The Young and The Restless .. Take 5 .. Spoilers Welcome!

Short recap

Billy tells Victor he is working at Newman, but does not tell him about the merger

Adam's informer gives him the latest about Stephanie and what Victor is upto

Nick continues to run into trouble with his grand opening but Avery helps him out

Billy is hesistant to have Sharon work for NE but she convinces him to give her a chance

Victor tells the senator that Jack and Adam are behind whatever happened to his daughter

Chelsea gets a reality check when Adam tells Chelsea he cannot leave, give him 2 weeks.

Neil and Cane find it hard to work together at Jabot, Cane still acts as CEO when he is not

Next - Tyler continues to hit on Lily ; Jack and Phyllis fight
Mason asks Victor to meet for drinks at the GCAC. He offers to get information on Jack, sets up Lamon Archey (Mason). It looks as if Mason is selling out his boss, but all he wants is a “position where he knows he can really thrive by helping Victor get Newman Enterprises back.” Mason has a couple of college degrees and wants to use them. It is not happening by being Jack’s assistant. Victor promises once he regains control of the company, he will in return give him a job worthy of his talents. While they toast to their deal, Sarge witnesses the whole thing. Sarge confronts his nephew over stabbing Jack in the back. LM says, that is not what Mason is trying to do, he just wants to make sure he still has a job when all this is over.
During Jack’s detox, Phyllis questions him about Stephanie. “Of course, he doesn't want Phyllis to know anything about what happened, so he keeps dodging the questions.” However, Phyllis can tell something is not right, so Jack decides to confess everything. Before he can tell all, Phyllis gets a call from Nick that Summer is sick. She leaves to be with her. After Phyllis leaves, Jack searches the internet for news on Stephanie. He hears someone outside and goes to check it out. It turns out to be Victor’s PI guy. Jack immediately figures out that he works for Victor and strikes a deal. He offers him more money and the PI spills all, letting him know it was Victor who sent the hooker and he did not know that she was a drug addict. He also lets Jack know that the hooker was a congressman daughter. Jack wants to beat Victor at his own game and calls Adam but he’s not answering. Unfortunately for Jack, someone walks in just in time to hear his incriminating voicemail. Peter Bergman shares, “now it’s going to get even more complicated.”
Note to self- NEVER go to the Abbot cabin and expect medical attention to arrive...

Jack's doctor has a patient emergency and can't come for over a day (Call me crazy, but since Jack is supposed to be SO important, what on earth could have happened that was more important than helping to detox your very rich and very powerful patient??? Was the Pope ill? ;))

Wasn't Delia born there too? Or was it Johnny? Or both? I seem to remember someone going into labor out there...
Also, who is Adam's "source" on Victor's evil doings?? The guy Victor keeps meeting with at the club and/or penthouse?

ETA: I see we finally got that answer on the Friday US show...
Note to self- NEVER go to the Abbot cabin and expect medical attention to arrive...

Jack's doctor has a patient emergency and can't come for over a day (Call me crazy, but since Jack is supposed to be SO important, what on earth could have happened that was more important than helping to detox your very rich and very powerful patient??? Was the Pope ill? ;))

Wasn't Delia born there too? Or was it Johnny? Or both? I seem to remember someone going into labor out there...

I was surprised to see Phyllis' cell phone working. That's the first time someone's cell has worked in the cabin. Usually the medical emergencies are a huge problem because there is no cell reception.

Let's just say both babies were born there! :rotfl:
Phyllis asks Jack if Stephanie was part of his rock bottom New Year’s Eve
Jack avoids Phyllis’s questioning
Phyllis makes it clear she’s not fooled
Jack decides to make a confession
Nick phones Phyllis with bad news – Summer is sick with the flu and may need to go to the hospital
Jack advises Phyllis to take care of her daughter
Phyllis heads back to Genoa City to find Avery caring for Summer

John pays Jack a visit to encourage his son to complete his detox
Jack reacts badly when John chides him for abandoning Stephanie’s body

