" There are worse places to get stuck!" - A Mother/Daughter January '18 Trip - *Finished 4/25 !!*

You had some nice luck with PP in World showcase! I feel like I only ever see someone by the bridges in Italy when we go. Sad that you're nearing the end of the trip, but excited to see the title revealed!
Lots of cute PP pics! I'm glad you enjoyed your margaritas :)

So awesome to get on Soarin standby with a decent wait!

Sounds like such a fun dinner!!

Thanks, they were SO GOOD!

It is always such a treat when a ride with a usual high wait has little to none!

It was fun, I love it there!

You had some nice luck with PP in World showcase! I feel like I only ever see someone by the bridges in Italy when we go. Sad that you're nearing the end of the trip, but excited to see the title revealed!

Thanks! I love how they came out. I had never seen the PP in China before, so that was a nice little treat. I can't wait to reveal it. The next day was my favorite of the whole trip!
Day 4 - Magic Kingdom
Part One

(I am going to apologize in advance for how many "parts" this day will have! I have a ton of pictures to share and with the limit on here, it's going to require many parts!)

It was our last day and we had a full day planned out! Our flight wasn't until 8pm, so we had a park day planned! We got up early to pack up our things and get them down to bell services. We decided to take one last look out at the empty Savannah. To our surprise.. it wasn't empty!!



There were about 6 total giraffes out there! We both FaceTimed our husbands and my Aunt so that we could show everyone. We were SO EXCITED!! Of course my phone camera didn't get any great pictures, but it was so awesome and I'm so glad we actually got to see some! This day was starting off great!

We got downstairs and checked all our bags. We headed out to the bus and hopped on the correct one to MK LOL. It didn't take too long and we were walking in. I miss the old rope drop and when they used to come in on the train, but we made our way down Main Street to check out the new Welcome show.



The crowds had died down this day, as it was the day after the Holiday. We watched the new show from this spot and then decided to try to get onto Mine Train for an early morning ride before it got crowded. We made our way around the castle, and apparently every person in the universe beat us to the line! It swung all the way around to past the entrance for Dumbo!! It was insane! We decided to skip it since we had a FP for later and hit some other rides before our ADR.

We first stopped at Winnie the Pooh. Mom loves WTP so I wanted her to ride this classic. It was a hit. From there we had a FP for Peter Pan. Another classic, and one that she loved. Since we had a little more time before Mom's surprise Breakfast I decided to get Mom on one last classic before we headed that way!



It's a Small World! I can never drag anyone on here, but it's a classic that you have to ride!! We had a nice little boat ride and then headed off to breakfast!

While on our way, we saw the elusive crane!


Thankfully it was not up during our trip! I believe it was there to take down the Christmas lights, since this was still early January. I suggested we take a shortcut through the Castle and Mom happily obliged. She had no idea where we were heading, which was awesome!!

We got there super quick! Here are two hints,



Where did we stop?

Continued next post.

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Day Four - Magic Kingdom
Part Two

We were eating at Cinderella's Royal Table!

We were a few minutes early, so we waited until they called us up. They were also running behind this morning and people who were there before us were starting to get annoyed. We didn't care. Mom was so excited and it was awesome to see her genuinely happy! We made our way into to the hall to wait to meet the Princess of the hour!


Look who we spotted!


It didn't take too long and she came out! We got in line and got our picture taken with Cinderella! I just love these pictures because you can see pure happiness in both of our faces! I can't for the life on me remember what we talked about but it was a great little meet!






After we met with Cindy we were ushered off to the side to wait to be called. It was a bit of a wait but we didn't mind. Other people were getting snippy though, so I felt bad for the CMs that had to listen to them. After about 15-20 minutes we moved upstairs! We were sat over by a window with a great few of Fantasy Land and every once and a while some fireworks that went with the front of the Castle shows!




We looked over the menu and decided to split some break items!

Continued next post.

Day Four - Magic Kingdom
Part Three

The pastries came out quickly and we munched on those. They were really good! Not too long after they came out, the princesses came out! We were the second table that they came to so it was awesome and I feel like that got us out of there pretty quickly! The table next to us, which was first, had some cute kids at it that the princesses were loving, which was so adorable to see!


I asked Mom to send me the pictures and she only sent the ones of me. We did also get some with the both of us and some of just her, but she never sent them to me, so sorry I don't have those to share!





