There's no time to slumber we're going back in November! we came we saw and started a TR for it all!

Okay, so first of all, I can't believe I missed this. I just knew you were planning another trip. Wish I had known your dates back in January. We are going Dec 1-8 staying at AKL. I want to see the Christmas decorations too. I've watched them put the lights on the castle for the last several years, so now I want to see them lit up.

We are also going in September - with my brother Jim, his gf Karen, my son, Steven and his wife Melissa.

Also, I'm jealous - two trips with D and Suzi this year....

Had to laugh about driving to the Island of Maine - one of my co-workers was talking about places she wants to visit, one of which is Puerto Rico, but she wasn't sure if she could drive there. Really????
We loved meeting you and your family last September! I'm so happy that you and your buds will all be there together at last. Sounds like a party for sure! I thought I caught a few hints…! Wow, Jersy week followed by the three of you. Disney World will never be the same! Does this mean the 2016 Epic trip is cancelled??

You will love 50's Prime Time. Dan and I almost always go there. We've had good ones and not so good ones, but there is always something going on, even if it's not your server. I think they make more of an effort when it's a family and they sense you're up for the shenanigans. You'll no doubt be identified as one of "those" families. I hope so anyway. And, I love the food there as well. I usually get the pot roast. Don't get the meatloaf. Their milkshakes are the real deal. I get the chocolate. I feel the same way just thinking about a peanut butter/jelly one. Yuck!

Love that you're staying in a cars suite. They look so cool. We are staying at Pop in April when we take Miles. That's where we stayed with his sister Selah and she has been talking it up, so that's where we decided to take him as well. As long as there's a pool, he'll be in heaven!

I guess as long as I have insomnia, I'll be able to keep up. Hope you have a fun filled weekend!
I am here and following! This is double great news - going back and seeing friends. November is my absolute favorite time to be in Disney. Lots of people like MNSSHP better than the Verry Merry but I liked the Very Merry better because of the parade and holiday lights.

Can't wait to hear all about the planning. Which in my opinion is just as fun as the trip.

We stayed in Cars building 3. Our room faced the courtyard with all the cars. The only time I saw fire works was when I did the laundry and was sitting at the pool waiting for the clothes to dry. They seemed to be behind building 2 over that way. The two bathrooms is what sold us on AOA.
I wish we were going this year. My daughter got a new job and only gets one week of vacation this year so no trip for us. Her husband and he are taling about flying to Disneyland for a long weekend. They also looking at houses, so they may not go there either. This will be the first year since 1976 that I haven't gone to DisneyWorld. Needless to say, I'm a little sad.

Well i hope you enjoyed the trip report?!?

HOW FUN! How about all that rain?!?! CRAZY wasn't it?

Crazy rain! We had to make it from jungle cruise to BOG in one of the downpours.

Did you find yourself in any of my pictures?!?!

Haha, I looked but I didn't see anything.

Dang it! too bad we are going to miss each other this time! I would have loved to stop and say hi! your going the week before me? You might run into D~ and Suzi!!!
Yep, the week before. Our first Xmas time trip. DH and I are doing a completely lame PTR if you want to check it out.
OMW - Stooopid job taking up all my week and it takes over my life. So, I get on the Dis this morning and your TR is done and a PTR is up and running and I am on Page 5? I loved your TR and your last day was amazing. Now joining in on the excitement of you and your awesome family going in NOVEMBER!! And getting to share Disney magic with Suzi and D? Life is good my friend. Very good. Looking forward to sharing your PTR and reading along!
Just finished reading your trip report. I am so glad you are planning a new trip in November. All the plans sound great, especially your dining ADRs.
Primetime is a lot of fun, a little more cozy than Ed Debevic's. I went to Ed Debevic's for my 16th birthday after we went to a Cubs game at Wrigley. For a while we went there any chance we could get. But we haven't been in a long time, I think we went in 2002 and that was the kids were little.

Art of Animation is a great resort, I would love to stay there. My daughter loves The Lion King too.
We were ready to start planning our family vacation but now we are on hold. We filed our taxes and found out someone stole my SSN and filed a return with it. So we are waiting for that to get straightened out.