Jack searches the internet for information on Stephanie
A noise outside the cabin alerts Jack to trouble
Jack pretends to leave
The man breaks in and grabs the laptop
Jack catches Victor’s PI red handed
The investigator makes a deal with Jack to betray Victor
Jack learns that Victor hired Stephanie, unaware of her drug addiction
The investigator also tells Jack who Stephanie’s father is and warns him of the brewing scandal

Jack tries to talk to Adam and leaves an overly informative message instead
Complications ensue when Jack’s message is overheard by Phyllis
Jack tells Phyllis about his crazy New Year’s Eve… and what happened to Stephanie
Phyllis tells Jack he’s on his own when it comes to covering up the crime of moving Stephanie’s body

Victor schedules a press conference

Guilt stricken, Jack decides to do the right thing and heads home to Genoa City
The timing of Jack’s decision inadvertently puts his future at risk

Genoa City gathers for The Underground’s Grand Opening

Devon phones Roxie and tells her he’s running late
Tucker checks in with Devon
Devon tries to give Tucker the brush off
Tucker perseveres and learns Devon is less than happy with his corporate job
Devon turns down an offer to join Tucker’s music division
Tucker hides his hurt when Devon says he prefers to work with his real family at Jabot
Devon asks Katherine what Tucker’s game is
Katherine opines that Tucker may actually be sincere

Nick’s confidence takes a beating when electrical problems ruin his special night

Nick and Phyllis find common ground

Mason contacts Victor and offers him information about Jack
Victor is surprised by Mason’s refusal to accept money
Mason holds out for a better career position if Victor takes control over Newman Enterprises again
Sarge sees Mason and Victor toasting to their success
Mason finds himself confronted by his uncle
Sarge makes it clear that backstabbing Jack is unacceptable
Mason explains that it’s not about betrayal, he only wants to have a job after Jack is deposed at Newman

Michael and Lauren discuss Fen

Chelsea becomes the topic of conversation for Victor and Victoria

Lily plans a romantic surprise for her husband

Noah takes Adriana to the apartment over The Underground
Adriana and Noah have a passionate encounter

A meal at the Athletic Club restaurant goes awry when Murphy begins to choke
Tucker performs the Heimlich Maneuver on his struggling stepfather

Victor makes a deal with Billy
The opening of the underground ia a flop, hardly anybody shows up and the electricity goes out, Lily and Roxy are ther cane is out of town, tyler is as annoying as usual, Billy kland vicki are ther, Nick is pissed that billy is running Newman, Avery and Nick are their usual (sickening) he keeps saying what a failure it will be and she keeps telling him what a success it will be,
Tucker reaches out to Devon, with a job offer, Devon rejects it, is pretty nasty to Tucker, than regrets it and meets with Catherine toe dicuss the situation
Phyllis and Jack at the cabin, this s/l sure has gone on long enough, someone is watching thru the window, they argue, but phyllis says she wants to help jack and be there for him,
Nick gets a phone call from Summer, she is sick, he phones Phyllis, (thinks she is in savannah with Daniel) jack convinces her to go home and check on summer
adrianna sows up at the tack house to take noah to the underground, he tells her no, to go back to the club, later she shows up at the opening anyway.

Source: SOC
Looks like the Ashby twins are aging...just a little. The show is currently looking to cast bi-racial fraternal twins for Cane and Lily.
Billy puts Sharon to the test at Newman and much to his surprise she passes it
Chelsea tells Victor and Victoria about Sharon working for NE, defends Adam
Jack catches the P.I. snooping, gets him to talk. He reveals all of Victor's plans
Avery wants Nick's nightclub to be a success, asks Tyler to help promote it
Phyllis and Nick come to an understanding while taking care of their daughter
Jamie returns, will live with Lauren and Michael. Fen sets him up to look like a thief
Victor confronts Billy about hiring Sharon and keeping this a secret from Victoria

Next - Adrianna continues to manipulate Noah ; Phyllis overhears Jack talking to Adam ; Victor meets with Mason
Phyllis overhears Jack's conversation, confronts him and he tells all about the hooker and how Victor set him up
Adrianna continues to manipulate Noah until he finds another woman's bank statement in her purse, kicks her out
Sarge confronts Mason after finding him with Victor. Sarge doesn't seem to believe his nephew's lame excuses
Victor meets with his P.I. who lies to him about what he really found with Jack. Victor plans a press conference