The bad part about me being a bit behind on this TR is that I don't remember our encounters. I feel like they were all good, with maybe the exception of one princess but I don't remember which one. They did move on by pretty quickly, but it was fine. We didn't feel rushed and we also didn't feel awkward so that was good.

We split the Steak and Breakfast Bounty. I don't have a picture of the bounty but it's your basic eggs, potatoes, sausage, and bacon. I did take a picture of the steak. It was SO GOOD!


Sorry it's a bit eaten already but I couldn't wait to dig in!

After we were all done we got the bill. I had made a rookie mistake here and forgot that CRT is a two credit dining. So we only had two credits left. I let Mom have the two credits, since it was her Birthday breakfast, and I paid out of pocket. It was more than I would normally spend, but to see her so happy was 100% worth it!

We asked the waitress to take our picture on the way out and she happily agreed to.



These didn't come out too great because of the light, so she switched us around!



With full bellies, we decided to head back down Main Street for our next FP!

Continued next post.
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Day Four - Magic Kingdom
Part Four

So we were making our way down Main Street to get to our next FP. We did run into a little snag on the way.



The Move it! Shake it! Parade! I was a little miffed that we were going to get stuck waiting for the parade to go by, until I looked over at Mom and she was dancing along! Hey we didn't need to rush! We enjoyed the parade and danced along until it was fully in the backstage area. While waiting for them to open the street back up we saw them bringing out the horses. I had to take a picture because they were beautiful and also because Mom and I used to watch Black Beauty when I was growing up and they reminded us of that movie.


Then it was time to head to the FP. When we got to the line, I was handed this little beauty!


We didn't wait long at all and we were soon in to meet the main Mouse himself! No trip is complete without meeting the Big Cheese!! These are also more pictures that I just love because of the huge smilies that we have that are completely candid!

I will also add in here that I made our shirts for us and I was so happy to wear matching shirts with Mom! My cousin has a machine to cut the vinyl and a heat press to get it on the shirts so I made these and bought the ears and gave them to Mom for Christmas. She had bought us red leggings and we tried them that morning and they were a no go so we stuck to jeans LOL. It also warmed up quiet a bit so we were very comfy.

Okay, back to the pictures!






This interaction with Mickey was the best I had ever had! He told us we were his cousins because of our ears! He also said we must get good reception on them and went around the room saying "Can you hear me from here?" .. "How about over here?" It was a riot!!

From there we headed back out. I had a Dismeet that was YEARS in the making and we were waiting to hear from her on where she was at, so we dipped into the Emporium to do some last minute shopping. I had been looking all week for the Rose Gold Spirit jersey or the Rose Gold ears and hadn't had any luck. At this point, we weren't having any luck either. It was frustrating, but I figured I would just find something else. As we were looking and I had grabbed some things, I got a text saying to head towards the Castle, so I put down the items and decided to go back on the way out to grab them.

We headed to the Castle to meet @DMGeurts! We had "met" on the DIS back in 2012 when we went in March. They had a big meet up then, but I couldn't make it. Since then we have followed each other's PTRs and TRs and become FB friends. I was so excited to know that we would be in WDW at the same time and that our schedules would overlap to meet! I got to meet her girls too who were all super nice. We had a nice little chat and it was so nice to finally be able to meet! Thanks again D!


Okay I think I will stop here today. We are only at Noon on this day so there is so much more to come, including the reveal of the trip title! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

From there we headed back out. I had a Dismeet that was YEARS in the making and we were waiting to hear from her on where she was at, so we dipped into the Emporium to do some last minute shopping. I had been looking all week for the Rose Gold Spirit jersey or the Rose Gold ears and hadn't had any luck. At this point, we weren't having any luck either. It was frustrating, but I figured I would just find something else. As we were looking and I had grabbed some things, I got a text saying to head towards the Castle, so I put down the items and decided to go back on the way out to grab them.

We headed to the Castle to meet @DMGeurts! We had "met" on the DIS back in 2012 when we went in March. They had a big meet up then, but I couldn't make it. Since then we have followed each other's PTRs and TRs and become FB friends. I was so excited to know that we would be in WDW at the same time and that our schedules would overlap to meet! I got to meet her girls too who were all super nice. We had a nice little chat and it was so nice to finally be able to meet! Thanks again D!

