maybe it was coming after us) 3 times! :confused3

Thanks for writing this trip report; I loved reading it. You are officially a saint and I hope that your most recent trip was fabulous - you and Grumpy deserved it!
"You live in a house where it rains on your BED four months a year ! It's still an improvement, no ??"

"Next time, we should all stay a whole month!!!"

#1 - More remarks such as Grumpy's needed to be said during your trip :sad2:

#2 - You should have told her "I agree! But next time YOU PAY, YOU PLAN and then I'll do the belly aching" :rotfl2:

Yours is the first TR I've ever read! Thanks for the entertainmnet! :thumbsup2 I feel motivated to write my own now ;)

I hope your next trip is fun - you certainly deserve it :hug:
Next time? :eek:

What a great report! It's really, truly been a favorite of mine. It's so sad to see it end. :guilty:

Now I'm eagerly awaiting your TR on the Poly trip. :3dglasses
Oh my dear Marina, you are either a saint or a sadist, lol. I am sure your sister is a wonderful person, but I don't think WDW is her thing. That's probably why they live 100 miles from nowhere!

This is one of the best-written, entertaining TRs I have ever read...and I just spent two hours doing so. I'm so sorry your family trip wasn't better, but at least now you know. I hope your next trip is full of smiles and happy surprises!

We have our first ever ADR at Spoodles in October and I am going to ask for Wayne. If I ask him about those crazy French chicks, I'm assuming he will know just who I am talking about?! :laughing:

We were there in April as well, our ressies overlapped. I think Jessi ran over me at AK, lol. ;)

You are a total hoot. Awesome report, and I hate saying that since the trip was so crappy at times. :flower3:
Next time??? :scared: I agree with TwiddledeeTwiddledum,
#2 - You should have told her "I agree! But next time YOU PAY, YOU PLAN and then I'll do the belly aching"

Thank you Marina! That was a great trip report. Hope to hear about your recent trip with another one! And certainly hope it was better than this one!!
When we landed in Paris, my sister said something that absolutely floored me.

"Next time, we should all stay a whole month!!!"

Ten minutes later, I got my cell phone and put her number on my blocked list.

:scared1: Seriously, what the in the world did you say when she said that??? I think I'd have decked her. :rolleyes:

Marina, you are one funny chick! Thanks for sharing! :goodvibes
Thank you so very much for sharing your trip - I hope your next trips are better!

Hope to read about the POLY!!!
I cannot believe she would say she would want to go back, especially for a whole month!!! I may have thrown my cell phone at her instead of blocking her. I have to say that I completely enjoyed your trip report, you are a good writer. Can't wait to see how the trip with just Grumpy and you turned out.

Next Time? NEXT TIME??? OMG!!! Next time take a machete and kill them in their sleep...oh sorry, she's family. They always suspect'd never get away with it!

Believe me, I've weighed the pros & cons, several times. I'd still rather be in WDW with them than in jail. Although it WAS tempting.

I'm with you on High School Musical, I'd want to run away from it too.
That's funny about HSM...the one show we had no desire to see and we ran into (or maybe it was coming after us) 3 times! :confused3

What is it with that show ?? We saw it going on FOUR TIMES in August too and we were in MGM for a total of 3 hours, tops. Enough !!! That stupid song was in my head for days.

Yours is the first TR I've ever read! Thanks for the entertainmnet! :thumbsup2 I feel motivated to write my own now ;)

Yes, do it !!! And send me the link please. Writing TRs is fun, and in some cases, therapeutic :)

We have our first ever ADR at Spoodles in October and I am going to ask for Wayne. If I ask him about those crazy French chicks, I'm assuming he will know just who I am talking about?! :laughing:

Oh that'd be so cool ! He usually works Mondays and Tuesdays. If you do see him, tell him we missed him in August :( You'll love him, he's a nut !! LOL

I think Jessi ran over me at AK, lol. ;)

:rotfl: :happytv: :rotfl2:

:scared1: Seriously, what the in the world did you say when she said that??? I think I'd have decked her. :rolleyes:

I think my exact words were "HHUHM AGU??????"

I really want to thank you all for reading ! Wow, can't believe this TR went over 1000 replies and something like 150,000 views ! That's NUTTSSSSS !!!! I never ever expected that. Jessi is here and I'm dying to show her your comments :)


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