I would like to plan a trip for November or December, we haven't gone at Christmas time before. Our last 2 trips were in June, hot weather and a little too crowded.
Can't wait to hear more about your plans.
If you stop to eat in Atlanta consider going to The Varsity.
OMG, I'm here, I'm here....better late than never! I am SOOOOO excited to hear that you have another trip planned already....and even better that you're going to get to share it with Suzi and D~. As I was reading your TR I kept seeing mention of NEXT TIME...I think I may have even commented on it. Anyway, I was pretty sure that you had something up your sleeve. That's just AWESOME, and I am sure the kiddos are excited! :banana:

So, I haven't managed to find the time to get my own report started....BUT...we have another trip booked in 2015 also!!! YEP...I will be in the World in early October, and guess what...we are staying at AoA in a Lion King Suite. YEP...I'm super pumped about this. I can't wait to check out looks amazing!

I'm so excited to read along as you plan. I always love reading your reports and checking out all your pictures. :cool1:
Oh my! What amazing news! Cannot wait for the trip report now!

Trip report?!? Good Grief i don't even have my days ironed out! HA HA!

I can't wait to hear all the plans!

I need to make a big post today!!!

About how long is the drive?
We drove from NY christmas week. Going down we left NY around 6pm, arrived in WDW around 2 the next day. I used the note app on my phone and recorded each time we stopped and started back up again. As well as what time we arrived in each state, except i forgot to record the time we arrived at our resort for the night.

the drive was about 16 hours from Chicago. i will PROMISE to make better notes this time!!! I had thought my facebook check in's would have the time stamps.. apparently it doesn't keep. we didn't have ANY traffic on the way down either which was nice. just hope the weather hold up for us!

We were considering staying at AoA on our next trip but can't really decide if it would work because we'll be a party of five but four will be grown ups. I like the idea of two bathrooms but not sure there's really enough sleep space for big people. What do you think??

AoA would be PERFECT for you!!! you can totally put adults on ANY of the beds. Especially since the pull out and the table thing are all new and bigger then you would think. There is a lot of room for you! you'll LOVE IT!!!

We LOVE 50's Prime Time. We've been to Ed Debevic's a lot since it's right here but I love 50s so much more!! The servers have so much more personality rather than just being sarcastic and rude. We've had to stand in corners for elbows on the table or bad language. My husband's ice cream sundae came with green beans on it because he hadn't finished his veggies at dinner. Our "cousins from Wisconsin" at the next table were forced to sign a birthday card for my husband when we were celebrating there. It is definitely one of our favorites and a must-do. My favorite thing on the menu is Mom's Pot Roast--to. die. for. I LOVE their caramel sundaes and anything on the menu from "Dad's Liquor Cabinet" :) mmmmmmmm

I love ed's it's a great place. and loads of fun. OMG that's a riot I cannot wait for this!!!
YUCK! green beans in ice cream?!?! That's not soo good!
YAY! Dad's liquor Cabinet!!! I AM ALL OVER THIS!

We had four adults and one child when we went and we slept fine. My aunt and cousin (60 and 14) shared the bed in the room. I (27) slept on the pull down table/bed. And my cousin and her son (30 and 4) slept on the couch as a pull out. So You would have to share a bed, but we all slept pretty comfortable.

yeah i have to agree with you.. we were all very comfy.. This time around i don't know who will be fighting to get the table bed...

I'm pretty sure you passed by my house sometime in the night on the last trip. I remember seeing a Facebook post from you right after I woke up one morning and realized you had gone by while I was sleeping.

Yeah i think your right.. I did want to stop but KNEW it was WAY too early for you to be up?!?! Same with Connie. I wanted to stop by her as well.. But again way too early/late depends on how you look at it! HA!

The McDonald's you tagged up above was in Perry, GA which is about three hours south of Atlanta. We'll figure something out I'm sure of it!


Of course you know my experience at 50s Prime Time but just in case you forgot, here's a link to the story.

I did re-read it and laughed ALL over again! This is going to be out 15th anniversary.. i am sure we will have buttons...

Silly can't drive to Maine. Did you miss the part that it is an ISLAND??

My car can turn into go go gadget boat when need be........ enough Bob Marley will have me sailing away...

Okay, so first of all, I can't believe I missed this. I just knew you were planning another trip. Wish I had known your dates back in January. We are going Dec 1-8 staying at AKL. I want to see the Christmas decorations too. I've watched them put the lights on the castle for the last several years, so now I want to see them lit up.

WELL HELLO STRANGER! you should probably read your MESSAGES! i sent you one. :hug: I can't have a report without you!