Next - Murphy is rude to Tucker ; Michael and Lauren find the items Fen planted in Jamie's things ; Paul talks to Fen who is convinced Jamie won't be staying with him for long
Looks like the Ashby twins are aging...just a little. The show is currently looking to cast bi-racial fraternal twins for Cane and Lily.

did it say what age twins they are searching for? Dont ya just love how the kids age but the adults look the same way they did the day before when the kids were 2 and the next day they are not seen the twins for a long time...guess that is why.
I've just got to say that Fen freaks me out! Today, the look on his face was chilling. I really don't care for the story line, but admit that the actor who plays Fen is cast perfectly.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";47204859]did it say what age twins they are searching for? Dont ya just love how the kids age but the adults look the same way they did the day before when the kids were 2 and the next day they are not seen the twins for a long time...guess that is why.[/QUOTE]

From what I understand they won't be aged much. I'm thinking around 5 or 6.
Jamie is confronted about the stolen items, he denies doing it and walks out. Michael suspects Fen did this but Lauren's in denial. Michael's suspicions are later confirmed after Paul tells him about his conversation with Fen
Victoria and Nikki take a stand against Victor in support of Billy and Jack. Victor rethinks his press conference which shocks all. Victor tells Billy to go tell Jack he knows beyond the addiction and heart attack, wants to be reinstated as CEO
Murphy is rude to Tucker, big mistake Tucker turns back to save his life when he chokes. Katherine is overwhelmed with gratitude for her son's actions but Tucker says anyone in his place would have done the same
Lauren has no luck finding Jamie but Paul does. Paul finds Jamie unconscious after a nasty fall. The fall was a result of his fight with Fen when Fen took pictures as "proof" Jamie stole, the two fought and Jamie fell while Fen is nowhere to be seen
Jack is back home, Phyllis and Adam try to convince him not to return to work it is too soon to go up against Victor (they fear Jack will relapse) but Jack is determined. Jack tells Michael about his connection to Stephanie

Next - Lauren continues to be in denial ; Victor pushes Billy to talk to Jack
I can't remember if anyone reported these.

* Jessica Heap will exit her role of Eden Baldwin. Final airdate is unknown.

* Steve Burton joins the show as Dylan McAvoy (Avery's presumed dead ex-lover) and will first appear on January 29.

* Stephen Nichols leaves his role of Tucker McCall on his final airdate of January 28.

* Billy Miller signed a new contract that will keep Billy Abbott on the canvas.

* Marcy Rylan returns as Abby Newman on a recurring basis beginning in January.
Jack covers for Phyllis and Adam, claims they knew nothing and this was all his doing. Jack explains his addiction and not knowing what happened that night, Michael asks him not to do anything and give him time to think
Lauren is stubborn and in denial that her son could harm Jamie or set him up. Lauren argues with Michael and Paul and gets upset when Michael flat out confronts Fen about setting Jamie up, if he is behind the fall
Tucker decides to sell Victor his shares, he is sick of living his life alone and wants things to change for the better. Later, the senator meets with Victor confronting him for the press conference. He does not want his daughter's hooker life exposed
Billy finds out what Victor is holding over Jack's head, Billy along with Adam and Phyllis try to convince an extremely stubborn Jack not to turn himself in. Jack realizes they were right about Newman, decides he should give it up

Next - Chelsea continues to bug Adam to leave GC ; Alex threatens Adrianna with jail time if he doesn't get the money ; More nonsense with Kevin and Chloe
I can't remember if anyone reported these.

* Jessica Heap will exit her role of Eden Baldwin. Final airdate is unknown.

* Steve Burton joins the show as Dylan McAvoy (Avery's presumed dead ex-lover) and will first appear on January 29.

* Stephen Nichols leaves his role of Tucker McCall on his final airdate of January 28.

* Billy Miller signed a new contract that will keep Billy Abbott on the canvas.

* Marcy Rylan returns as Abby Newman on a recurring basis beginning in January.

Yay for Billy and Marcy!!


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