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Okay I think I will stop here today. We are only at Noon on this day so there is so much more to come, including the reveal of the trip title! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Yay!!!! It was so much fun to meet you! We have been friends for so long it seems, it’s hard to believe we had never met... so glad we were able to make it happen this trip! You and your mom are just adorable, thanks for making time for us! :hug:

Yay!!!! It was so much fun to meet you! We have been friends for so long it seems, it’s hard to believe we had never met... so glad we were able to make it happen this trip! You and your mom are just adorable, thanks for making time for us! :hug:


Thanks D! I completely agree! Here's hoping we meet again someday!

Such a fun fun morning! Glad you could take your mom to CRT, all the pics came out so cute! Love the pics with Mickey too!

Thank you! It was a great start to the day, we couldn't have asked for anything better!
I just got all the way caught up! I had meant to read along on this. . . I'm sorry!

Anyway, I just wanted to say I have enjoyed your pictures. I agree with you that the FOP glasses are too big and I think it's funny how tall you have to be to not slip the seat belt through the loop on Soarin'.

I look forward to seeing where your title came from!
I just got all the way caught up! I had meant to read along on this. . . I'm sorry!

Anyway, I just wanted to say I have enjoyed your pictures. I agree with you that the FOP glasses are too big and I think it's funny how tall you have to be to not slip the seat belt through the loop on Soarin'.

I look forward to seeing where your title came from!

No worries! Thanks for jumping on now and catching up!
Love that you surprised your Mom with breakfast at CRT! It's one of my favs even though it's 2 credits. Our Dec/Jan trip was the first time we'd eaten dinner there and it was DELISH!!! Now, I can't decide which meal is my favorite :)

So exciting you got to meet D~!!! She's Dis-Royalty!
Love that you surprised your Mom with breakfast at CRT! It's one of my favs even though it's 2 credits. Our Dec/Jan trip was the first time we'd eaten dinner there and it was DELISH!!! Now, I can't decide which meal is my favorite :)

So exciting you got to meet D~!!! She's Dis-Royalty!

She was so excited, I was so happy to surprise her with it! I have yet to eat dinner there but I have heard that it is great!

I know it was so exciting! I love Dismeets!
Day 4 - Magic Kingdom
Part Five

When I left off we had just met D and family and were heading our separate ways. Mom and I decided to get some pictures in front of the Castle!







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These are some of my favorite pictures of the whole trip! I love how they all came out!

From here we decided to head over into Frontierland and see what rides were a short wait!

Continued next post

Day 4 - Magic Kingdom
Part Six

When we got over to Frontierland, we saw that all the rides were about the same wait, so we decided to do Jungle Cruise! I want to say the wait was about 30-40 minutes, and that was the true wait. We had a great little cruise through the Jungle. 40561726294_501527404e_z.jpg



Mom thought it was Punny LOL. We had a female skipper who was okay, but I always feel like some of the guys have better delivery? IDK. From there we headed off towards our last FP but stopped on the way to do something I had never done! :duck:


The Country Bear Jamboree! This show was adorable and so much fun! I can't believe that I had never done it before!!

From there it was time for our FP. We were heading off to Seven Dwarfs Mine Train! So we had a bit of a walk to get there, but we took it slow. You could tell we weren't quite ready to leave just yet. The plan was to ride SDMT, then hit the stores on the way out and head back to AKL to grab our things and get picked up by the Tragical Express.

At SDMT, we scanned our bands and got through. I took out my phone and told Mom I was going to check our flight to make sure it was still on time. To our surprise we got this instead..


Wait.. WHAT??

I had never had something like this happen, and Mom didn't either. I asked her what we needed to do and she said we would just call when we got back to AKL and see what the next steps were. For now, we had a ride to go on, so why not enjoy this extra magic we were just granted??



Does it look like we were bothered that we were stuck in Disney?? HAHA. We were having a grand 'ol time!

When we got off, we decided to grab a bite to eat and catch the Festival of Fantasy parade since we had some time now. We headed over to Columbia Harbor House and ordered some food. I got the chicken nuggets and I think Mom got the fish and chicken combo. They also gifted her a free dessert! Gotta thank that Birthday Button Magic again!


We sat and called our Husbands while we ate to tell them what was going on and that we would keep them updated. Sken of course thought it was a huge joke and that I had somehow planned for it to happen!

Continued next post
Day 4 - Magic Kingdom
Part Seven

Soon it was time for the Festival of Fantasy parade to start! We didn't have a great spot, but I got what pictures I could from where we were. Sorry for the not great quality!