We are also going in September - with my brother Jim, his gf Karen, my son, Steven and his wife Melissa.

see this? Your going 64198765468797 times and i was NOT TOLD!!!! HA HA

Also, I'm jealous - two trips with D and Suzi this year....

Then come to Disney in NOVEMBER!!!

Had to laugh about driving to the Island of Maine - one of my co-workers was talking about places she wants to visit, one of which is Puerto Rico, but she wasn't sure if she could drive there. Really????

oh my.....

We loved meeting you and your family last September!

It was fantastic. I wish we had more time and did a couple of rides/PP pictures!!! but then again i was NOT on my A game as you saw! I was a scattered brained.. But i will say just sitting at starring rolls with you and Dan was PERFECT! i still have your gift sitting on my kitchen table!

I'm so happy that you and your buds will all be there together at last. Sounds like a party for sure! I thought I caught a few hints…! Wow, Jersy week followed by the three of you. Disney World will never be the same!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I haven't thought of this! TOO FUNNY! I will let D~ do their own pre trip report.. as we won't really be together together this trip. :sad:

Does this mean the 2016 Epic trip is cancelled??

I have no idea.. I know i won't be doing this as i have the Maine trip and a Disney trip this year.. Plus i really can't think of doing Disney without my kids!

You will love 50's Prime Time. Dan and I almost always go there. We've had good ones and not so good ones, but there is always something going on, even if it's not your server. I think they make more of an effort when it's a family and they sense you're up for the shenanigans. You'll no doubt be identified as one of "those" families.

are we that transparent?!?! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I do believe this is the ADR i am mist looking forward too!!!
From the video's we have seen the men seem to be WAY more fun then the women servers?!?!

I hope so anyway. And, I love the food there as well. I usually get the pot roast. Don't get the meatloaf.

What's wrong with the meatloaf?!?! a BIG QUESTION here.. Does the pot roast have fat on the meat??

Their milkshakes are the real deal. I get the chocolate. I feel the same way just thinking about a peanut butter/jelly one. Yuck!

just does NOT sound appetizing.. AT ALL.. will partake in a chocolate shake... MMMMMMMMM nummers!!!

Love that you're staying in a cars suite. They look so cool. We are staying at Pop in April when we take Miles. That's where we stayed with his sister Selah and she has been talking it up, so that's where we decided to take him as well. As long as there's a pool, he'll be in heaven!

they do looks cute. I am just not a cars fan.. BUT we did a room for Meg. time for the boys to have a say so.. THEN IT'S MY TURN. Back to the Poly we we will go....

I guess as long as I have insomnia, I'll be able to keep up. Hope you have a fun filled weekend!

Aww I hope you get some sleep!!!!

I am here and following!

YAY JANE!!!! How ya doing?

We stayed in Cars building 3. Our room faced the courtyard with all the cars.

i bet this was awesome! what a great view you had!!

The only time I saw fire works was when I did the laundry and was sitting at the pool waiting for the clothes to dry. They seemed to be behind building 2 over that way.

we were facing the main parking lot were able to see straight at them. so you must be able to see them from so many angles!!!! LOVE IT!

The two bathrooms is what sold us on AOA.

You and me BOTH!!! I just love that!!!!

I wish we were going this year. My daughter got a new job and only gets one week of vacation this year so no trip for us. Her husband and he are taling about flying to Disneyland for a long weekend. They also looking at houses, so they may not go there either. This will be the first year since 1976 that I haven't gone to DisneyWorld. Needless to say, I'm a little sad.

Congrats on the new job! ohh a house is MUCH more important! I would be sad too.. BUT you can ALWAYS GO BACK!!!

Why didn't your text quote?!?!? WHYYYYYYYYYY you dang dis!!!!

OMW - Stooopid job taking up all my week and it takes over my life. So, I get on the Dis this morning and your TR is done and a PTR is up and running and I am on Page 5?

don't you hate when the job gets in the way.. So do i... Hey your here and THAT my friend is what matters..

I loved your TR and your last day was amazing. Now joining in on the excitement of you and your awesome family going in NOVEMBER!!

Thank you!!! I am so happy your following along and i appreciate everything!!!

And getting to share Disney magic with Suzi and D? Life is good my friend. Very good. Looking forward to sharing your PTR and reading along!

oh this will be entertaining for sure...

Just finished reading your trip report. I am so glad you are planning a new trip in November. All the plans sound great, especially your dining ADRs.