From there we made our way around the Castle to let the rest of the parade pass by and soon headed out. We wanted to get back to the resort so that we could get everything under control and figure out what the plan was!

I took a selfie with the Castle on the way out for good measure! Until next time..


The bus had us back to AKL in no time. We grabbed our bags from bell services, just in case we still needed to get on the Magical Express and head to the airport to get things sorted out. I called JetBlue and they had huge waits and so I chose for them to call me back when it was my turn in the que.

Jordan at AKL came over and started chatting with us and we told him what happened. He was super nice and offered to help us in any way that he could. It was nice to chat with him. When JetBlue finally called me back, they told us that they were able to get us on the same exact flight for the next night. We were relieved that we at least had a flight home. We both called our work and let them know that we were going to be out an extra day, since we were both returning to work the next day. Both our bosses were fine with that, so it was one more thing checked off the list.

Next was getting a room squared away. We had to wait quite a bit in line at the counter but were finally able to get up to someone. She told us that they had a room that we could take, but when she told us the price, it was a third of what we paid for the whole trip!! I couldn't believe it!! I started to look on the app to see if we could get a cheaper place, and the All Stars were a LOT cheaper, but Mom said she didn't mind and didn't really want to switch since we were already here.

We were also able to add on another park day ticket since it was $20 pp to add a day. If it was more than we probably would have just done DS or something, but it wasn't bad, so we decided to go for it.

So here is a little rant.. I don't get how if they had a room, they couldn't give it to us at the same price we paid for the other nights? We were able to add on a park day as part of the same package, not a new one, so why doesn't the same apply for the room? It was just a little frustrating. Anyways...

Once everything was all squared away, we headed to our new room. We paid for a standard room and got an "upgrade" to a pool view room. It was nice. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the room itself. Now what were we going to do??

Continued next post
Day 4 - Magic Kingdom
Part Eight

We had thrown around the idea of heading to HS for the night, but once we got everything settled and squared away, it was about 5:30/6pm and HS was closing at 7 I believe. We decided to stay in for the night and use our park tickets for the next day at HS. I was able to get on the MDE app and get some last minute FPs for us so that was good.

Another thing about the package not rolling into our extra night meant that we were going to lose our dining plan at midnight. So we decided to head to the Mara and stock up using our remaining credits. This is what we got.


It's hard to tell but we got a pulled pork sandwich with fries to split for dinner, along with two salads. We also got an orange, chips, apple slices, and a rice crispy treat. We tired to get stuff that we could pack in the park bag to bring the next day to the park since all snacks would be out of pocket.

We sat in the room for a bit and ate. It was nice to relax for a bit and just sort of let everything sink in. After a bit, Mom asked if I wanted to go to the bar, Victoria Falls, and grab some drinks. I happily obliged.

We got some seats and sat by the corner.


After a peak at the menu I decided to go with the Blue Glow-Tini


It was SO GOOD! I ended up having three LOL. We started chatting with the bartender named Matt who is from MA. He was super nice and kept the drinks coming. Mom also laughed at me because I was chatting up the guy next to me about football and Mom had no clue I knew that much about football. That's what happens when your Husband is really into fantasy football!

After a while at the bar it was time to head back to the room. I grabbed a beer for the walk back and we settled up the bill. When we got back to the room, we put on "This is Us" and watched that until we fell asleep.


This was our step total for the day


The next day we were going to get up and repeat today but at a different park!!

Those PP pics in front of the castle came out really great!

Glad you could finally see the Country Bears! I love them!

Omg I can't believe your flight was cancelled! You both stayed very calm through it all! Glad you could get a room so easily. Sounds like a nice night at the resort!
Wow! What a surprise! I'm glad things worked out with your bosses. You were really able to roll with the punches well, lol. I suppose I wouldn't be too upset either.
These are some of my favorite pictures of the whole trip! I love how they all came out!
I agree, those are some of the best castle pics I've seen! I like how they did a couple of different angles, up close/far away and the ones where you can see the tracks for the trolley. So cute!

After a peak at the menu I decided to go with the Blue Glow-Tini
Hooray for happy surprises!! I doubt I'd ever say that about my flight being canceled, but you are so right! No better place to be stuck than WDW!! When given the choice, if it's blue and it glows, that's always my pick LOL


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