I just couldn't NOT have a trip.. hence all my NEXT TIME comments.. I have so many NEXT time needs THIS TIME! i have to make a list.. crap i might have to go and re-read the tr to rememver them all...

Primetime is a lot of fun, a little more cozy than Ed Debevic's. I went to Ed Debevic's for my 16th birthday after we went to a Cubs game at Wrigley. For a while we went there any chance we could get. But we haven't been in a long time, I think we went in 2002 and that was the kids were little.

it's a great time for sure!

Art of Animation is a great resort, I would love to stay there. My daughter loves The Lion King too.
We were ready to start planning our family vacation but now we are on hold. We filed our taxes and found out someone stole my SSN and filed a return with it. So we are waiting for that to get straightened out.

Oh i highly recommend staying AoA! I really didn't think i would like it as much as i did!
OH NO! your kidding! these jerks now-a-days! i am so so sorry this happened to you. i hope it gets straightened out QUICKLY!!!!

I would like to plan a trip for November or December, we haven't gone at Christmas time before. Our last 2 trips were in June, hot weather and a little too crowded.

Nope you will not catch us in Disney at any high/hot time... i don't see that ever happening! I would like to try for May one year.

Can't wait to hear more about your plans.

I can't wait to share them!

If you stop to eat in Atlanta consider going to The Varsity.

On my list!!

OMG, I'm here, I'm here....better late than never!


I am SOOOOO excited to hear that you have another trip planned already....and even better that you're going to get to share it with Suzi and D~.

yeah i do hope we have some time together. June will be TONS OF FUN!

As I was reading your TR I kept seeing mention of NEXT TIME...I think I may have even commented on it. Anyway, I was pretty sure that you had something up your sleeve. That's just AWESOME, and I am sure the kiddos are excited! :banana:

NEXT TIME has finally turned into THIS TIME!!! I am so excited! LIke i said earlier i need to go and re-read my TR and write down what i need to do!!!

So, I haven't managed to find the time to get my own report started....BUT...we have another trip booked in 2015 also!!!


YEP...I will be in the World in early October, and guess what...we are staying at AoA in a Lion King Suite. YEP...I'm super pumped about this. I can't wait to check out looks amazing!

NO! you want to come in November!!! HA HA! I am so excited for you!!! your going to LOVE AoA LK rooms!!! take lots of pictures!!!

I'm so excited to read along as you plan. I always love reading your reports and checking out all your pictures. :cool1:

Thank you!!! I have a BUNCH i need to post.. today!
Helllooooooo! I am here! Can't wait to plan with you! I know we miss each other by 2 weeks but we can still talk Disney 24/7!! Love ya!!
Im glad you are getting another trip so soon..I am in the middle of a Disney drought!! I haven't been back since 2012!! I LOVE it, my husband, not so much...hopefully I will get back someday...I feed my love of Disney through all of the trip reports I read on here...
While I know that you would love to stay at your beloved Poly, I know that you are just as excited about staying at AoA again. There are just three of us and I'd still like to have that second bathroom.
OMG OMG OMG. I can't believe I didn't see this until now. That's what happens when work makes you stay away from The Dis because it's too busy. I am so excited that you are going on another trip! So far things are looking awesome. I'm sure you'll love AOA again, but I would have just reserved Poly. :) It's my dream resort. So excited to follow along with you.
I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall while your family is dining at 50's Prime Time. Although I don't care for the food, I love the atmosphere and the shenanigans. I defintiely think a video is needed of this experience to share with your faithful DIS readers.
I got your message TODAY!!!!

BTW - I love the fried chicken at 50s Prime Time....

Already have the trip in December booked...
Jumping in to follow! I followed your last September surprise trip because we went at the same time! Back in Monsoon season, I mean September, we stayed in a cars suite at AoA and loved it!!! We were in bldg 3 3rd floor facing the lake.

I have to say I'm totes jealous but so excited you are going again so soon! We are going to DL next month for a surprise b- day trip for my DD who is turning 17. I think its more like a DL trip for me to keep mama happy:rolleyes1California is closer for us so DLR it is! But I have to say I think I left my heart in DW. I can't wait to go back but don't have any plans as of now.

Looking forward to reading all your plans! Your TR's and PTR's are so much fun!

Just found this today while catching up on your last TR! Can't wait to read about your newest trip plans!! :yay:


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